J clnch&tythe gameWlth a long " shot' V from 'past cenfre. The individual scores were: Three Two Taxi E. Ratchford, 2; E. Dingwell, 15; D. Ourvlch, 6; B. Wendle, 1; S. Ourvlch, 3; total, 27. EiksB. Harold; O. Mitchell, 0; W. Mitchell, 13; M. Budlnlch; W. Lamble, 5; total, 24. The High School won from the Bankers 45-22 in the Intermediate League. The High School played a snappy game and was able tq hold the lead without difficulty from the start. At half time the score was 21-10 for the school. , The individual scores were: High School D. Morrison, 2; W. Johnstone, 13; S. Styles, 16; B. Irvine, 6; K. Nakamoto, 7; Smlth-waite, 2; total, 45. Bankers II. Macdonald, 3; E. Barlowe. 6; J. Scott, 11; C. Donaldson; P. Bradshaw, 2; total, 22. The first games of the two game serlea for the city basketball chara- plemhip will 6e played on Thursday between the High Schoo) and Big Four for the intermediate championship and the Players' Club and Three Two Taxi for the senior. These two teams will meet again on Tuesday night of next week for the final game, the total points to count as the deciding Jac tor for the championship. To Many Pedestrians Motoring takes a man's mind off his work completely. Dundee 3-r -r r-r-n --;- ! ' A big day in a big way for Jack SKarEey's small daughter, when she held her birthday party, recently, at her Miami, Fla., home. Dorothy is seen with her mother on the right, while her pals are all aloft on the jovial pachyderm. SEMI-FINAL HOOP GAMES Three-Two Taxi and Hieh School Are Winners Finals Thursday and Tuesday Three Two Taxi defeated the Elks 27-84 last night to win the championship of the second half of the Senior Basketball League. On Thursday night Three Two Taxi will meet the Players' Club in the first game of a two-game series to decide the city championship. . Last evening's game was anybody's win up to the last minute of pUUT- At half time the score was 14-12 for Three Two Taxi. With three minutes to play the Taxi aggregation was leading 18-24. The Elks scored rapidly to make the score 24-25 in favor of the Taxi men. Tinie out was called with on- Sport Chat The annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Football Association Is to be held within the next week lor so. While the outlook may not be so very ongni ier senior activity, it is being advocated by some of those mose who wno have nave always always taken lateen an The first pliiyiof f match between the Grptto. wlD.ners of .the first half of the season, and EUc winners of the second half, gr the team billiard championship of the city has been set tor this Thursday while the second match will be on Tuesday next. Total points on the two meetings will decide 'the honors for) the nast winter.. With the team competition over, the annual r.ltv. individual aranininriahln nnn. tests" Wstart on March 25". Ttter annual banauet of the leaitue on April 2 will bring a billiard season wnicn, on the whole, has been very successful to a fitting dose. At the w r - banquet trophies won during the past winter will be presented to their respective holders. Canadian Legion Has Long Lead in Billiard Fixture In an outstanding gamo from last Tuesday's Billiard Leacue fix ture between Canadian Legion and Grotto, M. E. Young last night de feated J. Hillman 250 to 105. ' 6 eiv- ' an:, : 1 , , active part in connection with this l!"8 the a lead on the four snort that th wn,nr . rfm,t , bames ar Pyed of 935 to 814 may be particularly .concentrated j0ne ame "malns to be played-upon. The Idea is being gradually iA- Murray. Canadian Legion vs. W appreciated that to have success- J- NeIson Grotto. lul senior activity In future years, it Is desirable to foster the sport among the younger boys now. This principle will probably play .a prominent part In conneotion-witb, thl VMrK nnrantutlnn an1 If it uuoa, mcic ocwuia w uc iio-rcasuit ry.Trrr .,JT . . . iwiuhu, i"u"u.s",nn" it inner 01 oi r,rsl nrst iia ". A1S0 ILhv thP nn H,M nAfh. f equally successful to those d past. Now that sprine ; dayt soon be here, Interest in the baseb ft Hnp nf lvfll ennrt whoro Jt&'Ai& deal of reorganization mfeAt''rfol?' be amiss. During recenti,Tcar&. start on wiin some eninusiasm which, In the past few years, tin-fortunately, has flagged rather badly along towards the late summer. Here, too, the advisability of the idea of fostering younger blood In the sport might be well considered. If a league is organised, it is to be hoped it will consist Of at least four teams. More of baseball will be heard anon. CRIB LEAGUE --LAST EVENING IJjH'anpadinff in Second Prince Rupert Cribbage League nma last night were as follows: I. O. O. F. 10, Operators 17. Knights of Columbus vs. Seal Cop,fiawml11 postponed until to- UVU.U 10, Moose li. .OTd'Storaee lfl. Knelfw 11 ' l-WstrlApress 13. C. N. R. A. 14 there has been an inclination to. J 0range Lodge 10 Prlnce R t u h-1 wY"Wiixu'tcI 17 uuseuiui piayers ana ians. Cieasonsi Orotto 148 Cold Storage 143 P. Rupert Hotel 143 C. N. R. A 141 Operators l4o K. of Columbus 136 Orange Lodge 135 Moose 134 I. O. O. F 123 Baffles fc 123 Seal Oove 118 New Empress 113 L. 122 127 127 129 130 107 135 138 147 147 127 157 Pts. 148 143 143 141 140 136 135 134 123 123 116 113 HOCKEY SCORES NATIONAL LEAGUE Ottawa 4, Montreal 2. Chicago 3, Boston 4. Pittsburgh 2, Toronto 3. Canadlens 3, N.Y. Rangers 3. COAST LEAGUE Portland 3, Victoria nil. AREN'T STATISTICS THAT? We wonder if the college who has classified 507 "known annoyances" included the persons who collect useless statistics. London Saturday Review. Pulling for dear old Oxford. The new captain Tinne. ,s vcn occupying No. 7 place in Oxford , , Varsity crew, whlcil ho, resumed training i0r the wWliwL1! I I wheats HE DAILY NEWS NEW WINTER WHEAT FOUND . World's Champion .Grower Is Orl J ginator of Smithsonian Grain .,' .t$50INA. .March.. JJW'tSmitlul' sonlan. a new hard red winter - sensation at the World's Grain Ex hibition and Conference at Regina , in 1932. ! Mr. Smith is a resident of Corval-: lis. Mont., and aamDles of his wheat have beon thoroughly tested by experts of the milling, baking and chemical laboratory ,at Washington. The tests showed that the flour yield was almost 75 per cent, that the quality was excellent. It is lighter in color than any other hard red winter wheat tested during the season. Mr. Smith has been experiment ing for over twelve years. He suc ceeded in originating the first "Srrilihsonian" wheat about five years ago. Sufficient quantity Is now on hand to give it a thorough test in different sections of the. northwest country. It has already proven to be winter hardy and an Bitter Root Valley and much faitiiia expressed in Its ability to rank among the greatest of hard winter Toronto Stocks (Courteir 6. D. John con Co.) Amulet, $1.45, $1.48. Dom a, 8.00, 8J0. jFulconbrldge, 430 4.40. SOUinger, 5.60, 5.6$. owie, .83, .84. Hudson Bay, 12.35. 12J0. Imperial Oil, 24.36, 2455. Int. Nnckei, 39.00, 3930. Mining Corp., 2M. 2.90. Mdntyre, 18.00, 18.25. Manitoba Basin, .06, .06. Noranda, 40.50, 40.75. Sherritt Gordon. 2.86, 2.60. Sudbury Basin, 3.15. 3.2Q. Teck Hughes, 6.15, 6.2if. Treadwell Yukon, 5.95, d.00. Ventures, 151. 1.90. GOOD WORK ON AMBROSE The City Council, at its informaf meeting last night, heard' a report On the building of Ambrose Av enue, the work having cost only $15,450 including the flotation of oonds and all clerical work while the estimate for the work was sie.qoo. Appreciation of the excellent work done was expressed. Billiard Averages a. P. Tinker (CD 23 5446 237 J. Andrews (G) 22 5104 233 M. M. McLachlan (O) 17 3962 233 J. W. Scott (CL) 18 4198 233 A. A. Easson E) 28 5343 232 W. Mitchell (B) 21 4851 231 D. Brown (O) 16 3660 230 W. Lamble E) 3 691 230 C. Balagno (E) 24 5486 228 . Hillman Qi 19 4333 227 F. Stephens (E) 32 4987 227 w. jc WMBScroit m) Ml 3860 227 W. J. Nelson (O) 23 6190 226 O. Waugh (O) :;20 4437 222 S. P. MtMofdle (CL) U 2657 22 H Young (DLI 10 2159 21P F. O. Pyle (CD 16 3411 215 M. Andrews (CL 23 4B64 211 A. Murray (CD 14 2898 203 A. Donald E) 10 2003 200 J. H. Pfllsbunr (CL) . ..2 380 100 O. Howe (O) 1 118 118 Whvn yon need new energy, when you are hot and mouth Ul dry pi p op with Wrlglcy' it: mobum moudt and diroatt The Incfened" ftow of (ailya feedi new strength to the blood, you can do more you feel better. Keep awake with Wrljley CK1 ASSOCIATED pOAJtDS OF TRADE AT JEKKACfi PASS MANY KE-SQLUIIONSDjBLJE.GAT.ES QUETED LA ST NIGHT. (Continued from paj;e one) will be called to the need of hosDltal Mcurlde and Prince Rupert. The-govcmrrrentr -whbe -asked) to w use uoc local iwai lumber lumucr on on all an cc contracts 1 QrnMt npiDinn:Uri and rfAiralnnAfl liti. . - . - . . I " r . , . 1 m central BritisfifOolumb a. , C ' Edison seuth. tw ce world wheat ; The construetlon of the roads to u,'uu' "I "c l! a Kltimaat and the Naas is asked. The government Is asked to sub sidise the transfer of autos between ! Prince Rupert and Hazelton. to the Yukon. a linn Terrace and The use of stone oarns as legal posts for miners stakfng1 was asked. Completion of the main hitthwav from Prinee Georse To Jasner was urged at the instance 'of Prince George. . Smithers urged the government to start work on roads as soon as practicable so as to alleviate Un employment. Establishment of an experimen tal farm between Prince Georee and Terrace by the Federal gov ernment was urged. Stewart asked for the resolution urging that In view of the likeli hood of big developments in the Taku district egrea to which was available only by way of Juneau with consequent loss of trade to Canada the Kovernment should rawce eariy investigations fqr a mghway to Alaska oaraliellns the eastern contact belt from Hazelton A letter was read from the newlv formed Board of Trade of Fort Fraaer, which Joined the associa tion. Delegate A. 11. Carson from Prince Rupert extended an invita tion to the delegates to travel as far as Prinee Rupert in order to wise to the poartMHUec of the! place. A few accepted and will visit the port. The resolution committee con sisted of E. T. Kenny of Terrace. Noel of Smithers, John Mclnnes of Prince -Gewwe, Ruddy ot Bums T aim rnr.. n It I 1 a i pftsw Of 'Prince Rupert. ' woi: pout t hi. r?T? ; s Woman Appointed To Scotland Yard LONDON. March 12: Miss E. D. Peto has been annotated tn hin in 111 f Die am nfm r. T. for Shoppi!.,.;, mediate relief I 'tte lue best time to ticiu. verymoant you -,rs, M WTiypOBtpcne relief urt iracixn ns Height kiT- lutid the -i provcii r .fjfj bg eolds. easing a s.,r.. - i, ceadachea and ti n ; . c fjf E neuritis, rhtunmtim., tt iou can alayn .-curt on h i COmlort. But if pair; u of tsi recurrence see a ilucUiX a U iti j TRACK MARK Km tachment Yard, for tin has been at detachment patrol, wh. women'i d" Yard, is r.'H the organisation of the women's de- Peto is. six i h. 1;. f ' Dominion of Canada anuQ 1 TQ: IV. ! " .ftt,' Where Income Tax Inspectors Arc Located WlNNUEO,ACAN. Commercial nUUina REGINA, A$K." - McCallam Kill IluilJIng SASKATOON, 8ASK. Rm Building PRINCE AintllT, SASK. P.ajlulIJinj CALQARV, ALT A. Cu.Kpni BuiUing Trustees, Executors and Administrators INCOME TAX INFORMATION REPORTS ARE DUE March 31, 1930 ' -Ever,T Pc"on acting, or who at any time during 1029 diJ :4 ?ct?j,n a fiduciary capacity in connection with a property, business, or estate, is required by law to make an Income Tax Information Report on or before March 31st. ' Act Now and Avoid Penalties lively person who is required to make this return who faill'tn rfo in nn n U r. 11.. r t t. filM cKitl )??lc to a Penalty often dollars, ($10.00) for each Jay of e default, provided however that such penalty shall not in ar)y case exceed fifty dollars ($50.00). Get Forms and Information Nowl Blank forms may be obtained from any Postmaster of anytlnspector of Dominion Income Tax. Ask for Form T3. March 31st is the last day for making this return. ' INCOME TAX INSPECTORS WILL HELP YOU MAKE YOUR REPORT hu k an,,ltntf ln ,hc Income Tax Information Form which Vfi"jUo not understand, any Income Tax Inspector upon request wuRsladly explain what Is required. The Department of National Revenue HON. V. D, EULER, Minitter of National Rexxnue Income Tax Division OTTAWA & S. WALTERS, Commhiianer of Income Tot