Santa Claus Visited East End of Town Last Night Splendid Program By Children The "Vtllfkl'CfSStAia Tree' eft- titlnment of Rupert Bast United nitjrcjlkook place last evening In effuren hall which was taste- : iv decorated ior we occasion. 1 i re, was a large attendance. j saniJf'kHaua emerged from an old : : . h toned fireplace and chimney' nd presented gifts from the tree to the children of the Sunday 's, Iww.l t it MpTjvwI excelled In! Yr lions by a quintette consisting f Thelma Hedetrom, Margaret Mc-L hi. Edna Strand. Mickey Casey ..mi Alice Gomez, piano solos by ! i ma Archie, Ethel Moorehouse; . i Fredella reaeiia Stengel; atengei; aanu darkle dia Getting Better Heir Continues to Make Satisfactory Progress Toward Recovery From Chill LONDON, Dec. 20: Although still confined to his room, the Prince of Wales continues to make satisfactory progress after having suffered for the past few days with a severe chill. Read thf Dally News ads for that iast-mlnute Christmas gui Oberon. are believed to be among those who perished. He played against Australia in the three test match teen. The steamships were commanded by two brothers. Rescue ships were unable to locate any lifeboats whk may have jgoV a way-before tfee Obeeen sank. PRINCE RUPERT FUNNELS LOWER Pnt chairman of In the course of recent renova- e, ,1 the Barl Grey Musical and at Vancouver, the three stacks opon .rying out the role of Father ,K u. n. n. iwwr ( M tstmaa. I Rupert were cut down considerably After the Christmas Tree had ! acoordmg to word reaching the b-1 n unloaded, there was a delight- j cutting down of the stacks 2 .! musical program which included ijjgjj 5 mooted ever since the Rupert and the George were converted, to oil burners years ago. It was realised that lower stacks would Improve the appearance of the vessels and the change Is rc- u-, have eIect of mak and solos by Oeorgina Lamb, Rupert' a much trtamei trimmer 1 w -m U.(nna -lt mu Lune uomes; wn .hm Rhi in at Dresent on Dorothy Shrubsall. Ella Krause and I Eom Vancouver K..U. Kurulok; .iaTplace " of the Prince David. Mickey Casey, Thelma Hedstrom , ber -,d Edna Strand, and the telling of , When the annual overhaul ( this year t 1 : story of Peter Pan with lantern ii(U illustrations bv Rev. C. "'" Mntte. : funnels 'cut down. Unemployed Stage Demonstration In Vancouver But Are Routed By Police After Brief Street Riot VANCOUVER, Dec. 20: Nine persons, eight men and yesterday afternoon following arrested one woman, were a demonstration of unemployed on Victory Square and later at the Cambie Street grounds They were remanded nr. nnnnnrinir in citv Dolice court this morning until De cember temper 24 CA. Each iacn was wa b' given freedom on bail of $50.beven police were charged with assaulting I officers and two, Including the ar- Prince of Wales isft w,lh u"te""" " The police broke up the crowa which was gathered on Victory Square with vigorous wielding of their batons after the speakers had addressed the gathering from the steps of the cenotaph. The Cambie Street Grounds meeting was orderly until it broke up when a section rushed the police. A brief battle took place beiore tne demonstrators were routed. VANCOUVER WHEAT . ,nmntvr TW M: Wheat1 OTTAWA, Dec. 20:lrLleut. Col. Jamea W. Woods, aged 68, well, known Manufacturer, died here this morning. I Lieut. Col. Woods, president of the Woods Manufacturing Company, was not only an enterprising bust- i neas man but a patron of the arts ' and a public spirited citizen The) central plant of the company is at Hull, Que., whUe branch factories are located at Montreal. Toronto,! Winnipeg and Ottawa. He owned cotton mills at Wetland, Ont. Always i a firm believer in the future of Ottawa, he built several of the capital's larger buildings, some of which house government depart-: ' During a busy career, Col. Woods found time to devote his energies to j several philathropic enterprises. He ', was vice-president of the Ottawa j Red Cross, was chairman of the special committee for subscription to the Victory Loans from 1916 to . lilt and was chairman of the Brl-1 tlah aalkmra! Soldiers' Relief I FllT1fcresln the Carleton County Protestant Hospital (later amalgamated with the Civic Hospital) and equipped 1 the Woods dental clinic in 1902. ; The collection or paintings at his 'home, Klldare House, Ottawa, is i considered one of the finest in Can- Lieut. Col. Woods was born at Kll dare, Que.. April 10, 1863, and was a son ot Russell and Anne Woods. He was educated In private schools and Montreal College. He was associated with several firms before he entered business for himself In 185. In 1893 he married Ida F. Edward, and to them were born five children; the late Capt. John R. Woods, of the Coldstream Guards, who v&a killed in the battle of the Sosnsne. September. 1916; Margaret C. Woods, who martred Major G. SackvlUe Browne. D.S.O., Montreal; Ida E. Woods, now Mrs. John R. Booth. Ottawa; Shirley Edwards Woods and James W. Woods. Jr. Lieut. Col. Woods was first president of the Ottawa Hunt Club, of which the Duke of Connaught is the honorary president. He was for some years, colonel commanding the Governor General's Foot Guards, and was honorary member of the Guards Club of London. Eng. In 1909-10 he was attached to the Coldstream Guards of England. He was a member of the Rldeau Club, Ottawa; Mount Royal Club, Montreal; Toronto Club and York Club, Toronto; Widham Club, London, Eng.. and the Manitoba Club, Win nipeg. He was also a member of the Rdyal Geographical society. BIG nAV LUMBER CO. GIVES $2S FOR AR5IY FUND The Big Bay Lumber Co. Ltd. to day wrote a check for $?5 for the Salvation Army relief fund. This brlngsthe fund to well over $200 now. The Weather Triple Island Rain, fresh soutn east wind, moderate sea. Dead Tree Point Rain, south east Bue; uauumru.'! ou.u. tciii-i nMatuM 19- rnntrh km ' Langara Overcast, light east erly wind, sea calm. Prince Rupert Rain, afresh south it me on the local ex- east wind; barometer, 30.18 gmooth- change tod. sen Four elephants, representing In ..i -uurly rin annual great Lord Mayor's show. At Embankment entrance of Kinjs College, the jumbos charged the crowd, injuring twenty of the spectators. Pilot Wosson Finishes Grim Rescue Task With Bringing Out of Body ' ffd Bight. Inquest to Be Held In Yukon Town Before Corpse Is rmi Taken ottawa, Dec. 20:-Premier to Widow at Atlin Where Interment Will Be Made snowstorm after which the machine was frozen in. Was FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE Northern British Columbia Included In Latest Unemployment Grants OTTAWA, Dec 20: Additional construction programs and other items .in the federal government's joint unemployment relief scheme with the provinces and municipalities calling for expenditure of more than $295,000,000 have been approved by Senator Gideon Rob-ertson, minister of labor. Amounts now approved in British Columbia include the following per electoral ridings: Prince Rupert, $10,000. Skeena, $10,000. Fort George, $25,000. Omineca, $10,000. Cariboo, $15,000. Atlin, $15,000. : satisfied themselves that A.Wpods who was here last fall after rnuch-j tag It out from the Peace River country, was not John Noel Patch Bennett, wealthy young Englishman, whose whereabouts is Bought by relatives In England. Bennett, like Woods had done, set out on foot from Ppuce Coupe with the Intention of hiking to the j coast. The two men were veryj much alike In refnect to aee and: J general appearance. 1 an had litUe difficulty la locating Burke's log burial place but experienced difficulties In carrying the body to his plane and putting It on board. Pilot Wasson was accompanied and assisted by Joe Walsh, guide, and Sergeant Leopold of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The three men had to carry the body some ten miles from the grave to the landing place of the plane. The trail was soft and difficult to travel. Burke having died north of the British Columbia boundary and in the Yukon Territory, an Inquest will be held In Whitehorse. The principal witnesses will be Bob Martin and Emil Kadlng, his companions on the ill-fated flight. Full particulars of the hardships the party experienced and the manner of Capt. Burke's death will be revealed at the inquest. After the inquest, the body will be delivered to Atlin and turned over to the widow for burial. CANADIAN PACIFIC SUI'T ENGINEER IS RETIRING FROM POST Harry Burgess, superintendent engineer In Vancouver for the past eight years for Canadian Pacific the steamer Empress of Japan at Provincial police officers have Vancouver a lew days ago. dilStocks A. P. Con., 32, nil. Calmont, 20, 22. Dalhousle, 45, nil. Devenlsh, 2 nil. Home, 1.62, 1.65, Hargal, 10, nil. Freehold, 13, 15. Merland. 11 '4, 13'4. Mercury, 35 ft, 36. United. 25, 27. LORD WILLING DON GOING TO IXDLV j Bennett, in a statement last night, said that the appoint- Tomorrow's Tides 0b Balagno Orchestra Sunday, December 21, 1930 mmln High 222 am. 19.1 ft. SATURDAY EVENING 14.05 pjn. 21.8 ft. Low 8.23 ajn. 8.7 It. Sunken Gardens ' ' 20.58 p.m. 2.2 ft. NORTHERN AND. CENTRAL BRITISH COLIIMJBIA'S NEWSPAPER ' 1 1 ' 111 - - 1 . . V ; i 'T;fci.,iujrT,r?iM' i.r " XXI.. ZJu. S nnivin rTtTnnm t -i ci ArnTTTin A tr -rvniT7iiiir'rTT nn i rvon PRINCE rxviixij RUPERT ixucsuixXf B.C., a.j.t oai SATURDAY, uivjjai, urujiitaiaiiji DECEMBER 20, aj, 1930 ivov PRICE- pnirr.PlVB FIYB ravra CENTS ji WP MAiW FORTY-FIVE DROWN REMAINS OF CAPTAIN BURKE DELIVERED AT WHITEHORSE t Finnish Boats Collide In Kattegat, One Going Down ,in Four Minutes Famous British Cricketer Is Among Victims of Tragedy Vessels Which Struck Were Commanded By Two Brothers COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Dec 20: Forty-five persons aboard the Finnish liner Oberon, including 17 pas-s 'tigers, are believed to have been drowned in the icy water.- of the Kattegat off Laso Island last night when the rssel collided with the Finnish steamer Arcturus and unk in four minutes. The Arcturus saved 36 persons, Rupert East Church Gives Entertainment many of whom are seriously injur ed. The collision occurred in a dense fog. The famous British cricketer. J. W. H. T. Doudu. and his father. !now nrhn nt-e nimmiii ahmrri t.h I mOntS. LIEUT. COL. WOODS DIES Enterprising Business Man and ra-' tron of Arts As Well As Public I ' Spirited Citizen Many Injured At Lord Mayor's Annual Show FUND IS GROWING Gramophone Appeal Meets With Instant Response Salvation I Army Christinas Work The Salvation Army's Christmas . relief fund, including today's, dona- ' tions, has now reached the satlsfac- ,; tory total of 219.25. Such generosity 'i is being experienced that the Army Is confident enough will be raised to take care of the various Christ-mas needs. The appeal from an Interior family for a gramophone met with almost instant response. Within three hours after this paper appeared on the streets, four instruments had been offered. The first to offer was Dr. J. F. Maguire so his machine was accepted. Records will be supplied by the Boy Scouts. Today's list of donations: Previously acknowledged ....$184.25 A Friend : ijM City Police ....a 5.00 Miss Noran Kivett 5 5.00 4, High School ; . 10.00 5.00 LONDON. Dec. 20:-Viscount Willlngdon, who is completing . - l Mrs RosS 3- a four-year term as Governor General of Canada, has been appointed Viceroy and-Governor General of India, succeed- ins Lord Irwin. It was announ- : VANCOUVER IN BAD WAY ; ment of Viscount WUllngdon as yttds More Money For Unejnploy- ' " w0u,a ment Relief-Mayor Mslkln ..un" tttxttatt TV., on. T WMioWcn ov tW juiKDnu.wct.iv. jrejjuiwiium .iiiHvuuiouj w.v douj,tedlr Involve His Excellen- Pilot E. L. Wasson arrived there late yesterday from the i cy-s leaving Canada before the SEARCH IS i abandoned; Practically Given Up Grier Starrett Back Henry Rudland. who were blown out "1" . . , n b"-'"""-"- to sea 1 ram uaeg isnmki m h oyuu j last Friday afternoon. It Is now pre- sumed that the dory, in which the two men were carried away, was swamped in the troublous waters of j Chatham Sound and that they per- j lshed from drowning. The fish packer Grier Starrett, which was loaned by the Canadian Fish Si Cold Storage Co., much '.3 the appreciation of the two families concerned, and manned with a vo lunteer crew of fishermen, returned to port yesterday afternoon after a thorough search of Dundas Island.- RpnnPf onr! WnnfU' Steamships and former bulkier 0' Oreen IslandJpe Fox and as far DcllIlClL dllU ITUUUOt ' f thM oHirtn. oivr north as Foggy Bay. Although the n:(frtvt Pvcr.c trade, has retired. Canadian Pad-'" were virtually comoeu au Dllterent th no was rerSOnS xtc officers honored him on board whaler had found of the two men. Nor peo ple at places where landings were made seen them at all. j Search boats from Metlakatla, af-ter being out for several day, have also given up the quest ndw. The provincial police power cruiser P. M. L. 8 is the only search boat still out. I Incidentally, the Grier Starrett and the other search boats had al good opportunity to look out fur, wreckage of Robin Renahan's plane, 1 which is believed 'to have come down in the same district, but no trace of it was found. Calls It "Emergency" UDDer Liard River country with the body of Capt b. J. A. actual end of his term. The Vancouver, Dec. 20: -vaucou a - . . 1 1 . 1 a i a a Mm . . . iRnrkp whn riipfi nf exnosure and starvation on JNovemoer , 01 ocpanurc nv ,r -r veri Iaced wnat y,., Malklri Inn, -jfil 1 : 1 j5 w Mm,o in a determined. Lord Irwin's term terms "a state of emerBency.,, t expurs m .nana. -r autnonzeo tne exnenQiuire or (OourtMjr S. O. Jh&iton Oo.) Big Missouri. 37ft, 40. Cork Province, nil, 1. Duthle Mines, 1, nil. George Copper, 50, 60. Georgia River, 2. 3. Ooleonda, 35, nil. Orandvlew, 2ft, 3ft. Independence, 1. 2. Indian Mines, 1V, 2. Kootenay Florence, nil, 1. Kootehay King, nil, 1. Lakevtew, 1, niL Lucky Jim, 1, nil. Morton Woolsey, 2 ft, nlL Marmot River Gold, nil, 1 Marmot Metals, nil, 1. Noble Five, 4, 5. Premier, 63, 70. V Porter-Idaho, 6, 7ft. Reeves Macdonald, 25, 28. Rufus-Argenta, nil, 2ft. Ruth-Hope, nil, 5. Stiver Crest, 1ft. 2 ft. Snowflake, 1ft, 2.' Topley Richfield, 1, nlL Woodbine, , 1. ' Bluebird. niL 3. has some J450.000 for work to relieve unem- ployment but the fund Including ' sums provided by both the provin cial and federal governments is exhausted, ft was stated to a special conference yesterday of interested bodies called by the n.ayor. A strong delegation will Interview representatives of the provincial government and Hon. H. H. Stevens here next . Wednesday. . . . . . Mayor Malkln stated that Van-Hope ,, . ri For Safety of Two Fishermen m,n ... , .... . I province's population and seventy-I five per cent of Its unemployed, re ceived only $390,000. Ths mayor There is little if any hope now of ; asked why so much money had been finding alive Pete Laporte Jr. apd pent in unorganized territory when Vancouver Stocks it 4 1 V i