m II MM PAGE F0T7K TOE DAILY NEW9. Sport News m KID BERG FOOTBALL IS WINNER WASDRAW Took Decisive Ten Round Call Over Hilly Petrolle in New York Friday Night NEW YORK, Oct 13:A windstorm of leather swept through Madison Square Garden Friday night and gave Jackie (Kid) Berg, sensational British lightweight, a 10-round victory over Billy Petrolle, the Fargo Express. While 12,000 of the faithful roared with delight at the ceaseless punching, Berg belted out a clean-cut decision over the heavy hitter who once scored a five round technical knockout over him In Chicago. Berg, though he never stopped clouting, did not carry enough power to floor Petrolle. Celtic Beats Rangers To Win Glasgow Cup i i. . i " 'GLASGOW, Oct. 13: Celtic won the Glasgow Cup Saturday, defeating the Rangers two to one at Hampden Park. Union freighter Chilllwack, Capt, John Mulr, is due in port today from Vancouver with local cargo, including coal. A BIG OPP6RTUNITY for those who want Tailor Made Suits See our windows for special low prices. Prices Reduced .j-Reular m $o!00 to $15.00 Finest, puallty and latest patterns. Come in and see us today before" It Is too late. SUITS Special order complete and finished in three days. See Ling the Cutter ting, the Tailor Secjjnd-Avenue Fhone 649 fthetest defense rtS -v . 1 finest fuel There's ony one defense against the cold weather and JlHuffthe proper kind of coal. Buy a ton of coal from us and '.tire away, at Old Man Winter. Hell quit on the run. Order a ton of coal today and note 'the haste that we display. Philpott, Evitt & Company Ltd. rhone 648 PROSPERITY WEEK SPECIAL BEDSTEAD, Grain Walnut, Simmons Coll Spring, All-felt Mattress Q97 Pft Complete 01. OU Everything for the Home MacKenzie's Furniture TELEPHONE - 775 TELEPHONE 57 VALENTIN DAIrtY FOR SKEGNA HKANT) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese PKESII PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Borden and Booth Schools Good Soccer Exhibition IS STILL Give The junior football game between Borden and Booth Schools on Saturday forenoon resulted in another draw after a splendidly fought game, neither team being able to score. . ' Borden had the better of the first half, though playing uphill. Hardy's powerful kicking was of great value to his team and Brem-ner was called on several times. Christlson and Macdonald had chances but could not get power and direction into their drives. Wil son and Dungate threatened dan ger but finished weakly. Borden pressed again in the. second half but apart from a drive from Hardy Bremner was not eev erely tested. Booth made dangerous raids, Wardroper being the most dangerous. Gomez dropped a fine cross on top of the crossbar that Morgan was relieved to see bounced over and Just at the finish in a sus tained attack Wardroper hit the", foot of the upright. A scoreless draw was a fitting score. J. S. Wilson refereed and W. Cross and A; Walters were efficient Borden: Morgan; Fisher, Curriej Nakamoto, Hardy, Naylor; Linzey,, O'Neill, Wilson, Campbell and Dungate. 1 Booth: Bremner; Sather, Fer guson; Ritchie, Gomez, D. McMee-kin; Wardroper, Macdonald, Christlson, Santurbane, Cromp. Morgan was safe and Fisher was; the better back. Hardy played a fine game and was of great assistance in attack and defence. Nakamoto was superior to Naylor who found Wardroper hard to check. Wilson made fast runs but shot poorly. Linzey and Dungate were fair while O'Neill though small, showed good football. Campbell was not so good as usual though dis playing neat footwork. Bremner was very sure and safe In Booth goal. Ferguson kicked cleanly while Sather used good Judgment. Gomez was a rare worker at centre half and had hard luck with his shot that hit the crossbar but he wandered too much in the second half with the result that' Wilson had too much freedom. Ritchie tackled well and McMeekln improved as the game went on. Wardroper, Christlson and Cromp were the pick of the forwards who; showed nice comblnaUon at times; but were ineffective In front of i goal. League Standing W. L. D. High School -.4 0 0 Booth School 0 2 2 Borden School 0 2 2 RACE WAS POSTPONED Lack of Wind Caused Schooner Race to De Called Off Saturday; American in Lead GLOUCESTER, Mass, Oct. 13: The lecbnd race for the Sir Thomas Lipton fishing schooner trophy between the American Gertrude L. Thebaud and the Canadian Blue- nose was postponed Saturday after the schooners had passed the halfway mark because of lack of wind The Thebaud was leading but by a smaller margin than in the first race. CHAMPION Tetl Phelps Retains World's Scul ling Title Against Bert Barry LONDON, Oct. 13: Ted Phelps, world' sculling champion, successfully defended his title Saturdav against Bert Barry, the challenger. defeating the former champion over the University boat race course from Putney to Mortlake. Phelps' time was two minutes and 48 Talcing over the run of the Prince Charles, on the route from here to Massett Inlet points, C. N. R. steam er Prince William, Capt. William Thomas, sailed At 1 nVlrvlr flnfnr. was back in port last evening - i; 1 1 " I 11 '. 1) .liiHn ' f I .-! 1- .. . .. Now ota gasoline is 26 quicker starting with No Loss of Mileage MINISTER It's made in Canada by Canadian workmen . . . Sold at the Blue and White Union Pumps. BEGINNING today, the Union Oil Company or Canada Limited offers you the finest gasoline within the reach of science. This CanadlanStaii product meets every demand of a winter fuel. First Wihte Super Union is 26,quicker .starting than the average of other gasolines. Teats in the laboratory on the block and in the ice chamber of a great ice plant, prove this. Next, it gives you instant acceleration, on hilk, in traffic, or on the, open highway in low, intermediate and high gear. Third Special attention has been given to reduce disagreeable odors sometimes noticed at high speeds. AT DINNER Hon. 1). M. Sutherland Non-Cotn. mltlal in Regard to Matters of Policy At 8 o'clock last evening, Hon. D. M. Sutherland, minister of national defence, was entertained at a quiet little dinner in the Commodore Cafe. Those present In addition Id' me minister, included Commodore Husse and one or two officers of II. M. C. S. Vancouver and the local naval reserve. Acting Mayor Collart and members of the city 'council, and President Tinker and members of the executive of the Chamber of Commerce. In a brief speech, the minister, In reply to a few words of welcome from Acting Mayor Collart, thanked the city for the hospitality which was, much appreciated. He said it would not be In form to make a speech. that evening. He had been This is important in winter when the car w often entirely closed. Also, Winter Suptr Union over, cornea low-specd bucking. Yet all these advantages have been obtained with no lost of mileage. Theame heat content that account! for the extra mileage of previous Union gasolines, is retained. ' SteiltA SOrf'! Early mornings and late evenings are getting chilly. ' Switch now to Winter Suptr Union . . .. a6 quicker starting without loss of mileage. UNION OIL COMPANY WINTER C.a4'M4 MnDE IN CANADA The Union Oil Company or Canada Lutrrao has a large investment in Wtsttrn Canada . . . refinery, trucks, ships, service stations ami other equipment. This Canadian company buys Western Canadian materials and employs Canadian men am! women. Every gallon of Can-dian-Made Wintkr Suptr Union yuu boy helps the prosperity of the West and keeps Canadians employed. (NOTE: No ttr Uma-Kwrri is Vfsnaa tyr tiara phw Uw prvrm (Mi. Itaock advsatatn of Kthyl) OF CANADA LIMITED IN S.C Super driving with the acting mayor in was with the minister party, aaid, the afternoon on the new highway after their visit, they would go back and he felt sure this highway would Jo Ottawa sympathetic to ttie work be much used when It connected through so that tourists could come ' til by It. ' He mentioned the Peace River outlet and the new railway hotel' but was very non-committal in regard to them. Having been here and looked over the ground he would feel much more competent to deal with these matters If they came be fore the cabinet. Dr. Manlon was in charee ol that ; deoartment. how- 7Si. i ive oi s commerce - HIIU WiM I1IVUII V M 1 VU W V4SKa. 4 11b western outlet to the Pacific from the Peace would be embarked on at he earliest possible minute but as to the route it had not yet been discussed. Mr. Sutherland said that Hon. Mr. E. N. Rhodes, minister of fisheries, was planning to visit Prince Rupert soon and the minister of national revenue was also due to mmirt :ip ! r lit i ritif . , i check I tir id ' , . it art Uiriini li'iinv .tl WlBTtl bmptr I sON. At Sntl ch k tin ik raa Uw tkr cf.M rnool T ckukf mil mtit m rMf hi 1 ttT IUHMI Mlity. LOCAL NEWS num.- t r n hjM u if r. Fiultr, Wi)it S.t UfflnM it trttrd '.ii k rad to pmvr tlut It fit rtf 1S qunWr tiutist. Mi so hit UNION 26 QUICKER STARTING W iTE NO LOSS OF MILEAGE come as .far as the prairies might come to the coast. Adjutant General Caldwell, who mlllUa Charls, WlUon of Uke KaUHyn 'rlved ln tne Commodore Hose told of beln. m Inter Prince ring Rupert rtimort m 19 var years ago an when whjm!,or on yesterday afternoon's train he heard many expression of hope and optimism. Hope had been deferred but it was a pleasure now to cna nntA aitith n waII LAni It .. President Tinker of the Chamber moved a vote oU to sen them. and expres- gave everyone , ADVERTISING COPY MUST HE IN EARLY Copy for display advertise- ments should be ln the hands and will spend -the next few days In town. !??uter: who nave been vUltlng at Prince Hunert had oulte a conns- tlon with the Canadian navy In that both were born the same year Mra. E. Davidson and little Mr. Davidson's home in Pembroke, Ont, following a trip to Scotland. returned -to the city on yesterday aIjrnbQn'siilim. Sam Simpson of the Langara Pishing St Packing Co.'s cannery at New Massett arrived in the city from ihe Islands on the Prlnee Wlllam yesterday afternoon and ailed .last night on the ss. prlnc Rupert for Vancouver. of the printen not later than ionpt. William Thomas, returned to' 3 p.ra, Uie day prior to pubH-,port at 4:45 yesterday afternoon cation. Tills Is necessary to en- afiw n .nH rin ..t and able best poslUon, to be tot i a Mnuiat-Toyogo to the south , 4 end of tne Quecn CnarloMe l3iands Mrs. M. Dyson am: In the city on the Vu;-yesterday afternoon u ClemnU nnri callil 1.1 ' HI the Prince Rupert for n Vancouver. Morley shier, wcu couver powder travellei w M Senear aboard the Cm.i: nlng bound for Anyox uid I on one of his periodical business trips. C. N. R. steamer Pinij nort nt IWd loit nlirhr. from couver via the south 'itf nnd ed later on her return t VW'B via Alert Bay and Engli wood t..i i i . ccint I uiuun sieamer uuui' Dickson, arrived ln port ut G ,t lftt pvunlncr frnm the SDOI" sailed at 10:30 pm. " Stewart and other nrthfn1 , .VTAiutiWC OtIV nUi I5II4I" j Vancouver and waypolnt in t( SE