Monday, July 7, 1930. iv -Tr You'll Want Snapshots of Your Besli Vacat ion !i.thJU&n picture-taking wU add to your.vaca- ; tloriy6ull?hV5 the Snapshots for enlovment over and WV M again attcr you have returned. ' Any kodak takes good pictures easily and kodak prices are Just about whatever ynu would like to pay. Let us help you select the right model for your vacation. LOAD WITH KODAK FILM Let Us Do Your Finishing Ormes LtcL Ufia Pioneer I)tH&&isls Phones 81 & 82 Third Avev & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - - Rippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I B.C. COAST I STEAMSHIPS I jjjjr PRINCE KUPEKT, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ;?' l Kalllnii rtvm Ktlnr. Rupert ForVANCOUVZR. VICTORIA, Butedata. Aim Bar. tie. Tuesday. 3 JO pa for VAM'OUtF.U. VICIORM. Ilutedala. Aim Iter. Pic . rrldar raldnlcbt I'M ALICE ARM. ANYO. 8TF.WAKT. Kaa HJser. Port Slmtrteu. Bandar, l.-oo p.m. for TOUT BIMTSON and WAt-EH tBT.AND. Thurwlsjr p.m. ItS tnd Atrntie H M SMITH Mtol Prince Buperl. II. C. Tl ranch itrkrl sold lo Victoria and Seattle nd batxace checked (hron(b to destination B. C. Coast Steamship Service Victoria, every Friday, iu pjn Agents For All Steamship Lines V. C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, I'hoi.c SI STEAMSHIP and TRAIN SERVICE SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wranell Juneau. Skagway July 7, 11, II, 18, 21, 25, 28. To Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle- July 5, 9, 12, 16, 19. 23, 26, 30. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc., Vancouver, and Sailings from Prince Rupert for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SKATTI.E ?nd Intermediate Ports. Mondays an J Thursdays at t .m. ami Saturdays 7 p.m. S.S. "Prince Henry" Wednesdays 9 s.m. For Anyoi and Stewart Monday 8 p-m. FrWaya 8.JO p.ra. For Alaska Porta Wadntadaji and Saturday! ..10 p.m. For Skccnii River Tbtirwlaja and Saturdays 8 a.m. For North and South Queen Charlotte Islands Mondays 8 p.m. For Naas Rlw Fridays 8 a.m. Passenger train fof fcdmonton, Wlnntpea; " and all points Kail leave daily at 1 p.m. eicept Sunday. Low Summer Fr NOW Canadian National W-Tl Foe Information call or writ l)irirt Pauenger Agent, R, F. McNAUGI ITON, TRINCB RUPIiRT, D. C If your paper docs not arrive, telephone llie officf Try a Daily News Want Ad. Local Items Glasses fitted by registered ptorae Irht at Ilcilfcroner's store. ""Hi' Liberal workers will please turn out this evening at Committee I Rooms. tf Mrs. E. G. Newham, who has been on a trip East, was a passen ger aboard the Catala last even Ing returning to her home at Kin eolith. 1 Mrs. Sid Hamblin and children and Miss Edith Johnstone left on today's train for Lake Kathlyn where they will spend the nexJ two months. CNJt. steamer Prin.a Charles. Capt. McKay, arrived in port at 11.30 this morning from Vancouver and will sail this everting for Stewart, Anyox and Massett Inlet 'points. I Through the Royal Mounted Po- j 41ce, his mother In Australia seeks ; to lear the whereabouts of her son Frank T. Lee, aged 25, who was last heard from in Stewart and i Prince Rupert last March. I Harry C. Evans, who has been on a trip to Bella Coola, , Ocean Falls and other points down the coast, returned to the city on the Catala j yesterday afternoon, having em- barked on the vessel at Namu. j C. P. R. steamer Princess Alice Capt. Thomas Cliff, arrived In port at 9 o'clock this morning from Vancouver and sailed at noon for Skagway. The vessel had a good-sized list of tourist passengers. sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Ocean Falls, Powell River and Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E.( Dickon, arrived- In port at 115 yesterday afternoon from the south and sailed at 8 pjn. for Anyox. Btewart and other northern points whence she is due back here to mnrmw nftpmnnn snnt hhminrl , ' ANNOUNCEMENTS ';'-' 4 Moos Bazaar. October 16. 17. "IIU1LI) n. C. PAYROLLS" iThe jCharm ' ! 'Flavor ill rvi-iir? fiS!S Pacific Milk la preferred Why? People like It. Purlt richness, freshness, pn sent every time, give th flavor that wins and holds PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abbotsford, ILC. Dr Alexander X-RAY SF.RVICE PHONE 575 IIESNF.R BLOCK DENTIST THE DAILY NEWS PAGE.THREP "In May and June I was badly rundown and had faint spells until It was a drag to do my work. In July and August I didn't seem to pick up so I decided to try Lydia E. Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound because I saw it advertised. I took two bottles and now I am the picture of health. I feel fine, do all my work and milk two cows. If any woman writes, I will certainly answer her letter." Mn. George R. Gillespie, Punnkhy, Football tonight Canadian Legion. Mrs. Clark of the Gossard Corset Co. at Wallace's today and tomorrow. Fittings arranged. Phone 9. 156 Mrs. II. A. Breen and young son CNJt. steamer Prince Rupert, who have been on a brief trip to Cjipt. Edward Mabbs, returned to ' Port Essington, returned to the city port at 8 o'clock this morning from j on yesterday's train. Skagway and other points and will Miss Norah Rive-it is leaving tonight for Massett en route to Tlell where sle .wjjpend part of f erred tier nuuuays tn iiuuic iuiui. HaraidL Ponder.ahq is. in the. employ of the wer Corporation of Canada at Tyee. arrived in the city from there on yesterday' train. Just received samples oi- iaaies . "New Royalty of the Pacific" Is ".V VT I the title of an Interesting article j LIn fn Mont by L. V. Kelly in the magaiine sec- . "fVX ?59 tlon of je.terd.ys Vancouver Pro-reaI Importef J f 153 vine which deals with the latest: capitalist from Orange developments in passenger ship- ping on this coast. Illustrations In-, elude picture of the steamers ' "n.f PHn t Alice this morning to make nH j t.i k WhlCh -i,,!16 PlV the round trip to kagway. to Prince Rupert. PIANO TUNER L. F. Colts, now here for a short time. Orders left at MacLaren's Music store will receive prompt at-1 tentton. 157! Mrs. Frank Burnett of Vancouver and her niece. Miss May .Axfora. passed through here last week en-route to Winnipeg where they will spend the next few months. Mrs. F. H. Cltndenning. who came north to attend the weddins last Saturday of her ion. will sail by th' Catala tomorrow afternoon on hr return to VancQvv , M Mrs. Esselmont and Miss EsspI-mont. mother and sUter o, W. T Esselmont of Stewart, wen, passengers aboar the Catala -last evening bound for fie wart ona. holl-day visit. C. M. Thall. west coast marweer of the Fox Theatre Corporation San Francisco, and Mrs. Thall, were passengers aboard the Princess Alice this morning going north to make the round trip to Skagway. There were 138 nawenaers aboard the steamer Fr'nrw A'ice whih was In oort this morning bound from Vancouver to Sa- v way. ui mrr iiv msiv nuiiu ,u(u 'dlsemdrie- I H n-r ftnr- tnA vonuil ' n Richmond MorJ,tmert ,whp) Is stationed on the Arrow Lakes In the service of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, arrived In the city on the Princess Alice jt.his morning from the south to spend a two-weeks' holiday 1cWs tHM" Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Mortimer, Fifth j Avenue East. Jv OOO I Mini Mab-' A Rtoaklav. secre-' rv taimrr of the Robert C. smith r rv T,tn advertising ser-of Toronto who has been on a trlu to Seattle to. attend a con-jventlon of the International Zon-jta Club, arrived In the city on the Prince Charles this morning front the south and proceeded by train to Jasper Park. Miss Stoakley was a caller at the Dally News office Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Hcilbroner's Store. Catholic Bazaar Nov. 6 and 7. ..Mw...S"i:'v lUlb III vailUJUVCi. ior on yesterday's train. G. H.. Stocks, formerly on the staff of the local HTgh School and :. ... , jor jasj ya t gmtnerSi la Regiment V3. j among a list of supplementary teachers that has been chosen by the Vancouver School board in any further appointments to the staffs of the schools of that city may be necessary. Lieut. Elsie Llntzenberger, who has been engaged in Salvation Army work at Petersburg, disembarked here from the steamer Princess Charlotte on Sunday afternoon "and proceeded by train today to Innisfail, Alberta, to which point she has been trans- Henry Blanchard, sentenced to three months' . Imprisonment;- f orJ supplying" liquor lo a minor: Chas.j Sweetwr of Bella Bella, who will erve twelve months for, assaulting his wife, and two insane patients, one a woman, were taken south on the Prince George Saturday evening. Escorts were Constable,Wll-liam Harrison of . Rivers Inlet and Mrs. O. C. Sharp of this city. Un'on freighter Chllllwack arrived In port at 12 noon yesterday 'rom the south and, after discharging a cargo of cement for the Power Corporation of Canada, ailed in the evening on her return to Vancouver. The skipper of the Chllllwack, Capt. John Mulr. was accompanied on this trip north by his son. Jack Mulr, and Bobby Hackett. young son of the! manager or Sechelt summer NOTICE , , George ' C. Arseneau announces tbjat he has taken over William Lambie's interest in the men's fur-1 nishlngs store in the Capitol Thea tre Block. All outstanding accounts will e payable to Mr. Arseneau. (158) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping rooms. 60D 3rd Avenue. Phone Black G25. 159 HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel l'Mi:it NEW M.W.MIEMBNT Mriiin llnitrd; Trarllrm' Sample Knonia: lint and Cold Water t'rve Uu .Mrrt All Train and l(ml Rates $1.00 and Up SPECIAL JIIIXTIILY KATES C. It. nidOART St A. OONALO rroprlrtora PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. PRUDHOMME. Prop.' Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. New Royal Hotel I. ZarrUI. rp. THE HOTEL HOKTII WHILE . fi Cold Water: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Ti'lrpltfltie 2KI Mrs., St. Clair 'Johnston has sent In her resignation to the school board In order to take a position In Vancouver at the Crof ton House 153 girls school. Ills, L,. ,Vy Waugh and daughter. Mrs. William Kerr and two sons V&faS, tailed Saturday even- left on today's train for a threc- the Prince. George for a weeks' visit at Mrs. Kerr's home in Edmonton. Adjutant Kerr left .on (the same train for Ccdarvale William Way, who has been where he will spend the next threa spending .a week at Terrace, re- weeks combining a holiday with turned to the city, from the Inter- Salvation Army work among the natives. P. W. Anderson' IS In charge of i Rev. A. H. Robinson, who lsmov- a large creW'of-men which is now ing from Terrace to Princeton In1 SvSsiSm'aS the ravages of not per everybody cent, of Mrs, Geo. Beverldge and daughter, Helen, sailed on the Prince George Saturday evening to spend a short holiday visiting In Vancouver and Victoria. B. C. Kecley, Pacific Coast manager 6f Cahadfdri1 National Steamships, and G! A. McNicholl, general passenser agent. .Canadian, National Railways, who came north on the new steamer Prince Henry, -ailed Saturday evening by the ss. Prince George on their return to 1 Vancouver. T. M. Spencer is now running as conductor on C.N.R. trains be- engaged; in transmission' line, clear- the ' ministry of the Anglican tween here and Smithed, taking ing in the vicinity of McCIymont Church, arrived In the city on to-1 the place of G. N. Shoebutten, who Park for the Power Corporation of day's train from the interior and has gone to the Edmonton-Cal-Canada. I will sail tomorrow afternoon on gary division. Mr. Spsncer's run i ' the Catala for the south. Mrs. Rob- between Smlthers and Prince . Squadron Leader Earl MacLeod, (nson and family left for Prince- George has been taken over by (officer commandinfg Jericho Beach ton last week. George Raymond of Smlthers. i Air Station, Vancouver, and well I known here, addressed the Monte- " j flore-Condoria Cljub in the Hotel Vancouver at Vancouver last Friday evening. Robert C. Gossc. official of the. B. C. Packers, arrived in the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from Vancouver. -He and his brother. Richard Gosse, are making an inspection of the, company's canning operations on the Skeena and Naas Rivers. The Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd. Office, Smelting aid Refining Department TRAIL. BRITISH COLUMBIA SMELTERS AND REFINERS Purchasers of Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead and Zinc Ores Producers of Gold, Silver, Copper, Pig Lead and Zinc TADANAC, TRAIL EVERYBODY SEES the Forest Fire, but realizes that seventy ou our tires in were preventable; in other words, they were due simply to carelessness. Pressure" of public opinion has gone far to eliminate carelessness in other direc- tions, but carelessness with fire is still amazingly prevalent. Prevent Forest Fires You Can Help! BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIP ARD Ol'EKATINIJ (J. T. V. 20.000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Uoilermakers, Hlarksmiths Pattern Makers Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our riant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 COAL PEMBINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton $12.00 MINEIIEAD EGG Delivered, Per Ten 12.50 MINEilEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton ... 13.50 FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING ' A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580