Tuesday, November 18, 1030. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Bad Cold On Her Chest Had To Stay In Bed Mr. J. C. Winters, Jjmow, Man., write: l hay very reason to praise Dr. Wood's Norway Pine flyrup as it lias done toe a world of good. I had a very bad cold on my chest, and had to star in bed two weeks, and could -hardly speak on account of coughing so much, I tried wery medicine and linl-.vawU uU.tWnfcrsf, but I got no relief. My husband , read about fy. Wood's Norway Pine Byrup so I decided to try It I took only one bottle and I am ready to recommend it to anyone with a cold." Price 85c. a bottle ; large family site 66c; at all druggists or dealers; put up only by The T. MUburo . Co. Ltd., Toronto, Oat. I Personal Greeting Cards Our new samples are here and are ready for your inspection Interesting Cards, Booklets, Greetings tse persona! cards this year, thy are doubly welcome, indicate good taste and are distinctly individual Prices Per Dozen $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, Up rimes IM. Ztfio Pioneer Druggists Phones Rl & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Ul'KHATING G. T. 1. 20,000-TON FLOATING DKVDOCK Engineers, Machmlstv Uoilermalers, Rlarksuilths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTMC AND ACETYLENES WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle Ail Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 I B.C COAST I STEAMSHIPS I HwasrM J B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAILINGS FROM ritlNCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway Nov. 15. 29. To Vancouver Victoria, Seattle Nov. S, 10. Princca Mary Oni Fall, ftc Vamcuver and VI v. U ri.t, i-vrr) Friday 10 pin. Agents For All Steamihip Lines V! C Orchard. On Agrnt. 3rd -W . Hrlutx Hupert, Phone 31. UNION' STEAMSHIPS UNWED M'tfi.u wivri it i:.t-i HMOS t.iitKtt tn !.(-. on Mile Imm Nor. l.t. mw tn Krh. ;, issi (wKJ flaal rat urn limit Mnirh SI. 1S1) 1R1NCE RUPERT TO VANCOUVER S4M RETURN Htmmm. Iir lrlnc Hxprrt for Vaftcmtvvt TSS CATALA LVLItY TIKMUV M-JUt F.M. T---M Arriving vaucoum Thuradiy Neon upprox caki)i:a trn iitmw midmuht Arriving Vane iuvr Sunday midnight approx. ' -ulllnm to Pit: Simptaii. Alto Am Anyox, 8t-rt and Nan Klver pnUiU Sunday. S:00- p.m. nilonnuti in regarding all iaUlii(r and ttokaU at rui.vrr. mrKitT Am vcv: nn utui avmm. niHt wh OOOOOMCHJO&rKrO000HMrCH00rWOOOCW 1 Want Ads Let Them lie Your Ilrokcr in Iluying and Selling Somebody is waiting to buy that house d b&Jroom set, or coat you have to sell. Somebody is waiting to sell that oar. or typewriter, or whatever else it is you arc in the market for. Oet the habit of shopping through the Want Ads. You'll find undioamed of bargainsundreamed of opportunities. Do your shopping through these columns and see how profitable and pleasant it Is. uAitRAI)'aml USE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 "If it's fully told it's quickly sold" Daily News Want Ads. brinjf quick Results Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Hellbroner's store. Billiards tonight, Canadian vs. Elks. Ladles are specially invited to ifitotend the boxing match Friday I night. 270 : At Curson's Men's Wear Shop they are preparing the Christmas Goods tables for business next week. ' The value of Materials used annually in the fish Canning & Curing Establishment of Canada is about $20,000,000. 372 Baxtngf Friday night, Empress Social (Quo Arena Mel Oowle. Featherweight Cham, of Western Canada vs. Billy Balnes, Ketchikan. 271 Snowboy Sturdy Stockings for boys and girls; also infants and children's hosiery in best qualities at Ouraon's Shop for knit goods ef all kinds. H. V. Moorehouse, manager of the B. c. Packers cannery at Namu. will embark aboard ti steamer Catala i there tomorrow afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. Ernest Lave, manaxer of the Portland Telephone Co. and former superintendent of ntOitias here, is a visitor in the city, harms arrived on the Catala this morning from me north. TENDER! WANTED Seated tenders for the Durchaae of to Anglican Mission Boat Northern Cross" wUl be received by the undersigned up to noon December 18. 1930.' Terms strictlv Ash. The boat may be inspected at the local Dry Dock and typed general particulars may be had Irani Rev. W. H. Rush brook, p. o. 533, Prince Rupert, B.C. 272 ' 4 1 . ANNOUNCEMENTS ; Presbyterian Basaar Nov. 30. Rand Purple Brfture and Whist series, next game, December 1. Anglican W. A. Baaaar Dec. 2. United Church Bazaar Dec. 4. High School Concert, Dec. 11. DELUXE SERVICE TEAMERJ TRAIN 9 twmfort of t4MHftn NalUtisil yhn yens IMt unulti ' mt rewt Mmlfril etaipmsMil . . trinl atorl. 8a!Un) fram iVifftew R utwi hundmym nd l hurtay 10.00 p.m. t nMMrr tWejr via m Tri-Ol lWrlw to VlrlnrU lor tlwsirl m Anyot, K'odU wdaya 4.1MI a.m. for 8twaM ami KalrlillvLn, raiurdaya uu f,m. Vonkly aatfikifa fr North i Suth V t4r1oltr lalan raoMttiarf train oor tVktoa iiuirn iwr rsisnunian, w inns ami Mnt liaat tf Kr-sj Inmlay. otlnoalar anil Xat urtloy i U-SO a.ns tuv tnm malum 'mini r. r M.i:c.inoN. iit.a. film Kuimu-i -X Experience, The Great Teacher Mussolini, an outstanding char acter in jh&taariA ft$WL experience for alroi nS success. He work- Hed as a stone mason, and he also mmsm. ttiPyt&rm a vrmvs? A -'A 'wealthy man In San Francisco has built a restaurant and is feeding two thousand of the unemployed daily. He has had experience. He was poor once and knew the pangs of hunger. Isn't It ;oo bad that other' millionaires have not had his experience. If they had, everyone would be eating regularly. We have had 20 years experience in handling coal. During that per tod we have settled for you the question of which is the best coal. We have picked out what we feol sure Is the best coal on the Pacific Coast Nanalmo - Wellington. In addition to that we are handling Lakeside smokeless. Let us give you the value of our experience. ALBERT & MeCAFFERY, LIMITED Phones 116 and 117 Dinnerware, china, crockery, rlassware. Ilcilbroner's Store. St. Andrews, Dance, November 2a Moose Hall. . Curaorfa Jlnes (pf Men's Under wear are well assorted, The percapita consumption of flan In Canada Is low. Help build a up. 272 This afternoon's train, due from the east at 3.30, was reported this morning, to be on time. Cm-son's Men's Wear appreciate the new sidewalk being built along uieir storefront. We ' welcome pro gress. Moose Whist Drive and Dance, Friday, Nov; 21 Cash -prizes. Billy Balnea works out at 7.20 tonight at i .Empress Social Club Arena. Public ;eorially invited to attend.' . ... . u- ... 269 Union steamer Catala, Capt. Jas. Fmdlay, returned to port at 0:50 this morning from Anyox. Stewart and other northern points and will sail at 3:30 this afternoon for Van couver. About H0OO persons are emnlov- ed In the Fishing Industry of Can ada. 272 Hard time dance Queen Marvi. w l7m' i osl unlce mstc- 1 ' " been vWtmg Tarlous Chapter. I.OD.K. Hall December 4 ties, is a passenger aboard the Ca tala this afternoon going through i from Stewart to Vancouver. Dont forget the boys and girls. Our 'ma of stockings for them are unexcelled at Curaon's. x. J. Shenton, inspector of mires, returned to Uie ctly on the Catala this morning from Anyoj where he inTestigaled the circumstances of a recent landslide which demolished the bunkhouse of the Booansa mine and caused the death of six men. There are the usual requests for clothing from the Salvation Army, it is announced by Commandant William Kerr. Any old clothes, particularly men's, wtll be gladly received by Army officers from those woo may have them to give. "Business as Usual," at Curzon's while the new pavement Is being built on 2nd Avenue. Misses Muriel and Mildred Johnston, local High School students, whose father. Clarence P. Johnston, was killed In the bunkhouse dlaastft at Anyox last week, sailed Ui njgnt on the Prince WUllam for! Queen Charlotte City where an uncle, W. H. Fairbalm. resides. . There, are already about ten men attending the night school In English which Is being conducted by ftETafeoAVkfe.haJlhuV season closing, mailmen aro expec ted to take advantage of the opportunities to receive the Instruction. Father Chartiei, QM1.. of Anyox and Father Leray, O.M.I., of Stewart arrived in the eity on the Catala this morning .from the north. The former will pay a brief visit to the city and the latter will proceed tomorrow to Terrace where he will conduct monthly services in the Roman Catholic Churrh. TRY THIS RECIPE FOR GRAHAM MUFFINS S tablespoons batter 3 teaspoons Magle t cup sugar IiakJng Powder X eggs 2 cups Graham 1 cup white flour flour A pinch of salt. I cups milk Cream butter and sugar, beat in eggs, then sift flour, baking powder and salt, and add to first mixture alternately with milk. Put In well-buttered muffin pans and bake in bot oven. STANDARD BRAND S LIMITED CILLETT PRODUCTS TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG and branches In all the principal Canadian citiea Curzon's realize the need for warm blankets and have a nice stock of them ready for you. , The annual total value of Canada's Fisheries is about $50,000,000. 272 We have splendid lines of Men's Wear of every description at Curzon's. Socks, Gloves, Neckwear, ete Fred Brown of Anyox is a visitor In the city, having arrived from the north on the Catala this morntng. All seats for Boxing match Friday nignt are reserved and on sale at Empress Social Club. Phone S92 for reservations. 270 Fish is Healthy Food. Eat more Fish, and support Home Industry 7- E. J. Smith of G. W. Nlckeraon Co. Ltd. returned to the city on the Catala this morning after hav lng made the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on company When you want real warmth in your home order Nanaimo-Wellington Coal. The coal that made Nanalmo a city. Albert & McCaffery. Phone 11C and IIS. tf Union freighter Chllllwack, Capt. W. W. Mounce, arrived In port at 5 o'clock this morning from Stewart and, after loading a parcel of freight here, sailed at noon for Vancouver via waypointe. The story of a two-month sojourn on Graham Island, Queen Charlottes, was related by R. A. dimming before over 100 members of the Vancouver Natural History Society in Vancouver mat week. Mr. Cummings subject was "An Orth-nologlst's Trip to the Qaeen Char lotte Islands." Advertise In the Dallv News. Travel to work in comfort TAXI -PHONE 32 TAXI CALLS: From 7 a on. to 9 a.m. Dan McDonald, 1136 Seventh Ave. E. Will receive special attention. FREE! FREE! A guaranteed, hand painted enlargement from your own snapshot or photo. Frames. 25 to 50 lower priced than competitors. Phone or write. WESTERN SALES COMPANY P O. Box 158 Central Hotel Boston Grill Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to it Dance Hall for'Hire Accomodation for Private Parties Phone 457 Prince Rupert MBMM . mmm You never Iinvn tn -rpfrimf yritri Mni Baking Powder because its leavening quality ' ! ' never varies. Every spoonful from every tin is identical. 3 outof every 4 Canadian women, who Lake at borne, Bay they use Magic because it gives consistently better baking results. If you.use Magic Baking Powder, it will ensuro better baking results for you too. Thi$fact vca revealed tn a recent Dymiiiioii-icidc Investigation, Jewellery !! arm factored or Repaired Tlating Work Done LEO COXTOLI 3t0 Sixth St Mail Orders HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel CNtlflK KEW MANAGEMENT Mntm Hatrd; Traveler Bamplr ttoomi: Hot and Cold IVatrr rrre Ba M til Trains and Runt Kate $1.00 and Up M'BCSAl MlWTllLV HATCH C. II. Ill GO ART & A. DONALD Proprlrtwa PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Ruerr's leading family hotel, riot .ind cold water in all rooou A. J. rRUDIIOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser t-nd Fifth Sts. Savoy A. Johnson, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. R. Dudoward. Port Simpson. New Royal Hotel I Zarelll, "rop. THE HOTEL WOKTII M HU E Hot At Cold Water: Steam Ut 7Sc PER DAY AND UP Telephone tSl Royal P. Pederscn and L. Lsvrson, Seattle; Mrs. J. McDougmU, Francois Lake; John Van 8nellenberg, Vancouver; J. Symes, city. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIiiV FOR SKENA BRAMI Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FltESH PASTLUI! 17.F.X) MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throuchout the City If you bake at borne, aend for the New Magic Cook book. It eontalna over 200 tented recipea and will save you time with your baking. Lnnhfor thla mark nn 0pry tin. it U our tht Magic Jumrnnl akin g Foveder doem not cttntmin alum or any harmful tngrwd leaf. YOUR MORTGAGE & home cat PAGE THREB 3f agic9s unvarying ifiiality ensures uniformly good baking results Steam Baths 204 Sixth St. Phone Black 764 Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel Ladies By Appointment Gents from Z pan. to 12 p.m. i grT aoVlMHaaXEMJtiwCTiAKt IravBPSSg Anti Freeze Is Much Cheaper, Than a New Radiator Anti Freeze is cold weather Insurance for your motor and radiator Wc have a full line, including Prestone, Rador Glycerine and Alcohol Overhaul Your Old Tire Chains And anticipate your needs in this line while our stock is complete Cold Weather Makes hard starting. Why not install a new battery now? OUR PRICE IS RIGHT 11-Platc Battery . .$10.00 13-I'late Battery ..$12.00 S.t. PARKER LTD. PHONE 83 FORD DEALERS the contract, hw u-hlrh vnnr is conveyed to the mort- biiuuiu yuu lit u tu meet your mortRagf. obligations. YOUR HOME is his protection for his .ujwvu w Kuatu yvui uiM-ii-iu u u SUnUttt DUAmeSS- like manner exposes your family to THE RISK which involves the hazard or foreclosure and the consequent loss of the home you had hoped wa.s your own. A PROTECTION is available which guarantees to save your home and retire your mortgnce, should you, under cer-tuln condluons. be prevented from pacing the debt yourself THE COST to you l;; merely the addition of one per cent to ir present mortguisf n.u It is an important safeguard with w!.lc! to supole-ment your mortgage agreement. Discuss it in confkl nv. with MeCAFFERY, GIBBONS & COLLAitT, LTD. Third Ave. Mutual Life of Canada Phone 11 OUR COAL IS IN A DRY SHED When you are buying coal look on the economical side of life. If you buy wet coal, you are losing 10. So start today and burn dry coal and see what 10 means to you. PEMBINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton jllM MINES! CAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton 1L59 MINE! I BAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 1UD HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580