PAGE SIX Aftesr School It's Hot CORDIAL Sor Kiddies In 6 oz. or 16 oz. Bottles The Fish which made upert Brand" SMOKED Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WHAT INTEREST? DO YOU RECEIVE ON YOUR SAVINGS? 6 INTEREST, COMPOUND SEMI-ANNUALLY v , A Rate Compatible With Safety Is raid By YORKSHIRE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION LOCAL AGENTS - McCAFFERY, GIBBONS & COLLART, LTD. THIRD AVENUE TELEPHONE 11 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR K KEEN A BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Phone 566 Rupert Motors Harase and Service Station " DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors, FENDER AND BODY WORK A SPECIALTY iaooeHoiooaooDOOOooDqo0DDDoaapiooooaqQCKioacH;O0oaoooo Want Let Them Be Your Broker and Selling Somebody is waiting to buy that house or bedroom Mt, or coat you. have to sell Somebody is waiting to Mil that car, or typewriter, or whatever else It is you are in the market for, Get the habit of shopping through the Want Ads. You'll find undieamed of bar-gainsundreamed of opportunities. Do your shopping throuah these columns and sec how profitable and pleasant It la. READ and USE iERUPERiwDAILY NEWS ' CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 "If it's fully told it's quickly sold" CHaDoooaoMOOMOOOOaoooobooODOuoooaooooCTOio6ouunocH30,'Wnere Nolkrs Have More Cents" Phone 3G0 319 Third Ave. Do you read the classified advertisements? 1M Prince Rupert Famous vasaii Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 53 BESNER BLOCK DENTIST COAL Buy the real Coal our famous I'.dson and Cassidy-Wellington In any quantities. Also Bulkier Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co rilONES 08 AND 558 Ads in Buying THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, December 4, ltr, Salmon Fishermen Again Voice j Opposition Against Traps and Give Views on Other Proposals f continued from pacel) i jr ti . gulations which would be submit-1 I ted. Mr. Found wished to make it : : clear that these were not proposals i ,01 me aepartment. They were merely a list of proposals from var ious sources which had been gathered together and were being placed before the gathering to hear Its ; views. I Proposals Dealt With ' A proposal that the chief admin l istrative officer In British Columbia k uf u.u . sizes or dimensions of nets for the; purpose of protection of certain species of fish If needed was the first to be taken up. Mr. Found was Informed that the Salmon Flsher- mens Association inienaea to taKeport spring lnum weighlng less a referendum on this proposal and;than slx was approved. Mr. that the result of the vote would be Found menttoned that it was be-transmitted to him Immediately. vond the n-,. of federai control rrv. . , I LI1. 1 Ul I strong views on the matter, expressed itself as being opposed to a proposal that the closed season for blueback fishing be extended to June 1 and that, after that date, there be no size limit enforced. In connection with a proposal that the number of lines In salmon trolling be limited and that the use of the "pig" be prohibited, the meeting went on record as being opposed to any change or restrictions in the trolling regulations. The meeting was not In favor of proposal to alter the time of the weekly closed season from 6 pjn. Friday to 6 p.m. Sunday, to 2 pjn. Friday to 2 pjn. Sunday. The meeting thought that it was but common sense to have a regulation whereby all fish caught In herring glllnet operations be permitted to be sold in the ordinary way since it is killed In any event. No objection was expressed against that Ogden Channel be reopened to salmon purse seining. A. Snellman, speaking on behalf on Skeena River gill netters, voiced no objection. Not much Importance was at tached to a proposal that no sal mon purse seines be allowed to operate In the areas of Fisher Channel and Fltehugh Sound dur ing the sockeye season. The meeting approved a proposed regulation that gill nets of not less than 6v,-lnch measure be used for fishing cohoes as the mesh of sock-eye nets Is too small and most of XMAS Specials SEEDED RAISINS 95c 9 lbs. for CLEANED CURRANTS 95c 7 lbs. for MIXED PEEL 95c 4 lbs. for MIXED NUTS 95c '4 lbs. for SHELLED WALNUTS ,40c per lb 30c, 35c and (Fresh Stock) SHELLED ALMONDS 45c per lb NEW STOCK DATES CI ft ft 13 lbs. for 'vu GLAZED CHERRIES 45c per lb CRANBERRIES Qftrt per lb JAP ORANGES 1.95 2 boxes for FRESH ROAST PEANUTS StlTn 2 lbs. for CHRISTMAS CRAPKERS p,cb0J 25cwS1.00 CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS each 5c, 50c Peameal Back Bacon 40c per lb Brookfleld Storage Extras in Cartons, extra special A. per doz 1 ALL FRESH STOCK Get Your Requirements Early The Economy Cash & Carry the larger fish fall out when "the weather Js rough, resulting In much wastage. OnDOsitlon was voiced against a proposal that no one be permitted" to operate under a gill net licence and trolling licence at the same time. Gustaye Norman said he had never heard of b person using both gears at the ame time. A proposal that when certain ar- ms arf rlnsprt fnr rnnsprvation nur- poses to seining, gill netters In those areas should also be stopped from :UJ" ws hpuu-. Local Resolutions A proposal emanating locally that It be made illegal to buy, sell or im- " r to regulate the sale of fUh after It was caught. Opposition was voiced against a proposal that a limit of five pounds be set for codfish to be taken. A proposal that bait for codflshlng be confined to herring only was also opposed. Strong favor was expressed for a' proposal that the present system of attaching licences issued to other than resident white British subjects and Canadian Indians to canneries be discontinued providing that there be no Increase in the number of fishermen in this category. Charles Lord described as "vicious" the present system of farming these licences out to the canneries and then to Oriental contractors. It meant that these fishermen were under the thumb of this cannery or contractor. A proposal that 260-fathom pilchard nets be permitted on the West Coast of Vancouver Island was approved. Abolition of the weekly close season fo,r pilchard fishing was also approved. The proposal that there be no further reduction of 10 in licen ces Issued to other than resident white British subjects suiKI on9 and nana. dian Indians was approved with l little discussion. The view was ex pressed that Japanese licences were now in fair proportion to those issued British subjects and Indians. At the same time, it was made clear that no increase In Japanese licences would be countenanced, i Mr. Found gave assurance that no! increase was under consideration. Salmon Traps The proposal that "salmon traps be permitted along the Alaskan boundary in Pearce Canal area" brought up the most heated discussion of the conference. The fishermen had fought a battle against salmon traps In 1929 and thought they had been successful, said Mr. Lord. Now, however, the dry bones could be heard rattling again. The fishermen were alarmed to note the number of trap sites that had been taken up in the area referred to. If traps were permitted, it would mark the gradual finish of the Individual fisherman, Mr. Lord predicted. Operation of traps would throw fishermen out of work and still further aggravate the problem of unemployment If trap licences were granted to one or two companies, they would have to be given to all other companies so they could meet the competition, Gustave Norman pointed out. Mike Anderson spoke at length. He expressed the view that the pur-' pose of salmon traps was to obtain fish cheaper and do away with the fishermen. He thought that it was the duty of the department, from the conservation standpoint if from no other, to see that no trap licences were granted. Not only the fishermen but the whole public of the north, was opposed to fish traps. Since ft was the canneries that wanted traps, Charles Lord thought that the onus of Justifying traps should be on the cannery companies. There was some talk of cannery :ompanies having private conferences with the minister of fisheries and it was felt that the canneries should come but in the open as did the fishermen. Mr. Found replied that it was the duty of the minister or any other official to meet any branch of the Industry in conference. He could no more refuse the canners such a conference than he could the fishermen and conferences with the fishermen were welcomed Just as much as were conferences with the canners. Opposition was emphatically voiced against a proposal to limit the number of fishing licences issued. The fishermen felt that there should be an open door policy in all branches of the industry. Considerable discussion developed over the proposal that "the transfer of salmon from one area to another oe prohibited," which proposal was heartily condemned. Charles Lord went so far as to say that the fish ermen would do away with areas altogether and would allow the trans- wtation of fish from any part of the coast to any other part. The view was expressed that. If canners and cold storage plants were allowed to take fish from one area to another, the fishermen should have the same right. It was also urged that the systems of reporting transfer of seining licences from one area to another be simplified in order that valuable time could be saved the selneboats. Peter Lelghton suggested that every fisheries oficer might be nlven authority to issue transfers. In the matter of limitation of salmon purse seines, favor was expressed for the three and,a half inch mesh. The meeting opposed the proposa 2 and 3 U a"M. the season 1931 for the purpose of restoring salmon runs. Departmental officials had the power to close these areas if it was considered necessary, it was pointed out. Loeal Proposals Charles Lord inquired what had happened tp the proposal that there be a standard, weatherproof f i.slUng licence plate. It was urged that such plates be issued with no expense to the fishermen and that they be manufactured by union labor The department had this matter In mind, Mr. Found stated. He thought that the fishermen might pay the cost of the plate with their licence fee. Already the department was spending $700,000 annually on this coast while its revenue was only $20,000. The new local resolutions were then presented by Mr. Lord. There was considerable discussion over the proposal that a hunter be employed to destroy seals. J. M. Morrison of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union thought that- something should be done about sea lions which did great depredations among the halibut. The proposals would have consideration, Mr. Found promised. In reply to the proposal to remove protection on sea gulls, Mr. Found stated that this nutter had been regularly taken up with Parks De partment under which the MIgra- Gertrude L. Thebaud, the" American winner tn the last International fishing schooner race off Gloucester, Mass., as seen looking back from the famouse Bluenose, the Canadian entry. tory Birds Treaty was administered. No result had yet been attained. Mr. Found inquired what kind of obstructions In streams above fishing boundaries were considered most effective to prevent Illegal fishing there. Concensus of opinion was that concrete blocks were best. Boulders might also do. On either barnacles would soon grow and, It, would be hard on poachjng nefrf. ' The matter of abolition of drag seines would be taken up with the Indian Department, Mr. Found promised. The fisheries department was in sympathy with the proposal. The question of dumping of fish offal from canneries was briefly discussed. It was stated that the Rupert Marine Products reduction plant consumed practically all offal in this district. Charles Lord urged that, since Prince Rupert was the centre of administration for fisheries district No. 2, such a conference as this should be a regular event. Mr. Found answered that he, at least, intended to come here annually. Mr. Found, before the meeting ended, extended the greetings of Hon. E. N. Rhodes, minister of fisheries, to the fishermen here. The minister had regretted that it was impossible for him to visit Prince Rupert this fall but he Intended to be here next summer when the fishing Industry was going in full swing. Mr. Found thanked all those who had taken the trouble to come out and attend the conference. Today Mr. Found was to have a conference with a committee consisting of G. W. Nickerson, Capt. J. D. Thurber and Capt. David Ritchie, representing the Canadian Halibut Vessel Owners' Association. W. C. Blancliard Goes South W. C. Blanchard, chief clerk of the Yukon and White Pass Rout? at Skagway, and son were passengers aboard the Princess Norar yesterday afternoon going to Seattle where they will spend the win ter. Week-End Specials Swift's Picnic Ham Fresh OCT stock, per lb AOS Fine Navel Oranges QCTn 5 doi 501 Malkin's Best Large Prunes tZtZg ' 2's, 2 pkgs DDK, Red Arrow Soda Biscuits j(?n 2 pkgs 1t0 B. & K. Pastry Flour EZfin 10-lb. sack DUC Malkin's Best Custard Qp Powder, 12oz. tin uDU CRISCO nr 3-lb tin 001 Royal City Beans with Pork QCn 4 tins King Oscar Sardines f Pn per tin XDU Holland Herrings q pn per keg 3JL3U Wagstaff's Cut Mixed Peels QCn 1-lb. pkg ODs Malkin's Best Seedless 0(?0 Raisins 2 pkgs. Shelled Walnuts-Halfs 75 Q Nabob Fancy Cleaned Cur- Oftp rants, per pkg. Argood Tomato Catsup tZtZn 2 V. 2 tins DDI-Comet Peas Size 4 "t fin per tin XUl Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 TIIUKS.&FM, two Shows 7 and 9jw Richard Barthlemess IN The Dawn Patrol A Thrilline. 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Rirth Notices fiOc Funeral Notices $V Cards of"Thank.'TE Funeral Flowers 10c Pcr 4 Get the Ad. reading nablt " pays.