PAGE SEC H fat J Nana COAL Acme Nt WEIGHT 3P"HDS I MVJi 9 Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wcllington in any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND S58 OF THE iinporters Tomorrow in this space we shall give full particulars of the biggest sale we have yet put on. It will be a merchandizing event of great importance and anyone contemplating purchases of clothing would do well to await the announcement which will be made on this page tomorrow s. There have been plenty of sales in this city but it remains for this firm to eclipse them all jn.the special offerings. The store will be closed all day tomorrow in order to allow opportunity to marh down th9Stodsjand:get them ready for Friday. Our windows will give part of the story and the newspaper advertisement anothcf j.but the marked down goods inside will be a startling climax. Blue Ribbon Malt Extract became America's standard of quality years ago. Today it is trie same. No matter where you go America's Biggest Seller is the first choice or discriminating people. Always packed full three pounds. Writ, ft tens' Frrm Rtip Book for tfM. clm food mnd tmndl; Addm.i Tfmior Umlt S.U, Co., T1Q A. iiUktgmn At. Chicago if LDS&YS Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. If you lose anything, try a classified ad. 'A Importers Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. P. O. Box 667 flBEDSB 1 MRS. GREER IS HONORED f ndit 4 1 .1 n I . . i 4u ui rcsuyienan unuri'Il MakcsJPrcsentation to De-v parting Member At a regular meeting Monday night in the church parlors, the members of the Ladles' Aid r irsi f reaoyicnan unurcn' took oc-i caslon to honor one of their most prominent and esteemed workers Mrs. Joseph Oreer who is about to leave Prince RuperJ for Victoria to reside. In making the presentation to Mrs. Oreer of a beautiful set of six souvenir snoons. Mrs. D. O. Stuart, president of the Ladies' Aid, I referred to the valued work of Mrs. 3reer for the Aid, her popularity md the regret that was felt at her departure. Mrs. Greer responded suitably and, before the meeting closed, refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Oreer and family will be leaving here Sunday evening next for Victoria where Mr. Oreer is going into business. Blake Wilson, Jr., was an arrival in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver, being here 'on. business. f , t w TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR S KEEN A BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, june 4 1510, FAIKT, DIZZY SPELLS Had To Sleep Propped Up In Bed Mn. Norman Biihop, SalUbuxr, N.8., wriUai "I u troubled with faint and ditty (pelU and who I would 1U down I would mffw terribli witl mothering- ipella. I pot to Udttffrij to alap propped up iu bed. "My doctor laid it mu my heart and serrea, and that I needed a food uean nut, "X w-u adyUed to take tad I had not taken one box when 1 could lie down and aleep like a child." Price, SOc a box at all druggiiti aod aealen, or mailed direct on receipt of frice by TU T. Milium Co., Limited Toronto, Ont Daily News Prizes Are Much Admired Third nd Fourth in Election Cam paign in Ilcilbroner's Window; First In McKae's The prizes displayed in the win dows of McRae Brothers and Hell-broner's were the subject of considerable mention yesterday on the street. The Victor Radio with Elec- trola is well known but the silver sets and the dinner set in Heilbron- er's were particularly admired and ihere were many envious eyes. Th second prize of silverware is jelng specially ordered as is also the Waltham gold watch and these will be shown as soon, as they arrive. Those who wish to win one of these prizes should get in touch with the Campaign Manager at the Daily News at once and commence work. Makes Donation To the Library At the meeting of the Prince Ru-ert Library Board last night ack nowledgement wttS made of a Rift of ten dollars to Ihe library by the member for the district. T. D. Pat tullo. Suitable acknowledgement was made and mention was made of the fact that thi was not the first donation of the kind received from the member. . it , Representatives of Indian Band Are In. the City Fred McKay and Charles McNeil, two delegates from the Oreenvllle Band were in the city yesterday in connection with taking part in the band contest for the prizes offered by the Fair Board. They plan to Interview the board and find out particulars as to th number of entries and other Information. of 1LJ ft B h 01 ut AL Campbell's Soups, all var- Q IZ n leties, 6 tins OOKr Swansdown Cake Flour (This commodity is advancing) t(n per pkg Btroh's Malt Syrup, hop- QO flavored, 2 la's, per tin Libby's Fruit Salad . QQ Del Monte Peaches 8cJC 3 tins Fancy Sweet Bi'itS- 65 C 2 lbs ,... ...4.. Fresh Graham W&fers (wr-apped in wax paper to insure 6 C n crlspness, per liUb. pkg uv Singapore Pineapples QAp 7 tins vUU Stewing Veal v ' ' SO.C Stewing Lamb 50C lbS. V-.-.. MU....MUrt Pork Steaks 9r per lb : Bacon, machine sliced Attn per lb Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 Sth Avenue East PHONE li AND 84 P 0 box 675 SUMMER SERVICE Boats of Various Fleets Specializ es in Tourists Soon With Speeding up ofNsllllngs PRINCE HENRY SPEEDY Prince William to Call at Skecna River Points Twice Weekly . With the arrival of the steamer Prince Charles from Vancouver next Monday morning, the summer schedule of Canadian National coast steamships will come Into effect. With some minor alterations the schedule will be the same as last year. The new. steamer Prince Henry, due on the coast next month from her builders in England, will make an additional weekly sailing. All steamers are scheduled to eave Vancouver at 10 o'clock In the evenings instead of 8 pjn. as has been the usual sailing hour for years. Steamers are due to arrive here at 11.30 in the mornings from the south Instead of at 10.30 as has been the scheduled hour of arrival In the past. The steamer Prince Charles, ar-ivlng at 11.30 Monday mornings rom Vancouver direct, will sail at C pjn that day for Stewart, Anyox nd Masfott Inlet points, returning here at 1050 Thursday mornings tnd sailing south at 4 o'clock that xfternoon. The Prince Rupert or the Prlnr" George will arrive here at 11 JO Wednesday mornings from Van couver via Powell River and Ocean Falls, sail at 220 p.ra. for Ketchikan, Taku Glacier, Juneau. Skag-way and Wrangell, return here a 7 o'clock Monday mornings anri sail at 4 p.m. for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Powell River. The Prince George or the Prlnbr Rupert will arrive at 11.30 FrldilV mornings from Van'couveFVla ell River and Ocean FallA-"itrii;' 4 pjn. for Anyox1 and 3tcwart. return here at 6 o'clock" 'Balilrday evenings, sailing south at 7 pjn. The steamer Prince Henry will be here on July 5 on her first sailing on the Alaska route. Thesche dule for the Prince Henry calls for her to arrive her at 11.3d 'Batur day mornings from VaftW-i Powell River and Ocean Fani,'ssnl at 2.30 pm. for Ketchlkari.' Taku Glacier, Juneau. Skagway ariCI Wraneell. return here at 7 Wednesday mornings, sail south at 9 PayOnly 5 .00 1 Down" . nit; T -iia .' ' stnno The balance, Including initallation, thread com. jortably over two years. ajn. to Vancouver direct where she Is scheduled to arrive at 0.30 Thursday morning after a 24 Vi hour run south from here. With the Prince Charles making j weekly calls in Massett Inlet, the steamer Prince William will run out of here to the south end of the Queen Charlotte Islands only and, Instead of.pne, alllng ,af,.weflk the Skeena River as at present, she will go there twice in addition. to her weekly run to the Naas River. The Prince John will remain on her present run between here and,g Vancouver via tngicwooa, Alert Bay and the southern tip of the Queen Charlottes, ( C,r.K. Schedules Before the end of this month, the British Columbia Coast Steam ship Service of the Canadian Pacific Railway will have the three big steamers Princess Louise, Princess Alice and Princess Charlotte on the Alaska tourist run, making calls here northbound on Mondays and Friday and southbound on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The Princess Louise will be here next Monday morning northbound, the Princess Alice the Monday follow ing and the Princess Charlotte on Friday, June 20. Union Boats The steamers Catala and Car- dena oU the Union BteamshlDS Ltd. fleit have already been on xummer&chedule for. several weeks arriving here Sunday afternoons nd Friday mornings from, r the outh and sailing for Vancouver Tuesdays at 3.30 pjn. and Frldayx at midnight. WltlCLCT'S U good company jn any trip. Ira deliciouf fUror add icat and enjoyment. Thetugarup pliea pep and energy wnca th day eem origin Jwrt ll'i rood and good for you. i VPfin H Ml " i I ii 1 ALL TAUung John Barrymore In- The Man from Blankleys A DRAMATIC AND AMUSING COMEDY Short Comedy "SKY ROY" Dramatic Sketch "THE KNIFE" Admission 20c and 65c a CAPITOL THEATRE THIS WEEK -i Weds, it Thurs- John rymore in "The M;m Fmn. Blanklejr's." Fri. it 8t.Oeonrr Ban croft in "The Mighty ON.R. TRAINS From Bast Dally, except Tuesday. 12.30 noon. For East Daily, except Sunday 1 p.m. This? Lb- m This? . Choose YOUR future joday Make it EUECTRIC Decide now to take advantage of the generous .terms of this big sale. Equip your, kitchen with a guaranteed Electrjfc !Ramc. for cool, dean cP.n?fo?fr pprfcaanca,U Ind more leisure hours. 'Have pcrfca, wen codiung &ata8tne)riap of a switch for just as long as you want it. Be modern. Don't wear yourself out tending balky fires. Be done with the dirt of ashes and kind ling. 1 Ins is your opportunity. Northern British Columbia Power Company Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.