66 Taxi 66 m ONLY SOo. V iv IIITKHT. Call . " try H and you -P ,,AVB ZIU.K. Prop. . t. Jit)n ' j. Ti.e committee which considered the matter consisted of Messrs. Or:cr Oordon, Hill and De Wolf. A Tyee Family Lost Their Home and Everything Alex. Williams, section man of Tyce had his house burned to the ground and lost all his earthly possessions on Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Williams has gone further Proposed t'y.-.r to stay with friends and es-tab, h a new home while the hus-bar, remains on the Job. FISH SALES Summary Am- riran 119500, pounds, 10.2c. M 5c to 12.1c, and 6c. Canadian 29.500 pounds, 10.1c. nd 5c to 10.6c. and 5c. American Arctic, 22,000, Booth, 10.2c. and Sc Vclman and 5c Unome. 6,000, .Cold Storage. 10.1c ana 5c Low High Low 12.03 a.m 20.04 p.m. .. 0.16 a.m. 13.17 p.m. 10.3C C 9,000, Booth, 105c TOMORROW'S TIDES FOOTBALL Ik dl!f ult to enforce and might work.! incorporation OF a hardship on the small growers. STEWART APPROVED Harold De Wolf explained whyi BY 72 TO 47 VOTE the recommendation had been t . mad and Alderman Theo Collart Trui)T f, c- ita'.ed his position. 0 W Nlckerson thought it was a jurnon of grading. Potatoes put on t!:e market should be properly ir.icM In order to compete with nthr. districts. decided yesterday by a vote of 72 to 47 to incorporate under 4 the Village Act. In a poll held last October, incorporation was rejected by three vote. The Board of Trade and bul- ness interests got behind the move this Ume. however, and the result of the poll In favor of Incorporation was no sur- prise. CONFERENCE NOT LIKELY Empire Economic Parley' in Canada Is Not Expected to Materialize OTTAWA, May 3: Canada's proposal for the holding of an Empire economic conference at Ottawa this year is generally acceptable to nr.it Britain and the Irish Free m.l. H,. hoe follari In mwt U'lth TOWn ---...mail, OJ.UVU, WUU OHJIUBCI " . . . .Ln ln f , unable to at 10 ,i Mian Premier would be Marmot. 5,500, Ailln,'l2.1c and 6c OrDyllng. 11c and 5c. . . jlinnH two conferences In remote . A.w,. ,.CU.c ux.3C .u -of the Emplre ta tne Augusta, 11,000. Booth, J2,lc. and yr- 20.P00, Cold Storage, Canadian Brant. 3,000, Cotd Storage, and 5r The aeneral expectation of an.. IS ENDED English League Season Comes to Close and Promotions and Demotions Announced tntmnv Mav 3:-Thc English Pair of Jacks. 9.500. Atlln. 10.6c soccer season officiary closed today and 5c land following Is the list or promo- N"ba. 2,000. Royal, 10.1c and 5c. tlons and demotions effective next . ..j Rrnnd Division 18.44 p.m. 16.1 ft. I w "j,,,,, en. to Thira Livju" and REORGANIZE MINISTRIES Action Forecast By Premier King Interior Department to Be Abolished OTTAWA, May 3: Reorganization of the ministries was forecast in the-House of Corns, mons yesterday by Premier Kin. The Department of Interior trill be abolished after the return of natural resonrces to western provinces and imir, ration, Indian Affairs and other matters appertaining; to Western Canada will be placed under one head. It is proposed that the new separate Department of Fisheries will be in charge of all fisheries matters. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English League, First Division Arsenal 2, Aston Villa 4. Birmingham 3, Leicester City 0. Blackburn Rovers 1, Liverpool 0. Burnley 6, Derby County 2. Everton 4, Sunderland 1. :",i nf A.,.tmlia and South I Manchester United t.t it mam Hc1naori In rnrrwu i unueu o. ondence tabled 7n the-House of! Middlesbrough 3. Bolton Wander-Commons yesterday. ;e w.ham WAS VUWIMMt Imperial Conference being held In j PorUmoutn 0( hceds Unlted 0. London this year mil tated against Snerrield Wednesday 5, Manches-the Canadian proposal. The Austra-. . . English League, Second Division Barnslcy 2, Oldham Athletic 1. Bradford 6, Mlllwall 0. Bury 1, Chelsea 0. Charlton Athletic 1, Bradford City 3. Hull City 2, Wolverhampton Wanderers 0. Nottingham Forest 0, Blackpool 0. Preston Northend 2, Bristol City 2. Reading-Swansea Town not played. Stoke City 1, Tottenham Hotspurs 0. Wost Bromwlch Albion 5, Southampton 1. - SCaSOn. . . cfrnA j. emf kt txtrr-vnTC ! Releeated from rirsi w !;)........ .,.....,,,0 4A4 sw ..inmlev and Everton. HEuv cociiet in , "".'-l.. mn-. sopond Division to 4 , . TENNIS, SURPRISE and Chel-1; Sunday. May 4, 1930 Vlrst Division-Blackpool ; 5.01 a.m. 18.2 II. tea. Cochet, France's first ranking tennis player, was defeated vesterday In a sensational ud- 4.6 It. now w- "' .,,,, revision to set bv the Irish Irish Promoted ire,,. --" . . - , vtiMn "w..u,, may 0, ijju ocwi the the finals finals of of the the Blarr Biarritz U "? i"' IK ft. 2' gyn Musiappiy .S?T 4 re-admlssion to nam?nt. The score was Dr. Art Manson To Visit Here Well' Known Tioneer Roy Expected in City Tomorrow With His Bride for Brief Slay Dr. Arthur B. Manson, of Cassidy (Vancouver Island, who was mar ried a few days ago at Edmonton, Is expected to arrive In the city on tomorrow afternoon's train from the Alberta Capital with his bride. They will sail tomorrow night on the Prince Rupert for the south. Dr. Manson will be given a hearty welcome by many friends here during his brief stay. He lived; here as a boy In the early days and attended the public and High schools of the city. He Is .the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Manson, formerly of this city and now residing In Vancouver. Army Aviators-Thrilling Jump 5-1. ble alrolane that broke one of ltst NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Mrs. Cameron Cobbold, formerly Laoy Hermlone Lytton. and her husband, with Isome oi their weddlnir presents Just prior to their recent wedding ceremony at Knabworth, England. Two Hundred Fishermen Dead As Result of Typhoon Visit to Northern Coast of Japan TOKYO. Mav 3: A tvnhoon. sweeping down without warning, visited the southern portion of Saghalien Island and the northern coast of Hokkaido Island today, causing the loss of 200 lives and property damage estimated at $2,500,000. Messages from Odomari said that 94 bodies had been found and that more than 100 persons were still missincr. The storm came as 2,000 fishing boats, manned Huddersfieid Town o. orimsby j)V iotooo fishermen, started out to sea, attracted by the Iv...... , fi,ui., appearance of immense schools of herring. MASSEYF0R LONDON NOW Minister to Washington to Succeed Larkin as High Commissioner OTTAWA. May 3: Premier King announced last nltht that it was the intention of the government to appoint Hon. Vincent Massey, Canadian minister at Washington, as High Commissioner at London in succession to the late Hon. Peter C. Larkin. Mr. Massey will remain at' Washington until vacation time and go to London about September 1 to be in readiness for the Imperial Economic Conference which will open September 30. Tariff Changes in United States WASHINGTON, May 3: One of the features of the tariff changes yesterday was the removal of two Davis Cup FRESNO, Cal., May 3: Six army cents duty on cuoan sugar, ana me Rogers, In aviators were forced to leap for placing of logs and cedar lumber on tour- their lives with parachutes from a the free list. 6 16.5 ,. Town and 6.2, 0-6, 9-7 for Rogers. propellers. They landed safely In a1 Prince Rupert 10.0 ft. Third uiviaw... - vineyard. Icalm; temperature, 37 5.3 ft. Barrow. ttttttttxtttttt I I Part cloudy, VICTORIA, May 3: The death occurred yesterday of Richard Ryan, aged 75. Ryan, who was chief Janitor of the Parliament Buildings, when the war broke out, because of his great trustworthiness, acted as confidential messenger for the late , Sir Richard McBride, then Premier. When the purchase of two submarines was made following the declaration of war in 1914 by Sir! Boston Grill LA ICO G CAIIAKET Bpecisl DlwV.rs Thursdays and Saturdays Dancing Etrry Saturday Night, 0 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accommodations for Private Parties PHONE 4J7 XXI.. no. 104. vo!, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1930 price five cents UMNG BUDGET IS HIGHLY LAUD jfeu; Canadian Tariff Described by London Daily Express as Greatest Imperialistic Advance Since War INSPECTION OF PRODUCE IS DEFERRED Thrre Is to be no Inspection . of fruit and vegetables coming Into Prlr.ce Rupert from neighboring larrcs. at any rate for the present, unless the produce Is unfit for food. In that case Inspector Collart may be railed in to condemn It. The committee of the board of trade repeated at the meeting last night agatet any further action, suggesting that such action would be a lit'le premature. Bo many growers icnf In only a few boxes or crates of fral or vegetables that it would be London Daily Express Asks Electors of West Fulham What Their Answer Will Be to Canada's "Generous Concessions" LONDON, May 3: "The Dunning budget constitutes the greatest advance in Imperial relations we have seen since the War," declares the Daily Express, Iord Beaverbrook's organ, in an editorial comment upon the new Canadian tariff. The editorial asks the electors of West Fulham. which riding is having a by-election, what reply they will send to Ottawa by their votes whether Canada is to be given nothing in return for "their generous concessions" and Great Britain is to continue to take subsidized wheat dumped by any country or whether the Canadian gesture is to be welcomed with pride and joy. UNITED STATES DUTY CHANGES WeH Known Lady Weds House Accepts Senate Proposals Which Make Shingles Free of Duty Disagrees With Senate on Rate For Fir, Spruce, Pine, Hemlock, Larch Lumber and Would Make All Softwoods Free WASHINGTON, May 3: Other important tariff changes were dealt with by the United States Congress ; yesterday in addition to the placing of fir, spruce, cedar and western hemlock logs and cedar lumber on the free list. Approval was given to a rate of eight per cent on maple, birch and beech flooring as against fifteen per cent proposed by the House of Representatives. These are now duty free. The House then accepted the Senate free listing of shingles as against a House rate of twenty-five per cent. A compromise duty of 75c. perO thousand board feet on fir, spruce.- . pine, hemlock, and larch lumber,! (Trr IMcfnnra which i. v, r,. iut -,uu aViolCUICC defeated. The Senate had provided i a rate of $1.50 per thousand while the House would have kept it free. The House then went on record as favoring free duty on softwooa lumber including railway ties and telephone poles' of -altlctndlC' :v"- JANITOR IS DEAD Richard Ryan Held Position Trust Under Late Premier McBride Telephone to Be Enquired Into I zT P ls bwvtuiiie ronne!ll3K' ' im trie south from j Prince Rupert will be inquired into J by the board of trade. The matter i was brought up at the meeting of the board last night by Colonel t Nicholls, who said the B. C. Tele-j phone Company was now operating at Powell River. Now that Prince j Rupert was about to become a 'big 0f city he thought steps should be ta-jken to connect by telephone with the outside. It was decided to write to the manager of the B. C. Telephone Company asking If anything could be done. Richard for the protection of the Declarlng that deceased had done British Columbia coast, Ryan was mucn for mlnlng m tnl3 provlncCi entrusted Wkh $150,000 Which he Hnn W A Mark! mlnLtor- nf handed over In connection with the at Victoria mmes, expressed regret purchase before the craft entered at tne death of Frank n xayjo u. 1;. waters, in a rowuoav, ne car-,weil known Smlthers rled the cash to the waiting sub- marines In the Straits of Juan de Fuca and handed over the money. Storm Causes Devastation In Central States CHICAGO. May 3: The series of storms which commenced In Arizona Thursday and spread to a ! number of the central states caused Ithe deaths of 21 person's. Injured lino nrirt Mnsprt nrniiertv riamapn estimated at a' million dollars. Natural Resource Transfer Passes Bill Returning Feace River Block to British Columbia Given Third Reading at Ottawa OTTAWA, May 3: The reading was given yesterday to bills returning the Peace River and railway belt from the Dominion to the province of British Columbia and covering natural resources agreements with Saskatchewan and Tribute to Frank Taylor Is Paid By Mines Minister mining man. "His courage and ability were recognized by all," the minister said. ''As prospector, miner and promoter, he drew attention to many mineral areas and was able to open them up on a large scale. His passing is a distinct loss to the mining industry." Is Detained By Police; Suspected Causing Explosion VANCOUVER, Wash., May 3: Clifford Campbell, a lad employed by the Northropes, has been detained by the police for further examination in connection with the explosion which cost the lives of the aged couple here. . TQRXyVMOSDftltftTj iV .tfWjt TO BUDGET MAY BE BROUGHT UP OTTAWA. OTTAWA. May May 3: 3: An An am am- third 4 endment to the budget speech or Hon. c. A. Dunning win probably be moved by the Con- servatlves, It was believed fol- lowing a Conservative caucus yesterday although along what lines was uncertain.