PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS i isHifiBizsraBsszsaanBP M-N-E-T-T-E-'S- AugmtClearing Sale August 20 to 26 DRESSES In Voiles, Rayons and Linens CO To clear ,-. 7 " SPORT DRESSES - VD. 'Special ..i FLAT CREPE DRESSES Reg. Value $15.00 8.95 EnIeMBLES Georgette and Flat Crepe 9.95 WOMEN'S HATS C-f ftfi W..UU To clear at GOATS Reg. Values to $35.00 t $5.95 BLOUSES Reg. VaiueVo $i6.00 " " " jjgg SPUN SILK WAISTS Special DEMAND "Rupert Brand" 9 ippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE KUI'EKT, D.C. Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results 1.50 SHOES Reg. Values to $10.00 - 3.95 $1.50 $1.00 PYJAMAS and NIGHTDRESSES To clear ...'... SBRVA-(Sanitary Napkins) L Special, 3 for Annette's Ladies9 Wear Company, Ltd. Corner Third Avenue and Fifth Street fi iW" I iSPECIALS YnTTMfi Mothers! should know (THOUSANDS of vital questions concerning your baby'i care are bound to arise. Baby's Welfare tell you the answers. It was written for the use of every young mother by a thoroughly experienced physician. It is not technical, nor does it take the place of your own doctor's advice. It is Just a simple practical treatise in every day language. You cannot afford to be without it. Write for your copy to-day and save yourself endless worry. Daby's food It of first x nsideration. Nurse him if possible. If you cannot, use Eagle Brand, endorsed by thousands of mothers, recommended by thousands of doctors. It is absolutely pure and safe and exeedingly digestible. . I, lip The Boocm Co. LaiTn,Drt. A.I lamer Arcad Bid., Vncourr Send mm. tr. "Bmby. Wttttn", 1k "T ( Btbf mortf book. These prices are at and below cost. Stock up on what you need. Potted Meats Reg. 20c per .Vilb. tin Corned Beef Hash 2-lb. tin Cambridge Sausage 2-lb. tin Dill Pickles- Ifar gallon tin LlWy j-Plneapple 2V'2-lb. tin 3 ror u W Pan Tan Pickles 20-oz. Jar Excellence Dates 2-lb. pkg. 2 pkgs. Fried Liver Si Bacon per Wvk Libby'a Ketchup per gallon tin Pure Maple Syrup per gallon tin Sunlight Soap , per pkgt 10c 40c 45c 75c si 45c 38c 28c 85c $2.25 SOAP DEAL 1 Wear-Ever Saucepan 2 bars Lifebuoy Soap 1 bar Lus Soap 1 package Lux All Jor "31' 20c Del Monte DeLuxe Plums pnn 2's. 3 tins WUt PrinceM Soap Flakes per pkg J If Soap Flakes 2 pkgs. Pearl Naptha Soap 25 bars Oold Dust Medium 3 pkgs 20c 35c 81 25c Campflre Mar&hmallows Q-f A A 3's. per tin ?XeXU The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents" rhone 360 319 Third Ave. Drlisfexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 575 BESNER BLOCK DENTIST Ideas for Serving Unexpected Guests BY ED WIN A NOLAN Director of Home Service, General Electric Refrigeration Department ALL housewives at some time or other have experienced that sinking feeling when unexpected guests arrived at the dinner hour, on a day when nothing special was planned for the table. If the guests stayed to dinner, it was a case of their "taking pot luck" or of having someone dash quickly to the corner grocery or delicatessen. But, thanks to new ideas, new recipes and modern facilities for food preservation, a simple family meal may be transformed into a gala affair in short order. Here are some of the ways of doing it:. Start the meal "with a bang." That is, save an appetizer of some hors d'oeuvres or a canape or a tomato juice cocktail, served icy cold. Any of these will add a touch of festivity and the supplies for them may be kept easily on hand in the refrigerator. The hospital board, at its meeting last night, decided to take advantage of a plan whereby students from nurses' training schools of the Garnish the soup you were planning with some whipped cream and finely minced parsley or chopped pimento, which it is possible to keep for two Weeks without molding in a covered Jar in a modern refrigerator. Pinch off some of those "refrigerator rolls," let them rise and bake them at the last minute. Dress up your salad coarse as follows: While the rolls arc baking, roil out some pastry, sprinkle with salt or grated cheese, cut into sticks or 'straws," bake in the same oven. Hake cream sr grated American cheese into baUV and roil in chopped olives, minced ' parsley or. nuts. Then make one of the quickly, prepared frosen desserts. These preparations ean be mads, in very little time; and, as a matter of fact, while the hostess is chatting with bar guests. And uy add so touch to the success of the meal. ISOLATION improvement HOSPITAL! For Furnace Negotiations Continuing Between i Hospital Board and City-Committee Is Named H. W. Birch, managing secretary if the Prince Rupert General Hos iltal, informed, the hospital board it Its monthly meeting last night that he and Dr. J. P. Cade had been ippolnted a committee to draw up a basis for agreement between the -Aiy and hospital as to future operation of the isolation hospital. Tni.-, commlttee will present a report to the city couneirand hospital board and then negotiations will be proceeded with. Meantime, it has been suggested that all responsibility as to building and payment of isolation hospital expenses might be left in the hands of the city while the hospital would assist In collection of accounts and, of course, supply nurses. In connection with any new arrangements that may be made for isolation hospital operation, it is xpected that plans will be made either to remodel the present isolation hospital or have a new one built. willToTo " tranquille Plan For Tubercolosis Nursing to Be Taken Advantage of By Local Training School i Automatic Feed to Be Installed in I'rinre Ilvpert Generaf Il-splta! The hospital board, at Its meeting last nbrht, accepted a report from the house committee recommending Use installation at a cost of $1075 of an automatic feed eoal burned in connection With the hospital heaUng system. The bouse commit rcc'im.Tiended that the installation bo made at the earliest possible moment 8pr .iking to the n.coaunendatlon Aid. W. M. Brown, chairman of the ho usr committee. sals that the new installation would bring aVwt great raving in f iel,.sona goinj m far as to nay that the saving otgfet amount to 50. ?c.,nn Progressive mr.-ct.anu advert 1 Five Roses Flour 49-lb. sack B. & X. Pastry Flour 10-lb. sack Purity Rolled OatsWith new china, pkg Brookfleld Creamery Butter 1-lb. carton province in limited numbers are Sunnybrook Creamery permitted to visit Tranqutlie Sanl- Butter. 3-lb brick tarium for course of about two i Swift's Cottage Pork Rolls- months In tubercolosis nursing. This plan of affiliation with Tran-quille Sanitarium was suggested at the 1929 meeting of the B. C. Hospital Association and a scheme for putting It into effect has since been worked out. Under this plan, a total of 21 students, at a time from Week-End Specials per lb S2.35 55c training schools of the province can , Swift Premium Lunch Meat be accomodated at Tranqutlie and the length of the course of training is suggested as two months. Thus 126 students cotficLbe taken each year until such time as further accomodation Is provided,, Tranqullle pays transportation of the students to and from the sanitarium, gives free board and room and the same scale of pay a.s at the training hnnl whenre t hv im Rttirianta ' taking the course should be in their second or third year, It Is suggesd. Frank. Dibb .suggested thaUHhe awarfflng- of the trip to Trahqnllle mlghUbV made toff heistudc'nlbvho came highest each year in class examinations. On motion of O. V. Wilkinson and Aid. W. M. Brown, it was decided to make application for the admission of a student from the local hospital to the course, Miss Harrison, the lady superintendent, to be got In touch with in the matter of the selection of the student who will go to sliced, per lb Swift Premium Bacon juiced, per lb, Swift Dellvo Bacon-sliced, per lb 40c 40 c S1.15 35c Brookfleld Fresh Sausage OP 1-lb. carton , OOC Swift Premium Cooked Ham ((n sliced, per lb UUC Swift's Premium Bologna QAn sliced, per lb 0JL 40c 60c 50c ALL OUR MEATS KEPT FRESH IN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR Fresh Extras Eggs 3 doa Buckeye Corn Meal K 1U U ..81.15 W-IU. MiK J.. ... 35c McLaren's Baking PtowUet With Fancy Cupand Saucea' Q-f rys 5-lb. tin wAi'u Empress Red Currant Jam AtZf, 4-lb. tin ID I, Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Fifth Street. Proprfetor Phone 20 Tranqutlie. ' i HWSWaCTf iSS? W.M.S. Holds Tea and Sale The of First f Atf.l. rrl.l larsonase is occnc vi aiuii Afternoon in Aid of Mlssion-ary Funds .Women's iMissloaMTf iriMfteb xfrurciy itdttHAA tea ctlid sale of home cooking this afternoon at the parsonage. Mrs. W. T. Kergin. president of the W. M. S., and Mrs. Alfred Wilson are receiving the guests. Mrs. George McAfee and Mrs. W. H. Kergin are pouring and servl-teurs are Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. P. Cousens, Miss E. M. Earle and Miss Barrie. Mrs. J. Krikevsky and Mrs. D. Santerbane are in charge of the home cooking table and Mrs. P. C Miller and Mrs. O. V. Wilkinson arc in. charge of the kitchen. A musical program Is being ren dered during the afternoon. Thursday a ROBERT MONTGO' i Ly Three Live Ghosts The All Talking La. n COMEDY . "DARKTOWN l ; : CARTOON "BARNYARD Or, NOVELTY "HEIDTS CALIF .: Gyproc Makes Summer Homes FIRES AFE! PROTECT your family by making your Summer home draught-proof, dust-proof and fire-safe. The new unproved Gyproc that Jots not burn w ill render you this service at small cost. Use it for structurally strong walls, ceilings and partitions. You can tint, paper or plaster it if you wish. It is easily and quickly applied, is a permanent asset, and is vastly superior to other building materials. Your dealer's name !s listed below. Ask him today .for full information on Gyproc Wallboard or send for interesting free book "Building and Remodelling with Gyproc" GYTSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Vancouver - B.C 1 Uiiob Admission - . ,iV Feature Starts at '', i.9iramBXBiria: m a i , 9i It I For Sale By Albert & McCaf fcry, Ltd. Prince Rup 1 : ! M. F. Nourse Burns I.aK. - Tfyc George Little Lumber Yard J . Smithers, Hazelton and Ton u . r. ( R S. Sargent, Ltd. Hazi-H-n. !'- ! OOOaOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCHJOC-OOOOOi'O. Want Ads Let Them He Your llrokcr in Hujim and Selling Somebody Is walUng to buy that house or h ii set, or coat you have to sell. Somebody is wuitu sell that car, or typewriter, or whatever else it i aro In the market for. Get the habit of sl! through the Want Ads. You'll find undi earned -r gains undreamed of opportunities. Do your sli pi through these columns and see how profitubh pleasant it Is. HEAD and USK PRINCE RUPERT DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 "If it's fully told it's quickly soM; onooooooooooaaooooooooooooaooaoooooooocHjou. Early Ad. Copy is appreciated