Page 4 To Storekeeper AND OTHERS BIG BANQUET AT ALICE ARM Commercial Club of Mining Centre About Sixty in Number en- joy Festive Repast. Mussalem Grocery Co. have for sale the follow- ing surplus fittings: The dining room of the Alice 8 P B Arm Hotel was the scene of one of the most enjoyable social Bacon Slicer Electric Coffee Mill McCoskey Register National Register Cheese Cutter Tayior Fireproof Safe Burroughs Adding Machine events in the history of the camp, when the Alice Arm Commercial Club gave its second annual ban- quet and dance last Fritiay even- ing. ¢{ were laid for sixty persons at tables where the deco- earried out profusion of beautiful carnations, chrysanthe- and ferns, a sight to warm lovers ative scheme was with a roses, nums Clock the hearts of men who had just . returned from a season spent in Some Show Cases he hills. The banquet Bes was and various other fittings, all at filled and the guests voted the a low price to clear. affair an event worthy of an old- and more settled community. PHONE 18 Toastmaster. Vice-President O. Evindsen, of Commercial Club, acted as toastmaster and with his genial mannerisms and witty nemarks cept the faces of all wreathed in smiles as he performed his duties as Master of Ceremonies. Between remarks and speeches of the thers he filled in with the relation the Mussallem Grocery Co., Ltd: Economy Store the SST ERe AS Fiten Ave, &. if aneedotes of amusing o®cur- ences in the early days of the amp. Mr. Evindsen was one of he original owners of the famous Dolly Varden mine, which has nade the name of Alice Arm P.R. FEED Co. , Grain, Feed snown in mining circles all over the United States and Canada. He s, therefore, in a pesition to talk nstructively and authentically on the history of the camp as he was ractically the father of it. Major Davis. *}° Major A. W. Davis, superin- Seeds and Fertilizer tendent of the Taylor Mining Co. at Alice Arm and who is in charge of the railroad and mining opera- tions there, gave a very spirited address. “He expressed himself as being most optimistic as to the future of the district. In time the Alice Arm country will be one of the world’s greatest silver pro- lucers. k. E. Campbell, tendent for the Granby Co. yox, made a special trip to the \rm for the occasion. He has ollowed operations at Alice Arm fully since the develop- ont and exploitation. of the dis- CHICKEN FEED a Specialty Mail Orders promptly attended to P.O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. mine supenn- at An- SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING care ever EAGIXEERS triet was commenced and re- Estimates furnished. marked that no person could imagine what wealth would be Address, 3rd Avenue, head taken out of the hills in the dis- of Second Street. trict. He had untrammelled con- fidence in its productiveness. Phone 174 -- P.O. Box 274 Mr. Peterson, another Granby wajrfiicial, expressed his confidence _—_—— n the camp. Aggressiveness Needed. G. A. Young, government road supervisor for the Atlin district, «poke at some length and gave some good advice to the Commer cial Club. He believed in these organizations for the obtaining of improvements for a locality and the advertisement of ™. - He be- lieved, however, that the import- James F. Marten SISNWRIT NG PAINTING DECORATING Phones 544 and Black 507 ance of the district warranted a P.O. Box 54 lot more aggressiveness on the Workshov: 329 Second Avenue part of the members if they de- sired to make the rapid progress f development in public improve- and conveniences that the indications at the mines L. C. EBY BUIL DER AND CONTRACTOR ments resent ustified. After the banquet, dancing was enjoyed until the wee sma’ hours f the morning when tne guests betook themselves homeward with happy thoughts of a night spent well in festivities over the past achievements and future pros- — of the camp. Alterations and Repairs Plans and Estimates furnished Phone Green 450 DOG TEAMS FOR DOLLY VARDEN Canines Being Secured for Winter Use From Hazelton and Naas River. 4 Joe Brown’s Motor Transfer and Passenger Service Stand, Empress Hotel Phones 17), Black 334 SEND FOR JOE Anticipating the tying up. of the railroad for a few months in the winter, the Taylor Mining Co. are making provision for the tak- ing of supplies and mail to the Dolly Varden mine during that time. Thus development work will be enabled to go on during the winter months preparatory to renewed shipping in the spring. Mail Carrier Langley has been en- gaged by the company and has Phon® Green GOT 1017 3rd Avenue Dalgarno & Watts ase Ree recently been in Hazelton where BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS ce tone ton” settle dana Specialists in Light and Heavy Con- . . : struction. Repairs and Altedations. lhe will use for taking mail and Pivst Class Stairease Work and freight from the beach to the Finishing. : i y i - - sais on mine, a distance of 18 miles regular daily service will prob- ably be established. For the benefit of prospectors BRICK AND CONCRETE BVI. DING CONTRACTORS THE Beecham's Pills will rapidly improve your complexionby liver and stomach and blood in good order. Aree id everswhere from the Dolly Varden an- other dog team service will be run. Wm. McLean, at one time of this city, and the pioneer dog team man of Alice Arm, at present in the Naas valley buying dogs to use in carrying from the Dolly Varden to points further in the hills. The trails have improved in the past summer that the country sib le. CLASSIFIEP) ADVERTISING __Phone_ 98 in the World. 25¢<. valley is been so is much more acces OR WOMAN WANTED for GIRL general housework. Good wages —Apply Mrs. Mobley, 303 4th Avenue. tf Gentleman desires furnished bed- in private house by the month. Apply box 11 Daily News oflice. . 258 WANTED TO BUY—B tat cornet. “hy Le Olaire, Knox Hotel at 8 p. 260 w AN’ rkD— Competent waitress for the Chilli Parlors, 835 2nd Avenue. 59 WANTED for housework Me Mordie Apts. u SITUATIONS WANTED STENOGRAPHER qualified. ply Gil iL Apply Suite 12, Thoroughly desines position. Ap- box 12 Daily News ofltice. FOR SALE FOR SALE with new Small pleasure boat four - cycle 4 h. p. marine engine; or will trade for piano or anything of value Also for sale fishing and hunt- ing boat and one 12 h. p. gas engine cheap. See McGowan the cycle man. Second Avenue. Near MeBride Street. Phone Blue 4214. tf FOR SALE—Six matched teams with heavy ‘harness. These horses are ready for work and will weigh about 1,600 pounds each, Apply box No. 13 Daily News office. 261 FOR SALE—Beautiful new even- ing gown, size 40. Slippers and scarf to match. Owner leaving town. For further particulars _bhone Red 322. tf F¢ RK SAl.—Fureiiure, including chiffoniers, wash sets, beds and other articles, 410 Sixth Avenue Kast. Phone Blue 2:17. t MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on build. ing Loans. Apply Prince Ru- pert Housing Ltd., Geo. W Nic kerson, Secretary. tf I On SALE Roller singers $6.50, and hens $2.00. Apply Box 8., Inverness, B.C, of a five- Suite 5 Sumurit Phone Red 512. canaries FOR SALE—Furniture flat. Apartments. roomed FOR SALE—Slightly used piano. Singer Shop, 144 Third Avenue. FOR RENT TT LTT + sf een sete eeseeeteeeES lLOUSEKEEPING ROOMB to rent. Mrs. Dahlstrom, 141 Seeond Avenue. uf STORE TO RE NT in Ww este abaved Block. Apply to Harry Hanson. \ NEW HOUSE TO RENT. Phone Black 4514. tf e LosT LasT ~Didenend ring. W i finder please return to Dr. MeNeill, Reward given. 258 MISCELLANEOUS CORSETS MADE TO MEASURE Mrs. Director, phone Blue 92 IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH IN THE MATTER OF) T TTER OF THE A NIS" ha DN DMINISTRA and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GUSTAP ALBIN JOHNSON, DECEASED, TALE. % Ate CE that in order of His Honour F. MeB. Young, made the 16th day of Oetober, A. D. 1919. | was appointed \d_ministrater to the estate of Gustaf Albin Johnson, deceased, and all parties having nis against the said estate are hereby rediiired to furnish same, to me, On or hefore the 17th day of No vember, A. D. 1019, and all parties in debied to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to ihe forthwith, JOUN HH. MeMULLIN OMetal Administrator properly verified, and operators further up the Dated this 17th day of October, A. D. 1919. DAILY NEWS — — EE eer, ag on “m UNSHRINKABLE ALL Wo9i! L K |i) UNDERV RWEAR $10.00 and $1250 | MARTIN O’REILLY | DE N TISTRY OFFICE i @ am. to 12; 1:30 pm. to 60pm FOR SALE Seven-rootmhed house with bath and finished basement. ChittiConCarne ie H T al |g Newly painted. 8th Ave., W. ; DR. J. 8. BROWN ot om es $2875.00 Office: Smiti ‘ent Avene I — Very Easy Terms. Phone 464. at the CHILLI PARLOUR 835 Second Ave. Delivery Service Extra Phone 557 ) DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND 523 Third Ave. FOR ELECTRICAL WORK Geo. Waide 336 2nd Ave. Phones GREEN 3M ye Pass Gud Our Portraits have won highe«t awards wherever exhibited. Let us demonstrate to you what ex perience, skill and daylight can do Make an appointment today ’ BLACK 367 ; Save Money in Lamps ; —weeceooooceocoee cee ——— RR ARR Ann, | DEAFNESS wom SS POPPE OPE EOE Mrs. A. W. Clarke R. A. M. Lon. Fang. : Formerly teacher at the Presbyterian Ladies College, Melbourne, Australia, PIANO, ORGAN, ETC. Will open Musie Studio No. icete-me accel Suite 22, Alder Block | All busses stop at our door PHOUNE 537 i ou are a Sufferer trated Sourd E. H. SHOCKLEY {j= a 333 2nd Ave. Now ennolling ; pupils. '} GENERAL CONTRACTOR t Address Norfolk House i . ee ws Office and Shop Fraser St. oe ab Phone Biack 329. Sash, doors, mouldings and tute a eben ae — all interior finish lumber al- tributing Co., 38, Station Me . ways in stock. Croydon, Surrey, Eng ® tt TOM LEE CO | Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's . hardwood. os 840 Second Avenue, West. | Estimates Given. on cunnenesceccoeseml win REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN VEGETABLES 3 _ Phone Green 269. AL Wholesale and Retail | - —_-——_ — ; General Contractors and Labor Exchange. Phoncs 41 and Red 291 P ] Room oon For Hire by the Hour, oo Prince Rupert, -B. C. Day or Week 1 te Phone 547 — P.O. Box 725 ° pose = ae 721 Third Ave Launch AiiCé D. Opposite The | ress Hote! Picnic and Fishing Parties Trips round Harbor CIGARS SODA | J. MYHILL-JONES Two per cent. Beef NOTICE OF CANCELLATION. qupeerersnonnrerecre cocers+< wo Pp NOTICE is hereby given that the reserve} ~ reas ik ; NO exis over Lots 1819 and 1820, Quee i ' LICA! orete "Dietrics. by , Sonia We weaes {i JOHN PEL ann oe ied in the B, G, Gazette of 27th De noone ae ceimber, 1909, is cancelled 6. R. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands T Department of Lands, 22nd September, 1010 HRIS VA LAND ACT (’ CV I ORK’ Notice of Intention to A to Lease Lands . wn - ‘ma Land bistnet Soscrmas Dis- SELL rie o Case ! f . Take notice that” we sey PIES, oe a s Ahee af ~ occupation TONS V mariners, intend to apply for permission l ® to sease the following described foreshore P um Puddings Commencing at a post planted on east ——_——— — bank of Kit It River; pnce south 2 k chains; thence east ¥0 ‘ecian eee ot tas and Cakes — ed - to —aemee Pie tis Ca tie north = ne Gurneys mmmene Still yn more or less to lo mee west fo F 3 i ing shoreline to point of commencement, The real home made r stoves Ip 1349 33 and containing 160 acres, more or less - ne of busine H. R. POWLER, English Christmas fare the same " ge in H. PF. KERGIN ndreds in Dated October 11th, 1919, 191y Hu Rupert _ ae ane one } . VUpe QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS N prince — TRICT- RECORDING, DIstRIcY ur |$ Place your orders now - : SKEENA ‘ SALE AT TAKE NOTICE that I, Peter Piombo, of with the UN Prince Rupert, B. C., prospector, intend 5 te apply a e. lleence oo pestpers for coal, re Stor Wan roleum over the following de S t T R seribed land bh e ’ © ham he on the West Coast of Gra mee on ea ooms d are ‘ - ne “8 pest, plante ad at three Har w NUE ties oO 0 Me or eas corte 0 Lot 2497, thenee $0 chains yy 309 Second Ave. sHCOND AvE 4 80 chains west, thence 80 chains south Black I thenee 80 chains east to point of eam Phone mencement. Located July on ince FOOmne : on Dated September Sbth, 10190 Advertise in the Daily News