Ldar January 27, 1030 SPECIAL! Klenso Tooth Paste, 35c. Meritas Tooth Brush, 35c. Both for 50c. 7?k Pioneer THIRD AVE. kblXin ST. Three Graduate Pharmists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hallinc t twin Prlnci llupert lor VANt HI VtR. VICTOlllA, owaumn uav. rtutnlale. Alert liar, etc.. Tu- u , . i :iu .m. for V. ' l VKK. Vlt roiill. Ilutedule. Alert luy. eie , Frklar liiidnlihl. far ALICE AII.M. A.NVO.V, MTKIVAUT, Nau Klver. 10 rt MmptHtn. un-day, 8:i0 p.m. 12J "nrt Avenue It. M. SMITH Atent Prince Kupert. II C. Ilruiith tW-krl told to Victoria and Heattlr .and baccate cheeked through to destination Special Round Trip Excursion Rates Will Be In Effect From DECEMBER 25 AND GOOD UNTIL MAItCII 31 lor f iKther Information Enquire At Local Office I B ' roAST I&y.amsiups IV c B. C. Coast SAILINGS FKO.M PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangell. Juneau and Skagway 'ecember 38. January 11. 25. To Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle Jan. 1, 19.20. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday. 10 p.m. Agents For All Steamship Lines Orchard, Genera! Agent, 3rd Canadian N Hlit Largcft TKailway System in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and Intermediate points, each Thursda 10:00 p.m, ton ANYOX and STEWART each Wednesday at 4 p.m. I'or NORTH and SOUTH OLTLN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. . MWN'iKU Tlt.UNM LK.WK 1-ltlNCK III mT MONJUV. WCIINKHIMY and K.vri IIIlAV at IIJW a.Hi. lf I'lllMi: ir.OIMjfc, I.IIMONTON. U1VM1MI. all hHiiU llaoUrn (Juimita. United Static Atll.M'V .LI. OCKAS flTt.tMr.llir LlKf.h Hly Ticket Office, 528 Third Ac Prime Kupert Phone 2C COAL ! COAL ! PEMIHNA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD JIST ARRIVED, NEW SHIPMENT OF BIRCH AND JACK PINE MILL ENDS' Per load S1.5U BOX CUTTINGS Per load 3.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 5S0 IxG No. 1 Spruce Shiplap .$23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25-0 IxGNo. 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $22,M 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14', S4S, No 1 Common. . . .$25.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 2 Common. . . :S22.00 Kiln Dried Flouring, Ceiling, and Finish, Mouldings Lath. Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT. B. C. Jsawinlll and Head Office, Seal Cove. Telephone, 3G1 Uctail Yard, Cow Bay, Telephone 423 11 you lose anything, tn T8i ova . Drueeists TELEPHONIC ft?,20C Steamship Service Ave., Prince Rupert, Phone 31 ational a classified ad. ft- -uw- Local Items Dentist. Dr. J. R. Gosse. Phone 08G. Look for the big sale values at Tlte's store. Furniture, crockery, beds, springs, ttr'ejsses. blinds " " and draperies, ,,,, . (24) A. R. Holtby returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train 1 from a brief trip to the Interior : on business in connection with his , duties as B. and B. master for the i Canadian National Railways. , A giant crow of popples, in the ; shape of the Victoria Cross, which j formed part of the decorations at, I the Victoria Cross holders' ban-1 jquet in London recently, was pre-j sented to Premier Tolmle in Vic-1 Itoria last week by CoL.C. W. Peckj jv.C, MLJl. on behalf of his com-1 trades in British Columbia who. hold the decoration. Squadron Leader J. H. Tudhope of Ottawa, formerly commanding officer of the Vancouver unit of , the Royal Canadian Air Force, and well known in Prince Rupert through frequent visits here on fishery patrol work, is now in i ; charae of the mapping of the new Canadian air mall route ac THE DAILY NEWS PACE THREE Had Bad Cold Tickling in Throat Coughed All Day a very.'M cola: and" th tickling In my throat caused roe to cough all day, and it seemed to get wo rue at night, and I Tbafame quita weak in time, ' "1 deeided to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and the if rat half bottle gave me relief and when I had finished it mj cough a" ene. Price, 36e. a bottle; large family lize 60c., at all druggists and dealers. Put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark; manufactured only by The T. HUburn Co., Lti, Toronto, Out At Tite's store slashing clean-up va,ueB- runm-re. unperra. chlna ware at C09t and ,eM- (24 J. D. Fraser returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from Vancouver where he spent three weeks visiting with his fam- Mrs. William Keith of Belfast. Ireland has returned to the city after a month's vllt in Vancouver and is again the guest of Mrs William Beverldge, Third Avenue. Mrs. W. A. Oourlay, wife of Federal Publfc Works Engineer Oour- !ay. who is seriously ill in the Prince Runert General Hoanltal ross the prairies. He and Squad-1 A Beaudm 0j Alice Arm, who Leader A. A. Leltch. command- ron nas Deen on a brtej trlp Van. Ing oliicer of Hih River station aboard couver wag B passenger are at present surveying thetne CaUla yy afternoon reroute from High River across the turning north. ' Rocky Mountains and Southern with pneumonia, arrived in the'0"" pangns B.C. t" Vanrouver. ami SI tTtrwjjr s - ANNOUNCEMENTS lk l tr i i Werkhoven piano neaday, January 29. Lelf KriksoD FLihermerts February 7. Royal PurfHe bridge. whist and dance, Feb. 7. Elks' Home. Elks' Masquerade Ball Febru- ary 14. PlayeijB' Clttb Uglbrbir. PaUy," Jeb. M and nmt mmxiu& Hall. I CJfJtA.. Blzth Annual Ball. AucUtoruun, Friday. February 38. (15) Catholic Women's League Spring Sale, April 24. HOTEL ARRIVALS I Central Hotel l-NllRIt NHW MAXAtlBMKNT SI mm llnu-rt; Traveller' Mamptt Hot: Hot and Cold Wntrr l rcr 1!h Mrt All Train and Itniiu lUtes SI .09 and Up HIHCI.1L MONTHLY IIATKp i t JOHN FRY and A. DONALD l"rprlftor PHONE 51 Criitral ! I. Bauther. Vancouver: p v. vntp voyer. I city; W. SmiUi. Victoria. , Savoy Hotel i Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. PRUDHOAIME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Filth Sts. ! Savoy ' Leon Sinrven and O. A. I ufurgy. I city; John P. Malady, Anderson. "Ind.; Gus flogum, Burns Lake; Louis Flaming. Grassy Plains. New Royal Hotel J. Xnri'lll. 1'rop. T!IK IIOIEI. MOUTH Wllllr; Hot & Cold Wkici; HU'.mt Hat 75c PER DAY AND IJP . Trt-plmi Wl " Roval 4ete lariqfte city; E. Warren. Digby Island: Mrs. H. Held and daughter, lort Essington; E. jAaserude, Shames. White Lunch Reopens UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT M ON WAV JAN, 27 Bereave!? Ulc& in m city from Vtrtoffc'i fill 'the Catala yesterday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. R. E. Allen are to take up residence on Fourth Av- last in the hfRSevVtMr. and loruso Haineaf who are leav- r BasxatooaHIAr Haines win for the prfirtts an Wednes day 'tnornlng mi Un llaines and famfry will Mllow mtoty after Frederick T. Cpngdon. Toronto barrister and tpnrier Governor of e Yukon Tenitory, who is well Rupert, was during the last .e death, first of his dauKhter. M rs. w. R. Mccoo of Toronto, and - then his wife passed away suddenly. Union steamer Catala. Capt. James Findlay, arrived hi port at 3:45 yesterday afternoon from the south and sailed at 8 pjn. for An-yox, "Stewart' and other northern points whence she .will return here tomorrow morning and .mil south at 1:30 p.m. There wap a rather light northbound passenger list on Took Soda 20 Years For Gas Stops Now "For 20 years I took soda for indigestion and stomach gas. One bottle of Adlertka Brought me complete relief." John D. Hardy Adlerlka relieves gas and sour stomach at once. Actlag on BOTH upper and lower bowel, it removes old waste matter you never thought was in your system. Let Adterlka g)ve your stomach nd bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good you feel 1 Overcomes Constipation Ormes Ltd.. Drugs. rem nuiLi) u. c." We Just 81 Wish to fSJ lr J Repeat mm The list of prises for the best letters on Pacific Milk as a feod.- for infants;, "tit- cash nd 10 cash 3rd A lull casepof Pacific Mil 4th Half case at Pacific Milk. 8th to 10th best letters 1 dozen caps ' each. Address letters to: ! PACIFIC MILK ! Factory at AhbotMford, H.C. 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Just arrived S.S. Salvor with full cargo of Nanaimo Wellington Coal for Albert & McCaffery. Phone 116 and 117. (tf) have taken tMef)rrarM&rdHC( e of Major and ' Mrs. Fodrham Johnson on the, CreiEe'ht, Vancouvet sun. J Real clean-up sale values at Tite's store. Watch windows for convincing prices. Draperies, furniture, blinds, linoleums and china ware. (24) E. E. Oregg, assistant district forester, who has been on a trip to the interior on official duties, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clough have taken over the residence on Fifth Avenue West of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bradbury who have left for Victoria. Tommy Bavoff returned to the city on the Princess Mary Satur day afternoon from Vancouver, bringing with him a new car for his local taxi service. Mrs. Graham, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Terrace whece she has been visiting for several, weeks with her son and daughter-in-law. Conrad Wolftle, Spokane mining man, was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon bound for Stewart on business In con nection with Interests he has there. There were 66 passengers aboard he steamer Princess Mary on her arrival Saturday afternoon from Vancouver en route to Skagway disembarked here from the vessel. The annual meeting and dinner of the. HiirteejUh Battalion, Cana dian, Seattfeh, wil), be held on Feb-leanr jKiiai Vancouver . Col. C. W. Peek. iV.Ct, ,who commanded the jgastalion in France, will be among loose present. An interesting and lengthy state ment has been Issued by J. P. Bab - cock, deputy fisheries commissioner for British Columbia covering the tv -at ,,thf International Fish ies Commission on the halibut nits during the past year. f il!'"P7tt. afeneral nunur nf ihe Premier Gold Mining Co.. who was called a few weeks ago to Tacoma on account of the serious illness of his young son, who is now recovering, was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon returning to Stewart. II.M.CJB. Thiepval has been at Esquimau recently for gunnery nractice. IIAtCS. ArmenUerres participated a few days ago in the -earch for the missing Vancouver tu? Farquhar. Both the Thiepval and Armentterres are well known here as former visitors to the port Mr. and Mrs. E II. Palmer, who ive been visiting in Vancouver, rived in the city on the Prints Mary Saturday afternoon from the south and sailed the same evening for Skidegate where Mr. Palmer Is In the service of the Morgan Logging Co. Mrs. Palmer as formerly Miss Margaret Morgan of this city. Andrew Cruickshanks, well vnown here as an aviator, who flew the first Yukon airway ser-"ice and who took part In the hunt for the McAlpine flyers this winter. Is to address a luncheon of the transportation bureau of the Vancouver Board of Trade tomorrow, his subject being "Experience tn the Far North." Sim Bloom, well known lojcai property owner, arrived In the city on the Princess- Mary Saturday afternoon after having spent the past three years In New York and Montreal. He was married at the end of the year in Montreal and is accompanied to the city by Ills bride. They plan on spending t(he next few months in the elty hll lie Mr. Bloom looks' after his Ia sal property Interests. The Victoria Colonist reports that Ven. Archdeacon and Mrs. Colltson of Quamlchan were the 'guests of Archdeacon and Mrs. E. P. Laycock while attending the annual meeting of the Columbia diocese Woman's Auxiliary In Victoria last week. Archdeacon and Mrs. Laycock were early residents of Prince Rupert. Archdeacon Laycock having been Anglican rector here many years ago. The C onsolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd. Office, Smelting and Refining Department TRAIL. BRITI3H COLUMBIA SMELTERS AND REFINERS Purchasers of Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead and Zinc Ores rroducers of Gold, Silver, TADANAC, Every article of chine ware, glass ware and home furnishings 1 January clean-up stock-taking prices. Tite's store. (24) Mrs. Annie Rutten sailed by the Prince John Saturday night on her return to the Queen Charlotte Islands after a brief visit in the city. County Court cases in which J. J. Hepner is the plaintiff against a number of Burns Lake parties have been adjourned until next month's court. John R. Morgan, Queen Charlotte City logging operator, was a passen ger aboard the Prince John Saturday night for the islands after a brief visit in the city: Arthur Robertson, Massett sawmill operator, sailed Saturday night by the Prince John on his Teturn to the Queen Charlotte Islands after a brief business visit in the city. The death occurred last week in Vancouver of Joseph Donald, aged 82, pioneer grocer of the southern city. Chester T. Donald of Kims- quit is a son of the deceased. R. H. Stewart, P. W. Racey and Dr. Victor Dolmage, all well known in this district as consulting mln- ng engineers, have opened an office at Nelson in the southern In terior. James A. Brown, well known Port Essington sawmill operator and hotel proprietor, Is paying a brief visit to the city, having ar rived from the Skeena River on yesterday afternoon's train. John Bulger of this city has been elected to the district ee-. Tcutlve of the British Columbia section of the Canadian Jewelers Association. The annual meeting was held last week In the Hotel Georgia at Vancouver. There was a special musical program at evening service in St Paul's Lutheran Church yesterday The men's choir, under Peter Lien sang one number; Mrs. Karl Dyb-havn gave two vocal solos, and Peter Lien rendered two organ solos. The pastor. Rev John H Hanson, delivered the sermon. It enjoys a world wide reputation for quality. ll Copper, Fig; Lead and Zinc TRAIL ALLEN SALE THIS WEEK Stock Rcing Rushed On to the mar ket at Almost Panic Prices The Denny Allen stock, recently taken over by the creditors, Is being put on the market this week at almost panic prices. It is to be a rapid fire sale, every article being marked down to at least half price. Stock and movable fixtures are jelng Included, and doubtless everything will quickly be cleared out. Those who wish to stock up pn china and glassware will have to move quickly if they expect to get anything like a good selection. The sale opens at 9 o'clock Wednesday-morning and continues until every thing is disposed of, (Advt.) Reseating was sought in Supreme ourt at Vancouver last week of the estate of the late Rt. Hon. W. S. Fielding, former Canadian minister of finance. The estate, valued at $50,328. included 220 shares of Oranby stock valued at $17,330. S. D. Johnston Co., Ltd. Correspondents For MILLER. COURT & CO., LIMITED For the benefit of the In-Verong putnte, 'Miller, Court & Co., Ltd., publish a semimonthly market report, dealing with mining, oil and industrial stocks, which is available at our office on the 1st and 15th of every month. We offer prompt and reliable service in the execution of orders to buy or sell all stocks on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto Exchanges. S. D. Johnston Colli 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Kupert B.C. You cannot buy a better i n for the money rf7IMjrwHj published or displayed by the or by the Government ot Columbia. 5: i H S.t.J.-.VtM.e.C"' I ISIABtlMItU IT JOSEPH it JOHN VICKFRS V CO.. LONDON 750 fNCHNB This advertisemnnt is not Liquor Control Board British JiJ llii