and cart durmy recent ivhear.iat by with London equestrian display. Shingles, Etc. mounted police in connection Golden Wedding At Bella Coola Anniversary Celebrated Recently By Pioneer Residents of Valley Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Livelton, members of the original band of settlers In the Bella Coola valley, recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, a large number of the elder colonists and later arrivals assembling to observe the occasion In fitting manner. Mr. and Mrs. Livelton arrived at Bella Coola 36 years ago and have since that time played a prominent part In the life of the district. A fltttng address was given by Rev. J. E. Rendle. On behalf of the community, O. J. Lokken presented Mr. and Mrs. Livelton with a purse of money. Mr. and Mrs. Livelton replied suitably. P. J. Boutell, local manager for the International correspondence School, sailed last night on the Ca-tala for a week's business trip to Anyox and Stewart. t v ; Monday, July 7, 1930 PAGE SIX THE DAILY KBW8 Rider und mount clearing horse 6 KILN DRIED SPRUCE, CEDAR AISTD IIEiMLOCK FINISH, CEILING, RUSTIC, MOULDLNGS, ETC. I Specialties R Edge Grain Boat Cedar. Kiln Dried Edge Grain S Hemlock Flooring Spruce and Cedar Shlplap, Boards, Dimensions and Timbers Doors, Windows, Odd lots off-grade material at reduced prices. 5 BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD. g 5 Lumber manufacturers Prince Rupert, B.C. H If you lose anything, advertise for it. Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results NORTH ID. I RUNGOOD LFrejlcrick Island Fishermen Alsoj 1 fta've ''aRslSetJry KStifsjlliii Hippo Discouraging NORTH ISLAND. July 7: A good I run of spring salmon has been Ishnwinir tin rinrlnor the nast week On ! (the North Island fishing grounds. (Fishermen are very busy sit their; loccupatlon and are catching plenty ; iof fiste Prices paid by the Canadian iFlsh & Cold Storage Co. are 1,5c and ( 1 10c with a 16-pound break. Amerl-. ican buyers are offering the same I price but with a 15-pound break, j The coho run has improved and ' j these fish sell at 30c. j Good fishing is also reported from , the Frederick Island grounds where 'many boats have been doing well. I The trolling boat Beaver reports a 1 large school of pink salmon moving In that vicinity. j I The Beatrice reports poor fishing around Hippo Island. Prices j there are 14c and 10c. Many of the Skidegate fisherman have become: idiscouraaed and left for home. Smithers School to Be Extended Increased Juvenile Population Makes Both Public and High School Additions Necessary SMITHERS, July 7: The local school board plans the erection this year of a two-room Addition to the public school here in order to keep pace with steadily Increasing school population. At the same time, a new room will have to be added to the two-room 'High school. Will Represent Local Gyro Club At TacomaMeet W. H. Tobey has been named delegate to represent the Prince Rupert Gyro Club a? the International convention to be held toward the end of this month In Tacoma. L. W. Waugh and N. . Freeman have been selected alternates should Mr. Tobey be unable-lo?make the trip. m A "Masterpiece" K of Chocolate "It's not difficult to create a 'masterpiece' if yu have the right things to work with and the skill to use them," observed Plain Mr. York of York, Yorks. "And nothing could be better than the wonderful blended flavour of crisp white Valencia almonds and big juicy Nectar raisins when skilfully combined with Rowntrec's delicious chocolate." MIt really is a 'Masterpiece' -and we named it Rowntrec's MQ0R1NG CHOCOLATE. 1 Just try it for yourselfyou'll love it!" There are two kinds of Uowntree's MOTORING CHOCOLATE. One is plain chocolate with almonds and raisins, the other, milk chocolate with almonds and raisins. They are both really delicious. Iti ( i. ni l i iirK ROWNTREEl MOT RING CHOCOLATE Plain or Milk Chocolate vith Almondr Gr Rairiar ir LOCAL ITEMS Mrs. Frank Clapp returned to; the city on today's train after a; visit at Terrace. K"i"i'r"' PMtf W 1 nWi'nre ' Frizzell returned to the fclty today's train from a brief j visu in fori Essingion. Mrs. M. A. Cupula of Haysoprt arrived' in the city on today's train from the Skeena River for a brief visit in town. ;Capt. J. B. Colthurst of Tcrrac arrived itt'the city on today's train from the Interior" to spend a few days in town. Oordon Singer is a passenger aboard the Prince Charles today bound from Vancouver to his home In Massett. A son was born a week ago last' Saturday in the General Hospital at Vancouver to Mr. and Mrs. O. Phllllpson of this city. Thomas A. Kelley, well known Qneen Charlotte Island logging operator, was an arrival in the city Saturday afternoon. R. C. Cunningham of Port Es-slngton arrived In the city on today's train from the Skeena River for a brief visit In town. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Webber sail-H on the Prince George Saturday evening for a holiday trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. a Mrs. C. Lundqulst and family, who have been on a trip south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prince Charles this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ersklne of DIgby Island sailed on the Prince George Saturday evening for their annual holiday trip to Vancouver and Victoria. M. Valentin of Valentin Dairy will sail on the Prince Charles this evening to make the round trip to Stewart, Anyox and Mas-sett Inlet points. James Munnis of Shawatlans Lake sailed on the Prince Oeorge Saturday evening for his annual vacation, trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. Regular monthly, meeting of the Prince Rupert Ministerial Associa tion have been cancelled for the summer months and the next reg of ular session will be In September. New equipment for the Boys' Band, order through Bryant & Oreer. has arrived. It consists of nine suits and several music pou ches. The band now has a total of thirty-one complete suits. Mrs. C. H. Sawle of New Hazel ton and Mrs. W. A. Oow of South Hazelton, who have been visiting In the city for a few days, re turned on today's train to the In terlor. . Dr. D. Oow, medical health officer of the city of Calgary, and Mrs. Oow were passengers aboard the Princess Alice this morning going north to make the round trip to Skagway. K. Y. Spencer arrived In the city : yesterday from Fort Saskatchewan; Alberta, to loin the staff of the Canadian National Railways ticket office here for relief duty during the next two months. t Hon: II. II. Stevens of Vancou-; ver, who is to be the chief speaks ; at a Conservative campaign meet Ing here tonight, arrived in th- city on today's boat fmm Vancou-! ver. He is accompanied by Mr. Stevens and Ex-Mayor T. S. Bax-i ternti Vanwuyef 'who 'will also Jspoak) ' There were 164 passengers on board C P. R. steamer Princess Charlotte' which was here Satur day afternoon' from Skagway to Vancouver. Thirty-nine passen- crs disembarked here from the 'eilsel.r m6st of them belnir mcm- bl Mot the basebixll cxcur$16h to Ketchikan. T 1 Members of the International! Zonta Club, after having made the round trip to Skagway following the recent convention of the organization In Seattle disembarked here from the steamer Prince Rupert this morning. and proceed-! rd East by special car attached to j the regular train. A few members' of the club arrived on the Prince Charles from the south, to Join the eastbound party here. ' Hon. R. Lemieux in Speaker of House of Commons elevated to Senate TAGGING SALMON Camp Is Established in Massett In let By Official of Biological Board i A. L. Prltchard of , the Departure Bay (Vancouver Island) Biological Station has established a camp at McLlnton Creek, Massett Inlet, for the purpose of determining returns from salmcp seeding. A fish fence has been Installed to count the fish going In and out. It Is said that hatchery may ultimately be estab lished at this point to assist In building up the Massett Inlet pink salmon run during off years. Mr. Prltchard has the trpllcrs Taklo'O. and Ha chartered for tag ging spring salmon around the Islands. L. McIIugh and H. J. Alex ander are the taggers and they re port that many fish are being tag ged. Mr. Prltchard has made many friends among the fishermen who are taking kindly to his scientific work which they believe will be at tended with successful results. PRINCE DAVID COMING OVER Second New CN.U. SU-amer Lravcs Birkenhead This Week Under Captain Ncdden The Prince David, second of three steamers built in England for the British Columbia coast service the Canadian National Steam ships, will leave Birkenhead, England, where she was built, on Wednesday of this week and Is due to reach Vancouver on August 5. Capt. II. E. Nedden is to be in command of the Princ David on her Atlantic crossing. The vessel will go Into service between Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Robert Tnnnlton, for drunkenness, was fined $25, with option of thirty days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont In city police court this morning H TWO SHOWS Mon. & Tues. 7 & 9 p.m. CONRAD NAGEL In Cecil B. DeMille's All-Talking Spectacle g "Dynamite" S (11 reels) Drama and Thrills, TRULY SENSATIONAL raramoum hound News !g 2 Admission 20c A; C Polish SPECIALS Johnson's Liquid g-J gg Johnson's Liquid . 0C i i i a va Liquid Veneer, 55c j Large bottle . . ,0'Ccdar Polish AZn I Large bottle ...... te' Pearl White Naptha ff ft0 i Soap, 11 bars for . tfV I Eureka Bleach 2 bottles for Lux 35c 3 pkgs. for . . . Amonia 35 c 2 bottles for . . Johnson's Floor Polishr Premier Duplex Vacuum Clearier and Polisher for rent. o-a en Per day ?A.tfV Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Arriving Every lloat Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 5th Avenue Eat rilO.NK Ik AM) 81 Hearing of the case In which D. R. Stein and Herbert Porter m Vancouver are charged with buy Ing game out of season reopeno! before W. E. OolUson, Justk-e of the peace, in provincial polio court this morning and Is continu ing this afternoon. B.C remember Baby's milk is always safe If it is Carnation Milk. It is free from all bacteria, high in food value, and more digestible than milk in any other form. Write lor Mary BJtkt Cock Book CABNATtnM rr iiumn 114 AbbK SirtM, VtKnr, The Safeeuurded Milk "from Contented Cows"