i i Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue 0PC The Daily News rniNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA H. Fr PULIiBN in SUBSCRIPTION RATES SUGGESTION FOR WEEK tor 1 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the Biitlsh Era- I pire and United States, paid in advance, per year 6.O0 1 By mall to all other countries, per year 7.50 j By mail to all parts of N cithern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 Or four months for 1.00 ; Kor leaser period, paid In advance, per month .50 City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 ' Transient advertising on front page, per inch 2.80 ' Legal notices, each insertion, per agate fine -. IE Local readers, per insertion, per line .23 i Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.40. ! Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word 02 j Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone '. .86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations daiy edition, T MoBday, October 13, 1930 A correspondent suggests that in order to increase the prosperity of Prince Rupert, people of the city and dis- trie! should support local industries better than they do. 1 As an instance he says he noticed hardware goods being I imported tfhich could be made both better and cheaper at ; theilocal drydock plant. He says that in many lines of work j the local shipyards compete very favorably with outside I shops. ! The writer says that people have been criticized for or-! dering their goods by mail from outside when in some cases local merchants have sent outside for goods they could purchase at home. ; Wfire glad to pass on the suggestion for we have often ' adjrricated the support of local industries as a step toward irsperityYfuggest that people of the city, buy at lome, that merchants whenever possible procure goods at lopie andiifj the dollars here while employing local people. We might also mention to local merchants that quite a number of them send out to their customers cheap circular made by cheap labor in the east when right in Prince Rupert there are printing shops and newspapers ready to give them good publicity service. Co-operation should be tne watenwora tnis week. Let the merchant do his bit as well as the customer and we shall all become prosperous together: Let us all, wherever possible patronize local industries. First buy in Prince Rupert or from Terrace or Smith'ers or somewhere in the district. Next let us so far as possible buy in British Columbia. If this is not possible we can usually agree to buy Canadian made goods rather than foreign. These are tangible things we can do to increase the prosperity of the city and country. Many flappers are not as sophisticated as they try to appear. The Consolidated Mining and jSmelting Company 'of Canada, Ltd. Office, Smelting and Refining Department TRAIL, BRITISH COLUMBIA SMELTERS AND REFINERS Purchasers of Cold, Silver, Copper, Lead and Zinc Ores Producers of Gold. Silver, Copper, Pis; Lead and Zinc TADANAC. TRAIL 9 irf n . H rBBk"vI-,'ar issssmJssaMssaBMjsssMJsstKPssmsJ-i ' "IEW1gawgwUSissstfPsi ft-a nvur n -rV I3BPB1P u nj Your Prosperity Is Assured Through a YORKSHIRE SAVINGS & LOAN ACCOUNT C Per Cent Compound Interest on Deposits Surrender Values Loan -Privileges McCAFFEttY, GIBBONS & COLLART, LTD. OAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Csssldy-H'elllneton Jn any oaantities. Also Bulklcy Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Dr Alexander X-ilAV SERVICE PHONE 575 BESNER BLOCK DENTIST Get the habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, and toning advantage of the help they bring you. Beecham's Pills tone up the stomach and bring other internal organs back to normal functioning nmstsssxss. mm B17 BRING HEALTH Successful Tea and Sale Held Substantial Sum Raised By Presbyterian Ladi-es' AM on Saturday Afternoon A very successful tea and sale of home cooking was held on Saturday afternoon for the Ladies' Aid of First Presbyterian Church at the home of Mrs. John R. Mitchell, ; Ninth Avenue East. Many ladies c iled during the afternoon to sup- , port the affair and a substantial : sum was realized. Mrs. Mitchell received the guests. Mrs. W. O. Moxley and Mrs. A. R. ; Phillips poured and Mrs. McRobbie was cashier. Mrs. A. Berner had , charge of the home cooking table. Assisting in serving were Mrs. Rod Morrison, Mrs. Carlyle, Mrs. A. Cromp, Mrs. E. N. Valentine. Miss Caroline Mitchell. Miss Eleanor j Moxley. Miss Beatrice Berner. Miss Jean Ritchie and Miss Helen Walk- I er. . During the afternoon there was a delightful musical program which was ararnged by Miss Caroline Mitchell. Piano solos ere played by Misses Ruth Nelson, Marybelle , Stiles, Helen McNauhtnn ind Eil- een Hamblin. Miss Beryl Birch gave a recitation and there was a solo by Mies Beatrice Berner, accompanied by Miss Jean RUhie Miss Jean Ritchie and Mi.cs Beatrice Berner. gave a piano duet. j ' C. N. R. steamer Frinie John, Capt. Dan McKinnon. which has taken over the run of the steamer Prince Charles on the route between here and Vancouver via Bnglewood, Alert Bay and certain south Queen Charlotte Island points, arrived in port yesterday from the south, sailing later in the aay on ner return to Vancouver via Alert Bay and Englewoad. "Your Vegetable Compound Is a good medicine. Anyone who Is in poor health should not hesitate to try it When I was taking the Vegetable Compound I tried Ithe sample Liver Pills I found in the package. I have taken them every night since and I can feel myself Improving. I am so thankful for the good they do me that I have told several women about it." Mrs. G. W. Posliff, 263 Huron St, Stratford, Ontario. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS H. W. Chambers, accountant of ; Inverneg)l&hnerfc. wfla..akaj-i per aboard itieiPrmoess Mary Fri-1 day night teftuf; for Victoria where he will' etid the wUrter. P. E. Wilson K.C., after a 10-day j visit here with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ken- i nedy, English Hill, returned by Saturday's train to his home in , Prince George. - j J. McArthur, Pacific Coast freight , agent. Canadian National Railways, 1 ! was making th round trip north jfrom Vancouver on the steamer. , Prince Rupert which was in port at ' j the week-end. Donald Jenkins, purser of the 1 steamer Prince William on the loeaJ I run, has gone over to assistant pur-' ;er on the Prince George and Duo-' can McKenxte, assistant purser on the Geocge, if relieving him on the William. George Tit Jr., who has been absent from the city for several years, returned on the Cardena Friday ! night. He spent some time In Kd-j monton and elsewhere on the prairies and more recently has been fishing on the southern coast. Sergeant W J. Service, new chief of the city deiAohment of the provincial police, left on Saturday's train for Prince George. He will be ' accompanied b&ek on Thursday afternoon this week by Mrs. Service and family who will take up residence here. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Andrew Johastoae, arrived m pert at 7:40 Friday evening from the south and sailed at midnight on her return to V&noocver and way-points. John A. Clark, manager of Clax-ton Cannery, and Mrs. Ciuk were passengers aboard the Cardena on Friday night bound through to Vancouver where they will spend the winter. Conductor W. D. Moxley, who is now running between Smithers and Prince George, went out on Saturday morning's train after having come int j town to spend a day with his fj-JBily here. Mr. and Ma. M. BHSseU of Walker L,ake cannery arrived in the city ;n the Princess Mary Friday after-TDon from down the coast. They Jan on taking up residence here I jt a while at least. Mrs D. Donald, wife of the well '-aown Canadian National Coaet ftLeamships dapper,' and daughter, Miss Florence Donald, were making the round tnp north aboard the .-learner Prince Rupert which was , in port at the week-end. C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert. Capt Edward Mabfaa, arrived in port cn time at 10:10 Saturday morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and sailed at 4 o'clock that afternoon for Stewart and Ketchikan whence she returned here southbound last evening. Man in the Moon Jake says Itffs been feeing pro-, tperous evJi&e.lifl won that dollar at the Rotary circus and dance. He lost the dottar before hr left but it made htm feel prosper ous to have K in his pocket for a few miuntes. The manager says the way to feel prosperous would he if all his 9-edHors would PJ their bills. So he suggests this lagan for the week: "Pay yodr bias antf make! the other fellow feel prosperous." Now that the circus and dance is over, let us onee mete turn our attention to peewee golf and badminton. It won't make us prosperous to think of the eash we lost last week. Think Prosperity With celerity Make our drrsjns Become a verity. i I met a- man recently who had soi much prosperity he did not know what to do with ft so bought a plot out at Fatrrtow and k getting ready to move In. Yob doat have to be rich In or Monday, October 13 tana k?a r Everybody Is Not&Judge OfDiamonds S3 1 Ii-ur?t rnD ut of the House of Maqic has come, GENERAL GENERAL ELECTRIC From General Electric Research laboratories . . . source of to-day's electrical rrurvek . . . comes GENERAL ELECTRIC RADIO. For the hot time in radio engineering GENERAL ELBCTRIC RADIO combines Screen-Grid tubes in the Super-Heterodyne circuit. It will pick up stations which arc too distant or too Indistinct for the ordinary circuit. In addition it preserves full beauty of tone and is so selective that every line oa the dial marks a different station. See the new GENERAL ELECTRIC RADIO on display at the nearest dealer's. You can buy on terms to suit your budget. General Electric Lowboy $215.00 General Electric Highboy $275X0 General Electric Radio- Phonograph. $397.50 All prktt complete with Radiotrom ELECTRIC FULL RANGE RADIO For Sale by KL430-U Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited ...... - - - CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO,, LIMITED v We wish to remind yon that every diamond !n our -lock has passed a most -.ru examination at our h...' Tills makes buying hi rr solutely safe for the nCrsan who knows little about monas. We have some very tine ta me in pure white ck.iwur!: in modern settings for jm Of curse we have some ydh larger stone- m-, which east more Bur the $60 ring looks big f ar the mone,y. ,TnC STORE WITH THE t DCIV I der to be proaperoas. That's what ; astasxiB. uisiiiiiiLcta I like about mis prosperity week. ; aii you nvn to do is tnuu you ar? j proaperous aed if you are not. Its ; your fatt. C. C. Mills sailed last night on the Prince Jcjtpert for a business trip to Vaaoswwr. The County Court case of V Johnson vs. Edward Orn w t: ted out of court last week 7 -was only $23 involved in L tkm. W-. E. Fisher was eoU: the pte In tiff and Patmorc & r ton for defendant