PAQB TWO DAILY EOrnOK The Daily News pkince kupert - British Columbia rtabNMrtd Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prtoee Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue H. P. ?ULLEN MaeagiBg-Kdltor 'yi y Advertising and Circulation Telephone 9S Editor and Reporters' Teleplione 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Presbyterian Xinas Tree Is Happy Affair Sunday School pupils of First Presbyterian Church turned out in very large numbers but night for a Christmas Tree entertainment in tnt ehureh hall, the seating capacity of which was taxed to the limit. The affair was in charge of John E. Oavey, superintendent of the Sunday School, and teachers assisted gene rally. In opening the program. Mr. Dave? thanked Jim and Ja1c Bremner. who had suppUsd tfjfr Christmas Tree, and Frank Wlfflferott, Allan Kergin and the CajnaMn girls who had done the decora ttntj. The program was as follows: Piano solo, Margaret doe Gulick. Vocal solo, Beatrice Berner. accompanied by Jean Ritchie. Recitation, Donald Bay- Vocal soko. Jimmy Waugh. Piano soto, Elsie FlncHay. Recitation, Marcll Jabour. Vocal solo. Beulah MeKiniey. accompanied by Mrs. J. C. Oilker. Immediately upon conclusion of the program, Santa Clans arrived on the scene. Presents hi the form of books were given by Santa to all the pupils of the Sunday School. Proficiency and attendance prises for the year were also presented. In j addition, confections were distributed lavishly among the kiddies. BOY SCOUTS MAKING TOYS Hare Done Excellent Work This Season Large Lot Dispatched j This Morning to Interior ' Boy Scoots of the city. Under the leadership of P. C Miner, have done much tbnery and useful work during the past few weeks to the way of repairing toys with a view to pre-en ting them to Beady faasuses in day and (ttstrtefc To date, over 400 ftsjys have thaw been repaired and Um boys ate still fsrac strong. This meniswg by train, 93 huge parcels, containing about 388 toys, were mailed to families in tar interior who wul appreciate them. Tops reels went principally to families of new settlers. A similar number of toys, if not more, will be distributed in the city where they are needed. The Boy Scouts were assisted to the toy repairs by members of Tee H. i Louis Mazzei. on a charge of ob structing pedestrian traffic, was fined $10. with option of seven days' imprisonment, in city police court this morning. Aeroplanes . . .50c to S1.25 ABC Blocks SUM) Archery Sets $1.25 Trucks G5c to $1.50 Flapper Dolls $1.50 to $3.50 Humrainir Tods 35c to $1.00 Telephones 75c Sallv Ann Carnnt Sweeper $1.00 Easol Blackboards . .$1.75 Dolly's Tea Set $1.25 to $2.00 ' Tumbling Twins . . . .$1.00 Teddy Bears (They Growl) $1.45 Boys' Sleighs $1.00 Whirly Willie 60c Percolator Sets ....$1.50 Steam Engines $1.50 to $2.00 Mechanical Trains $1.50 to $2.00 . ' Extra Tracks. 6 pieces 75c J -JLJioz Kornor Kottage (Cut Outs) $1.00 Toy Wagons & Kid- tue tiars . .$2.00 to $7.00 Pressed Steel Wagons $2.00 Children's Paint Boxes 25c to 10c ONI?, steamer Prince Cant. William Thomas, it wot' ex 'Charlotte Island points. Princes Mary tor where he will pend ths and 2tev Tear vacation. sehotr ehooJ- El THE DAILY NEWS Saturday. Decfi..:v? LOCAL NEWS ITEMS C. Swans ailed but night on; th Prineeat Mac? fee enroute to Montreal. It. .' KS" James Field called but evenin e Prince George tot Vancoo- M toe service of the pected back before tomorrow fran pontine" of her regular wwat to ail Queen department i. Wissuun.' Di H. HamKoer. who mondngH train tor Winnipeg. Ht Cor Canada constructio: here, left on this Saturday. Dec. M, 1938 j E. H. Boweriiir. Terrace IrSpeeWr John MaedonaMf pro -principal, sailed ten night on tlfc'tlk! pence saaen last night oh Vsmcover '!le fitmi George for Vancouver Christmas and' 'Victoria where he will spend ithe ChrfsteiM and New Tear hoft- idaye. T. A. Bryant, school teacher at! MMakatta. nerf last ev-ntog on! rp j. 5 rolttmrst arstved in the Prince George for Vancouver: he efty er Thursday afternoon"' where he win rond th? Christmas j train after a visit at Terrace and New Year vacation. where. Be formerly resided, and C. X. R steamer Prince Johc ailed last evening on the .eotfce for Victoria near Cant. Neil McLean is leaving Van- city he now lives. Prince which -nrer today far Prince B-'ioert via. . he Qnren CharVtte In'anch and Tum Crockett Ssalthers High ? due here abo-jt nest Thwrsday. gehool ptwicloaL wew arrived in :"e rtrr from the Interior on! D. M Hartnees. prtnotpeJ of Thotadsajr. sailed tet evening on' tine Brtwarf fTvb sv-hoo! sailed the Prtoee Oeeege for Vancouver last evening or rve pnnoe jnrsr itn he wUl spend Use Christmas for Vanmraver where he will spend and H9W Tear TSratbin the Christnas vstf Hem Tear va-i rutbm i pan oibham Mt on this morn ' tug's tnrtn for Termwe where h Nsck Kbprosky charged wltn Trill, sr. and the week-end. return -drfvint to the common danger, an- mg t.IV efty ttmorrow afte.-oeared before bfiejstrat- MeCly- Matt, saw mother, wtio recentl. -wot in env pMre court UH r4flrrst parabtie stroke, is now -tornine and was reawadecT untfl ntarh better. hb aft-rnoon. j 1 WWaea White who knocked! J I. Btetnriter it the b-.rge and don BMmd G A. Rtx with his car! ferry department of th Canadian National RaJrwaT sail '-I last ev-; enbtg by the Prince Georwr for Vancouver. H rpi;t a f"v -la,-3! days here taking delivery of the three weeks ago as a result of1 which the bitter has been in the) rJospRat since, pleaded guilty be -, 'ore Magistrate McClymont in city pouce court wis morning on new car barge bui't at th- local dry charge of driving to the common ! dock tor the service of 'iie -m- danger and was fined $10. withi pany between Port Mann and Van- option of seven days' Imprison-j rouver Is'and. ment. 8. A. Mm principal 0 Borden Street School, sailed: but evening on. the Pf(hce George for Victoria where die wit! spend the Christmas and New Tear vacation. Sigurd Walastedt, organiser of the Uooae Lodge from Juneau, sail-1 en kwt evuwug on the ss. Prtne geflrge for Seattle after having i spent a couple of days bx the citf For the convenience of. tfee pub-lie and in order to dear shepjace of as man Christmas pareek ai possible, general delivery wickets of the Post Office win be opwi Sundavi evening The Postmaster requests as many cJUseus as possible tq call and get their parcels on that occasion. Moose Christmas Tree Whist Drive and Dance Success A most saccessfu' affair was the whist drive and dance heM last night by the Moose Lodge In aid of Its Christmas Tree fond. Taee were twenty-eight tables of wrnst and prise -winners wen: Ladles' first. Mrs. C. Wilson; second. Mrs. Percy Cameron; men's first. Nt Jensen; second. Capt. James Morrison. After cards, dellctost refresh ments were served and dancing followed with music by the Pre mier Orchestra. The drawing for a plant Feewl- ted in OlUis Royer being the win ner. Gillis Royer was master of cere monies and W. Logan presided at the door. Pete Peterem was gen era! chairman hi charge of the a f fair with members of the seciali committee assisting. Ladies of the Mooseheart Legion were in charge of the kitchen. v ' 11111,. .mM- SrTU layout Invite You to m L Christmas Cards, Tags, and Seals, Bells, etc. We Cordially Come To our store and inspect our stock of Christmas gifts. You Will find here gifts suitable for all, from ''bajiy. up to mother and dad. And best of all at prices that all purses will be able to meet. Come early before the stock is depleted and shop in l&pnifort. Make this Your Store Third Avenue, Opposite Bcsncr Block LASflNtH PLACE CARD NH1080 Cruris ..... $3.00 Boys' and Girb' OwrT Annual $3.25 Rose, Cowan & Latta, Ltd. Phone 231 Price 50c a bor Suffered From Heart Troahfe Became Veak and RUn Do For a Umg period I miSnd 1 and' bceame rvrj wrtk tad rn.-van$Ai mzeAYrx, but t did 1 . dr I tritmi aa4 UM t . Eiie said At W k4 heart t.-...' U-butlrfttrwriig; Miibna's Pillt for a abort tfaM k had , b. r trouble, m I g two them I ni amin fntkg sac. m t b4 IL N. Pilb to asyuut . heart tivuLW 8U kO 4rg nU rmni ilun,. or nulir4 dirci M mm ,, U lOBnn Ok. U4 . Tmut 0t " Frank Dibb, who- was seized withi Mtos Mary Eath from 8 p.m. to 7 p m tomeHWvyHness at work In his .office last lis Lamb and Mia; h weec, is ieeang somewnat Detter; sooth Memorial now but he may have to go sailed last Vancouver for treatment at the ideas for their her hands of specialist before return- j spend the Chr: . Jng to his work. Tear vacafkML in" Greater Tire Values give you a better buy Never were tire values as great at they are today. For nowhere can you get more mileaee. easier steering, and safer traction, more dependability and more beauty than in these Dominion, Royals at our interesting, low prices I ROYALS S. E. Parker Ltd. FORD DEALEllS f 1 ' 1 .ii U ill ' - . ,i . . . , THE STORE OF CHRISTMAS HELPFULNESS Make this a Happy Xmas for the Kiddies Only a Few of Our Many Toys Shown Here 1 ex Toyland Suggestions Gifts That Will be Treasured Suggestions For Him or Her Fountain Pens $2.50 to $12.00 Pen & Pencil Sets $3.50 to $15.00 Waterman Desk Sets $7.50 to $8.00 rt China Ware A, splendid selection of exquisite pieces in Japanese Vases, Cloisonne and Satsuma Ware. Fancy Stands in Ebbny and Rosewood Finish $2.00 to $l.0O Xmas Decorations Tinsel Oorlands, Tree Ornaments, Dells, Etc. Christmas Roping, Ked and Green, 2 bunches for Z5e Portable Typewriters An acceptable gift for him or her $75.00 Framed Pictures 75c to $5.50 Christmas Crackers $2.00 to $4.25 Books Fbr Boys, and Girls 50c to $3.00 For Little Tots 15c to $2.50 Books for All c v.. Tie MtSky tt a gtft a will r-.y wC bt coMiddtJ ' wohi tfee ajft of eita It 11 GMfx tba m twmetl r . pw far fwrf nr, vwirhtnJ. PAKHITE FITTED CASES Milady can travel with every toilet requisite she may require all carried in a compact foldlnr tray, which can be removed and carried as a separate unit. These cases arc strongly made and beautifully finished. Fitted Cases From $13.00 to $36,00