PAGE TWO Gives Ysa Tiae Stresigth S BeS THE Daily JNtws PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA flfMished Kvcry Afternoon, except Suadcr, by Prisce Rufejr Dairy Sew. Limited. Tliml Aeane f tt. K. I'LLEN - ManapiSKf-tdator SUBSCRIPTION" RATKS. By mail to all oUm pn of BriUsh CctaaMa, th BtUiflfa Km wrr iui'UiMi4 Smu ; id in .tdvaac. jUtjNwr -. CxH By saI to all awr countries, per year Mr ant! re ill rrt. of N.-f.hrn od CalrJ Britts Cotaaabia. paid fb advance for yearly period . 34W Legal notices tttch iiicrtiun. per agate 'foe 16 rraasieiit advertising ea frost page, per htffcr.... ZM Local readers, per insert inn, pex Usui ..-. f. ..-.... Transit til Jisplny advertising, per tacit, Qkr teMttio I49! Ctoasiffed ndvertwnr. per Inscrtiaa. per wrd ........ .02 Or fjpar nwiathn fr ".y . -I. ... 1.00 Par Mi oerfod. paid adeaaee, per nstelK . er dlaHr&iy. mfl 9r j&rtr peifed In adfaoarSSJM Goatraci rai on applieatn- Advertising and ClrruUtltm Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone 86 Member ef Audit Korean of Circulations DAILY EDITION Thursday. Dee. 4, ISSt io t n a BOAMifl aarmiTA OTTim i ia ' i i nimcarinnir i rui f HALIBUT TREATY The halibut treaty which is now before the United j States Senate after having passed the Canadian Pariia-meat is the restdt of a number . of yean of investigation , Jk i 3 t 9 A 1 ? Al 1 Salibut fisheries. Efforts are being, made to defeat it by Chose who care only for the present but have no regard whatever for the future of the industry. While recognizing the difficulty ef the situation, it looks as if the only thine to do now ia to take such steps as will tend to make the halibut fishing a permanent indus try. iron if it should ae slightly was remunerative ju at preient J? TAKING KBE2S INTEREST Tmb report of the meeting of the fishermen with the de-pu$' minister of fisheries indicates that the fishermen are taking a keen interest .in their own catting and through ' their organisation are able to make their influence fek at ; Otla-ra, It is to be hoped that this interest will continue, i It is only by being continually alert and by keeping in close tniiAh tr-trt Vik ailiAi4t lma fViaf rkov nan AvnoAt frk nrnnarlif I WUVU V WKT ailVIIVllVlVO WM J VArVVV VW JlUViiJ protect their own interests, The eanners will always look after themselves. The suggestion ef alertness does not necessarily mean opposition As the years advance there will develop a spirit of co-operation between eanners and fishermen, such as is not seen today. There will be a spirit of give and take on both sides. It will be recognised that without successful canneries the fishermen will be unable to market their fish and the industry will also recognize that without geod fishermen they cannot carry oa. Each should make money and benefit from the activities of the other. r l for tbetr fieh if Hecate Straits M' lTIiil.5tt;r Minister ! L Ul of f UNDULY tiouA U tUng. Many oft nshenes is Speaker - . i i a . . jn ! int vBnauian ounvt were u mu Um weatera baaka. Mr. Morrison auaseatad that ttw Itale ol aaxUl halibut ahoald be , iMIIINIM. BWW UWM lUnn It practice of flibing for small fish iConUn,wd laatl the way U) stop waa to re- jEhn'ss of plactnc ail the eggs in eea a marfcet. He beHered onp basket. At tfte prcn: tlm?!ttlp P"t ehe season should, be th -n'.y nai'ctnb!'! fish was hali-1 continued but would mske it ef-but ani sa'mun and the halibut j coenmenehie; November 1. war 'nw!v d90i5ted. Conner-! Co1- congratu'atl Mr. vatl-n gcrt. d ihat aho"ld be given firh. He spoke o d. at' -ntio.-.,11 Ftnrnd on beta; now the deputy department with a re- other lends n" 's'b'.e mtolster and a depart- rr!ent aU tnelr ovn- He t that a canpsian put on in England to interest the pubic in fish which was very effective IT v. mr.rket was develop-.-d fi.'li ri'-cn 'ininfit . lake other kinds of li -h not marketable now and sell thtm here. He hoped Mr. Found would the chief duty of the department. was conservation. This called for a great deal of tact and tolerance. Mnkes Proposal Col. Micbolls then made a proposal to the department. He mn- -n his return to Ottawa tloned the work being done at the rccom-nitul the, publicity eaparlmfiatal sUtion for the put- camnaign which had already bees pose of enabling people to use nah proposed yiMHffiili and to feed Oeorge Biushby rpimMymimrmntem flan oil to give ly felicitating Mr. Found on the them the nectBsary vitamins. For idea of making regular visits to more immediate resuts he sugges- study conditions on the ground. tod that, as there was something John Morrison told of objections Wk three million pounds of fish to the proposed treaty. If areas being culled each year, and that were set aside and opened for brief some beats seldom had any culls periods only, American boat!: would .while others had a large number, go in there in large numbers and there must be some condition oth clean up the fish in a short time er than those already suggested to and Canadian boats would then account tor the large wastage find the supply eut off tm they Many boats -would be out 14 would have to go long -distance days nnd ' brine In ntf culls, lid rm c THE DAILY KEW8 THE NEW VICTOR RADIO Cmfbtt nritti tmies. Creates ONLY Victor has elevated radio performance to this new pknc of perfection . . . for Victor -'ami Victor alone has developed screen-grid five-circuit micro-synchronous radio. Through this newest design, Victor has brought to radio a degree Of enjoyment and satisfaction hitherto unapproached . . . greater selectivity . . . greater sensirivityi . . while Victor tone alwajf unrivalled has reached even greater heights of beauty and realism. 1 Test the vitality of this amazing Victor Radio . . . marvel at the precision with which it separates stations in the most congested Vave channels . . . delight in the power and clarify which it gives to distant broadcasts. Then you will realize that here, at last, is a radio progressing far beyond accepted standards ... the receiver which will bring to your home all the infinite enjoyment which radio should give. The new Victor cabinets, all Acoustically engineered, are of striking and distinctive beauty. Featured above is Victor Radio, R-35. The same matchless performance is offered in Victor's most beautiful radio cabinet, Vicrof Radio de luxe Highboy R-39 ... at $285, complete with tubes. Hear also Victor Radio Home-Recording Electro-la, RE-57 . . . $397.50, complete with tubes and Victor Radio, R-15 ... at $185, complete widi tubes. Your Victor dealer will deliver any model on Victor's plan of convenient payments Mico-Synchronous Victor Radio thought lack of hnowtodge rdsponu slble tor present conditions, lie' knew of one man who had a bad reputation for the condition of his fish, who saw what others were doing and changed his ways so that he. had chenged his reputation. He urged that a man he appointed to educate tha fishermen. This would mean dollars to fishermen and dealers. Mr. Brocklesby told of the difficulties In- their department Their work was necesbarlly slow as they (jmhlddu Hem ' ' McR they cculd prbceed. They had tlonc a good deal of work on the discoloration of flshi and tenders had now been aaked for a vessel suited for the purpose with which they could continue their Investigation. Other branehes of the fishing industry were asking, aid besides the halibut industry and they were working on pilchard oils. That industry was languishing through the drop in prices, Formerly they werft.)btalnlng-45c a gallon for "Qoincf far beyond mere improvement' ill Dtanaani cjhe oii ScreetL-qrid 3'Circuit oAiicro-sincIironous Radio (jivinq you. " mm lEiECTlVITY nem. sensitivity H II - FINER TONE QUALITY In a Choice of Two BeaviifuL Cabinets T THE NEW ictor ros, their oil but today it was selllnu at 8 cents and it cost from 19 to 20 cents to produce. AU the operators were taking tremendous losses and if the condition continued they would have to go out of business. O. P Tinker welcomed Mr. Found on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce. O. W. Nlckerson championed the Nova Scotia fisheries about which some remarks had been made. He supported jthc - position Ltd Radio VICTOR TAtKINQ MACHINE COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL Orthophonic Victrolas and Records VajrB taxB XJcnxu Jus k:b eb trnzmxasMfmrm ia imt:a'X'caABXKai:ai.'ai :axn ueibxi t aratxrerj famt vi ra am mm ccaisia r.BXBisi'B .tah'in by Mr. Morrison in , regard to restricting the quanUty of fish to be taken from any one area. This year the halibut sold at an average of 0 cents a pound. He had a boat in the early yaars of the In jdustry when the highest price paid was four cents and they made , money. He suggested the depart ment might busy itself. In securing a reduction In the cost of operating. Mr. Found' then spoke apologizing for the absence of the minister Kf-O ON DISPLAY AT. ALL VICTOR DEALERS of fishery but slan.r thrf J? would: be In Prlnn- "'" summer and would w time in the city. AfX II. E. Pawson, assist:" 11 c'al manager of the atlon of Canada. wi hrt tht welc in corm I'umf' linn liyrtPl cl- the opening or we i (M ectrie plant here, wui u. Prince Owrge tonlgJit V' ver enroute back to his heww ters In Montreal.