Til 1 1 t ft paoh rota -r- TFTF DAILY NEWS Thursday, i( Musketeers and Moose Are Tied Are StW Srcn at Tot si Whist League Standing .Plfcatt Rrcxrt Fraternal Whist League resnttr. last night: Meow ft, Orotto 4. Lstt Rriksjn 6, Canadian Legion 3, GreUft Rcmttrrs 4, Six Mosket-eecs 9. DrflNMk 4. Wandnsn ft. I. O. O. r. 5, Seal Cove 4. League TaW Six jjsjgrirnati .....--..-.-.5 Moss ..J ' "iiutwiiii ,4 i. o. o. r. 4 Orotto Martlet 3 Dry Dock .. :.. J Osnadtan LcgJe i Seal Oan X i Lfit Rrfttaon 3 -Grotto h -1 2. L. 2 S Pts. ft 4 4 3 3 3 3 Old Country Soccer ' V WEDNESDAY GAMES English Cup Replays Ofttottiemd 3, Tnnnm Rows 2. Wimbledon 0, Fulham 8. Mansfield Town 1, Halifax Town English League First Division Aston Villa 3, Portsmouth 2. TODAY'S GAMES English Cup Replays Loten Town 4, Clapton Orient 2. , Newport 4, Dulwich 1. n JIA Welling ton 3, Wombwell 0. ""PHILLIES' President of National League Base-(Hf fcbaU Team Dies in Montreal of IHJt Heart Attack 7 MONTREAL, Dec. 4:-WUItam P. ' BAfcer, president of the Philadelphia National League baseball team, died litre today of a heart attack. . Auditorium GOLF COURSE Just the place to pass an enjoyable evening, CJean, quiet, comfortable surroundings. AUDITORIUM GOLF COURSE L. J. MARKEN Proprietor SPORT CHAT The dire for tb second round proper of the En?teh Football A-. jetation cup competition, to be played December 13. te as follows: Oatesborough vs. Southport. Brentford vi. Norwich City. Aeerbitm Stanley vs. T -muiy United. GiUinsh.m '- Aktershot or Peterborough Fatham cr Wimbledon ys. H i-fax Tonn or MansfMd Town, Meteon to. Y-rk City. '..aaute.-e Rovers vr Qatesh" id IS. FWtetflSie. Watford vs. Luton Town or C , Crewe Alexandra va. QeenP .rt: Don&uter Rovers vs. Notts Coun- Sesrboroosb VS. Lincoln City. Mew4tk Twrn vs. Crystal P.iUci-. Bristol Refers vs. 6n?kporT County. . Walsill vs. Dulwich Hamlet or Newport County. Wef'ington Town or Worabwei' vs. Wrexham Carlisle United vs. Tunbriedc Wells. 1 Xxeter City vs. Coventry City. Billiard Averages O. TU. Av.j !A. Murray (CD 7 1750 ?w J. Smith (E) 7 1745 249 ,F. Zfemsn (CL) 3 744 248 C. P. Balagno (B 8 1915 239 O. P. Tinker (CL) . 7 1634 233 W. E. WHHscrof t (El 6 1396 233 J. May (O) 7 1604 229 M. E. Young (B) 8 1825 288 a. Heme o 7 ise 227 jO.Waugh(O) 7 1571 224 J. Andrews (O) 7 1530 219 M. McLachlan (O) 7 1512 210 M. Andrews (CL) 7 14W 210 W. Mitchell (E) 8 1878 210 I A. Macdonald (CL) 5 1003 201 CL. Youngman (CL) 3 554 188 C. Baptie (CL) 2 364 182 W. Murray E 3 540 180 1 J. Scott 'CL 1 V?2 172 Miss Betty Nuthall. women's sinctlf; t'r.nis -hampion of the world, as she appeared at Richmond. England, where she is taking instruction in horseback riding. This scene, showing travellers on high seas on a Cunard liner playing deck the old salts of a half a. century or- so' ogo." " BOY WON EASILY SEATTLE, Dec. 4: Eddie Gross, Seattle heavyweight, gained an easy six-round derision over Frank Sawyer of Vancouver last night. Miss Maude Hughes. New York C ty ,at wheel) and Miss Margaret Radcliffe, Philadelphia, in one of two motor boats which started recently from Detroit on a 5,000-mile endurance run to St. Louis. ' ( ... tennis would puzzle RECEPTION WAS HELD Mr. and Mrs. Boaillianne Entertain , For Mr. and Mrs. Walker of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Boutllianne held a reoppilon at their home on Graham Avenue on Tuesday evening in honor of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Walker of Toronto. Mr. Walker is tb aor. of the late Sir Edmund (Walker ar.d.Mrs. Walker, nee Dillon Mills, is n baroness In her own 'right. Am ng those present were: .Mr. and Mrs. Walker. Capt. and ; Mrs. W. P Armour, Mr. and Mrs. A. , E. Basett-Jones Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Brodhurst. Mr. and Mrs. W M. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. A- J- Col-. lison, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dlbb, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellison, Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Good. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Gwyer, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hinton, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. KlrKendall, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Little, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McLennan, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McMillan. Col. and Mrs. S. P. McMordie, Miss Jessie Moffatt. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Morgan, Mrs. and Mrs. O. H. Mun-ro. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Nelson, Mr. : and Mrs. G. W. Nlckerson, Mayor j and Mrs. C. H. Orme, Mr. and Mrs. ; S. E, Parker, Capt. and Mrs. Peck, !Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Rice, Mr. and ' Mrs. M. M. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Hubert Ward, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. iWaugh and Mr. and Mrs. O 1 Woodland. A. ELKS NAME OFFICERS George C. Mitchell Elected Exalted Ruler of B. P. O. E. For Coming Year Prince Rupert Lodge No. 45, Bene; voJeot and Protective Order of Elks, last night elected officers for the coming year as follows: Past Exalted Ruler, Fred H. Stephens. Exalted Ruler, George C. Mitchell. Esteemed Leading Knight, G. E. Phillipson. Esteemed Loyal Knight, A. S. Nlcr kerson. Esteemed Lecturing Knight, William D. Lambie. Secretary, Oeorge C. Arseneau. Treasurer. W. D. Vance. Inner Guard, Lee Gordon. Tyler, Frank Olass. Esquire, Sam Joy. Chaplain, George Rodger. Historian. Trevor Williams. Organist, Charles P. Balagno. Trustee (three years), H. B. Stiles. CONTROL FLIGHTS Myers Should Be Prevented By Law From Making Hazardous Trips, Paper Contends For more than a month aviators of this district have been flying into he north country and have been -wallowed, up In the fastnesses of that unexplored area, says the Vancouver Sun editorially. Today eight fliers are missing. It is a pitiful thing that the wives and families of these fine young men should be subjected to the fear and worry that Inevitably accompany the non-appearance of loved relatives. But it is even more pitiful that a splendid growing Industry should suffer a measure of disrepute In the public eye because flying feats have been attempted In an uncharted ' country when they should not have been tried at all J The Government of Canada has madc a belated attempt to assist the fortunes of these missing men by sending three search planes into the area where they are supposed to be lost. i ! But the effort of the government ' to obviate? such a situation should 1 have begun long btfore copdltlons called for a search. In brief, Ottawa should havhad machinery for pre-, venting these disastrous ingnis in 1 the first place. I Not Helpful I Ottawa is not helpful to commer-iclal flyers. According to law, no rescue expedition may be undertaken by government machines un til commercial companies have dlcated their unwillingness to take on the Job. -I This In itself Is foolish. The gov- . ernment has both the equipment and the money to search for miss- J lng aviators more thoroughly and1 Get pays. SAVE exhaustively than any commercial company. But the iniquity in this situation goes even further' back. There should be some regulation capable of enforcement by the district j branches of the air force to pro-j hlblt and prevent commercial j flights. Inspired by the unusual courage of flying men. which are bound to end in misfortune or dis- aster. In all candor, had Ottawa exer cised proper supervision and control of flying exploits in this area, these eight men would not be missing at all. It Is a little late' to deprecate the absence of such supervision. But ' surely the anguish of those involved should indicate a new phase of flying conditions In Canada Xhat will protect Canadian flying men from the consequences of their own high courage and attempt to perform the Impossible. DISCUSS IMMIGRATION WASHINGTON, Dee. 4: Congress today has under oortslderatlon the proposed five-year ban on Immigration from every country ,ln the world. the Ac. reacin; habit it T H E (Cits. 1 11 C:Jsm mmm SHOE for greater enjoyment of ipotts ... of social events ... of ill good thtnss ... For DIXIES re nude to tnt the demand of all who are locking for a kiSo Virginia Cigarttte . . . they're mild, cool, hijuj . . . the hU puff tells you why they're caiiej Canada's Pleasure Smoke . . . rolled rljMio lie, smoke right I THE" BETTER CIGARETTE POKER WW HANDS Ai0 130 Ollt without a collar 9 No man of pood appearance roh out without a collar.!, nor does he go about IU dusty, unpolished shoe.. Personal pride suggests a frrmirnt Nugget" hine to keep the shoes smartly prrncnlublc and water proof. sTHGWtTSR JfZKZK JT&A POUSH (jk NUGGET TIN ppciu nidi a tntit I 11 KEEP BIRANIDY HANDY BOTTLED AT COGNAC, FRANCE This advertlsempnt is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Govern- mr-nt 0! British Columbia.