PAGSVWO-" bpect with Prince Rupert as the hub in aftaplidly expand The Daily News mg muusiiy, mai oi entertaining me nonaay. crowus w nui PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA come norm. Published Eve.ry Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert rvoIW 'Kan'a T.tTntfort Thtril A von no H. F. PULLEN Managing-Edlton ! SUBSCRIPTION HATliS By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- pire and Unite! States, paid In advance, per year By mail to all ouier countries, per year Mr vmll in all niHi Wfirlhom nrid Ttritish Columbia. Transient advertising on front page, per inch . , . . . Local readers, per insertion, per line f . Transient displa;- advertising, per inch, per insertion Classified advertising, per insertion, per word Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line , Contract rates on application. Advert Mm; and Circulation Telephone ..... Editor and Reporters' Telephone -. ; .iji Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION i dSggg- M(jndf)y, July 7. STEAMSHIP PRINCE HENRY1 ...98 ...86 u; !:.'.!' G.00 7.50 The new steamship Prince Henry whicft'Wkaf'fllaSl' week and which returns southbound tomorrow is, ,PJob-JVJLrlLJLfil 1 I aDiy tne unest ana most up-to-aate steamer in tne wona. Her fittings and appurtenances are of the most modem tvpe, nothing being omitted which can m a small space cater to the comfort and pleasure of the travelling publfc ij. While she is not an ocean liner she has many of the features of the vessels that ply between the American con- i .i 1a1 A it -ii. i1 ii A i MUST DO OUR PAIIT, In vi'Mv ViPpetfsnrvJthai nf if tlVf the otxtrkfr chanin'& sft'uallor flft'iintinriSiiflis i Prince Rupert should do her part in keeping up appear ances ana maKing mis a cny worm seeing, iviany citizens are doing something along this line. In the residential district thegardens are being improved, fences made sightly, houses painted. There has been a gradual development for many years and now the results are just, being seen. We nd In nrlv.mrp far vearlv neriod . . ................... . ..-.3.00 ,U1'C 1' anidlvchantrinu-fi'omanioneercitv tti a'citv of homes. Or, four months for . v,. .,.vif i.oolt With, the city developing in tjje. r'csidehfral districtwe For lesser period, paid In advance, per month -'find some difficulty in keeping pace in the business eec- Clty delivery, by man or carrier, yearly perioa, pam in aavance o.w ltm. There sidewalks are nee(led and needed badly yet 'a t owners of property, already heavily taxed, oppose the 1.40 i building of new ones. While a great deal of sympathy is 62 1 felt, for the people who have had to pay heavy taxes on 151 non-production property, it must be remembered that if me city goes aown ai neci me property loses us vaiue. it is ! ii i 'iii t ill only ny Keeping up wun me times mat we can expect to make progress. Sidewalks must be built or the business will gravitate to those parts of the city where they have iwalks. i Already some of the sidewalks in Section One have been condemned and mors will have to follow. The old wooden ' walks are out of date and must be closed soon. There is no 1930. !..... 1.1 t- . 1 , it.- 1 1 i .. ' " i tTi ii. j i it- i pian untier wnicn tne cost is assessed against tne owners. j If they refuse to pay, then the v&lk cannot be built. imeni ana tne countries on tne omer sine oi eitner tne At-; Buch things being easily forget-lantic or Pacific. She is, however, designed for the Alaskan ; table, a number of inquiries have business and as such has no present competitor in the field With such a steamship in operation and with a good hotel at Prince Rupert the Canadian National Steamships I u I WAS SMALL C. Brady Had Only 321 More Votes Than Fml Stork in Last , Federal Election been made as to Just exactly what the majority of J. C. Brady was over Fred Stork in the last federal elec tion. Mr Brady's " majority was 321 111 1- - iH-Ji i- - A - il - i . i 1 - win oe in a position to cater to me tourist ousmess as never i in a total vote of 4,no to 3,849. before. Next season should see a great change in this re-' Federal elections in skeena rid ing "nave In the past been usually close. In 1925, Fred Stork beat O. O. Bushby 3,633 to 2.940 and in 1921 Mr. Stork had a margin of only 38 votes over Lieut. Col. C. W. Peck, V. C. Judging from street talk, there Is reason to believe that the forth coming contest In this riding will also be close. David Goodall and Arnold Rosa came before Magistrate McCly- ' mont in city police court thU j morning on charges of supplying I liquor to Indians, the cases behu adjourned until .this afternoon. YACHTSMEN I ARE PLEASED Letter to President Georce Bushby From Seattle Indicates Attitude That the vUltlng yachtsmen were really pleased with their recent visit to Prince Rupert. Is shown from the following Iettor: "Geo. O. Bushby "President, Prince Rupert Rowing Si Yacht Club, "Prince Rupert. B.C. "Dear Mr. Bushby: "The writer returned to Seaitle a few days ago with many pleasant' recollections of the race, but, pleasanteel of aU is our remembrance of the hospitality and cooperation which were extended to us by your good self and your fellow members of the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club. "The skippers of the various yachts all a?ree that our reception, In your city, was the finest that we have ever received in any race in which we have participated. We will always hare the brightest memories of our few days stay in Prince Rupert and will look baek with pleasure upon the hospitality shown us Mondayr July 7, 1930 This photograph shows a scene from "The Emperor's New CloUiej;" u paient Interpretation of the old fairy tales produced during the Hans Andersen festival aiCopcnhagen,' Denmark, recenUy and to the lasting friend.shi) which we ;me 'formed. "WU1 you kindly extend my pood wishes and thanks; ,to the other (members of your club, whose co operation and kindnesses have nut been forgotten. T write this letter, not only on behalf of myself, but also the tht : yachtsmen, in the Intcraation.u cruiser rare and the Seattle Yacb' Club, who pponsored the event. -With best wishes, I remain, "Yours very sincerely S!g. Richard Froboese "Chairman ' SeatUc-Prlcctt P.apeit interna-tlosrtl Cruiser Race." The Daily News' Subscription Campaign IS NOW GOING STRONG NUMBER OF CANDIDATES KEEN FOR PRIZES AND WORKING HARD The candidates who are working Jor the grand prizes in the Daily News Cant' paign arc now keen to win. They have the opportunity of canvassing either in the city or outside and some of them arc receiving a good deal of encouragement, One difficulty has been that the circulation of the Daily News in the city was already almost at saturation point. Most people already subscribe. The News already has twice as niany paid up subscribers right in the city as any other paper. The reason for the success of the Daily News is that it tries to give to the people of the city and district as good a paper as possible. It is the intention to tontinue to improve and add new features from time to time. Those not now subscribers or any who would like to encourage one of the candidates by paying in advance, should get in touch with their favorite at once. The candidates and their standings follow: JAMES BREMNER, Independent, j.j. 32,500 votes MISS CONNIE THORNE, Independent ........1.1.. 10,750 vote MISS ALICE KERGIN, Alice Arm, B.C., Liberal 7,750 votes MISS BEULAH McKINLEY, Independent .;.....:.. 4,750 votes MISS OLIVE VAN COOTEN, Independent ....w..-..ii..r....-..y , 4,750 votes MISS JULIA THOMAS, Independent .....r . ..-.:..rrrt 4,000 votes i mMISSMAY MURRlYr'GcCservatiVe .jov ji '00' MISS NANCY HOWARD, Conservative 3,750 votes MISS CHERRIE CAMPBELL, Stewart, B.C., Liberal 1,000 votes MISS MARY ROBERTSON, Liberal 1,000 votes MRS. KE1LBACK, Independent 1,000 votes ... .tyilti.l Au'iti i-.M bin. iM ' 'HI , m sssai ' .n GOLD WATCH GIVEN AWAY FREE ! To Some Person Subscribing to the Daily News During the Present Campaign Those who subscribe to the Daily News during the present campaign have an opportunity of winning a solid 14-carat Wal-tham Watch, 17:jewelled, purchased by the Daily News from R. W. Camcron. This is a present to one of those who subscribe in addition to the valuable prizes given to the candidates. The watch is a splendid one, guaranteed' by the makers, and will be on view in Cameron's window in the next few days. The campaign receipt for a subscription to the News gives a chance on the watch. Be sure you keep your receipt. ; The Prizes I 16. i I as All Victor Radio With Electrola $375.00 Large Chest of Sterling Silver Tableware $200.00 Sterling Silver Toilet and Manicure Set $104.75 Fine 97-Piece Dinner Set j; 50,00 '