7Kat Awssftey, April IS, 1930. THE DAILY NEWS PAQE TOREK Ester rabbits, easter eggs EASTER NOVELTIES h Ea4cr Goods IlijvQrrjycd andArp ort'Risplay Garibhgs' and Pascalls' c. r -ir .i oi:u uur wnuows p HAVE SOME PUT AWAY IF YOU DESIRE 73k Pioneer DrttCjctsts it intwD Avt. ff six in st. - -rtiEpnoNrs r-toc Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION. STEAMSHIPS LIMITED fcalllnr I cimii IVIiio KUiM-rl IFor VAN: 'TVER. VICTORIA, liuuuale, Alert Bay. etc. Tuesday. 3.30 D.m. 5 for VAM'OLVCU. VU'IOUII. HuteiUle. Alrrt IVit. rir . I'rldAv inl.fnlrhl It Of ALICE AH.M. ANYOX. Hlr.VVAUT. Nakp lUver, Purl Hlniu-ua, sun- m amy, b-imi o ro. p-or TO T SIMPSON and WALES ISLAND. Thursday p.m. ill ind Urnuf It M ."Mini frnl Prince Itupert. D.C. B II much I'rkrtt uld to Victoria and Seattle Aud bacme cheeked Qbrouxh to rietlnstlon .. .. IRCCOAST STEAMSHIPS B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FKOM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway prll 9, 19, 30. To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle April 2, 13, 23. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pjii. Agents For All Steamship Lines IW. C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Phone 31 f 7Tf'J rwi rrti!. m mfXtXw 1 CANADIAN WW Q n-ff NATIONAL 1 A I -J1 ; ? S" t IdS Mi V" rl and .00 p.m. SUNDAYS. THURSDAYS ISLANDS BV 113QAH Afnndoy, HVrfnearfay, Faturdny TJt EDMONTON, WINNITEG 4tf poifiM Eottitn Canwta, Vmlnl Stntnt GARDEN SUPPLIES HOES. RAKES, SPADES. WHEEL-nARROWS, GARDEN SEEDS FORKS, TROWLS, SHEARS. I THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert AND SHIPYARD 01'KKA'nN( G. T. 1. 20,000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Knjfir.eers. Machinists, liollermakcrs, Klocksmlths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MAHINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK . PHONES 43 AND 3S5 If you lose anything advertise for it. Black as niht, Quick and bright mm hi IMV fV r am LIQUID STOVE POLISH RECKITTS (OVERSEA' UHITED, MOHIfcfcM, TORONTO - VAHCOUVfft Local Items Dentist. Dr J. R. Gosse. Phonr B80. ,. Try Mlnehead efg coal for kitchen use. Clean and hot. Phone 771 ' . tf We want more? dwellings to rent. Helgcrson. 89 Salvation Army Sale of Sewing and Home Cooking Wednesday, April 16, at 250 pjn. 89 Spiro Ourvlch returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a brief trip to Anyox. Three boys of Juvenile age, who pleaded guilty last week to burg Mrf'thargt, are appearing before Judge F. McB. Young in County Court at 3 o'clock this afternoon for sentence. GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! How about having your boy friend ..'take, you for a nice car ride? iinvurselt laxi Walkcr Motor Co., Ltd. Distributors of CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS HOTEL ARRIVALS OSBtSrSB COMMODORE ' CAFE The latest thing in lunch counters just installed. Delicious Waffles Served by means of very latest Equipment Ratines Men's Lunchr a Get (he Commodore Habit Central Hotel INhKK NEW MANAdE.MI.XT SlMm llMitr.l: Traveller' sample Itonms; Hot and ' Cold Water t'rrr llu Meets All Train and lloiiin Rates SI. 09 and Up MMXIAI. MONTHLY KATI.S C.R.11IGGART & A. DONALD Proprietor PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. I'KUDIIOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth 8ts. Savoy D. Hartness, Vancouver,. New Royal Hotel t. Tarrlll. "rop. THE IIOTIX WOKTU WHILE Hot & Cold Water; Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone 181 Royal Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ryan and Mrs. James Lewis, Ititkatla; J. Pederson, L?W Island; R. Montgomery, city. Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroncr's Store, (tf) For higher prices and prompt re- I turns ship your raw furs to T. Pap-pas, Prince George, D.C. tf Attention Elks Wednesday night meeting Is very important and all ' Elks are asked to attend. GO ! Lutheran Ladies' Tea and Sal" of Home-cooking in Church Parlors, April 17, at 2.30. 39 j ! This afternoon's train, due from I the East at 3.30, was reported this I morning to he on time. I Baseball meeting in City I Hall Tuesday evening at 8 ; o'clock. Election of officers for 1930. All interested please j attend. 89 i Owing to examinations in the jlligh Sctool where many members :are students, there was no weekly meeting of the Firetide Club of j First Baptist Church last night. Next week's meeting will be held as usual it is expected. Mrs. Manley F. Eby is a passen ger aboard the Catala today bound ' for Vancouver where she will be joined later by Rev. M. F. Eby when A letter from Hon. W. A. McKen sle, minister of mines, read at last night's council meeting, acknow ledged a recent resolution of the council commending the depart ment for the mining lectures which were held here - recently and said that the proposal to make such lec sence of Mayor Qrme, Aid. Black, j mm he goe south to attend conference. . 1 Mr. Eby is seeking a. transfer from Don't fnrcr. nir' nin Tim the United Church field at Port Smoker." Thursday nlte, April 17. Simpson. iFour snappy bouts and some real jclassy entertainment. Aid. Linssey and Aid. Ptllsbury. I The city council was In receipt mine. Is a visitor In the city, having On recommenda "TaWrnTlteV decided last night to Look far MU mark on tmy tin. 1 1 luaranU- -. tkt Hgit contain$ no cturn or any Cdker lurmfnl inpidint. tures a yearly institution would i The retwrt of Fire dhief D. H have the best attention of the de-. McDonald for the month' of March partment at the proper tune. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, returned to port at 10.-50 this morning from Anyox, Stewart and 'other northern points and will sail at 359 this afternoon for Vancouver and waypoints. which was presented to the city council last nleht showed that there A court of revision on several ce-Jhad been nine alarms during the ment sidewalk local improvement month and loss amounting to $305 bylaws Is sitting at the City Hall whlch was not covered by insur-thls afternoon. As no protests have ance. Salaries for the month total- will be used by the city in connec- sary easement granted to cross rail tion with sewet construction from! way property. The matter was re Seventh Avenue West, F. H. Stephens had a letter be fore the city council, last night thanking the city for courtesies and j entertainment tendered a convention party of the Great West Life Assurance Co. which visited here last mcnth. Many comments had been made.by members of the party of the courtesies received here. Mr. (Stephens stated, and, as a result. Prince Rupert would rain considerable favorable advertising. Bronchial Cold Left Her With A Dry, Hacking Cough Mrs. J. Fearmaa, Selkirk, Ont., writes: ''Early last winter 1 suffered from a sever bronchial cold that left mo with a provoking, dry, hacking cough. ' After being bothered, both day and night, with it for some -time I had a friend recommend Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup which I tried with wonderful results, and now It is the only remedy I ever use for colds. "iihate' alt&toed Milbarn'sHeart and SiNo1vsv Pills wltff 'wonderful results." , ''Dr. Wood's" is 33o. a bqttlej large ftmily size GOc.j at all druggists and dealers; put up only by The T. Vlilburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat. BEAVER WANTED We have a big order for beaver pelts and also for fox, otter, mink, marten and fisher. We are satisfied to pay highest price as our customers must have the furs. Send them to the OLD RELIABLE W. Goldbloom f erred to the board of works with power to act. ANNOUNCEMENTS Elks' Smoker, Elks' Home Thursday, April 17. Good Friday Sacred concept St. An Jw's Cathedral April 18, aid organ fund. Daptlst Church Good Friday, 8 p3n. Sacred Concert presentation of "Challenge of the Cross.'' Daffodil dance O.DS. Hall. Floral Cantata Church April 22. April 21 in I. Moose dance April 21. in Presbyterian Catholic Women's League Spring Sale April 24.' Balloon Dance, Elks' Home Friday, April 25. Mooseheart Ladles Children's Masquerade May 2. Children and .pecUtors 25c. Ridley florae Bazaar May 8. Gyro Hoedown Andltorlum. Rcbckah Bridge, Dance May 14. Friday, May 9 Whist and TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR S KEEN A BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City MAGIC BAKING POWDER never varies Its uniform leavening qualities give the same satis-tactoiy results with every baking. 3 out of every 4 Canadian housewives, who bake at home, say they use it 'because it docs give consistent, better baking results. If tou bake at home, the New Magic Cook Book will furnish you with dozens of attractive baking suggestions. Try this Recipe for Muffins 1 tablespoon butter 3 teaspoons Magic 2 tablespoons augar Baking Powder 2 eggs teaspoon salt 2J cups flour 1 cup sweet milk Cream butter nd sugar. Add eggs one by one, beat well. Sift dry ingredients together and add to first mixture alternately with milk. Jf batter not stiff enough, add a little more flour. Put in well-greased muffin pans and bake for 20 minutes in a quick oven. Thisfact was revealed in a recent Dominion-wide investigation. STANDARD BRANDS LIMITED GILLETT PRODUCTS Eli Watmah of Stewart is a passenger aboard the Catala today through to Vancouver. been entered against any of the led '$1088 aftd accounts amounted to financial firm In the west end of work concerned, it is expected that $1.25. The usual Inspections had London, the session will be merely of a for- been made of departmental equip- mal nature. The court consists of morn which was found to be In good William Hanna, well known pio Aid. Collart. presiding in the aa-' order. ' jlast night of a communication from arrived from Anyox on the Catala the f in-WH. Tobey, CNH. superintendent, this moraine. . , ting that it would be necessary. sume aU costs in connection with Hays Creek before the matter could the transfer. Thfe strip ofproperty tbe presented to the Board of Rail- situated to the rear of English H11L , way Commissioners and the neces- W. E. Walker, manager of Arran-dale Cannery, arrived in the city police court this morning on a i drunkenness charge and was fined $15 with option of 30 days in Jail. There Is little change since yesterday in the dispute between the Power Corporation of Canada and carpenters, who were In the em ploy of the company at Falls River, 1 over the wage scale. Last night the , carpenters had a meeting to dls- cuss the situation and tonight their representatives are to meet! representatives of the company. A report was received at last night's meeting of the city council from City Engineer F. N. Good stating that he had Investigated two accounts from the Power Corporation of Canada covering work on the Catala this morning fromdone for the city, including the C1 uuamesa movjn? of the rock . ; . crusher, and visit in town. E. J. Smith of O. W. Nlckerson Co. Ltd., returned to the city on the Catala this morning after making the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on company business. the Power Corporation had agreed to certain adjustments in the charge that had been made for labor. The engineer's report was referred to the Board of Works and utilities committee. member of the Dally News staff and 1UU Alfc UM.LASbll'Y for the past few years living in Eng- land, has now joined the staff of HFon SALE 8.000 shares Er.peranza swck. is selling at 5Qc. What offer? Phone Peacock, Knox $otel IFOR RENT Ptifnlihbri ; ri. .!... 4 . ... jUtj., I , ' " - -"VV. MOHM-lUUl " 7 It. u I rooms and batk ?hone 547. . (tf) VfliKUia UUUICit V4 iAit ViiOHUJ urchase from that the city furnish more particu-1 Joe Wrieht who was released Joljn Dybhavathe south three feet lars of the proposed roadway from from custody only yesterday on a by one hundred feet Of Jot 1, block Sixth Avenue to the new fisher-.similar eharee. aealn aDDeared be- ! ' cn:i:iicixa':B:rE.cii:a:!:ii:i'Ki!ci:a 20. section 5 for $100, the city to as-! men's floats on the east bank of fere Magistrate McClymont in city RATTFE)IC mnrm mm m Did you ever stop and figure the wear and tear your battery undergoes? Just call In and look at the inside of an ordinary battery then take a look at the COYLE, the Long Life Battery. The difference will surprise you. Phone 566 Rupert Motors PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. term aj Bxainisj mi la ki ej. Scrupulous Purity to guard Health A Necessary Standard for Personal Care Surreons in many leading hospitals use the identical material in Kotex, for surgical dressings, because they know it is safely antiseptic and marvellously absorbent. No greater tribute could be paid to the health guarding quality of Kotex, tbt New sni Imf rived Sanitary Napkin. Kotex is the accepted standard in matters of feminine hvjgiene for women who value immaculacy and delicacy. It is sole and comfortable and it deodorizes utterly. No bothersome laundering with Kotex. Directions in each package for 'discarding. Buy Kotex at any drug, dry goods or department store without embarrassment. Just ask for Kotex. Regular size 60c for box of a dozen. Superstze 75c. DEODORIZES 1. Kotex deodorizes, safely, thoroughly, by a patented process. 2. Kotex Is soft Not a deceptive softness, that soOTv'fwcCsinto chafing hardness. But a delicate, lasting softness," .' 3. Safe, secure . . . keeps' your mind at ease. 4. Kotex filler is far lighter and cooler than cotton, yet absorbs 8 times as much. 5. In Hospitals . . . Kotex is the Identical material used by surgeons in leading hospitals. VIADE IN CANADA KOT6X Sanitary Napkins 7