6 PAGE SIX tfflAM'S NATIONAL . FISH WEEK November 17th to 22nd More rish Help Develop Canada's Industries Fish Food is Healthful HEMING New Salted Herring of superior quality arrived from Norway JACK SELVIG just HALIBUT A LA CREOLE One lb. halibut, 1 cup tomatoes. v2 cup water, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 slice onion, ?. 2 whole cloves, 2 tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons flour. 4 teaspoon salt, pepper. Cook tomatoes, water, onion, cloves and sugar together for 10 minutes. Melt butter and add flour and seasonings and stir until smooth. Add the tomato mixture to the flour mixture and cook S minutes. Strain. Prepare fish and put In casserole Add half of the tomato mixture and bake until the fish separates from the bone easily Baste every 10 minutes during baking Serve on platter with remainder of hot tomato sauce. Garnish with parsley Do you operate with 100 efficiency Arc you handicapped in everything you do by faulty eyesight and continual eyestrain? There is no use letting such condition go on these days. Probably all It will take to give you perfect vision and comfort is the right fitting in glasses. We are opticians of long experience, ready to serve you at an instant's notice. No charge for an examination, J. H. BULGER OITOMETIUSTS Man in the Moon This Is a time when very few people are feeling fed up with their Jobs. These are the days when Jake says he "Just loves" to lie In bed in the morning when he hears the other people hurrying to work. When I am late for breakfast, Leave no sad toast for me Or oatmeal hardened In the dish, Or cold and dreary tea. Lady Doesn't that little boy swear terribly? Urchin Yes'm, he sure does. He doesn't put any expression Into it at all. Tourist But what makes these western prairies so flat? . Native Well, stranger, we think it must be because the sun sets on 'em every evening. Jake says what he dislikes about the Prince Rupert newspapers W that It takes more than one start the fire. The editor Intimate that Just a few words from him will sometimes cause quite a blaze. In British 'Columbia there iar about .25,000' men engaged in I i ADVERTISING COPY MUST BE IN EARLY Copy for display advertise- menta should be In the hands of the printers not later than 3 pjn; the day prior to publl- cation. This Is necessary to en- able best positions to be se- cured. t m THE DAILY NEWS NEWS OF THE MINES AKOUND PKINCE RUPERT Woodbine Winze Full of Water Progress Report On B. C. Silver Premier Called No Investment . v' J. '1" i, .I i id nutiXnBl'Winzffiaisinir wautr duster uiun uruseja tumu lt, NF, jx n. it iu: : l l - t..nnA f r HI Can iianQie u, uit; tvuuuuuie aime iiae uveii iukcu k.u say is not large, it is indicative of the near approach to the ore disclosed by a drill hole from No.w .. 2 level. Assays obtained from the cores of this hole gave $3.60 to $20.80 In gold and $2 In silver. Meantime, work will be carried on In No. 2 level with the object of getting under the ore exposed In a short cross-cut 50 feet above this level. This corss-cut Is in 25 feet with ore still !n the face. Assays obtained here ran $4 In gold and $2.61 silver and 80c in gold and $7.40 In stiver. Water rights are being applied for and a preliminary survey is under way for the location of the site for a proposed tunnel at says mat during tne montn "au 8nts added to the enjoyability of work was confined to No. 6 level, the entertainment. Some further work done in drifts About fifty persons were In at- 644, 645 and 647, investigating the tendance. ( main zone to the northwest of 637 1 drift, was in encouraging country showing low values. Drifting along the zone exposed in 689 cross-cut, 415 feet from the shaft, has shown this mineralized section to be at least 70 feet long, caryring heavy sulphides and showing low values. Some side-swiping done in 636 drift, commencing at the junction of 631 and 636 drifts, has exposed the zone up to the footwall rind the back shows heavily mineralized porphry which will average $922 for a length of 35 feet and an average width of five feet. A northwesterly crosscut is being driven at 616 feet from the shaft, off drift 631, to Investigate the area close to this drift. A total of 200 feet of drifting, crosseutting and side-swiping was done during the month." Answering a recent inquiry from one of its subscribers, Financial News said of Premier: "Premier Gold stock cannot be regarded as an investment owing to the fact that ore is in sight for only a few years' operations. As a speculation, however, Premier stock offers attractions owing to Its strong treasury position and the aggressive policy now being followed in seeking new properties. It should not be forgotten that Premier holds 38 Interest in B. C. Silver and that this com pany has blocked out substantial ore reserves. Baptist Fireside Club Meeting Proceedings Last Night Very En joyable to All An enjoyable evening was spent by all who were present at the Baptist Fireside Club meeting last night. Hymns were sung and Scripture was read by Miss Catherine Watson Miss Beulah McKinley and Miss Olive Munro sang a duet. Then followed several impromptu debates in which everyone took part. There Is about $35,000,000 Invested in Cold Storage Canning & Curing Plants for Fish In Canada. Of this about $20,000,000 is lnves- v iiea m uniisn uaiumDia. ana bdui . $12,000,000 in Prince Rupert Dis i:l trict. Hi R; malMM keV , ft " " J?Se Relief ' CONSTIPATION CONSTIPATION V BILIOUSNESS SLUGGISHNESS Shrine Club Dinner Dance Delightful Affair Held Last Night In Commodore Cafe With Fifty Persons In Attendance NIGHT SCHOOL IN LARGE WAY Many Departments Being Conducted at Anyox During Present Winter The Anyox Night School Classes dy are off to a good start. At present thirteen classes; are conducted. which are as follows: Mechanical Drawing R. O. Cutler. Beotrtcal Class T. L. Mitchell. Dressmaking Mrs. K. O. Peterson. Bookkeeping and Shorthand Mr. H. B. Porteous, Navigation Class Capt. Johnstone. English S. II. Dartmann. English, Beach -D. J. Hartley. English, Mine (four classes) A. D. Ritchie. J. M. Bass, F. M. Carter. Orchestra E. R. Oatman. Band J. H. Varnes. Capt. Johnston's Navigation Class is well supported and all the English Classes arc very larur - Weekly Special THESE ARE REAL BARGAINS GET YOUR REQUIREMENTS NOW Braid's Best Coffee per lb 50c Braid's Best Tea With oup EJCJp tJOU and saucer, per lb Royal City Tomatoes 3 's flPn 3 for Royal City Raspberrtes-2's nrn 3 for vu Royal City Strawberries 2's Qen 3 for Royal City Peaches C's 3 for i Royal City Spinach aft's 3 for Malkin's Best Com-cn-oob 3's, 3 for .r. Malkin's Best reus No. 3's r?0 3 for DDI Sliced Pine Apple 2's 6 for Peaches 2's i , 4, for iBred 3 loaves for Milk- iTllns'for . 85c 65c 95c 70c 95c 25c $1.00 Fresh Fruit and Vegetables at Lowest Prices Arriving Every Boat Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 FIFTH AVENUE EAST TO OPERATE IN CASSIAR Sluicing to Be Commenced Next ffi Spring on Dease Creek By F. II. Bryant Returning to Wrangell on tno last trip of the Hazel B. -No. 3 after five months spent in de Hie UlUllliHO OLTVllb 11 uuvuife directing vv ! ; discontinue J3 work - at this -i point , mi Ine water rose to i within ll. iVeiopment work for the cassiar Hy- i . . . D il 1 Ti . . eight leet ot the top oi me winze in two aays. it was un- drauiic Mines, uq., f. h. Bryant re-fortunate that this should have happened because, at the, port that the six-mile ditch for had been to depth .conveying water to the claims on time of flooding, the winze developed a of 34 feet with ore coming in. A sample taken gave $z.4U in gold ana six ounces oi snver. wnne tins us- tor6 wlll Degln eariy next sprlng The gas shovel .operated until November 1, with two men finishing 4,000 feet of ditch at Lyon's Oulch The ditch Is seven feet wide and two feet deep. About 3,000 feet of it is flume. Bryant estimates from 10 to 15 years of sluicing on the claims owned by the company. The property under development consists of two leases and two creek claims, comprising 3,500 feet of Dease Creek, about three miles from the lake. Barly in the summer The regular monthly meeting ot , Bryant wok advantage oi tne snow the Prince Rupert Shrine Club took I freshet to wash off part of the face th form of n rieiiehtf ni rtinnnr i of a high bench which he believes a lower level which will give 500 feet dance last night in the Commodore J to be the old channel of the creek. oi Dacics, adequate drainage and cafe wives of the members being eliminate the excessive cost of gUegtc of honor for the occasion, sinking operations. i jonn Dybhavn, president of the 1 ,) . club, was chairman of the proceed - The September report of work in The cleanup from thumping was 1200 In paystreak gold. Old Workings Kevealed The sluicing also revealed seven done at the B. p. Slh-er mine has ot ceremonies. Excellent onustc s .tunnels, one of which was almost Just come to hand from the London furnished by the Premier Orchestra. 200 feet deptn' tbnbered through- oince oi ine faeiuswe company, u in adldtlon to dancing a few " uiuuuichu found pay under the mass of gra vel In the early days. Sluicing proved that gold is pretty fairly distributed throughout the gravel, coarse gold being found well up toward the surface. One paystreak was found 70 feet above bedrock, according to Bryant. He estimates that the old time placer miner handled a yard and a half a day with pick, shovel and wheelbarrow. The Cassiar mines, operating 34 hours a day with three monitors, expect to move 2,001) yards "I would like to have my crew on the ground by May 1," said Bryant "in order to take advantage of the mumiax and niiPv m omnia -- 7 n r John MacCormark The World's Most Popular Lyric Tenor In - Song 0' My Heart ELEVEN SONG II! TS Youth, Love and Lau Mnr Comedy . "LAUREL AND II t vny MURDER C ASE Paramount Suund ;,. i, Admission Feature Starts u- WEDNESDAY & THH, li.H Marx Bros in "ANIMAL CRACKiX . spring freshets. To cm u have to go from Wnu plane. I expect to u l next year." WranKci; s SOMETHING NEW FOR LADIES AND GrM-i Large assortment new . autumn and winter iu . AU finest quality am! . terns. Come In and m Suit or overcoat compi. ished m three days Lm: ih i:b! ? Steam cleaning, prcssm lag. We deliver any r.r LING THE T.I?K 817 Second Ave. Vhoui C!" tfa6 (Mushy This advertisement is not published or displayed Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government British Columbia. DEMAND "Rupert Brand - Kipper "THE l)AI!TIEST BREAKFAST FOOD Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE HUPEUT, B.C.