day, November 5, 1919. \\ ‘ ITY ENGINEER TELLS OF WORK cods Assistant in Office all the Time to Straighten out Affairs of Department. \, Monday night's couneil ting the city engineer was ont in order .to reply to Ald. wee s question of the week be- iy peward to the services of . Black, who was assisting in city engineer's office, City ineer Clements said that Mr. “) was the only man obtain - a the city who could be re- do the work in connec- th the engineer's depart- i do it right. He had i only 85e an hour and , Clem nts was of the opinion vould be unable to ob- +. anybody else to do the work : Black was doing at that figure. fhere are many problems that sity has to figure on, such as grading scheme for outlying tions, the macadamizing of ; Avenue from McBride to sj and the taking of street sjs and elevation, Mr. le- oie anid that there was a lot of ba ied work in his department h had never sinee the days of | Davis been in shape, He was vetting things straightened ind some vestige of order in epartment with the assist- » of Mr. Black. He needed Mr. { lice and would need cht along, though perhaps nis entire time, He was just right man for the purpose, ne skilled. When Col. Davis e e 4 i . city engineer he had three i class assistants so it could ely not be said that tie office » overstaffed or extrava- in attention being brought to fact that some of the street des had not been defined, Ald. ry, the father of the inquiry, d there was no excuse in his d that after eight or nine had understood that after the ent plans had been made Black's services were to be pensed th: However, if his »s being netained tended to idvantage and. efficiency of tv he would be the last one mmend that they be done ay wil Hisinquiry had been y in the interests of nomy etm we. a eomms sotneomasommeomoomnell > Sport Briefs a Kar! Craddock, the world’s avyweight wrestler. will appear Madison Square Garden, Nov- er J, against the winner of Stranger Lewis—Joe Strecher ul to defend his title. Sr Thomas Lipton is in New "S Inspecting his yacht, the amrock TV., with whieh he ex- ts to lift the America Cup. . . . ; lt is reported that Kddie usch, Who contributed so much making the Cineinnati Red £s the world’s champions, may Ae hold-out notions in his head 8 spring, . . . * new rules will be adopted the National Baseball Gom- n Defore the 1920 season, Ss predicted, Among these Me Vil probably be one elimin- ng or at least regulating pineh- ‘ters. There has been too much eWay in this point in past ind it has really been at the I! the game so reforms aay tea Cated along these lines, “IX hil men have applied for the i = ment of the Seattle Base- ‘ub. in the Coast League. ®eeng : ® Se@seeee8 “teunueeeses ; dust You Hear The E E 2 f Hear it at Music Corner 2nd a ry St. - 8 a @ ° # ee a a a a es 7 sees @ - "sss = sas se eeaeaeetess cu THE DAILY NEWS "dae peogecgae g9000gGuy eee aa rs these levels were not set.I* rhe applicants are Charley Mul- len, who finished the past season) : ' nt as manager; John Ganzel, skip-| Killifer, manager of the Los An- COAST, RANGE per of the Fansas City team in|geles 1919 Herr, Salt Manager last year; Clyde Wares, | sec ae Seattle Club | Salvation Army. lof Sandstone Reefs; thenco east 40 chains; econd baseman of Se thenee south 40 chains; thence west 46 Tuesdays, | “balms: thence north 40 chains to hieago White Sox; ane | Public meetings, ue . commencement, and containing 16 Leard, second baseman on the|Mbursdays and Saturdays at 8 p., more op Chick Glandill, first baseman of! Right Under Your Job Your job means your living. Your wage or salary pays for your food, clothing, housing, amuse- ments and all your daily needs. So long as Canada is prosperous your job and hundreds of thousands of other fellows’ jobs are safe. You must help keep Canada prosperous. Your job and Canada’s pros- perity are inseparable. Since the prosperity of Canada depends on the success of the Victory Loan you must not shirk your duty to the Victory Loan. All the money subscribed to the Victory Loan is spent in Canada BUY Victory Bonds Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee in co-operation with the Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada, ee —E=— Seattle Northwestern Club, W ade | Lake | be selected next week, | following ——_-——_——_——— |west end of a Texas , League team 6, Sundays at 7:30 p. in. ‘Date, July @4th, 1049. and helps to fill the pay envelope. It circulates and benefits all classes. greater, the more over- whelmirig the success of the loan, the better for Canada and for you. , Buy all the Victory Bonds you can pay for now and during the next ten months. Last year employers co-operat- ed with their employees by financ- ing their purchases on an easy payment plan, thus enabling them to buy much more than they would otherwise have been able to buy. They will do it again. Talk it over with your employer, VANCOUVER LAND DISTAICT.-DISTRIC? OF COAST, RANGE Il, TAKE votice that Emma C Qeean Palis, B. C., jiman, intends lo appi lease the following Commencing at and formerly managey of the} LAND ACT IN THE MATTER of an the issue of @ fresh title bart of Lot Bight hundred and wr hi 1) 1 f loss of certineste |SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF ‘ Smaby, eoqupe tice married wo- aggregation 18 also oli, RoTICR that Mark by, or permission to Association last named, the new manager will tends’ 0 apply tor’ pesmibcsen’ to" hanes i te seribed lands :— Commencing at 4 (848), Group 0 & post planted on the nares ood ot S e i) island on the west si of Choked assage t planted Of te Island, thence south 40 chains, ihence west ’ phains, nee nor . | shore of Swindle Island, and directly north bR 40 aholen to Se, ee west of Hunter ait * fresh certificate of tt Thomas Ri which Certifieate of Tithe is 13, and is No, 3067 he Land Re: Rapert, B.C., this 16 1019, olen unr. hereof, to issue t of commencement of and containing 160 acres, more or less, By Mark Smaby, Agent. [Date September 4th, 1019. MARK SMABY Advertise in the Daily News fea ar & ‘ee *. ce BET oe = Se 6.98 agg % eo wh fe ee a ee