Iturday, December 20 1930 'able Crackers and Bon Bons For Christmas I'he finest assortment in town to choose from. These contain a wide variety ot Favors, Hats and Mottos. Popularly priced from 20c to $2.00 Box "S am tfc Qhurdx $txvcz$ ism A- 7 Dfio Pioneer Drtigrisls Phones SI & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. TllKKU liKAlJUATK PIIAUMICISTS THESALVATION ARMY , Special Chrtotmac meetings Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7:30 pjn. The morning subject, "GIVING GIFTS." Evening subject, "HOW TO KEEP CHRISTMAS." Good Instrumental and vocal music. Everyone come. Monday 'ChrUtma tree. You are invited. Thursday, Christmas dinner for the one away from home. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev, J. II. Gibson. Dan Holy communion at 8 am, Morning prayer and aermon at 11 ajn. Sunday School at 12: 30, Evening prayer fttid sermon at 7:30. Anthem, "I AM ALPHA AND OMEGA." The services on Christmas Day will be cwTdueted at8 a.m.nnMl ia - ' ' .:' vFIRST UNITED CHURCH - w Pastor Rev. A. WJlsonlLutf , r n Morningr worship at lV o'clock, "subject, "A LffifEE ' CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM " ChOttl by Jnntor .Choir. WHEN ANGELS TO BETHLEHEM CAME." Sunday School at 12:15. White gtft offering by children. Evening service at. 7 30 Apthems by the choir IMMAONUBL, GOD WITH "LEfUT3 NOW OO EVEN UNTO BETHLKHEM." Solo by JT " 8. Wilson. "O NIGHT DIVINE." FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Kev. F. V. Difoe. U.IK .Minister t Morning worthlp at 11 o'clock. Subject, "THE BIRTH OF CHRIST, THE BEGINNING OF A NlW AGE." Bible School at 12:15. Evening service at 7:30. Subject, "THE.CHRISTMAS MESSAGE." Solo. "NAZARETH," by Mehrln Defoe. A cordial welcome, and a Merry Christmas to everybody. ST. PETERS CHURCH. SlAL COVE (SEAL COVE CIRCLE) Canon W. F. Ruhbrook,'H-, I- Th, R.D. S)Rcial service celebrating the Twentieth Anniversary of the opening and dedication of the St Petert Crwreh will, bo held at 7:30 pm. December 21. Special and appropriate music by the choir awltted by Mrs. JarvU McLeod. All former adherent and oW time mfnbire garMeu-larly invited to attend. F!RST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. J. Kennedy Moming worship at 11 o'clock. Subject, "BETHLEHEM THE HILL OF BLE8SINO." Sunday School and Junior Bible Class at 12:15. Evening service at 7:30. Subject, "THE ANGEL'S MESSAGE." OUR COAL IS IK A DRV SHED the econorrtlcal side of life. If When you arc buylne coal look on ink 10. Sd-.tart today and burn wet you buy coal, ypu.arc Hrv iin(l cewftdt 10 means to jou. PEMlllNA EOG-Dcllvercd, Per Ton $J2-5Q .............. ...y-, i.i...-..,l l'nr 'inn MINEHEAD LUSIP Delivered, l'cr Ton HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 5S0 Early M'SMmMwmm(3ki 'I! If Local Items Glasses fitted by rcelstertd optometrist at Heilbroner's store. !' . ' . -.I til! TO Moose Xmaa Tree Sunday 4?A T i a. e n n . ir;i v-einuer 4i, ai iuu, ,wi . . kHUHUA-.l .UI1J... AAA uiciu iters cuuuieu. Walter Hume sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver enroute to Kelowna where he will spend the Christmas and New Year vacation with his .family. Under' the heading "Alberta's Second Port," The Edmonton Bui Jetln reprints a recent editorial in the Prince Rupert Daily News inierybody welcome, connection witn me new power op ening here. Miss Margaret Maguire and Miss Maude iMagulre of Booth Memorial School teaching staff sailed last night on, the Cardena for Vancouver enroute to their home at Salmon Arm. The former, who broke her leg a few weeks ago and is not yet recovered, will be away fpr some time while the latter will be back immediately after the con elusion of the holidays. SPECIAL t - Fmh ; killed Uulkley Valley Chickens at 35c. per lb. Frlz-lell's. 297 FROM ST. JOHN GLASCOW-BrLFAST-LIVEK POOL ... ,i 'zrhi'islocrals t 1 OF . transportation rfVNADIAN National offer ' fpjany iuiurlca and eoiu-forts' wliicli aild pleaiire to jour trip South by Steamer or Eatt by Train. Saillnga from Prince Rupert to 'Vancouver, tlienco la Trl-Clty Serlee to Victoria and Seattle, Thursday 10.00 !'. lor Anyoi and ' Stewart, Vrlneila 4.00 p.m. t Irular crrTlera to North "ami South Queen Charlotte Inland. Parllcutara of ali-injjales, etc., on reiieU Paaaencer train leave Prince Rupert for Edmonton, Winnipeg, and pointa Eatt every Monday, Wcdnenlay and Saturday at 11.30 a.m. W-141 II. V MiNAt'CllTON "Vitlrlrl Paurnlrr Ainl Prince Kupvrt Jau.j. iico. 6 Menu tJan 0. Feb. 13 MUUIMOM Jan. lb M-mtslW sJM. 83, FeS Tl MrotMlm xFt 30 MontKae xNot colling at Beiraat. FROM NEW YORK To CHERnOUUO-SOUTILVMPTON tin to 14 DustMB ot Bedford ilOMSAl;!frJOIIN- lERIlOURG-SOUTHAMPTON HAMBURG March IS Mlnncd.i FROM VANCOUVER To IUwII-Japati- tt!n-t'Mllppln Xlrn t. Mr. 14 of Asia xJan. 17. (Mar. 38. Err.p. ot Cara.1t iJan.Sr. Apl 11. E3vpre;i of Runs i xFdl.M. sApl. 36 Emcs al J.tpu'i f"'tdtn-. ckU mi. Honolulu Aeolv to Acenu eTenwhere or J.J. roiwTI It SVeamahlp Oenl. Pm. A sent C P R Station Vajtomirer. Telephone Trinity 11H Orders 50c. and THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Dlnnerware, china, glassware. Hcilbroner'a crockery, Store. for Xmas Trees taken, up. Phone-Back 415. 299 Miss E. A. Mercer,., Miss Jessie Rothwell and Miss May Martin will sail on ss. Catala tomorrow ev erring to make the round trip to AriyqSfewart and other northern pomps, iney are an memoers o; Booth' Memorial School teaching staff. Lief Erlckson Gathering Dec. 20 in Moose Hall. Children's Xmai Tree at 2.30 . p.m; Evening program starts' at 8.30. There will be, the very best program and the finest entertainment. Let us all go and have a good time. Good music. Ev- 291 Union steamer Cardena, Capt. James Findlay, arrived in port al 6.15 last evening from the south and sailed at 12T midnight on her return to Vancouver and way- points. The vessel took 'south a large crowd of local people going south for the Christmas and New Year holidays. F. L. Racey and Harry King of the construction department of the Power Corporation of Canada sailed last night on the Cardena for Vancouver. They will be back hero within the next two or three weeks to wind up their work locally before proceeding to company headquarters in Montreal. SPECIAL Fresh killed Bulkley Valley Chickens at 35c. per lb. Friz-zell's. 297 ill ANNOUNCEMENTS Elks' New Elks' Home. , Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. Christ mas Tree December 20. Moose Christmas Tree Dec. 21. Eagle's Christmas. Tree Dec. 2. Baptist Christmas Tree December 23. Sons of Norway Christmas Tree December 26. Lief Erlckson Christmas Gather ing December 26, Moose HalL I.OD.E. Annual Children's Dance December 30. Moose Legion dance New Year's Eve. Hogmanay dance I.O.D.E. Year's Eve Cabaret. Presbyterian Burns' Banquet on January 23. D. J. Hartley, school principal at Anyox, disembarked here from the Prince Geosge yesterday and sail ed last night on the Cardena for Vancouver where he will spend the Christmas and New Year vaca tion. ATTENTION ELKS. All Elks desiring tickets fo New Year's Eve Cabaret . notify Sam Joy or Bill Lambie before Dec. 20. 29fl UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY SAILINGS TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF YOUR VACATION PERIOD BY USING XJNION STEAMER CONNECTIONS S. S. Cardena leaves Prlnco Rupert Xer Vancouver FRIDAY MIDNIGHT, DEC. 19th, arriving Vancouver Sunday Midnight, Dec. 21st, (Breakfast served on board Mb'n. A.M., Dec: 22nd if desired) RETURNING leave Vancouver for Prince Rupert EITHER TUESDAY, 8 I'M DEC. 30th (S. S. Cardena) arriving back in Prince Rupert Friday, Jan. 2nd OR FRIDAY, 0 PJU, JAN. 2nd (S. S. Ca-tala) arriving back in Prince Rupert Sunday P.M., Jan. 4th. Special Return Fare $40.00 i Meals and Berths Included) Tickets on Sale NOW TILL FEBRUARY 28th, 1931 (With final return limit March 31st, 1931). Tickets and information regarding all sailings at , PRINCE RUPERT AGENCY SECOND AVENUE PHONE 5G8 B.C. COAST STEAMSHIPS SPEED WITH SAFETY Is what you will enjoy in a comfortable roomy car, by calling TAXI 25 Promptness, reliability and courtesy is our motto. A trial will be appreciated. Phone 25. MattVideck Ambulance and Taxi Service 1M Qiritiiia AT-" GENERAL ELECTRIC RADIO jf THE HIGHBOY $275 V 4 4 t 9 i C A THE LOWBOY $225 STUDIO LOWUOY $159 I YOU will make this a memorable Christmas if your gift to the family is a General Electric Radio ... the product of twenty million dollars radio research in General Electric's "House of Magic". . Four handsome models await your selection at General Electric Radio dealers. Each offers endurinc beauty . . . and the priceless gift of Full Range Reception. Once you hear this Full Range Radio you will realize that it is completely worthy to bear the name "General ENEEAL Electric". Here is FullRangc Selectivity that definitely separates stations and prevents overlapping. Here is Full Range Sensithity that brings in clearly and distinctly those stations which art too weak or distant for the ordinary sec And here is Full Range Tone that is a revelation of richness and fidelity. So great is the demand for thc General Electric Radio, you will be well advised to make sure that you will have the model you want in your home this Christmas. You can, of course, arrange payments to suit your convenience. ELEOpC FULL RANGE RADIO -For Sale by Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited N AD IAN G E NLLA.L EL ECTR IC CO., L I M I. HE D 12UESB B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, December 13, 27. Skaffway-: To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle-December 3, 17, January 1. Prlnccas Mary Ocean Falls, etc. Vanco uver and victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m. Agents For AU Steamship Lines W. C. Orchard, Den. Agent, 3rdAv., Prim:e Kuptrt. Phone St. SOMETHING NEW FOR LADIES AND GENTS Large assortment new clothes for autumn and winter Just to hand. All finest quality and latest patterns. Come in and see us today. Suit or overcoat complete and finished in three days, line, the Cutter Steam cleaning, pressing and altering. We deliver any part of the city. LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Vhone 619 I