PAGE SIX A Modern Hygienic Service Women can't afford to do without To millions of women, Kitix, thi Ntur and Improptd Sanitary Napkin is a hygienic service which they would never think of doing without. For a few pennies, they obtain absolute security and wonderful freedom from worry, not found with old fashioned napkins. Doctors and nurses urge Kotex because it protects against serious consequences that may easily follow times of hygienic distress. No embarrassment when buying. Just say Kotex at any drug, dry goods or departmental store. Regular size 60c for box of a dozen. Super-size 75c, Directions in every package. MADE IN CANADA K o re X Sanitary Napkins 3S3Z 6 Features of the New and Improved Kotex I. Kotex If fof t Not drptiT nftneft. tht toon patkf Int. ch8 hardneM. But a dcNcatt. luttfi toftnraf. I. Sfff . ncur. . . . krp youl mind ft nte. .... i. Kotei filler if ftr liihter tnd cooler Ikan enttoa. rf abaorba 4 "ff f f mock. . a hot plutf . . . Kotex it tbe Wtntleal material iwed ia 0 of Canada f leadinf bofpltaw. . J. DeoJorltM. tafelr. thoroniMr. by a patented proceta. t. It If eaalljr ditpoaed of. No uapleaMnt Uiwdrjr. COAL ! COAL ! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGGDelivered, per ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD JUST ARRIVED. NEW SHIPMENT OF BIRCH AND JACK PINK MILL ENDS Per load $4.50 BOX CUTTINGS-Per load 3.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" lpper. "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, R.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING (i. T. P. 20.000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Rlackttmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds, of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 Early Ad. Copy is appreciated Considerable Active Mining Development Expected In 1930 In Central Interior District ! T;- ji, &YL.S. McGILL .,. , (Manager, Omlneca; Branchy .British Columbia Chamber of Mines) With the opening up of spring in the Omineca Mining division a new year is being commenced which bids fair to see a great deal of active development despite the handicaps under which the mining industry generally is laboring at the present time. The outstanding feature in the district is probably the undiminished confidence of all who are now in the district in the future of the industry. While outside capital has not been coming in during recent months to the same extent -as at some previous times, those who have properties in ine" district and who could find any way of carrying on work, have been doing so in the winter months. Of the larger operations, Duthie mine has now been closed to production ojj account of low metal prices, for nearly two months. It is expected locally that development will be continued throughout the summer Jn spite of general finan cial conditions for work done in the fall and winter of 1929-30 Snowshoe Group, Hudson Bay Mountain, by Harry C. Wade and oartners, on the Zobnlc Group, a sliver-copper prospect only one mile from Smithers, by Alex. Zobnic, and by Donald C. Simpson on tils Hudson Bay Mountain claims. The new discovery of bismuth on the Glacier Guleh Group was opened up further by the owners (S. P. Campbell, Q rover E. Loveless and W. Banta) during the winter until showed up extremely well not only ZTJTSTZny . .I.. , , .v.. i ... work showed up well and will be on the 600-foot level, the lowest in resumed in a short time with the of the main veins on the adjoining ad gSX MlnM Humming Bird property. To "J the latter at depth the McPherson Jir.. .1.. this tunnel one of the higher levels of the mine, w another 2500 feet? into the mountain when the shut-down took place. big program of development region Is most promts- continue rf-Jhe as being . Inr, nrA I eAan0 a mh ntv thai Cronin mine is carrying on de velopment in a small way and machinery and supplies were recently profitable mines will result there. W. S. ("Duke") Harris has a crew working on the old Rocher de Boule Copper Mines at Hazelton and has finances ararnged for to go right "to continued atch Uk n hi w a v w Topley Richfield Mining Com-; pany Limited closed down work on the Three Star Group in March, although the last work done showed This company is not now working m any property In the district. Owen Lake Owen Lake Mining it Development Co. Ltd. with Frank H. Taylor gain In control, has continued .vorklng steadily on development fter Noah Timmlns stopped putting up further finances. Fifteen .nen are now employed and both tunnel work and, diamond drilling ire being pushed ahead Other work Is being parried on by ftank H. Taylor and others on jronertles near the Owen Lake who knew the property when it was being operated under the higher prices for copper during the war. It is expected r that development a large body oi copper ore at ai ... SUver Cup Mine at Hazelton depth of some 50 feet underground. the will be resumed following reor ganization whereby Omlneea Mining it Milling Co. Ltd. took. over, the operational. ' (ai.'i nit. m .. . IN OCEAN P. WVLiice TrlLvin Arcpsy SK dfJlBejshlChkrlitte J Macatlne sland Mlnlne & Develomnent Co. Ltd.'s -Japanese coiony on one oi me holdings. smaii wwnas in ,me wuecn unar- Alex S. Millar has worked all win- Joue Broup- woimern unusn uo- ' mtila I- w.1...l..l.. I M tjr on h s Cascade GrouD near CAl-"""c' cubbkcu uu Smithers and reports good results . harvesting false whiskers from the from this recent development. wr oi me racmc ucean. urass other small scale development Deas covering an immense area are carried by the owners throughout cut by dlve. cean "hay" hauled ashore and spread out to th. ,irr Minn arc nn thi. Harvpv group In the Bablne Range by C. C. i01?. 11160 sPPa w Japan m small Harvey and associates, on theisnlPIods- i FREE! FREE! Robin Hood Pastry Flour all for Ramsay's Cream Sodas' 2 pkgs. for Dollar Box Sodas-each Jutch Tea Rusks 2 pkgs. for Cereal, per pkg. 85c Fancy Mixed Cookies Q-f AA vl.OU 3 lbs. for Tresh Ground Coffee 3 lbs. for 45c 65c 45c $1.30 Robin Hood Oats, china ware A fin Ul or tumblers, per pkg Dr. Mlddletons Whole Grain 1An 1UV Dr. Mlddletons 100 Whole Wheat Flour, guaranteed lronlzed. 7nn V If. 1- UVl 1U If. SUCK 24 lb. sack 49 lb. sack Dr. Mlddletons Cookies 2 pkgs.' for ' $3.00 25c . FRESH VEGETABLES AND, , FRUITS ARRIVING i y EVERY BOAT FLACE YOUR ORDER NOW Mussallem Grocery Co. Hi Limited 417-423 5th Avenue East PHONE 18 AND 81 P. 0. box 675. me tiner quality oi me grass Mj used to make false whiskers for, moving picture actors. It is so! tough that it can be pulled, tugged. twisted, or curled without suffering any damage. On the screen the ocean whiskers look exactly like the rftAl thine , . .-, .1 The coarser grass goes, into trade uiass uowi irec wiui i pmjii. oi of , under the nam of "aear "agar aifar;M agarr It is manufactured Into Isinglass, g ilatlne and kourl cake. Agar agar has no food value, but is used extensively as an article of diet by ! diabetics or sufferers from chronic constipation. Large quantiUes are shipped back to Canada and the United States' from Japan after It has been prepared for culinary uses. P. W. Luce. In Argosy Magazine. Norman McGlashan, son of James McGlashan, left today with the freighter Canadian Winner, having signed on the ship as a seaman. He will serve his time with the Canadian National Steamships in anti cipation of ultimately taking out navigation papers. S1.65,CITIT.;i -SUITS! a a fa r a . MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Styj All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AM PRESSED We Deliver to Any City. Part of thf Ling, the Tailor Phone 849 TW0TAKUS I ARE FOUND One Is Large Port In Yellow Sea; Other River In Northern j ' British Columbia j Out of the Port of Vancouver steamed a deepsea lumber freighter i the other evening bound for Taku. Another boat passed through the j Narrows outward-bound carrying i passengers, many of whom were ' bound for Taku. Now the lumber ship will drop anchor in the Yellow Sea; the passenger will make a mooring 5000 miles distant towards the rising sun of Northern British Columbia; and both will be at Taku. Taliu, scene of the latest mining excitement in the north. Is at the head of Taku Inlet which cuts across the Alaska Panhandle away north of Prince Rupert. Through Taku Inlet, the gold seekers are going this spring In numbers which suggest the boom of '98. Taku. on the Asiatic side of the Pacific, is one of the large ports for receiving British Columbia lumber on tne other side. Peiping Is inland and at Taku Bar ships of all nations load and unload. Rapid development of industries nd shipping around the North Pa--tfic creates new Jobs for geography ukeis. Something should be done bout Taku right away or some '.nnest prospector who thinks he Is taking a ship to the rich northern diggings will awaken to find himself on the road to ancient Cathay. Vancouver Province. Cheap Cows Peace River Edmonton Paper Urges Alberta to Emulate British Columbia by Selling on Terms The Government of British Columbia proposes to sell cows on easy terms to settlers In the sec tion of the Peaee River territory lying within the province, says the Edmonton Bulletin editorially. It Is unfortunate that the legislature, of A1Vwrti af th mvnt uuhin riMrt not revive the "cow bill" In some amended form, which would have WINDOW BOXES Much can be addd to the attractiveness of any house by boxes and hanging pots and in this type of garden' even the apartment dweller or the home owner, whose garden la used en-j tirely as a children's playground,' can participate. One can purchase. window boxes ready made or the. man who Is handy with tools can turn out his own now while waiting for the soil to dry up. Even if purchased these boxes should usually be stained the 'desired colour and arrangements will have to be made for supporting them. Use Inch lumber and strongly reinforce with angle Irons at the corners. These irons can be purchased for a few cents at any hardware store and it is essential to use them as otherwise the box wjll Mi a- 4-4 n i! empowered the Provincial Govern-IJ ment to assist farmers in all parts ( J of the province in -that way. Aj J time when farmers generally afo turning their attention toward : I X mixed farming, is a time when assistance of that kind would be an investment from which large dlv-'dends would be drawn In the HINTS FOR GARDENERS i warp or burst after watering the plants In it a few times. The win dow box should be at least eight inches wide and the same deep, and slightly larger measurements are preferable so that there will be less chance of the soil drying out T T T T1 I Bessie Love and Charles King i "Chasing All-Talking, Singing & Dancing I Cartoon "Katskin' Admission- in one of the biggest shows of the year Rainbows" MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Tyo snows 7 and 9 p.m. Paramount Sound News -20c & 65c USED To Fit Your Pocket Book $65.00 to $550.00 TERMS ARRANGED TIRES Can you use these sizes? Several good uged 33x4 and 34x4 tires at special prices. AUTOMOBILE Engine at low-prices suitable for conversion to boat engines. COME In and see the new FORD MARINE ENGINE now set up in our shop. Tlie Canadian Car.' S. E. PARKER LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. I i o a u l n I This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. on a hot day. Use screw nails to put the box together rather than edge of the back of the window nails so that it will not come apart box will hold It onto the window when filled with damD earth, and sill without shading the lower nnr- Dorea jew noies m me oouom iq uon oi me wingowui couriottinil piuviuu uiamaKc. uciieiuiiy speaK- wun cnains or siout wires lasirnea Ing, the box should be as long as to the outside edge of the box and the window sill, but where the lat- to hooks in the sides of the winter' Is over six feet it may be ad- dow frame. Window boxes and vlseable to use two boxes for con-1 hanging pots should have a layer venlence in handling. The whole I of drainage material, such arcln-thing must'be very strong and well ders, gravel or broken pottery, in supported as the larger ones will the bottom. Then, if it is procur-welgh over one hundred to two able, put a four-Inch layer of well-hundred pounds when filled with rotted manure and on top of this soli and plants. An Inch cleat fas- two or three Inches of fine, rich tened strongly along the upper garden soli. The manuro and the soil must bo well pressed After watering, the box or ready to plant. I i i g n t 4 i f t A. St'. Clair Brlndle, wH to"J" w northern mining engineer. It author of an Interesting arucie the magazine section of the urrc ' Vancouver Sunday Province titled, "New Era Dawns in 0l" Mining Empire of North." The v tide is a lengthy one and particularly with the Stiklne. Dea and Liard River field. Progressive mcrcnants advert!