RADIO FANS AT MEETING Question of Interference Was Chief. Subject of. Discussion Last Night , the question of prevention of Interference with radio reception was the chief subject of the meeting of the Radio Association held in the City Hall, last evening. In the absence of D. c. McRae thrpugh sickness, Sid Relth took the chair. It was reported that the trouble finding instrument owned by the government had been out of the city for two months and without it the local inspector was not able to do much. At present It was at Stewart. The suggestion was made that ar. instrument be purchased by the association and it was thought the dealers would put up a good dfal of the mone- The absence of Inspector Datt from the meeting was the subject of comment. Dad Interference was reported in the neighborhood of Borden Street. Amateur Interference was also complained of. Ben Rice reported that he had canvassed the city from Seal Cove to Pulton St.. investigating the number of regenerative sets. He was given a good reception and a number of small sets were found. He suggested someone else continue the work westward. There was a general discussion in regard to radio matters. It was decided to postpone Uie election of officers until a future meeting to be called for January 14. Legion Leading In Billiards Two More I'ostponed Game Were Played Last Evening Two more games were played last nlRht In the Orotto vs. Canadian Legion Billiard League fixture as a result of which the Legion now has a 724 to 555 lead over the Orotto. W J Nelson (Orotto) beat Col. S. P McMordle (Canadian Legion) by 250 to 224, ami M. Andrews (Canadian Legion) defeated Oeorge Waugh (Orotto) 260 to 161. Games remaining to be played are: J. Andrews (Orotto) vs. 0. P. tinker (Canadian Legion), and M. M. McLachlan vs. J. W. Scott, Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert January 11.. 1910 In drawing up the charter of the city of Prince Rupert for incorporation, it is urged that provision be made whereby the mayor will have absolute control of the police force and will be held responsible for the manner In which laws against Immorality, disorder. Vice and crime are enforced. Klsplox Valley farmers complain that their cabins have been broken Into and tools, provisions, blankets, etc., taken. Two Indians were convicted this week on such charges and sentenced to Jail. Ore on the Portland Canal Mining Co 's property at Stewart Is reported to run $34 in gold and $54 in silver. The property was recently Inspected by W. J. El-mendorff. ' i. k- ru. h,. omi iw r CLASSIFIED ADV ERTISEfflENTS - FOR S ALE, FOR RENT LOST & FOUND 'THIS IS THE .PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUG AND OLD ELITE BEAUTY PARLOR Mrs. Sutherland Expert marcelling, finger ana water waying. Face massaee and scalp treatments; p Phone 499 sl THE ELECTRIC BAKERY "The Store That Quality Built!" EAT ELECTRIC BKEAD TheBcst There Is! ' P. O. BOX 11C PHONE G67 Hunt's Furniture Store -The Store of Quality" WEEK'S SPECIALS Rcstmorc Beds Kinp; of Rest Springs Mattresses and Bed Lounges G. M. HUNT Third Avenue (OMI'AMBS ACT nsxMovT m itr inu:t .mines LIMITED WOT1CK 18 HBRBBT GIVEN that pursuant to Section SIS of to "Companies Act" a rotating of the Or Kitten of the shove niiK Company win b hald mt the office of C. P. Dart O. tut Floor. Royal Trust Building, sae Pender Strwt West. Vanoouver. BR. on Monday Us 20th day of January. AD. 180, a 110 o'clock in toe forenoon for the purpose provided for in Wo aaw JMoxion iu. DATRD this eth day of January, ad. isee. D. O MARSHALL. UquMetor. LAXD ACT Notice of Intentlen to Apply to l-re Land Tali Not tor that 1. James Martin ol Maasett. B.C.. intend to apply for a teas of the following dceerlbed land: Commencing t a poet planted a high water mark, and at the shore orner of Main Street, aud the corner 'of Block 20 Town of Maseett, B.C.; i thence South Westerly and in line with 1 the East tde of Main Street for about three hundred fret to low water mark; ; thence In a North Westerly direction to New Kaasett wharf: thence along the wharf about three hundred feet more or leas to high water mark; thence along high water nurk to the point of oowMrwmrwment. - Dated at Maseett, B.C. this 30th day of November. HH9. JAMBS MARTIN. .MINERAL ACT Section tS Notice ta Co-rartners Mineral claims Star, Rand, Belle, Aurora, situated at Loekepoft. Queen Charlotte Islands. Owners Host Morrison PJtf O. F71993 R. Dunlop and II. II. McCon. To all concerned, take notice that 1. Hess MorriMa r.M.C. 871993 c hsv-ng done all the work and paid all dues on the above Mineral Claims for the year eruttag Oct. 27th, 1939, without any work done or moneys paid by oa-owneri, H. Dunlop sad H. If. McOoli, intend to apply within a period of 120 riays after first appearance of this notice, to ths Mining Recorder, to have '.lie interests of said co-owners vetted toMy In myself. ROSS MORRISON, Ml Per J. . Barge, Agent. . n& iuys, UVHO t CtLfcPHONEP (HE UhFKE lrfr WANTED YOUNO LADY Wants sewing by day, plain sewing, dressmaking and embroidery. Phone Black 236. 9) OOOD Strong woman wants any kind of houses or hotel work. ' Apply through Miss Barbeau, Besner Block, (tf) HELP WANTED. WORTH INVESTIGATING Permanent positions with pension as Postman, Clerk, Stenographer, in Government Service. Get ready for spring appointments. Free information from the M. C. C. Civil Service School, 18 Mac-kie Block, Calgary. AGENTS WANTED USE OUR Millions to get more money; Rawleigh's giant industries now expanding; must have more good men for cities and towns; immense resources, over $17,000,000.00; established 40 years; four big factories and 7 branches; Australia. Canada and America; annual sales over 36,-000,000; no similar industry v. big; hustlers earning $150 to $400 every month; big pay every day; no experience or capital required; everything supplied; world's biggest market; retail nearly 200 products; need daily every home: steady repeaters: big profits; lowest prices; best values; food, soap, toilet pre parations, stock poulto supplies: 4 big lines; you can't beat Rawleigh's proposition; investigate-then decide. Rawlelgh Company. Dept. CII-180 I. Winnipeg, Man. LOST SOMEONE Took the wrong grey cap rrom the tneaire cloak room. Exchange can be made. Dally News Office. SILVERSIDES, BROS. Wallpapers Paints Window Olass Picture Frame Mouldings Third Avenue Phone 22 CLEARING & GRADING Concrete. Foundations Tunnels anu shafts in difficult ground a specialty. NELS KOKKJAR. CENTRAL HOTEL CRAIG SCHOOL OF DANCING Principal, Nan Craig, Gold Medallist Enroll now for instruction in the latest . Toe, Tap, Ballet, Grecian, Musical Comedy, Rallroom, Physical Culture and every' type of National Dance Miss Craig had the honor of Judging the Highland Dancing at the Vancouver Exhibition in 1929. STUDIO, 21G SIXTH AVENUE XV. Phone Oreen 693 Embarassing Moments FOR RENT FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone 547. tf. FOR RENT Furnished apart ments z, 4, ana & rooms. Apply Mussallem Grocery. tf FOR RENT $5.00 a month puts a piano in your home. Walker's Music Store. FOR RENT Clean, well furnish- ed modern two and three roomed suites. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. (tf) FOR SALE KITCHEN Cabinet, tables, etc. Phone Green 441. (10K FOR SALE Kolster six tube electric radio, $150.00. First class shape, one year old. Phone 83. (tf) FOR SALE White Lunch Restaurant. Apply C. L. Monroe, Official Administrator, or Pat-more & Fulton. (tf) FOUR Roomed house, fully modern, in first class condition, in Section 1. 1890 cash. $1800 on terms. A real bargain. McCaffery, Gibbons and Collart. (tf) OR SALE SS H.P. Union Gas Engine. Price, cash $200.00, on terms, $300.00. For quick sale. Apply Box 1562 or Phone Black 710. (14) FOR RENT SIX ROOMED MODERN HOUSE FIFTH AVENUE WEST; $35.00 READY FEBRUARY 1 M. M. STEPHENS it CO LTD. Rentals ?oah Real Estate FOR 5ALE MODERN HOUSE No. 311, FIFTH AVENUE, EAST, WITH TWO LOTS 3 Bedrooms and Large Sleeping Porch Upstairs, and, Kitchen, Dining-room, Living-room and Pantryownstalrs j VERY REASONABLE PRICE And' EXCEPTIONALLY EASY TERMS ! IL G. IIELGER&ON, LTD. Phone 9C 216 Sixth St. RADIO BICYCLES FURNITURE REPAIRS, PACKING AND CRATING TOM BALLINGER 5th Street, Phone Blue 635 QUEEN CHARLOTTE-PORT CLEMENTS STAGE Meets all boats northbound at Queen Charlotte City to convey passengers to Port Clements, and meets southbound boats at Port Clements to receive passengers for Queen Charlotte City. Fare $5.00, and m proportion to intermediate points. ' R. G. McKENZIE PREMIER HOTEL QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY. B.C. A Diily News vnt-ad will bring results. "1 iTiT w ma jr LiVt B BOATBUILDERS KIY BOATBTJILDERS. COW BAY P. O. Box 749 Phone Red 415 SALVAGE ANI TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do it." PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR EASTIIOPE ENOINES Northern B. C. Distributors Coolldge Prope'ne, ,,. Sand and Gravel in any "quantity, delivered anywhere by water. ' Phone, Day or Ntgnt sfc'jL ' , V. O. Box 1564 CniROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC and SUNSHINE TREATMENT For Colrt, Coughs, Neuritis, Lumbago and Rheumatism R. E.. EYOLFSON, D.C. 623 Third Avenue West Bice 8S Phones Red 589 DR. W. C. ASPINALL Chiropractic Health Service Ultra-Violet Ray Ultra-Red Ray All Diseases treated successfully Green 241 Phones Black 283 PHOTO FINISHING For Fine Photo Work Quick Returns Careful Finishing WRATH ALL'S PHOTO FINISHINGS 323 Third Avenue WE FRAME PICTURES AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy. sell or exchange any kind of furniture or Household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. Oeneral repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. WATER NOTICE Diversion and I'se TAKE NOTICE that James B. Stapler whexe address Is Hotel Castlneau, Juneau. Alaska, wUl apply for a licence to take and use 200 cubic, second, foot of water out of East Fork Tulsequab River, which flows Southerly and drains Into Taku River about 20 miles above the mouth. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 3 miles up stream from, the mouth of the East Fork and will be used tor Mining Power purpos upon the Tulwquah Chief group. This notice was posted on the ground on tne !Ust day of October. 1S29. A copy ol this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act, 1814." will be filed In the office of ths Water Recorder, at Atlln November ltth, 1929. .Vr.-J. , Objections to the spplleaUoiwmAyb led with the said Water Reccrneri Or with the Cbnvptrollcr of Water Jtight. Parliament BuUdlngs. Vlctda.rBvC, within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice In a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice Is December 2nd, 1S29. JAMES B. STAPLER, Applicant. By H. McN. PRASER. At) IB. D O, Agent. StEMS "tVAT" Vjii Vr- LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lewe Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording District or British Columbia, and situate on the South Bank of SKeena River, opposite Mile' 28.78 on- Canadian national Railways, East oi rrmee Rupert, B.C. , Take notice that Northern British Columbia Fowrr Company, Limited of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Power Corporation Intends to apply tor a t lease of the following desorlVC ; lunas: Commencing at a post planted about 120 chains distant and In a Southerly direction from centre line of Canadian i National Railways, opposite mile 311.79 j East or prince Rupert, on tne soutn bank of the Skeena River, thence North S chains more or less to Low Water Mark; thence Westerly along L.W.M. S chains; thence South S chains, more or lew to H.W.M : thence Easterly along H.W.M. to point it etmmencement and containing two (2) Seres, more or less. NORTHERN BRITISH COLOMBIA POWTR COMPANY. LIMITED. Per: Thomas D. McLean, Agent. Dated September 21st. 1B29. LAND ACT Notlre of Intention to Apply to Piirihau! Land In 8tlklne Land Recording District and Mtuste on the north bank of the Taku River at a point about three miles north of the junction of the Tulstqtfah River with the Taku River. Take notice that the Alaska Juneau Ckrid Mining Company of Juneau, Alaska, occupation mining company. Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: I Commencing at a post planted near Tne soutnwest corner oi uie jki m. C. thence South 40 ohalns: thence Wet 20 chains; thence North 40 chairs; thence East 20 chains more or less to point of commencement and containing eighty acres, more or leas. ALASKA JUNEAU GOLD MINING COMPANY By Paul A. Decker, agent. DsV-d 26th day of October, 19M. LAMl ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to l.euv Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of British OslumMa, a$d it-uate on Uto Nrtb bank. of the Beaver River. 30 chains Northwest of the mouth of the Little. Beavar River In the Kltsumkalum Valley, Bast of Prlnoe j Rupert. B.C. j Take notice that Joseph Hart of i Aberdeen, Washington, - occupation. miner. Intends to apply for a ieae or i purchase of the following described ! lands: I Commencing at a poet planted 30 ; chains distant and In a Northwesterly direction from the mouth of the Little . iiaTer River in the KRsumkatmn IVailey; thence North 80 ohalns; tbenoe westerly so oMins; theoos SouUxrly so chains: thence Easterly 80 ehatn snd containing 1380 acres, more or lew. JOSEPH HART. JOHN B. COUTURE, Agent. Dated January 4, 1990. LAMl ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase land In the Oaaslar DMtrlet Land Recording District of Stlktae and situate on the Taku River abewt three quarter of a mile up stream from ths confluence of the Taku and Tulsequah Rivers. Take notice thst Horace MeNarjgtotAn Praser of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Civil Engineer, Intends to tbpqr for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the Taku River about three quarters of a mile up stream from the mouth of 4 the Tulsequah River; thence North 20 ftiiatns; thence East MO chams; thenco : v.. m hi j watm, www , t , rv y viiniua iiiuiu vr icva w nu m cum mencement and containing forty acres, more Or less. HORACE McNAUOHTON FRASER: Dated October 2Sth. 1639. . For quick results try a 'want I ad" in the Daily News. 1 "sg jtwat jfisg 1 3 SUB'S TRY DANCING ! Myfanwy Campbell, D3lJ. Offers You the Very Latest in Tap!!! Toe!! Ballroom Grecian Classical Children's classes commence Saturday, January 11. Terms, S3 Monthly; Private Class $3.50 Monthly Phone Black 613 LANII ACT Notice nf Intention to Apply to I'urrhae Land In the Stlklne Land Recording Division; Land Recording District of Telegraph Creek and situate on extreme tip of peninsula on North bank of TttlsFC-uth zn4 West bank of Taku Rivers, approximately one mile south af Ms pie Slough. Take notice that E. J. Norman and B. MeOambe of Juneau. Alaska, occupation miners. Intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Cctamenefng at a post planted one mile south of Maple Slough: thence North 40 chslni: thence West 21 etoamr: thence South 40 chains: thence Blast 20 chains and containing 80 acres, more or less. EDMUND JEAN NORMAN ROBERT SALE McCOMEE. Dated 19th day of October. 1923. LA Nil ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In The Queen Chartotte Land Dts. trlet Land Recording District of Prince unpen, and situate near iuock za Maasett Townatte. Take notice that Arthur Robertson and Eugene H. Simpson of 'Maasett. C occupation Lumberman .intend to anply for a lease of the following described lands: site: thence Westerly 10 chains to Oov. Wharf; thence Southerly 4 chains running parallel to Gov. Wharf to Low Water Mark; thence Easterly 10 chains; thence Northerly 4 chains, and containing T acres, more or less. ARTHUR ROBERTSON EUOENE HUMPHREY SLMPSON Dated Nov. 13th. 1829. S. D. Johnston Co., Ltd. Correspondents For MILLER, COURT & CO., LIMITED For the benefit of the investing public, Miller, Court Si Co., Ltd., publish a semimonthly market report, dealing with mining, oils and industrial stocks, which is available at our office on the 1st and 15th of every month. We offer prompt and reliable service in the execution of orders to buy or sell all stocks on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto Exchanges. S.D. Johnston Colli 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert ILC Advertise in the Daily News. V fatwo ffortffA lata. i. at ihb. s&stt& '22 n IH.' tH tmvmt !, Qil Sriuti rltM ua. t tiJrai. u i tit taM s.V sx. - . i".im -