- - - January 11, 1930 tat 1930 with This Resolution Get your Drug Store Requirements at . ' COAST . ... AMSlilPS Fines M sap J2U !7fw Pioneer Druejeists F 2& fllRDAVE.. t SIXTH ST. - TELEPHONES 86200 Three Graduate Pharmists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Malllntf t'ruiu Print Kupen l HMOI I Ell. VtCTOltl t, Swanin bay. Uuledale. Alrrt Ua. etc.. Tat ll I :.!" p.m. i' 1 Wi lli Kit. VICTOIilA. Uuledale. Alert liar. etc.. Frldaf mldnlrhl t .: AIICI A KM. AN VOX. STUVAItT, Na. KJer, I'urt Hluipwtu. Sun day. 8:oo p.m. -i uu A-' u ne It M SMITH Agent Itlrice Kupeet. B.C. llruutli lUkrtf old to Victoria and Seattlx .and baccate tuecked c nth tn destination Special Round Trip Excursion Rates Will Be In Effect From DECEMBER 25 AND GOOD UNTIL MARCH 31 J'urther Information Enquire At Local Office H B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. W rang ell. Juneau and Skagway December 28, January 11, 25. To Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle Jan. 1, 15. 29. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m. Agents For All Steamship Lines S C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave Ptince Rupert, Phone 31 Canadian National Q7.e Large fl Kailwdy Syftcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and intermediate points, each Thursday 10:00 pjn. 10 : ANYOX and STEWART each Wednesday at 4 p.m. lor NORTH and SOUTH UUELN CIIARLOITE ISLANDS. fortnightly. i"sM M.Mt tkaivx ix.ni: HtirK ittri:itT 'IIMIAY. WMINBtWW and H.Tl KII.W at ll:S a.ro. ff I'll I Mi: t.l '"Kl.i: EDMONTON, HINNirKO. all K.lnU Uktrrn Canada. trtltixl hl.ilrv AURM'V ALL OCK.tM STKAMMUr LINKS ( it) Ticket Office. 528 Third Ae, Prince Rupert I'hone 26ft COAL ! COAL ! PEMBINA EGO Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.50 A LBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD MILL ENDS Per load $1.50 UoX CUTTINGS Per load 3.50 PHONE 5S0 1x6 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.00 110 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 lxG No. 2 Spruce Shiplap ,.$20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $22.00 Cxi and 2x6, 8 to 14', S4S, No 1 Common. . . .$25.00 2x; and 2.x6, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 2 Common. . . .$22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lath, Shingles, Dbors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Sawmill and Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 361 Retail Yard, Cow bay, Telephone 423 If your paper does not nrrivc, telephone the office Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist. Dr. J. 686. It. tripled its business. Gosse. Phone Mrs. E. Cavalier will sail on the Prince John tonight, for, Skldegate. W. II. Wark, well known com-' merclal man and formerly in the Jewelry business here, is a visitor in the city from Vancouver. Irwin Bruyn, manager of the A. W. Edge paint company, sailed this morning on the Venture for a two week's business trip to Vancouver. II. R. Beaven, Queen (Jharlotte Island timber operator, after a brief business visit to the city, will sail kby the Prince John tonight on his return to Port Clements. Financial papers announce that the Lutheran ; Brotherhood Insur ance Co. has been licensed to do M. Watson, well known Carcros merchant, and Mrs. Watson were passengers aboard the Princess North this morning returning north after a vacation trip to Vancouver and Seattle. Mrs. M. A. Simmons and daughter. Miss O. E. Simmons, well known residents of Carcross, Y.T., were passengers aboard the Princess Norah this morning returning north after a trip to Seattle. Union freighter Cbilliwack. Capt. John Muir, la due in port on Tuesday from Vancouver via Kltimaat. The vessel has coal and general cargo for delivery here and will go no further, north than Prince recital Wed- 9 SCALE OF CHARGES The following is tfi scale of charges made for reading notices: Birth Notices 0c. Cards of Thanks, $2. Funeral Notices 51. Funeral Flowers 10c per name. Marriage and Engagement announcement S2 , HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel IMICH Nt:V MWXIIKMKNT Meain llmlrd: Trie'lir' Smnpli- KmHnit; Hot ami Cold' Mater t'rer llu MerU All Tralna and Ikwt Rates $1.00 and ,Up NE'1AI. MONTHLY IUTKH JOHN FRY anI A. DONALD Ftoprletom PHONE 51 j Central I L. M. Uuson, Oscar Bovlk, Q. Oil-jberston and Harold Ojosund, city; R. Robert, Terrace. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert s leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. PRUDHOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy E. Woodward, G. Munson, D. Meldrurh and A. Vlck, Vancouver; J. D. Foster and John Walker, city. New Royal Hotel J. Xarelll. Prop. Tin: iiotki, tvourii wiiu.t; Ho & Cold Water: Steam Heat 75c PER DAT AND UP T lenhuiir Hot Royal Mrs. J. C. Murray, Port Clements; c. V. Hammond, F. Piklaja. W A Bulky. F Hilden, Joseph Bursa and E. Ellen, Vancouver. HIE DAILY NEWS PACE TITOER Gas On Stomach Hated To See Meal Time Coming Mrs. B. Lwnick, Fort William, Ont, writes: "Mv husband auffcrcl with a bad stomach ;' could not eat a all, but on. wng four bottle of he, is feeling a different iaan alto ether. "I, mywlf, was trrriblv li-thfTefl with r'is on my Htomaeh winch kept ie awake, niffht after night, and I Hated to wm meal, time coving, no I .tied tie B.B.H. too, and now I can at what I like ' ' Put up only by The T. Milbtint Co., .limited, Toronto, Ont. buaineaa In Canada. Durine the Charles Carpenter or Masseu, last three years, the company has! who has been paying a brief visit to the city, will sail by the Prince John tonight on his return to the Queen Charlotte Islands. passenger agent, and HaroW Mc-Bwen, division freight agent, left on f-thla morning's train for Jasper In company with the partycf Col. T. A. Hlam, assistant to, the president, who-is going to Montreal. The local officials will return to the city next Tuesday afternoon Dr. P. D. Carr. Prince George chiropractor, and bis brother, J. N. Carr, free miner, arrived in the city on the Princess Norah this morning from Vancouver, where they were defendants in a suit which was lost by the Dominion Ore Concentrating Co. Ltd. in 8u preme Court, and proceeded by train to the interior. Fred J. VandewaU, deputy col- . , ' 1( , 'lector of customs at Skaway. and' fw J .... i 1. i i taxes, DWo Ounrlch, Douglas Friz- William Horn M. J. were!""- spending a holiday in Seattle, passengers aboard the Princess Dougherty were haedJnto city court this rntag Norah this morning " returning Pce was fined S5 in addition W being north ANNOUNCBM ANTS :4 " Valhalla Lodge whist drive and dance, Friday, January 24. Werkhoven piano nesday. January 28. oroerea u pay ine ior i year. Two more summonses making similar charges are about to be served. C. P It. steamer PtffSess 'North. Capt. C. C. Saintey. arrived m port at 9 o'clock this morning from Vancouver and sailed at 11 am for Skagway whence she is scheduled to call here southbound next Wednesday afternoon. The vessel bad on board Si passengers including half a docen or so who dis embarked here. A similar number took passage from here for the north. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Blue compart on Fourth Ave. East or McBride. Finder please return to city Clerk's office. itf FROM SAINT JOHN TO GLASGOW-BELFAST-LIVERPOOL Jan 24 Ilei:ta Fb. 1. eb. IS Moatroae Kb. 7. Ur. 7 MUuMdoaa b 14. Mar. 14 '.Montcalm Not cillhig at Belfast TO CHERBOURG-LONDON Jan. SI. Mar 7 , :Mttagama TO CIIEInOURG-SOOTHAMl,-TON-IIAMIH'RG ab. S3 .....Uelita FROM NEW YORK TO CHKKBOURG-SODT11AMP-TON-L1VERPOOL Mir. 14 , . . Durlvew of Badfortf ! FROM VANCOUVER I To IUwall-Jwn-('hliu-MdUli)4i iFeb 1ft; xAp. 17 Empreaa of Canada 1 i iMU 8. May 8 Bmprraa of Huaala ! ' liter , MM M . Empraaa of Asia ! x Iyciuttnt call at Hoaotalu 1 AorA to AMnta evervwbtft or J. J. I01INIER SteHMVthlp Oonl Paaa. Aaeot FOR ALDERMAN Support of the Electors for the candidacy of H. F. PULLEN Is solicited. SPEECHES SEAL COVE Election Meeting Last Night Was Well Attended By Ratepayers There was a. .good turnout at ;the Seal Cove Ratepayers' meet-I ini last night which was addres sed by two of the mayoralty can- jdidates and three candidates for i alderman. j Before the candidates were cal-jlt-d upon to speak. Robert McKay, ! chairman, spoke of the needs of 'the Seal Cove district and asked I the speakers to state their views Ion such subjects as the road to the new fishermen's floats, the de velopment of Violet Park and the! cut-off road from Sixth Ave. to Eighth. S. M. Newton repeated very largely what he had said at his previous meeting, stressing particularly what he proposed to do for the eastern section of the city. Alderman Prudhomme answered Mr. Newton and brought charges of mismanagement against the Newton regime. Once or twice Mr: R. F. McNaughton, CN.R district ! Newton interrupted the speaker and at trie close Henry McLeans, former city engineer, was asked to explain certain matters In re-' gard to the method of handling crushed rock. One interesting feature of Mr. Prudhorame's speech was a suggestion that he would call in the assistance of the Inspector of municipalities to advise as to a course of action in municipal finance, if he were elected. Aldcrmanic Questions II. T Pullen was the first of the alderman 1c candidates called upon. He said he was In favor of the east end getting a fair proportion of any appropriations and particularly did he favor the opening of the road to the new floats. However, everything depended upon whether they could get the money. As there would be little for the city council to do this year In regard to public works he strong ly urged that their activities should be devoted to trying to bring in new industries. He dealt with a number of matters which were rather jfanusual , at an. alder manic mtsi ' v F. Weach spake very briefly, expressing himself in favor of more expenditures in toe east end, especially in regard to those mentioned by the chairman. George Casey made a feature of cutting down the police estimates. No matter whteh way the people voted he thought the total cost TOuld be reduced by five thousand dollars. Nelson and Trail got along with three policemen each and he did not see why four would not be enough for Prince Rupert. At pre sent $10,000 a year was being paid to the Provincial Government in addition to about $3,000 in fines, and other expenditures for them around the city hall amounted to about $4,000 a year, making in all $17,000 That was too much for a city this size. Mi Casey expressed the conviction that he would be elected. OFFICERS ELECTED Alonzo Haines Ajtaln President of Canadian National Recreation Association The local Canadian National Recreation Association has elected officers for 1930 as follows: Honorary president W. II. To-bey. Honorary vice-presidents R. F. McNaughton. O. A. McMillan and Harold McBwen. President Alonso Haines. Vice-president Walter Smith. Secretary Hsrry Thrupp. Treasurer c. ::. Norton. Executive William Reld. F. A. Rogers, II. Skattebol. F. E. Wermlg and R. E. James. . The association's annual dance will be held next month. Miss Miriam McBride, daughter of J. C. McBride, collector of cus- . toms for Alaska, was a passenger ; aboard the Princess Norah this I morning returning to her home : in Juneau after a trip to Seattle. A party of loggers from Vancouver arrived in the city on the Princess Mary yesterday afternoon from the south en route to the Kelley Logging Co.'s camps on the Queen Charlotte Islands. They will sail tonight on the Prince I John for Selwyn Inlcl This tea has that flowery fragrance you will enjoy SALAD A "bE EH 'Fresh from the gardens1 (JhurcK $zxvkz$ Building Is One of Finest of Its Kind in North: Fully Modern in Design and Finish SKIDEOATE, Jan. 11. The natives at Skidegate Mission have Just completed the building of their new Town Hall. The building measures 85 feet in length and 45 feet wide and is very well equipped. There are dressing rooms for ladles and men at one end and a smoking room and agent's office at the other. There is both hot and cold running water in the rooms. The building T1S FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. W. Dafoe, D.D., Minister Services: Morning Service at 11 ajn. Subject, "THE YEARS OF SILENCE AT NAZARETH." This Is the first subject in a series, "Some Lessons in the Life of Jesus." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening Service at 7:30. Subject, "WHY DO MEN GO AWAY FROM CHRIST." Melvto R. Dafoe will sing at the evening service. A cordial welcome. :first united church A , Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, B. A. t Morning Service at 11 o'clock. Subject. "THE HAPPY MAN." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening Service at 7:30. Subject, "BROOKS THAT DRY UP." Male quartette, "What1 Did It Mean. Devotional Meeting Wednesday at 7:30. ST. RAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Pastor, Rev. John II. Hanson Res. 618 Sixth Avenue West. Phone Blue 187 Morning Worship and Baptism at 11 ajn. Solo byMrs. Carl Dybhahvn. Sunday School at 12:18 pjn. Seal Cove Sunday School at 12:15 pjn. Evening Service at 7:30. pjri. Subject, "THIRD LECTURE ON JOB." Solo byy Mrs. J. Mur-vold. You will be welcome. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society, 215 Second Avenue This Society Is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, tn Boston, Mass. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "SACRAMENT." Sunday School at 12 noon. Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The public Is cordially invited. Reading rodm, 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 8 pjn. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Morning Prayer and Sermon at 1 1 o'clock. Sunday School at 2:30. Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7:30. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. Thomas McConneU, B-. Morning Service at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 12:15. Evening Service at 7:30. There will be a special number by the choir. NEW SK1DEGATE HALL NOW OPEN is onv of the finest of Its kind in the north and one of the most modem in design and finish. The splendid progress which has been made-by the Haidas since Rev. James Olllett took over the agency has been noticed by all Mr. Olllett has always taken a very keen interest in everything that might benefit the natives and their marked progress reflects great credit upon him. TAKE NOTICE I. Victor J. Preston, will not be responsible after this date for any debts contracted in my name. Daily News "classified advertising brinirs results. (iet the caii'i'eadyiiow ur mummer Equip your car now with a set of Royal Cords or Royal Masters. . . . and enjoy a season's motoring free from trouble or worry. Come in and see us about prices and let us tell you at the same time about our weekly inspection service. DOMINION ROYAL CORDS and ROYAL MASTERS S. E. Parker, Ltd. Phone 83 FORD DEALERS 3rd Ave.