PAGE TWO THEJJaILY 1TZWB Wednesday, am The Daily News , KilNCE RUPERT . BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue II. F. PULLEN Managing-EaMtbr ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES , ( , ' ."' J'4' By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year ......... . 6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year ........ ..v . 7J( By mail to all parts of Northern and'Central British Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period 3.00 Or four months for .......... i ... . .' 1.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 50 City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 Transient advertising on front page, per Inch .jiff. . . 2.80 Local readers, per insertion, per line .'.J.',.. .25 Transient. display advertising, per inch, per insertion .. . L40 Contract rates on application. 1 :. ,f Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone . . .86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Provincial Constable H. Daubeny arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Victoria and will proceed Saturday morning by train to Prince George where; he will make his headquarters as motorcycle patrol officer on thei Wedr.t sday, April 16, 1930 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS R. .Boyd Young, well known Port Simpson nierchant, is paying a brief business visit to the city. Inspector James M. Tupper. R. CMP., left on this morning's train for a brief trip to Hazelton on official duties. Mrs. C. L. M. Giggy of Terrace is a visitor in the city, having arrived from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train. Mrs. J. W. CoHler and daughter, who have been visiting for several weeks In Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from the south. Walter Hume, who has been spending the last few weeks at Kelowna on dry dock business, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from the south. Jack McNeil, well known Telkwa business man, who has been on a two weeks business trip to Vancouver, arrived In the city on the Prince George this morning, en-route back to the interior. Follow the thundering herd to the Elks' Smoker tomorrow night at Elks' Home 9 p.m. 90 Peter Bruno sailed yesterday af ternoon on the, Catala for. Vancouver, accompanied, by his young son. Union freighter Chilliwack, Capt. John Muir, is due- in port about next Sunday from Vancouver with local cargo. Mrs. W. T. Kergin, who has been visiting for several months in Tor onto returned to the city on the Prince George this morning, having travelled West via Vancouver. Constable Rivet R.C.M.P., Haiel-ton, who went south last week on escort duty, arrived In the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver and proceeded to the Interior by train. Mrs. A. Freeman arrived In. the city on the Prince George...thls morning from Vancouver to pay a visit with her son, Norman L. Free man, local representative of the In ternational Fisheries Commission. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ernest and rri in j n son of Saskatoon are visitors in gj JjTJQ JjlC JjV the city. They arrived from the: J prairies on yesterday afternoon's train and will sail tomorrow night : on the Prince George for Vancou-I ver. Miss Rose Moran of Prince Rupert and Miss Agnes N. Smith of Ocean Falls will graduate from St Joseph's Hospital nurses' training school In Victoria this year. Graduates exercises will be held on April 24. Archie Watt, divisional master mechanic for the Canadian National Railways, arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Prince George for a brief visit on official duties, returning to the interior this morning. Salvation Army Ladies bn Today A tea and sale of home cooking Is being held this afternoon at the Citadel by ladles of the Salvation Army Home League. Mrs. William Kerr ana capt. Warren are In General charge while other ladies taking part are: sewjng airs, wenry smnn ana Mrs. Barker. Candy Miss Dolly Smith. Hump nnnlrlnV Mrs rinltvuin q . m . .....mjwiaa. Tea Room MrsVK. Kennedy and Mrs. Carr. Adjutant William Kerr Is In charge of a second-hand stall. highway between Quesnel and Ha-' . , .. , . , zeiton. i Annual Meeting Last Evening of j Senior League Club Mrs. T. H. Wright, wife of the! United Church elergyman at Ha-i i zeiton, will leave Hazelton on tonight' train for Toronto where she will attend a missionary gathering. She will be back Wast next month to attend the B. C.( conference in Vancouver with her husband. W. C. Herrtogton. who has been In charge for the International Fisheries Commission of halihnt tagging, operations for Uie past! month on the West Coast of Queen 1 Charlotte Islands aboard the local naiibut boat Melville, sailed by the; I Catala yesterday afternoon on hii 'return to Seattle. - 1 Several members of the crews of the steamer Canadian Seigneur, which is soon to be rpenmmlKslnn. ed in service after having been' tied; UD at the local Arv iWlr tnr tv,' winter, and of the Prince William, which Is to go Into local service out of this, port, arrived in the city on me i-iiiit-c wrprge mis morning! jjuui vuueuuver. REGIMENT FOOTBALL Formally deciding to enter a tteam in the Senior League this season, First North B. C. Regiment Football Club elected officers as follows at its annual meeting last night: Honorary President. Lieut. Col. J. W,Nleholls. Honorary Vice-President, Lieut. Col S. P. McMordie D.S.O. President, Major G. P. Tinker D.C., M.C. Team Captain. J. S. Wilson. , Vice-captain and managerFjank Russell. '"Jl Secretary Treasurer, Henry Jlell- broner. r-- 11 " Executive, William Ranceg 6. J. Norririglofi wda named dele gate to the Prince Rupert Football Association with J. s. Wilson as alternate. . Votes of thanks were nassed to the retiring secretary, C. J. Norring-i ion, and to last year's executive. Before the meetlne closed. thr! was a general discussion of football affairs. The regiment is confident' oi making a very good showine in Senior League company this year. , JOHN - McCREADY, miXCE E-, 4WABD ISLAND VETERAN JOUIt- j iXAUST, DIES AT THE AGE OF NINETY-TWO YEARS. (Continued froa jwtfe one) Telegraph, 1883-93. the Charlotte-j town Guardian,' 1896-1912. In June, 1612, W wits' 'appomWlramlgraticn I afid publicity agent for Prince Ed ward Island under the Federal Department of Immigration, holding that office until if20, wtrnn he xv-tlred, an octogenarian, to again take up work on the Charlottetown Guardian. J.' E. B. McCready was the son of Charles and Jerusha (Blakenay) McCready. He first married In 1862 Alice M. Freeze, who died in 1863. In 1886 he married Louise, daughter of the late Rev. Dr. James Ben nett of Saint John. There Is one son surviving by his first marriage. Ernest W. McCready, editor al the Times-Globe, Saint John, and one daughter, by the second marriage, Mrs. Arthur Bearisto of Toronto. McCready in early life was an 9iU 'i A - adept at swimming, skating and running; whUe as a driver he always kept agood horse. In later years he favored billiards, walking and checkers Outside his usual journalistic duties he was fond of lecturing and debating, and entertained niahy thousand of peo- rln tn f Vita . wri r' TTn ain nll VC fsn- tlralstlc, buoyant and full of the : Joy of life. At the age of 60 he learned to ride jthe bicycle and kept j up bicycling regularly every sum-1 mer until he Was well past 70. When j motor cars canie into vogue in the I province of hTsi'adoption, he was I the first to advocate their use. and although he never learned to drive ! he was keenly devoted to automo-1 biling. He covefed many thousands ! of miles by this mode of travel. McCready was a brilliant conver- satlonalist. He was literally tem-! perate in all things, eating, drinking, .sleeping and recreation. lie never smoked or indulged in liquor until he was 40 years of age, and, thereafter smoked moderately and 1 drank sparingly. In his eighty-1 ninth year he"was able to read and Swift's Ham ' Whenj irm buy, a whole ham, or by thej.pieee, or Heed "look for the identifying SrbttH "Swift" in brown dots down the full length of the side. PUINCE KUI'EKT, B.C. Archie, Dan. Bush, F. E. Frizzell's Ltd. Oarnula, P. Great West Grocery. Hallberg, K. Hannah, E. Hunt, F. E. Ltd. Johnson, S. M. Joslln, C. F. King Tai Company rl -M , i-mau Lee &Xo Tom. Llriiey St Davles. Lipsett, Ed. P. HJ Ltd. Munro Brothers. ' Mussellem Grocery. . PtUnuzzl E. Swift's tiilr write clearly and distinctly without the aid of glasses. On the occasion of his eighty- eighth birthday McCready was asked the secret of his long and successful life. He replied, "Moderation in all thins: six hours sound sleep out of every 24. Forget the troubles of yesterday in seal fox the tasks of today. Above all. keep on going on." No Settlement Yet of Wage Argument Carpenters and Power Corporation Representatives May Get Together Today imiirfn Savortite la a most wonderful convene lence. Prtmla Ham, boned, falrinless, trimrttd of ezcei fat. thoroughly cooked ready to itrve. :, n, in me case ot Premium Him Premium nn - is alio easily identified by the brand "Swift" which ppeara in dots on the side. v PRINCE RUPERT, BJC, Pree'ce, J. Q. & S. Grocery. Seaview Grocery, Sellars Grocery. Sunrise Grocery. Tom Lee 6t Co. Watts, Wm. . West, Ber(. Yamanaka, II. jK. f- AIYANSII, B.C. A. F. Priestley. t -WANYOX,,'B.C. iVlOV:9ranby. Stores. CEDARVALE, B.C. . Moxley & Thompson. . COPPER CITY, B.C. Skinner, L. G. No settlement has yet been reach ed in the disagreement between the Powr Corporation of .Canada and , carpenters who were in the employ of the company oyer wages to be paid. The proposed meeting be-! treen the carpenters and the com- ! pany did not materialize last night but efforts are being made to bring the representative together today. Toronto Stocks (Courteiy B. D. JohnatOij Oo.l ' i Amulet, 1.13, 1.20. Dome, 8.C0, 8.90. Falconbridge, 3.65, 3.75. Hollinger, 0.30. 6.40. Howie, 71, 75. Hudson Bay, 10.15, 10.25. Imperial Oil, 28.00, 28.25. Manitoba Basin, 6i, ' Mining Corporation, 1.95, 2.00. Mclntyre. 18.C0, 18.95. Noranda, 35.90, 36.00. Sherrltt Oordon, 2.10, 2J5. Sudbury Basin, 2.56, 2.60. Teck Hughes, 6.30. 6.35,. Treadwell Yukon, 6j00, Nil. Ventures, 1.65. 1.69. Wright Hargraves, 1.80, 1.31. LATEST IX SPOUT MIAMI BEACH, April 16:-Code ball Is the newest sport for the winter colonists. The players kick a ball around a course, similar to a golf course. r k - ' a. a i m. . . . BRITISH TENNIS LONDON. ADril 17 tv.. v irauu Allocs announces that it win iJf held at Hamilton, OnUrk! " Abgust. . m a a. .4 A a . . The Piesbytery of Prtac i u mic wiincu vuurcQ of r, UjlOJKTU It rPftfllllTlAn inn mxL nis hip in i.nt . mg acciaeni ai rails River uixncu ui me uiy on oi t. oeorge this morning froa south In the course of one c! penocucai Dusiness toun of wmietocK. t Premium or Bacon FOR EASTER The merchants listed below are ready to take care of your Easter Premium Ham or Bacon Order. They have creased their stocks in anticipation of your needs. Arrange for your Easter Ham or Bacon, at once, so you may be sure of getting Premium. Premium Hams retain their full flavor when served, because "u.e thy iney require no parboiling before broiling or frying. . . , J"Ut on. Premium when ordering. The splendid flavor and na general reneral highualities will make it worth youV while. Buy "Premium" from IIAGIVILGET, B.C. Donald Grey. HAZELTON, BjC. Hudson's Bay Co. Sargent, R. 8. Ltd. PORT SIMPSON, B.C. R. Boyd Young Co. INVERNESS, ILC. Inverness Cannery Store. KITWANGA, B.C. Hudson's Bay Co. r 'ricNEW HAZELTON, B.C. - LarkworthyrW.'J. T NEW MASSETT, B.C. Singer, P. PACIFIC, B.C. McCabbin, Thos, JI. -. i PORT CLEMENTS, B.C. Ross, H. PORT ESSINGTON, B.C. Brown's Oeneral fltore. QlEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, BjC. Jolllffe, Gordon U. McKenzle, R. O. STEWART, B.C. Campbell St Duke. Lyon, 3. O. TERRACE, B.C. , Lindsay, W, F. Richmond, J. Ltd. USK, B.C. Bethurem, J. L.