H Sunken Gardens Golf Course Saturday' Evening ' BALAGNO'S Six-Piece Orchestra .p. Golf's Fairyland Christy Hats Latest Shades and Shapes Finest Quality Felt For Young Men and Older Men Steve King For Your Thanksgiving Dinner a Choice Bulkley Valley Turkey Will ensure the utmost enjoyment. We have only a limited supply, so would advice you to make your selection at the earllttt date possible. Mrs. F, Wame 1114 Tenth; Ave. W. Bulkley Market 311 Third Ave. Fhone 178 The Regal Shop CANDIES In Boxes, Bulk or Bars Boxed or Tablet STATIONERY Crepe, Tissue or Waxed Paper Pencils, Pens and Inks Mil. Si MRS. JOHN McRAE 300 Block, Third Avenue Phone - Red 442 TAG DAY jS HELD LOJUw Is Raisins Funds For Benefit of Disabled Veterans and Families - Municipal Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, in collaboration with the Canadian Legion and witn the assistance of its three subsidiary chapters. Is today holding its annual tag day to raise funds for the assistance of disabled veterans of the Great War. and their families. The Saturday' nearest Armistice Day is usually selected for this tag. Mrs. John Manson, regent of Municipal Chapter, Is in general charge. Queen Mary Chapter conducted the tag this morning, Adair Carss Chapter was In charge during the early part of the afternoon while j 'Hill Sixty Chapter will complete the tag late this afternoon. Mrs. William Brass and Mrs. W. C. Aspjnall were in charge of headquarters at the Canadian Legion building foruQueen Mary Chapter this morning. Taggers were Mrs. C. J. Norrington. Vetea-Thuroer, Ad-elia Thurber, Jean SSSWp-Vlncent, Dorothy O'Neill. BUI Brass. .Pete Brass, Terry Fortune, Catherine Baker, Joan Baker, Billy Willlscrof t. Annie Kach, Manrine Rowe, Yemen biiuiiiiMiiiiiiunniii We Give Our Customers Fits When we fit one of our pat ients with glasses we are very particular that tne frame fa a perfect fit both, for appearance and for comfort. Our eye tests also are convenlent-and cause no discomfort to the patient. Appointments during during business hours store or by pho so? ifcgplar Miss Haddock Letoumeau Apts. dEWELLEPvS .THE STORE WITH THE CLOOS vessels, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert Vancouver. this morning from Be Given Free! Blue Ribbon Coffee per lb Blue Ribbon Tea per lb. Blue Ribbon Baking Powder Qffn per tin Gold .Medal Pudding 1 V r.. ltiL Weh, purcl sov terai a. and the holder o: will receive one Maker. hase e 55c 50 c 25c ol one ox tne flh will be given e lucky number cups Drip Coffee Dont miss this opportunity. CaU at or Phone Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 Stb Avenue East PHONE It AND 84 Ernest TJnwin sailed this- afternoon on the Prinne William for a holiday hp to TlelL Queen Charlotte Islands. U3.n j a Dour, wno nas been on a i brief business trip to Vancouver, returned from, this south on the Prince Rupert this morning. . f r"- ". 4' "Ir and Mrs- Clayton. Norman McGtashln. who has 'uell known residents Of Bella been aay from the city for et-Ceola. were DaseneersBoafd the eral rSbnth ' taking navigator' cardena last night going through training with the Canadian ' Na-1 tor a trip to Vancouver, tional Steamships ocean going, Mrs, F. W. Dafoe, wife of the Baptist Church minister here, returned to the city on the Prlnee Rupert this morning after a visit CJiJt. steamer Prince Rupert. 'in Vancouver and Chilliwack. Capt. Edward Mabbs, arrived in port on time at 10.30 this mornuu from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls ' and will sail at 1 o'clock this afternoon fof Stewart and Ketchikan whence she will return here southbound tomorrow. FREE tii ti'i.i m - i -iffi uiuc iwuuun icu ana tuna-and Raking Powder To Re Demonstrated On Saturday With Every Purchase of OrV Drop Coffee Maker ($2.50), H. F. Kergln. MU. for AtHn. Is a passenger aboard the Prfeice Rupert today returning to his home in Alice Arm after a brief trip to Victoria on business for his riding. Chief Engineer Logan of the I steamer C&rdera has returned ' f , : his duties aheard his ship this trip I having been ashore for Irre weeks; 1 In Vancouver on bit annual vaoa-j Itlon. ; j Constable J. P. llartnett. R.C.M. P.. arrived In the dtjr on the ss. Prlnee Rupert this morning from the south en route back to hi headquarters at Hazelton after a trip to Vancouver on escort duty. Albert Farrew, steamboat arrived In the city from Van- Couver on the Princess Mary yes-.terday afternoon to make an ln- 1 lb. Coffee and lib. Tea WillPe00" the lighthouse tender Newlngton wMeh was recently re paired here. II. A. Ilaarvaag wUl saU on th Prince Rupert tomorrow night for 'Vancouver en route to Halifax where he will tall on the liner Bergensfford on November 27 for his home in Norway where he will spend the winter. O. W la rand ..k Loan elln and John Grant t. officers ot the Black Prwptofrj who-yislted here Jin connection with the Instituting ofl a braneh here this week, sailed last night by the Cardena on their return to Vancouver. Owing to a meeting having been held in. earlier part of the week no regular monthly meeting of the Baptist Brotherhood was held last evening owing to other affairs being on. The regular meeting will however, be held next week. Dido Guryich, who has Seattle an etewhere in visit Prince ng east. been Rupert before return- today's trafn for Montreal where' on November 14 he will saU on th steamer Ducheas ot Richmond fer; a trip to his native home In Norway. C. N. R. steamer Prince John. Capt. Dan MtKlmxm, arrived in port at ft o'clock last evening from Vancouver via the south end ot the Queen Charlotte Islands and, after discharging loeal cargo, sailed on her return to Vancouver via Alert Bay and Englewood. ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works FURNACES PLUMBING ' EAVE TROUGHS All Kinds f Tanks made to order 340 THIRD AVENIV WEST Telephones: Office 340 Works Blae 70S Manufacturer Has Reported Car Load of High-Grade Furniture! To have been shipped to G. M. HUNT Third Ave. W. WAIT FOR IT and BUY FOR LESS JAP INLET. Nov. 8: The blrth- 'day of A. E. Allen, the "Grand Old .Man of Jap Inlet." was held at the ihouse of Jas. A. Wanhope. Mr". Allen, who is now 84 yean of age and who at present reside at 'the Kamloops Home for the Aged, and who previously had resided on , Porcher Island for 20 years, is high-jly esteemed by all, wjho know him. Tflc tnlnlncr SKtivftWa nihil nn Tnw- :eher Island -wei ettrmiivr and hi ' la tor H AWjblM.r-.rn f . .Inn. tkjM tne south nn. nrA- .rtn k retaraed to the city on the'Prlnce pt Rupert this corning. .La very pleasant evening was ' , .: " paated and all agreed in wtsMng W. E. Tlaher, who tta! been in , Mr- Alien many happy returns of Vancouver and Victoria on busi- h birthday. nCss. returned to the eity on the Prince Rupert t morning from the south.- CASE ADJOURNED After some do! Ice evidence had The Board of Tradf bat MreH-jilieca heard, the case of the Km-to VaBttier to invite HWAjge&nhias Social Club, charged with be Durantem, minister of marinertoMng-yie keeper of a gaming ;oua TM.ajeujed until next Wednes aay y -llHrate MeClymont i.n I city peftre., yesterday after S. Otoep: local tsfeenW left on 000,1 Tne cases tn alleged In mates were atsv'aotoarned. Travel to work in ctxnfort TAXI PHONE 32 TAXI CALLS: From 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Will receive special attention. Lamp Shades at Special Prices IDEAL GIFT SHOP .338 Third Avenue West Phone Red 536 . HEMSTITCHING and STAMPED GOODS fthe2st(ftfatst .omeJuytae There's only one defense against the cold weather and that's the proper kind of coal. Buy a ton of coal from' us and fire away at Old Man Winter. Hell quit on the run. Order a ton of coat today and note the haste that wc display. Philpott, Evitt & Company Ltd. Phone 6 IS Satu FADE FOUR THE DAILY NEW3 Soy Canadian Products From Your Fellow Townsmen and Help Create Employe FOR FALL AND CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES Bulkley Valley's Choicest M eat SAHARA DRY GINGER ALE A True Fruit Drink Unexcelled By Any on the Market' Per Dozen, $1.50, Delivered A Trial Order Will Convince You BEAVER BOTTLING WORKS Telephone 132 Prince Rupert, B.C. Rowe, Charlie Wilson, Bob Shrub-saU, Maureen Kirkpatrkk and Gloria DeWolf. Mrs. J. A. Teng was m charget headquarters for the Adair Cans Chapter this afteradoaj-tajgers including Mrs. Vic Houston- Rie Cox. Hazel Smith, Oeorglna Lamb, Dorothy O'NeHTand Catherine Bake. Mrs; H. B. Rochester was In charge for Hill Sixty Chapter, taggers Including Miss Laara FrizzeH, Mrs. B. E. Valde and Miss Gwn Palmer. Miss Phyllis Harvey, following a tonsil operation la the Prince Ru- pert General Hospital, is now mak-jlng satisfactory recovery. I. Chas. P. Balagno TEACHER OF PIANO Announces he still has room for pupils 'in class or private) who wish to revive their past work. Special attention given to beginners and adult pupils. 325 Fifth Ave. or rhone Green 280 Free ran -X i V ckets ! For Someone Somewhere on this page, in two different advertisements will be found the names of two residents of this city. Examine the advertisements carefully and find the names. If the two persons whose names arc in the advertisements will call at the Daily News Office they will be presented with a ticket to cither the 'Capitol Theatre or two tickets for games at either of the golf courses, they to choose which, one they desire. These tickets are FREE. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS i Mrs. John Clausen, who has been oria'tfifito Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Princess Mary yesterday afternoon. !.- Mrs. George G. Bjshby.'who has Been on a trip to Vancouver and Victoria, returned to the city from wic wuui VI MiV 4 . U'V-W A J Jim yl torrinv aftpmrmn '-tf BEEF LAMB TURKEYS never espenslve. $0 Birthday of Jap Inlet's Grand Old Man Celebrated C HICKEXJ You will find the choicest meats in wide variety at this ipofcj shop the kind that make the most tempting dishes and wji nuy Bulkley VaH products and kJ juur money in til district Phones 2 and 10 Auditorium GOLF COM OPEN Thanksgiving Daj All Day Just the place to pastual joyable evenlne. Clean, pis! comfortable surronndlsri AUDITORIIM GOLF COt USE L. J. MARREN Prop! Distinctive Permanents The soft. Iu,t.r have envied would do s nn your own h.iir ' looking and Skffee, and giv r) wlvers who ' te hair Auvun-Phone for .i;; avoid delay a business is n w op. LA PAHISI :..'4 , ..js IJEAl'TY SHOP mn rmirth St. PhneI DBFKCTIVB EYESIGHT Means inierf i duUesI Sclenni and lenses t;" ontfelRn will i : '-. re I edy. a r Hi K LAND uiiuiuv as Phonft Ucd 700 for appo'l"' DlCKt Dlt. HUGH I .... J ' 1 eye, tar, Htcl At St. Elmo Get the AC r pays. aoml