November 5, 1919. FULLER’S LIM | TED Tbe > oz. 40¢; 402.. ouril, 2 Smoked Black Cod and Kip pvr dial, special 20 pers fresh every day. $1.26 We have perhaps the largest stock of Sweet, Sour and Heel Cor size 0 Cliquot Birch Beer, @ delicious Beverage 25e Mixed Pickles in the city. fhorpe’s Grape Cordial 30¢ aren Relish, Mustard gaspberry Vinegar, sp! 35e Tk; Chili Sauce to your Cott .m’s Bird Seed, the ja i ing. original, only «.-- 2he Libby's _ Sauerkraut, Whisks, Brooms, Stove large tins. be Brushes, Shoe Brush- Another line We carry a ful] ne etc, Best stock line of is Drug Sundries. in the city and at such as Cough Medicines. lowest prices. Liniments, Salts, Boracic Victoria Cross Choco- Acid, Borax, etc. : late. Have you tried Rit, per package 10¢ +? In tins, only 2he Mapleine Flavour gives Van Houten’s Cocoa, the finest taste to your syrup, per bot. 50c Egg Color, 2and 4 oz. bottles a s|7e8 inser Condensed c.¢fee and Reindeer eres arionn Condensed Cocoa, ellow Corn Meal, none better, on sale, 4 Ibs. for 25c Horse Radish, wet or dry. Nice and fresh: order now. Prices for Jam in Van- .25e. and 35e 40¢ 25¢ ony ‘isco, on sale, per Ib. ring’s Cream Whipper Curry Powder enuin’ in glass » knee 25¢ couver run to $1.50 , shhart’sChili Powder per tin. Our price the original Mexican is ican $1.25 Powder, only .-..-- 50e Try Strawberry Jam. abasco Sauce, per bot. 50ce Junket Tablets . 15¢ ‘itchen Bouquet, per Oleomargarine ... 45e hottle 50e Domolco Molasses for Hot Cakes. Our Pastry and Biscuit De- artment is extending. atch our window for Jellington Knife Polish, 25c Jery Salt, per bottle 20c resh Peels, just ar- rived, whole or cut, per Ib .. 60e good things to eat. ed’sCustard Powder 20c| Tea. Fuller’s Special cLaren’s Quick Pud- Blend. None Better. , ings, Custard, Tapi- Per pound 60¢ oca and Chocolate, Big Soap Special. per package .... 15¢| Palm Olive, 2 for 25e yn Starch, 2 pack- | Per dozen (nan ages for.....- -.-»» 25¢| Ivory Soap, 2 bars for 15c sparagus Tipsspecial 40c| Per case of 100 bars, $7.25 bitttew’s CoffOG, Tiss esses esi seseseee .. 65e | other tins as Malkin’s Best, Nabob, Empreés, ete.. per Ib : eeee ; oavvea ller’s Fresh Ground 55e wo Stores Phones 44, 45 and 534 * 7. R. W. Cameron G& Co. Beg to announce that not being able te obtain their old corner on Second Avenue, at the head of what The used to be C-ntre Street, they have opened on Old fhird Avenue, No. 626, with a carefully selected F um stock of Back Jewellery, Watches and Clocks, Toilet Re- quisites, Cutlery, Cut Glass, etc. All fresh from the factories, and are now ready to welcome their new and old time patrons in their new store at No. 626 Third Avenue Opposite Dominion Telegraph Office Children Are Qur Boosters Young as they are they know that we have the best selection of Candy in town and nothing pleases us more than to see the smile of anticipation nd satis- faction on their young faces. WE CARRY A SPECIAL LINE OF HARD BOILED CANDIES FOR CHILDREN The Prince Rupert Drug Co. FAMILY CHEMISTS Third Avenue, opposite Second Street. MONE 134 Wail Orders Given Prompt Attention P.O. BOX 215 12 MINING STOCK FOR SALE ——— l have for sale part of the treasury shares in The B. C. Silver Mines, Ltd. On Capital - $1,500,000 © of Properties is situated between the famous ; Premier Mine and the Bush Mines, Ltd. “se shares will be listed on the Vancouver Stock THE DAILY NEWS THOUGHT EXOMANGE iS VERY REAL AND NECESSARY Continued from Page One. pestineecndiite j household, and when a letter ar- jhived from Pnegland later it conveyed the sister some weeks that had died at exactly the ur reeorded allowing for the difference in tifme, and that she had said aloud the identical words regarding her children. Ih this separation in distance was no barrier because there was harmony of soul with rhythmic attention, Mind of the Community While this theory of rhythmic mental waves and harmony of throws helpful light upon the subject it does not go far explain many and spiritual experiences, it is ognized that the mind of the in dividual news | her case soul enough to mental and so clearly re becoming more exist alone as unit, but is vir- tually related to other minds. Wi: use no figure of speak of the mind of the munity, the mind of the the mind of mankind. munal does not an independent speech when we com nation, The com mind is a reality How efse can we explain the sympa- thetic radiation of a _ feeling through a vast concourse of peo- , ple How else can we explain a nation upon some great emer gency rising up as one man? How else can we explain what has suuldenly become the ruling thought of one people becoming at the instant the ruling thought of another people thou- sands of miles away, separated by land artd sea? How else can we explain mental) epidemics which sweep round the world with marvelous rapidity? The Universal Mind. Individual minds have not only a connecting link with other in- dividual minds but all are related to the universal mind. Our minds ire fragments of the mind of God, not byoken or isolated fragments, but parts in conjunction with the Great Central Mind, and rhythmic mental waves are, as it were, the this connection. These nerves may be deadened by the discord of sin. Hence the im- same living nerves of portance of our minds being brought into harmony with the Mind of God if there is to be eflicient thought exchange not only between the Divine Mind and our minds but minds and other human minds. It is this harmony in mutual regard, in moral purpose and in spiritual desire which is the vital bond of all society. The fact that the two who have been mentioned is an example, were not only bound together in human love but also in spiritual communion with God goes far to explain the suc- thought transference. The Barrier. The Kingdom of fhe Spiritual, as Christ Himself taught us, is not far distant but very near. It is not separation in distance bul separation in dis-harmony which cueates the barrier between soul In the ca’e of beloved friends who have laid aside the outer garment of the flesh and have passed within the veil, if hoth their minds and our minds ire in perfeet harmony with the Mind of God the possibility of thought exchange between us be- reasonable proba spiritually experi- also between out wotnen cessful and soul. most with the rises to an The words of the comes a bility, and susceptible enced certainty. ancient Christian creed are In full ccord with modern psychological thought l in the munion of saints.” Mediaeval Philosophy. it is to be regretted that son in a mediaeval phil believe com trained only osophy, Which gave i heed to mental experiences 4s indispul able facts, at once take alarm hear of the results of and cry ‘This such when they phychological research, out with hysterical fervor: is all the work of the devil. fail to see that without the pos thought transference no revelation given sibility of there can be by God to man, and consequently no Bible. Such fail to discern “hat without the possibility of thought exchange there can be no efficacy in prayer, for the mere . ' her muttering of words of prayer can - — yo oe particulars apply to he Os effect upon 4 thoughtful — Hoe hereas when our mind is oe 344 Pend O. B. BUSH ~~ into sympathetic har- er Street W. VANCOU VER prone vith the Mind of God our thoughts expressed in words of : prayer, are transferred to Him, ho ind at onee are answered by the . at el re of His Thoughts, Cer. vole ond Sixth ee of wisdom to guide us N j in our perplexity, thoughts of in- ational Groce Co piration to strengthen us in our ry Co. |}: VEG weakness. ETABLES A SPECIALTY intense Reality bs mr Deli Both the posst ality f — Mf to through His Writ- - Prompt Attention speaking pe ae Ne oe ten Word We sell Frisbie Engines: Complete and ready to install. accessible in a few seconds, An opening directly struction effects a gain of the old, leaky, bolted-on manifolds. and 6’ « 6". For work or play, the your hardest teste. Spirit, and also the possibility of our speaking to God through prayer and quiet medita- become to us an intense reality when we believe firmly in the possipility of thought ex change between mind and mind. F. H, DU VERNET. earnest tion BIG CONTEST OVER THE 48-HOUR WEEK (Special via G. T.P WASHINGTON, November 4- and sub-groups of the International Labor Conference preparation for the com- over the proposed convention for a The labor group favor of pressing nvention., Telegraphs Groups met in ing contest nlernational iB-hour week, zenerally is in ora ec RED CROSS HOTEL OPEN IN LONDON Special via G. 1.) Teteeraphs.» LONDON, Nov. 4.—The Cana- dian Red Cross Society is open- ing a hotel at 20 Princess Gar- dens for Canadian wives and mothers visiting the graves of men lost in the war. Another vill be opened at Bologne. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HUGH ' MacPHERSON MARTIN, DE- CEASED, INTESTATE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM if MAY CONCERN of an order made by His Honour Judge Young, Local Judge, in the above matter on the 9th day of Octo ber, 1019, as follows iv 18 ORDERED that J. H. MeMullin, WNicial Administrator for a portion of the County of Atlin, be allowed to swear to he death of Hugh MacPherson Martin as having occurred on the 4th day of August, 1919. one Month from the date of the first publication of notice of this order voles in the meantime proof is furnished the District Registrar of this Court at Prince Repert that the said Hugh MacPher- con Martin was living subsequently to the ith of August 1919 AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the said J. H. MeMullin publish notice of this order in the Prince Rupert Daily News, mwuspaper published at the City of Prince Rupert, B. C., onee a week for 4 period of one month. Pated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 10th lay of October, A. D. 19019 J. H. MeMULLIN Quaker Brand . Is B. C. Made finer vege- There are no tables in America than we grow in British Columbia, We know it, but many of us accept any brand of canned corn or peas or to- matoes. Quaker Brand are grown in B. ©. and packed here has Ask your grocer; he Quaker Brand, Made in British Columbia by Dominion Canners, B.C., Ltd. The Gurvich Transfer Phone Green 548 throughout, every part designed for hard work. into combustion chambers. Wo pockets or crevices to gather carbon, and waste fuel. This type of con- 7 15 to 20 per cent. more power than is possible With L or T-Head designe. manifolds are cast integral with the cylinder; miles “ahead of charge on the Intake and a complete, clean exhaust. 4 to 6 CYLINDERS—5 to 765 HORSEPOWER Friebie Motors are made in following sizes: 1t-cy!., 6 and 7 H. P.; 2-cyl., 10 and 16 H.P.; 3 cyl., 18 and 26 H.P.; 4-cyl., 30 and 40 H.P.; G-cyl., 560 and 76 H.P.—Bore and Stroke, 4%" « 5” Overhead valves, intake and exhaust Large valves insure full FRISBIE the friendly motor Frisbie Motors give jong, uninterrupted service with practically no repairs except cocasional grinding of valves. Vaives in cages; “all muscle” construction 5 Horse Power, $450 10 ,, 16 ,, 25 9 %9 : ” $600 ” $700 » $900 $1400 Friebie will measure up to Ask the Man who has used one Lipsett Cunningham Co., Ltd. The Very Latest Styles in Ladies’ Ready to Wear have arrived this we k and prospects in the immediate future have decided Mrs. Goldblobm to stay by Prince! Rupert. been remodelled, making it thoroughly up to date. For both quality and value, visit the UP TO DATE STURE are now on view. Busine s Our store has 23, section 7 Price GOLDBLOOM’S Third Avenue THEO COLLART, Notary Public For sd@le, one 4-room house with bathroom, water, electric light, telephone, etc., #1,700.00, half cash FIRE INSURANCE PHONE BLUE 69, WESTHOLME THEATRE BLOCK, P. G. BOX 66. plastered, hot and cold and one 3-room house papered, block balance 6-12 months, REAL ESTATE * LOCAL NEWS ITEMS « CREE REE EH HD A building permit was issued yesterday to P. Doiren for a $400 addition to his house on Seventh \venue East. * * * Kk. M. Haynes, assistant post- office inspector, left for Victoria by the Chelohsin last eVening. He has spent several weeks in this district visiting nearly every postoflice in northern and central British Columbia. Mrs. J. M. Morrison and child is expected to arrive from Vic- toria on Saturday morning. She is going to Alice Arm, where she will spend the winter, with her husband who has important min- ing interests there. . * . Judge Young returned = from Prince. George last evening and County Court sittings commenced before him at 2 o'clock this after- There are two criminal election, both for ob- case@s for taining money under false pre- tences, and also several civil cases. * * > Martin Kroeger came in from the east last night. ~ He is en- gaged on one of the train crews between here and Prince George and came in to say good-bye to hiss mother and sister who are leaving in a few days to reside in ancouver. He returned to Sal- vus on this morning's train. > . . Chas. Barrett, the well known pioneer ranching man of the Bulkley Valley, is in the eity. Mr. Barurett has widespread interests along the line of the G, T. P. Railway. His most extensive hold- ings are at Barrett Lake, a station named after him, where he has one of the largest and best de- veloped ranches in Northern Brit. ish Columbia. This ranch is a few miles east of Telkwa. > * * Passengers arriving from the east on last night's train report P.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser St. We: Sell : Coal the weather all along the line bitte y cold, Water pipes are erac ng in Prince George and the echako and Fraser rivers hav ice sheets over them, The tem -rature registered 30 below zer at Endako on Monday night. Th e is six inches of snow at Ha :iton, but the fall at Terrace do . not amount to much yet. EAR ERED Auction Sale of a new 5 roomed House with bath, pantry and basement, next 316 5th Avenue West Terms can be arranged for pay- Also the FURNITURE of .e same, including diningroom door to ment. fumed oak, settees, ocking chates, new 6-hole Mc- bed-room tloor cloth, ete., 14 bags scement, furniture in lary’s range, suites, lumber, coal, ete. Favored with instructions from Mrs. M. Lawrence, I will sell the above by auction Thursday, November 6 At your Service with Fall Footwear FOR LADIES Donothy Dodd, Onyx, Lady Belle, Slater, Invictus, Class- ic and other well known brands. FOR MEN Slater, Invictus, Pitre, Tetrault, Williams, Leekie, ete. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Leckie, Kelipse, Williams, Pillow Welt, Cluma, ete. Rubbers—Rubber Boots for All. Family Shoe Store Geo. Hill E. R. Tabrum Phone 357. ad