A scow belonging to the Pacific Salvage Co. capsized about 4 o'clock thte morning and 5.000 sacks of cement spilled In the harbor. The cement had been taken from the freighter Chilliwack and was destined for the Power Corporation of Canada's construction work at Falls River. When It was seen that the scow was going over, an attempt was made to take it over to McNlcholl Creek to beach it but it capsized in the middle of the harbor before reaching there. Cc. 8c. FISH SALES Summary American--98,500 pounds, 10.9c and M to 13c and 7c. Canadian 21.500 pounds, 11.1c and Gc to 11.4c and 8c. American Kodl&k, 35,000, Cold Storage, ldDc and 0c. Ithona, 10.000, Cold Storage, 12.9c and 7a Sherman, 14,000. Pacific,; 12.8c and 7c. III qill, 10,500. Booth, 12.9c and 7c. Eureka, 15,000, and Wabash, 3,500, 13c and 7c. Jack, 8,500, Cold Storage, 12c and 7c. Canadian Johanna, 9,000, Pacific, 11.4c and 6c. Viking L, 7,000. Booth, 11.2c and Royal III, 5,500, Royal, 11.1c and "Good government cannot . be found on the bargain counter." Calvin Coolldgc. Former Engineer Under Arrest For Murder as Outcome of Shooting Dennis Greenwood Dead and William Floyd In Custody as Result of Affray at Canal Flats Near Invcrmcrc I INVERMERE, July 7: Dennis Greenwood, provincial pame warden at Canal Flats, 34 miles from here, is dead! and William Floyd, late stationary engineer south of that! point, is under arrest charged with murder as a result of i a shooting in front of a store at Canal Flats Saturday af-j ternoon. Floyd was to have appeared in court Saturday on a charge of trapping without a licence which had beenl preferred by Greenwood. SCOWTURNS TURTLE AND CARGO LOST Five Thousand Sacks of Cement Spilled In Harbor Early This Morning LOST HIS LIFE IN GOING OVER FALLS NIAOARA FALLS. July 7 The body of Oeorge Stathakls of Buffalo and New York, who on Saturday In a barrel went over Niagara Falls, was recov- ered yesterday below the falls. The barrel was Intact but StaUiakls was suffocated ' to death. Tenders For Queen Charlotte Wharf Repairs Called Tenders arc being called by the federal department of public works for repairs to the wharf at Queen Charlotte City, appropriations to cover the work having been voted at the last session of Parliament. The tenders are returnable at noon, July 22. ASSIZES SEPTEMBER 17 VICTORIA, July 7: The fall ses-lon of the Supreme Court Assizes at Prince Rupert will be on September 17. The Prince George Assizes will open September 24. MK,IJKAIY IS NOMINATED The first nomination to be filed for Skeena riding In the forthcoming federal election Is 4 that of James Charles Brady, giving his occupation as a teacher, whose papers were presented this morning to Re- turning Officer E. H. Mortl- mer. Mr. Brady's nominators nr npnrcfi mil. II. Ai Breen. J. II. Thompson, Cyril H. Orme. W. R. McAfee. D. C. Stuart, R. 1 E. Benson, R. W. Cameron. ,J. A. Klrkpatrlck, William Gil- ; Christ and W. E. Fisher. W. E. Fisher, Smith Block, is named as Mr. Brady's official agent. PUBLIC MEETING In the interests of J. C. Brady , Conservative Candidate for Skeena Will be addressed by HON. H. H. STEVENS and MR. BRADY it . i" Moose.Hall, Monday July 7, 8.15 p.m. Seats reserved for Ladles 0 Boys, 8 and undcr--Allan Leigh- ton, George Baker. Qlrls, 12 and under Marjorie Sllversldes, Marcelle Jabour. Boy, 12 and under Robert Gib son, Gordon Munro. Girls, 14 and under Francis LJsney, Lilian Jones. , Boys, 14 and under William Grosvener, Robert Gibson. Young ladles' race Olive Munro, Florence Grosvenor. Ladles' novelty balloon race-Mrs. Dan Jabour, Mrs. Dawes. Mixed novelty thread and needle race Olive Munro and F. W. Allan, Mr. and Mrs. Rice. Married ladles Mrs. Sam Jabour, Mrs. Dan Jabou"r. Ladles and gents 3-legged race-Olive Munro and William Brooks-bank, Miss Florence Grosvenor and BUI Grosvenor. , Men's sack' race Jack Nelson, William Brooksbank. Men's 100-yard dash WJlllam GroflVMior, Stan Smith. Ladies' sack, racer;Mrs,1La4n3Ja-bour,, Mrsi. am .Jabour. Children's 3-legged race W. Grosvenor and Gordon Munro, Dwlght Rice and Nancy Dawes. TERRACE, July 8-Mr. and Mrs. A. McLcod entertained tho High and Public School staffs: Mr. Walsh, Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Robinson and Master Theodore Robinson on Thursday and Saturday evenings before their departure for summer vacation. Remarkable system of new transport is to be tried out nrxt month at Milnsavie. near Glassnw. when the "rail plane.'' Invented by Mr. George Bonnie. Mill be demonstra V the pubUc. Xha .coa reshaped like an airship, will be dilvcn along overhead rails by a pr seller at each end. ROYAL ARCH HASPICNIC TurwcH Island Was Scene of Enjoyable Outing Yesterday For Members of Kaien Chapter Kalen Chapter, Royal Arch Ma sons, held its annual picnic Sunday on the sandy shores of Tugwcll Island. Good weather favored the event and a large crowd of members of the chapter, their wives and families had a very enjoyable, outing. Private boats were used principally in carrying the picnickers to the island. Mrs. E. B. Baker distri buted prises to the following race winners: , Tiny tots race, prim for all. Girls, 8 and unJer--Jessie Gibson, Joan Baker. Hon. H.ELStevens States Publicly That Peace River Outlet Must Go to Vancouver By Way of P. G. E. In an address at North Vancouver Friday night the Vancouver Province reports Hon. H. H. Stevens as follows: "Without further delay the Peace River country must have connection with the Pacific Coast, and this connection must be with Vancouver." Amplifying this statement, he said: . "The taxpayers of this province have some $63,-000,000 in the P.G.E., which Liberal policy has left with its northern end in the air. I contend that line must be extended to the Peace River country and that the Federal Government must co-operate in sq-curing that purpose." CAMERON LAKE FLIGHT IS ISMADEPARKj AT AN END Announcement Made Today By , Trojected Trans-Atlantic ivrlrr Tnlml, R.rrilnr Crossing Island Timber Stand ! VICTORIA, July 7:-Cameroh I.ake Forest nn Vancouver Island, one of the world's finest timber 'stands, will be macd a provincial park under plans announced by, Premier Tolmle. GGNAN DOYLE PASSES AWAY Noted Author and Spiritualist Dies Today at Ilis'llome in London 'J From' Heart i Disease " LONDON. Jutt-wSIr Arthur Conan Doyle, aged 71, creator of "Sherlock Holmes" and widely knqwn spiritualist and author, died I at his home here today from heart disease. He had been ill for two months. THE WEATHER Prince Rupert Cloudy, calm, temperature, 50. of Major Wynne-Eyton Falls at Start ST. JOHN'S, Nfld., July 7: A projected trans-Atlantic flight by Major C. B. Wynne-Eyton, British airman, ended yesterday when, starting the flight from the lining field at Harbor Grace, the tiny Molh plane crashed from a height of 30 feet, caught fire and was.'de-stroytd. Wynne-Eyton, himself, was painfully injured. TWO DOUKHOnOU SCHOOLS BURNED NELSON. July 7: A brick school built last year at the Doukhobor colony at Glads at a cost of $18,000 was completely wrecked by dynamlto on Saturday morning. On Friday night, a new school at Brilliant, valued at $5,000; was do stroyed by fire. FATAL AIR , COLLISION Newr Westminster Student Pilot Killed in Crash at Camp Borden Today , uiiAWA, July 7: Provincial ,' Pilot Officer E.W. Sorenen of New Westminster, B.C., was killed and Provisional, PUotj, Of fleer O. D. Poolef of Woodrbffe, Ont, was ser- lbusly injured as a result of a collision In the air at Camp Borden this morning. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, July 7: Wheat was quoted at 94c on the local exchange today. Vol. I. y Tomorrow's Tides ' BOSTON GRILL Tuesday, July g, 1930 LARGE cAaiuei High . . Special Dinner Thunday and Saturday! . 12.33 p (Lrft Danclnc Every Saturday Nl'bt, 9 to 12 Low 6.18 t. Dance Hall (or Hire Accommodation for Private Partlw NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHONE 457 Vol. XXI., No. 157. PRINCE JZUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JULY 7, 1930 PRICE FIVE CEN1U GAME WARDEN IN KOOTENA Y IS SHOT AMY JOHNSON SLAPS YOUNG MAN'S FACE Remarkable System of New Transport Enthusiastic Admirer of Girl Aviator Now Nurses Bloody Nose "Johnny" Is Given Great Reception In Perth Where She Arrived Today In Course of Tour of Australian Cities PERTH. Western Australia. .Tnlv 7! vnimrr mnn in Perth knows todav that Amv .Tnhnsnn. rhn Fnfrlioh rrtrl i who recently made a solo flight from England to Austra-; lia, can only be kissed at her own sweet will. There were i wild scenes on the streets of this city when the smiling girl aviatrix arrived here in the course of a tour of Australian cities. Her auto was mobbed by admirers and one enthusiastic young man attempted to kiss Miss Johnson but she slapped his face and he retired crestfallen to nurse a bleeding nose. SAWMILL IS DESTROYED Disastrous Fire at Harrison" Mills Yesterday Delayed Train Carrying Premier King HARRISON MILLS. July 7: Fire destroyed an unused sawmill of the Rat Portage Lumber Co., the Canadian Pacific freight sheds and telegraph wires and threatened a score of houw a h.m laie j sterday afternoon. The damage Is estimated at $30,000. As a result of the fire, the Koo-tenay express train, with Premier King an his party on board, was delayed for several hours. For quick results try a .d" In the Dally New. The Political Corner Monday, July 7, 1930 'want- No. 22. Does Mr. Brady Know? Messrs. Stevens and, Brady are busy telling the people that the Mackenzie King Government has not reduced taxation. We might believe them If we did not happen to know dlfferenUy Our own.lnlvidual experiences hare made.it very clear to us that our taxes have been lowered in the last five years. All of ut know that the three cent postage has been reduced by the Liberals to two cents; we know that they abolished the receipt tax altogether and that the tax on cheques has been so much reduced that we now pay only two cents on cheques larger than $10. Our business men all know that the sales tax in 1021 was three per cent whereas today it is only one per cent, but, of course, Mr. Brady cannot be expected to know this. Those of us who were fortunate or Unfortunate enough to have to pay. an income tax know that In 1921 a married man with two children paid a tax on all income over $2600, whereas today he does not pay unless hlc Income Is over $4000. Mr. Brady must know this and he must also know that his exemption for each child has been Increased from $300 to $500, a substantial advantage, to Mr. Brady. And Uierc'are those of us who today do not have to pay any Dominion. Income tax at all, whereas on the same amount of Income five years ago We had t6 pay very hedvy- taxes Indeed, and It Is very Idle for Messrs. Stevens and Brady tb try to tell lis that this Is not soi Tho thing which doesi puzzle us, Ihowcvcr, Is why they say such things. Why do they waste the time of the electors with such piffle? If Mr. Brady does not know better, then, as a public man and a lawmaker, he should. If he docs know better, then as a public man tho electorate will have to teach him that It does not pay to attempt deception. Perhaps Mr. Stevens will be prepared to tell us on Monday evening that we are quite mistaken and that our taxes havr not been reduced at all, and that we arc each of us paying just a-, much taxes to the Dominion Government as we did five years ago. , ft i1