VAQi TWO The Daily News. PRINCE RUPEUT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily.News, lTkirf 4 U IM G H. F. PULLEK - - Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION SUBSCRIPTION RATES Br mail to all other parts of British Columbia, th6 British Em- Dire and United States, paid in advance, per year ........... ,6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year 7.50 Br mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, . .- paid in advance for yearly period . j . i ... . .'.... . &0Q Or four montha for J00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 1 .50 City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 Transient advertising on front page, per inch 2.80 Contract rates cm application. Advertising and Circnlation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations The Letter Box RADIO BEACONS Editor, Dally News: May I request a little space in your valuable paper in whlth to offer some comment on .the editorial contained In the issue of the 18th of June, wherein the relative merits of radio beacons and lighthouses are discussed. To those conversant with the tremendous strides made In the past few years with radio aids to navigation, j con. rectlon-finding, Tuesday, June 24, 1930 there Is A possi-i bfllty that the number of lig houses round our coasts will considerably reduced in the neari future. .The upkeep of these light houses is considerable, ' and now. that so many vessels are fitted with direction-finders, shipowner arc of the opinion that the thou-i sdnds of' pounds they; nay every1! year In light duest might jbe brought flown to a more reasonable figure. The foregoing only represents the practical considerations; the value of the direction-finder in conjunction with the Radio Bea- There Is another and more1 there can be no comparison be- j Important aspect to direction-f ind-tween these aids and practically 1 lng connected with the saving of ob$f lte lighthouse. Mr. Urady I life at sea. A most striking exam-hss undoubtedly anticipated the pie of this was seen in the case of future and that great Institution ! the sinking of the liner "Fort Vic- Lloyd's, must. In the very near tU-(torla" during a thick fog. Tugs i ture, recognize the tremendous I were brought alongside by follow-, advantage the radio beacon holds! lng bearings given by the Marconi over, the lighthouse. In thick, or j direction-finder Installed In the-j fewer weather, the liehthouse Is I Tort Victoria." The 280 nassena-' utterly useless and even the foe ers and the whole of the crew alarm has great advantages, due to peculiarities In the transmission of sound. The radio beacon, however, is unaffected by the wea ther and Is on the Job twenty-four hours a day. fog, two ships each saved, on one passage alone, more than the annual cost of their dlrectlon-fin(l-Ing apparatus. bim another says, "This steamer entered Chesapeake River on eross bearings from the Radio Beacon on Chesapeake Light-vessel off Cape Henry, and. therefore, gain-ed approximately twelve hours through being fitted with a Wireless Direction Finder. A contribution to the London Sunday Pictorial says: "I hear that owing to the enormous advance made In the use'iSfi wireless at sea. and particularly In the art of dl- were transferred, without con-, fusion or panic, to other craft In' thick fog. This in Itself Is a strlk-, ing Justification of the policy! which Is being rapidly developed' by British . shipowners of fitting ' Lloyd's Is by nature a cautious all their ships with this scientific j and conservative concern and Is .aid to navigation. very loth to change from the old' Finally, the Safety of. Life at to the new. This will account forBea Conference1929, requires that! its insistence upon the lights at; every passenger ship of 5,000 tons' Butterworth Rock and Bonllla is- gross tonnage and upwards, shall, land, before Insurance rates can within two years from the date on 1 be granted for shipping using Hec-, which the present Convention j ate Straits. Vet, that Lloyd's re-! comes Into force, be provided' with) cognizes the trend of events, is an approved direction-finding ap-i seen from the publication in Paratus (radio compass) comply- j Lloyd's List of 31st December, 1927! ing with the provisions of Article; of an article dealing with an 31 17 of the present Convention. , agreement between the Chamber In view of this overwhelming of Shipping of the United King dom and the Marconi Company. evidence of modern tendencies,! would It not be a waste of money! having for its object the extend-to establish more obsolete aids to lng of the use of wireless direction finders for navigational purposes. The article begins by saying, "One of the most Important eventj during 1927 was the adoption of an agreement between the Chamber b't' Shipping of the United: Kingdom and the Marconi Company. and further on gives the navigation? It would seem that Mr. Brady's "pet scheme" is a very sound and practical one. Since the; radio beacon can be easily adapt-! ed for transmission of telegraphy,! it may fulfil a number of other important functions lndudtnfl the' reporting of weather to the"SCe-! orollglcal . branch, broadcasting weather to ships at sea and rend- ; gift ot the agreement which was jcrlng' assistance to vessels In dls-to, .reduce the cost of direction tress in its vicinity, . finders .provided a certain .addl. .Yours truly, - tional number of ships were fitted H. A. HOOPER, during the ensuing year. It is Dtgby Island Radio, . worthy of note that the figure: Prince Rupert, B.C. . , agreed upon was reached withlrt' four months of completion of the) agreement. 'As to the value and accuracy of' tne direction finder, and the high I esteem in which it U regarded by ship masters, the following quotations from various publications tell the story. The master of a foreign ship trading regularly to North Sea ..wp uie uuinunca. A letter from the citv council of vZZZ P m: KooP. hlch was read at list vlgating in in .h the Baltic n, Sea and MgWs meeting, of thV ; lical city fhT?n?h,M mUCh counU' akompanled by a ra-fog and bad visibility." He states :ther lengthy resolution which seeks that bearing! i taken from distances .from the,, provincial government in excess of one hundred mllei'iwtifhxttimi Af'a-i.LtiWiM fLM... uaa an appamng accuracy." Another report states that using radio direction finders in Railway Taxation Change Requested iMattcr Brought Before City Council In Letter From Kamloops nlclpal Act under which it Is claimed municipal reugjL are seriously atfeetcd in the matter of .assessment ort cerjahl railway properties. The 'su'ggetiorf was maJe that the local council :Dass a-islnil- har resolution for ubmIsslonto the government. ' The matter was laid on the table for two weeks and, meantime, copies of the proposed resolution will be prepared for the perusal of the members of the council board. Dr. J. R. Gosse, who has been engaged In the. practice ot dentistry here for the past two or three years, will sail en the Catala this" .arfcrhboh ' fdr ' Vancouver where he will practise In future. ' 4 9 Canada Least Depressed of All Countries of the World Declares j 1 . a Visitor From Great Britain smile," declared H. G. Pooley of the Empire Producers' Association, who addressed the Chamber of Commerce at a luncheon given for him yesterday afternoon in the Com- Imodore Cafe, with Percy Tinker, presfdent of the Cham- iber, presiding. Compared with Great Britain, Mr. Pooley 'said, Canada was exceedingly prosperous. Of all the countries of the world lie thought Canada was feeling the de gression least. He refused to believe that Canada was de pressed. The "Empire Building tar iff" of the United States had made Canada feet the importance of the Empire market. Rupert held an exceptional position 1. i Mr. Pooley suggested that Prince in view of the fact that one of Canada's important markets for grain would be In the Orient and in the non-self-governing parts of the Empire "Bread goes with civilization" was a truism. Thli country had no competitors in grain growing in those countries. He had felt that his trip to Canada would have been incomplete without visiting this "Oateway'io the' ' Orient' ', I The vWf W MifJ-'PbcjWy'to 'dittfi ada on behalf of 'his' crahtry Was In connection with a report 'they were preparing for the Imperial Conference. They had gathered sta tistics in regard to the Empire's food supply and the endeavor now was to give some further particulars in regard to It. With that-object he was vMting the producing parts of the country. They were planning to suggest remedies for the present i condition to the conference. Here he was interested in this place as a western port and also in salmon production. A good deal of the Ca- nadlan salmon was sold in Bltain. The-speaker said he had. beep interested in various foodproblems. One of them was the sale of New Zealand butter in Canada, of which complaint had beer rnade. There, ( were bound to be some minor difficulties In the 'working out "of 'hew1 After the Virst rEwettiff"five Thousand Mile? THE value of sound design, good materials, and careful construction is especially apparent in the new Ford after the first twenty-fivc thousand miles. Long, continuous service emphasizes the mechanical reliability of the car and its economy of operation-and up-kecp. . The passing months and years bring '' a growing ' ' ): ..11,'M , pride hi its appearance and An increasing respccliJor.ithe . i ' n " , -;)naHnbnirsif j jr ,T substantial worth that has been built into it. ?,;T rMi " From every standpoint in everything that goes to Tuesday, Jraft 24 1130 Mayor Orme moved a heart of thanks to the speaker and w m? was seconded by W. O. Fulton Lm carried' by acclamation, LOCAL NEWS , a t. , ... 1 I . 1. 1 4 - n n .... iraae prooiems. ne iiau iiuuuus im wr. uunaut and fantili i do with polities but he objected to Anyox are passenger aboard uu the attitude of the MacDonald Catala today bound for Vane Government, the members of ver on a holiday trip. 0" which admitted every argument yet I refused to change, fiee trade was A. J. Lancaster, provincial 1 to them a religious fervor. Still hei lector, t eturned to the tity n iT found a desire amoiig the artisans Catala. thbj. morning from a trlat! for Imperial trade. Premier Mac- Stewart on official business Donald was proposing an alterna-. , tlva In Iha fnrm rtf hllllr mirrhaco Pov TtaMm T711 ..... ... v..v ...... w. - j r nures. Anellcin which was objected to by many as Church clergyman at Alyinsn and u tendency toward nationalization Mrs. Flores arrived in the' tit u. .urr.;. uiu uiuiimi( aiiu Will VISIl htrt At the conclusion of the address for the next two weeks. you will find many reasons for its alert, capable perform-uuce and many instances of value fur above the price, you pay. Prominent among these arc the four Houdaillc double-acting hydraulic shock absorbers, shelterless glass windshield, fully enclosed four-wheel brakes, five steel-spoke wheels, aluminum pistons, chrome silicon alloy valves, chrome alloy transmission gears and shafts, tormictube drive, three-quarter floating rear axle, more make a good automobile -you know you have made'h "'than twenty ball and roller-bearings and bright; endur' farseeing, satisfactory purchase. Throughout tliQ.Ford ing Rustless Steel for many exterior parts. ' HUN ' XOTK TIIESK LOW PflICK Rowlsler Phaeton . . Tmlor Srtlnn . Coupfl ... SjM)rt G)iipc . Dc Luxe Coupe Fnnlnr Sedan Cabriolet . . Timn Sedan . 530 59S 595 630 635 720 750 193 Alt ptittt . o. 1. Emtl VtnJtor, Ontario. Humpm, iparm lire and Iwn ttm. ttj tlmt imymrntt can In trrmmgtd lArMh your Ford Jtoler. Ash the newest j Ford Dealer 9- for a demonstration .( "Tlllt C4N4IH4M C" Till! JfKW FOIIB CARRIOLBT Tug beauty of the new Ford, to apparcst la line and rolor, extend aluo to llie uphoUlrrr and apjtoinlmrntt. You not It at yon open the doora ami e tho anraetivv Interior. Yoa find it also In ttroM hnyoitmit littlo A lallt trim ami finUli bleh m wtnuaa'a practiced eye 1 fiiiek iq catcU. There l about the car a illitinetlve tljto or ton vide h rcflrrta the quality that ha been hallt Into lt In nternai Ihlnci, M lit moehanl'ai eenitruetlon, tW naw. Fr ha We made tu cmlare. Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited i