ne,day, March g. .1030. We recently secured the local agency for Helena Rubinstein's Toilet Preparations nri are now featuring a Beauty Treatments Literature on ototm 777w Pioneer HDD AVE. 6 SIXTH ST. Three Graduate 1 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Halllnti Hum Prlno. Itnpm r , VtsrOl VEK, VICTOKI. SwmiM.ii Hay. ISutrdale. Ocran lUh Mm II: ttc TutMlay. i:3 p.m. for VAM Itt Kll. VltTHIill, llulrLi)e. Mm lUf. tie . FrSa lnldnlfhl day, 8.00 p.m. IZt ind Uenue II M SMITH wnt r-rlnfe Rupm. n C. Tl rough ' 'old to UctorU and Hcttl .and baccate -. thttMti through to Uttlntlon I B.C ISTEAMSHlfS 153 B. C. Coast COAST SAILINGS To Ketchikan, larch 8, 19, 29. To Vancouver, March 12, 23. IB Princess Miry Ocean Palls, etc, Vancouver and victoria, every rrioay, iu pjn. Afents For All Steamship Lines IV C Orchanl, General Arent, 3rd Ave, Prince Jtupert, Phone 31 Canadian National fVic Largeil fiilway STEAMSHIP AND TKAIN SERVICE Failings from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, ATTLL and intermediate points, Thursday & Sunday 10 p.m. F r AN'YOX each Wednesday at 1 p.m. For STEWART each Wednesday and Saturday at 1 p.m. For North and South Queen Charlotte Islands fortnightly. MSSflNfiEB TKAINS LEAVE PRIME KITCKT M(!MlV MEIM:MIV and N ATI 1U A V Ht II) IJti. for I'lllNTr. Amur., tllMUVTIIV, WINMI'CU, all polnta tWrrn Canada, I'nltrd Half, AGK.M'V ALL OCCAM STEAMMIIt LtMEM Uly Ticket Office, 523 Third Ae, Prime Rupert Phone 26li COAL ! COAL ! tl MPINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD UST ARRIVED, NEW SHIPMENT OF I1IRCII AND JACK PINE MILL ENDS Per load $1.50 PAX CUTTINGS Per load 3.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 5S0 ! WSeasaaesSi COAL Uuy the real Coal our fa. "ious Edson and Cassidy. rllington In any quantities. '0 Itulklcy Valley Hay, Grain and Kobln Hoed Flour. bee Ruier Feorf Tl) I'llONES 58 AND 558 jcaaaasHi. Dr Alexander I'lHINt 679 BEHNKH HLOCK DENTIST Early Ad. Copy complete line of scientific for every type of skin. request. MS A- r wi rje Dritgeisfs TELEPHONE tf'fc20C Pharmacists Steamship Service FKOM PRINCE RUPERT Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway Victoria, Seattle- , Syfttm in America LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, WarehousinK, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Plane ana Furniture Moving SCAI.K O'r" CHAHfiES i The following is the scalo of charges made' foi'reabrng notices: . , liirfh Notices SOt. of Thanks. $2. Funeral NotK-es $1. Funeral Flowers 10c per i,ame. 4. is appreciated Local Items a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf H. S! Parker returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from one of his periodical business trip; MUwfr&.Pringle arrived' In uio cny on,- esieraay auernoon a train from Francois Lake and will visit here for a while with Mr. and Mrs. M. P. McCaffery, Fourth Av enue West, before leaving for i trip to Vancouver. J. C. Brady, M.P. for Skeena, spoke at some length in the House of Com mons at Ottawa recently In a debate cn warpenslons. He was desirous of having assistance to ex-service men from the pensions board more gen erally extended. The regular monthly business luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club was held today In the i Commodore Cafe with President C A. Kirkendall In the chair. Objective for the year and other club business was taken up. The Presbyterian Sunday School will hold their annual concert in the Church Friday, March 14 at 3 pjn. A splendid program has been arranged consisting of a short play, choruaes, musical selections, etc. Tickets may be had irom Bun-day School scholars.! Adults 50c Children 25c. 61 ANNOMNCEM fiNTS ' 4 Elks' baseball danee, Elks' Home, Friday, March 14. Pythian Sisters Tea at Mrs 8hen ton's, '990 Eighth Avenue West, Monday, March 17. St. Patrick's Day concert, Moose Hall, March 17. si Mooseheart Bridge, WhitG&nd Dance, Friday, March 21. 2S Moose Whtot Drive and dJUc. April 4. ' First United Church Easter Sal April 10. Catholic Women's League Spring Sale, April 24. 55 Ridley Home Basaaf May Presbyterian Easter Sale April 3. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel IM)I.K NEW MWAOKMENT Mmm llrat-d: TrairllrrV Mmplf IComna: Hot and Cold Water I'rrr Hu Mrrt All Train and Pvatcs $1.0) and Up SPECIAL MONTHLY KATES C. II. MGGART St A. DONALD rrprlftof PHONE 51 CENTRAL Oscar Hansay, city. J. Pontley CNJt; H. Smith, Big Falls. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. PKUDHOJIME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. SAVOY T. H. Linkhart, Calgary; A. Mc-Aro and A. Falrbairn. Smlthers; Nelson Brew, Haysport; Mrs. Green and Mrs. Merkley. Terrace; V. Preston and T. Savage, city; E. M. Lotres, Falls River; Frank Wilson, Kitimaat. New Royal Hotel J Zarrlll, ITop. Tin; nortx uoktii while Ili-t A Cold Water: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP THi"liimr 281 . ROYAL Maurice McArdle, Vancouver; W. A. Sanders, C.N.R.; Lester Host-wet, Terrace; B. Stewart and Peter Gupart, Smlthers; Guy A. Wesley, Port Simpson. White Lunch Has Reopened UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TriREK FAINT, DIZZY SPELLS Had To Sleep Propped Up In Bed Mm. Norm&n Bishop, Salisbury, N.B., writt:-"I wat troubled with faint and dizzy pIli and whes I would lie down I would Buffer terribly with motherUg pelU-. 1 g),o bad I had :W aJepp jrbpped op -la bed. i'-(Mfrfafat eafd it was my heart and' cerrts, and .that I needed a good heart tonic, "X was advised to take' and I had not taken one box when 1 could lie down and sleep like a child." Price, 50c a box at all druggists and dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of rriee bj Tb T. Milburn Co., Limited. Toronto, Ont Glasses fitted 6y registered op-tomclrist at Heilbroner's Store, (tf) R. E. Allen, district forester, returned, to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Terrace on official duties. Attention 1 W. S. Martin, local barrister will deliver an address), Monday, March 17, St. Patrick's Day Concert, Moose Hall. 60 W. H. Manuel. CUR. travelling auditor, arrived In the city from the interior on - yesterday afternoon's train, being here on official business. 1 Oeorge Keep of the CUR. Investigation department arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train for a brief visit here on official duties. The Misses M. McDonald, M. Oulre, M. Palmer and Messrs. O. Arseneau, H. Ward, W. Lyon ane featured In a play "The- Obstinate Way." at St Patrick's Day Concert March 17, in Moose Hail. 60 Corp. A. Falrbalm, chief of the SiriHhers detachment of the pro-vrftfelal police, arrived lrt the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the interior, harm in his custody prisoners who -are to be taken on td Okalla. "'" - - 'c The Ole.Skog case, in which illegal fUhtae Is alleged, lit. proceed ing 'again In provincial police court tfcif! afternoon" before Stipendiary Magistrate II. F. McLeod, having been adjourned from londay afternoon. Defence evidence is now being heard. The nlay "The Rebellion of Youth." which was staged with such success in First. United Church last Friday night, was re- neated last nteht In Rupert East United Church. The audience flll- M the canacitv of the East End church and was very appreciative Selections were played in connec tion with the entertainment by Prof. H. A. Pryce's orchestra. DO YOU SUFFER FROM. CONSTIPATION? Countless remedies are advertised 'for constipation. Many relieve for the moment but they are habit forming and musnbe continued. Others contain calomel and dangerous mineral drugs, which remain in the system, settle in the joints and cause aches and pains. Some are harsh purgatives which cramp and gripe and leave a depressed after effect ' Avoid lubricating oils which only Crease the intestines and encourage nature's machinery to become lazy, f. A purely vegetable laxative such as Carter's Little Liver Tills, gently touches the liver, bile starts to flow, the bowels move pently. the intestines are thoroughly cleansed n-ij constipation poisons pass away. The stomach, liver and bowels are now active and the system enjoys a real tonic effect. All druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs PRINCE RUPERT Finnish and Steam Baths and'Massace Treatments " ', ." ti, .. Excellent for Colds and Rheumatism Open 2 pjn. to 12 pjn. Cor. Second Ave. St Sixth St. Phone, Black 764 Ladles' DaysThursdays and Fridays Lady Attendant Dentist, Dr. J. R. Gosse, Phone 686. ,.. - The meeting of Rupert East Ratepayers' Association, . scheduled for last night, was postponed. Elks' Baseball dance Friday night March 14. Ladies 50c. Oent-lem'en 75c, .Hgfrcf hments and 5-plece hot 'orchestra. EX-Ald. A.. J. Prudhomme has been: confined to his bed at the Savoy Hotel for the past, day or so with a cold. H. Lincoln of the CUR. road-master's office here will sail on the Prince George tomorrow for a holiday, trip to Vancouver. Hear "The Pride of the North-Prince Rupert Boys' Band in Irish selections at St. Patrick's Day Con: cert March 17 in Moose Hall. 60 N. Mussallem, who has been spending several weeks on a trip south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prince George this morning. The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Retail Clerks' Association, scheduled for last night, was postponed until later in the month. Jack Fitzgerald, well known Stewart mining man, who has been on a trip south. Is a passenger aboard the Princess George today returning north. Dan Jabour, who has been absent for several weeks on a business visit south and east, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prince George this morning. F. S. Sheppard, travelling audi tor of Canadian National Steamships, arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver, being here on official business. f Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lipsett arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from: Vancou ver. Mr. Upaett being hera ifot .a,' weec's inspection ivEaiuosnisutoca. bustaess.H .mnnuirj ja i In answer to questions by Ci II Cahan MP.. Rt. Hon. W. L. Mac kenzie Kins. Prime Minister, has replied In the House of Commons at Ottawa that it Is not the intention of the government confirming the halibut treaty of the 'North Pacific Ocean between Cxribdai'and'Hthe United Strites. 'noq ojoi.l A Without taking a pleairithe xaic of Wilfrid Jackson, who' is charged with theft of funds from the nation ticket office of the Canadian National Railways, was ad journed for eight days on coming up before Magistrate McClymont in city police court yesterday afternoon. George Keep of the ON. R. investigation department has now taken charge of the case. After hearing argument of srown counsel. W. E. Fisher, and the accused's solicitor, L. W. Pat-more, Judge F. McB. Young In County Court yesterday afternoon reserved his decision In the matter of the admissibility of an appeal which Is being taken by the crown from a police court decision of Magistrate Thomas McClymont in which A. Richmond 'was dismissed under the Oame Act on a charge of deallnng in furs without a licence. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Kltty-Koop In gool condition. Apply Mrs. E. Davidson, Phone 105. 61 FOR SALE One 1929 model Chevrolet. Real bargain. Phone 52. Ross St Moore Ltd. nR SALE Household furniture. ADply R. E. Allen, 138 Fourth Avenue Eart. tf LOST-Brown Leather Purse between hospital ana armoury. Finder please return to Daily News Olflct. WANTED Four good Salesmen. Something entirely new. Exceptional seller. Opportunity for sole control .a,f tec thirty days. iS&prJ. Wow, Boom 16, Savoy notel. 62 I! H .'.J--. c FOR QUICK, HARMLESS COMFORT aiildrenCnjforlt Harold McEwen. C.N.R. division freight atrent. returned to the citv on the Prince George this morning from a brief trip to Ocean Falls on official business. Jimmy Bryant, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, Seattle and elsewhere In the south, returned' home" on the "Prince George this"' morning. i t vfv Archdeacon E. Hodson of Ocean Falls, who is making an ecclesiastical tour of the diocese, arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Ocean Falls. Mrs. Guy Patrick arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver to pay a visit with her brother and sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Carson. As the season advances, there is still no word of any prospects there may be for the shipping of grain from the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator this win ter. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McKechnic will sail on the Princess Mary for Vancouver. Mr. McKechnle is being transferred from there in the ser vice of the Consolidated Mining It Smelting Co. O. J. Wheatley, chief for this pro vince of the CNJR. investigation department, "arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver, being here on official duties. CN.R. steamer Prince George. Capt. Neil McLean", arrived In port on time at 10.30 this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Oc ean Falls with quite a good-sized passenger list. J. C. Brady, M.P. for Skeena, has been appointed to the select standing committees of the House of Commons at Ottawa on standing orders, marine and fisheries and mines, forests and waters. - 3. E. Blackaller, superintendent, of floating equipment of Canadian National Steamships, Is a visitor here on official duties, having ar rived on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver. On a charge of driving to the common danger, J. A. Swanson was fined $25 by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning. His white driver's licence was can celled and a blue one issued. C. P. R. steamer Princess Mary, Capt. Thomas Cliff, southbound from Skagway to Vancouver and Victoria, left Ketchikan at 10:30 this morning and Is expected to arrive here about 5:30 this afternoon. John McHugh, fisheries depart ment engineer, arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver, being here on official duties in connection with the building of the new annex to the Fisheries Experimental Station here. Union freighter Chilllwack, Capt John Muir, arrived in port early this morning from the south with a cargo which includes coal for Phllpott St Evltt and piles to b used by the contractors, John Cut-rle St Son, in the construction ol the new fishermen's floats here The Chilllwack will go no further north than Prince Rupert this trip. THE WEATHER Prince Rupert Cloudy, calm; temperature, 30. Terrace Cloudy, calm, 28. Rosswood Cloudy, calm, 22. Alynash Part cloudy, calm, 21. Alice Arm Part Cloudy, calm, 24 Anyox Part cloudy, calm, 24. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, 26. Haysport Clear, calm, 30. 8 Inches new snow. PorSlmpson Overcast, calm, 24 Hazelton Clear, calm, 18. ' Smlthers Clear, calm, 17. Burns Lake Clear, calm, frosty, Vanderhoof Clear, calm, 14. Quesnel Clear, calm, frosty. 4th Cabin Clear, calm, 8. Eighth Cabin Cloudy, calm. I.UMi SfcUVIUlvi, ,V. 1 . . . v r. w - w ai annHbuteSyito tffieJPservices rendered' by Miss SM? Wilson were recently paid by members of the Halifax School Board, on the oc casion of Miss Wilson's superannuation after 26 years as secretary of the board. In recognition of her work, which she has been forced to forego on acount of 111 health, Miss Wilson will receive a pension commensurate with 30 years of service. Progressive merchants advertise. EMULSIFICATION JUST as emulsifi cation oi the butter-fat in milk mikes milk one of our most easily digested foods, so emulsification improves the.taste and digestibility, of the pure cod-liver oil in SCOTTS EMULSION It's the reason that millions of children and grownups prefer it to all other forms of cod-liver oiL Be sure the cod-liver oil ftrV you use Is emulsified that it's Scoff's Emulsion. TW Scott & Bowne. Toronto, Ont 30-J "4fck HUSKY-DOG SAVED BOY Grabbed Wolf By Neck When It Pounced on Boy, and Hung Tight WEMBLEY, March 12:-But for a female husky dog, Reggie Knight, age eight, would have to all probability have been killed by a timber-wolf, belonging to Mr. Osborne. It apepars the boy was sitting In a hay lofe and teasing the animal when he fell out, landing close to the wolf, which was tied. The wolf Immediately pounced upon the boy, biting him several times In the leg. No sooner had the wolf tackled the boy than the husky, which was al so tied grabbed the wolf by the neck and hung on. In the mean time Mr. Osborne appeared on the scene and rescued the boy, who was lmedrately rushed to the Orande Prairie hospital where at the present writing he is making rapid progress towards recovery. Mr. Osborne shot the wolf shortly after the accident. The wolf, which was two years old, and which had never before shown any signs of vlsclousness. had been in captivity since a pup. Mr. Osborne had a licence from the government to keep the animal for breeding purposes and intended selling it this summer to a man In the United States who offered m. , ... .. An examination of the wolf after It was shot disclosed the fact that 'lie husky inflicted several deep tears and bites on the wolf's neck. Without a doubt the loyal action of the faithful husky saved the boy's life. The boys had been previously warned to keep away from the wolf. ' DIVIDE BIG ESTATE Three sisters and a brother of George Smith, of Medford, Mass, formerly of Fredericton, N, were notified recently that their brother had left them an estate of $300,000 to be equally divided among the four. Each received $75,000. The sisters were Mrs. Murray Long, Mrs. Toseph Sands and Mrs. Annie Long, .vho in addition to the money was left the Smith residence at Medford. Mail' Schedule Tor the East Mons, WeoX St Satl. 10:30 aju. From the East-Suns., Tues. St Thurs. 3:30 p.m. ''or Vancouver-Sundays 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays 12:30 p.m. Thursdays 9 pjn. Fridays .. 11 pjn. Mar. 12 and 23 pjn. "rom Vancouver 8unaays 4 pjn. Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. Fridays t pjru Saturdays 10:30 pjn. Mar. 19 and 29 ajn. For Stewart and Premier-Sundays 7 pjn. Wednesdays ..3 p.m. Saturdays 3..p.m. From Stewart and Premier ' Sundays 8 pjn. Tuesdays 11:30 ajn. Thursdays 8 pjn. to Naas River and Tort Simpson-Sundays , ,,7 pjn. From Naas River and Port Simpson-Tuesdays li.30 am. To Queen Charlottes- March, 8 and., 22 r rr ajn. From Queen Charlotte: March 6 and 20 , a jn. For Alaska-March 19 and 29 9 pjn. From Alaska-March 12 and23 pjn. For Anyox and Alice Arm- Sundays 7 p.m. Wednesdays 3 p.m. From Anyox and Alice Arm- Tuesdays 11:30 a.m. Thursdays 8 pjn.