III PAOE SIX THE DAILY NEWS ft 6 Big The C.C.M. is a quality bicycle. It is the Wheel with ;1. C.C.M. 20-year Nickel Plating. 2. C.C.M. Triplex Hanger. 3. C.C.M. Improved Hercules. Coaster Brake. 4. Three Coats of C.C.M. Enamel baked on over a Coat of Rust-Proof. 5. Gibson Pedals (on most models). 6. Dunlop Tires. OCM m& ... l racyci l6S ssn n hiilrQ 1 ur 9JJ OOM-Joycydes for Children BEDWAWAY IN EVERT O for Duty if you buy an imported bicycle SAVE by Buying the British-built-in-CANADA Unequalled for years of Smooth Riding C.C.M. Bicycles are 90 made in Canada and NOT merely an assembly of imported parts. Ease of running and length of service depend upon the accuracy with which the 1,761 parts of a bicycle are made and put together, C.C.M. Bicycles are perfect mechanically and the service parts are always conveniently available in C.C.M. service stores. No imported bicycle can give better service than a C.C.M. and few as good and, in addition, there is no 20 duty to pay. And Right Now COM- Prices are the LOWEST IN 30 YEARS Complete Line of C. C. M. Bicycles on sale in Prince Rupert at TOM BALLINGER'S, 3rd Ave. C. C. M. Bicycles are on sale at McRAE BROTHERS LIMITED, Prince Rupert COAL ! COAL ! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 , ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton . 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP-Delivcred, per ton 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD JUST AKKIVEI). NEW SHIPMENT OF BIKCII AND JACK PINE MILL ENDS Per load ; $1.50 BOX CUTTINGS-Per load 3.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. I3B Polishing! THIS IS THE TIME TO WAX YOUK FLOORS AND WAX YOUR FURNITURE Liquid Veneer Lge. bot- -f CA tie reg. $2.00 ?AeV Liquid Veneer- Reg. 30c Johnson's Floor Wax Qt. reg. $1.90 Reg. 65c 25c 31.65 Johnson's Floor Wax QCZn Pint. reg. $1.00 Ut,v Liquid Gloss 40c Old English Floor Wax ffA 2 lb. tin VA.ow Old English Floor Wax Qfto 1 lb. tin .. Suprema Polish Reg. $1.00 Mop Oil Polish-Reg. 50c 85c 40c Stove Polish, Silver Polish, Shoe Polish, all at reduced prices. We also have Electric Waxcr and Electric Vacuum Cleaner for rent. We deliver and call back for them. Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 5th Avenue East PHONE 18 AND 84 P. 0. box 675. Get the Ad. reading habit. It pays. LIGHTING DISCUSSED Msunderstanding Anion? Council lors As to Number of Stand- ) arris and Size of Lamps j Just how many new standard lamps are to be Installed in the I business section of the city under jthe new ornamental street lighting I plan of the Power Corporation of Canada and just .what the wattage of those lamps, will be came in for considerable discussion last night at the city Council meeting and. as a result of the discussion, the whole matter was referred back to the utilities committee for further report. The question was brought up by Aid. James Black who inquired from the chairman of the utilities committee If It were proposed to have 40 standards erected as mentioned in the resolution passed by the council a fortnight previous or only 29 which would be required on Third Avenue from Second to Sev- enth Streets, down Sixth Street from Third to Second Avenue and on Second Avenue from Sixth to Seventh Street, these being the streets which now had festoon lights. Aid. Macdonald understood that it was proposed to lnstal only 29 standards although the remaining 11 might be erected but not put in use until request was made by the . city or the property owners con cerned. The Power Corporation thought It would be cheaper to erect the 40 standards at the one time. City Solicitor E. F. Jpnes said that he had had a conversation with J. J. Little, power company manager, only that morning and he (Mr. Little) had told him that the power company would agree to supplying only 22 standards, or snly those on Third Avenue and not those on Sixth Street and Se cond Avenue, at the present rate. Mr. Jones mentioned that it was proposed by the power company to put In 300-watt lamps. What Wattage? Aid. Dlack then, pointed out that the original plans called for 500-watt lamps at street intersections and 400-watt lamps In the middle of blocks. Aid. Rudderham -.pointed out that the agreement reached had been that no more current would be used for the new lamps than in the old system. For that reason, he thought. (he wattage of the lamps to be used might have been'eut. Aid. Black thought that it was expressly stated that 400 and 500-watt lamps were to be used. Aid. Pullen stated that a state ment from City Treasurer D. J. Matheson had shown that, with the use of 400 and 500-watt lamps, it would cost the city considerably more for street lighting than It was at present. To meet this situation the power company had agreed to put in smaller lights. This seemed to Aid. Pullen to be a good plan. If . deemed necessary, larger lamps could be Installed at any time, the city paying the additional cost of lectrlctty. There had been no stipulation as to the size of the lamps to be used, Aid. Macdonald Bald, but only in cgard to the amount of power to be used. Aid. CoUart said that Mr. Little had told him that afternoon that 300-watt lamps were to be used at a charge of $15 per 100 watts. After some further discussion, the whole question was referred back to utilities committee for further re port. at last Audit Bureau Issues List of Membership The audit Bureau of Clrcu-atllons has Just issued a list of members. -'Those In British Columbia ate in the or-named: "'Nelson N6ws 1 Prince Rupert News Vancouver Province Vancouver Star Vancouver' Sun Victoria Colonist Victoria Times Advertisers have no guarantee that the other papers In the province have the circulation claimed by them. MONEY COULDN'T DO WHAT ALL-BRAN DID I found that ALL-BRAN was the aid nature needed to relieve my trouble This startling letter from an ex-service man will interest everyone who suffers from constipation: "I ni dischtrjfd after the World War with hcrt trouble and bad stomach. I bad saved about $1500. Since then I've spent that sum and a lot more on doctoring and operations and medicines. I always wss bothered with const patina, "1 told my wife to Ft some kind of light breakfait food and I would try it. She cams home with a small package of Kellogg's ALL-BRAN. I ste it for breakfast, lunch and dinner, about a common tea-tawer full with milk at each meal t have been doing this for a month. I have slopped taking dope (medicines). I work to 12 hours. I have a good appetite. And now I am gaining firth and believe I am getting Wf II." Geoigi C. O'Conniu (address on request). Cleanse your system of constipation's poisons. Thousands have regained their old-time vigor and vim, stopped constipation forever, by eating Kellogg's ALL-BRAN. Eat two tablcspoonfuls daily In chronic cases, with every meat. Relief is guaranteed. ALL-BRAN is 100 bran. 100 effective doctors recommend it. Ready-to-serve with milk or cream. Use in cooking. See the recipes on the package Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Sold by ail grocers. Served in leading hotels and restaurants dining cars. ft' ALL-BRAN PETITION BASKED Third Avenue May Have to Wait For Concrete Walk, Having Turned It Down Last Year Aid. H. F. Pullen lnqured at last night's meeting of the city cluncll If the board of works was taking any further steps to have a concrete sidewalk built from the present ending on the south side of Third Avenue towards McBride Street. Aid. Brown, chairman of the board of works, expressed the opinion that It was up to the property owners concerned who had turned down the work by petition last year, to now present a petition asking that it be done If they so desired. Aid. Pullen explained that the property owners last year had considered that the cost was too high and had, therefore, objected to the work being done" at that time. Since then, however, the city engineer had brought forward a new plan whereby the work could be done much more cheaply. The present sidewalk was getting In pretty bad shape and he did not think the property owners would petition again against a sidewalk. Aid. Brown, In reply, felt that It was up to the property owners to take a little action themselves, in view of their having turned down the bylaw last year. If they wanted the work now, he thought they should bring in a petition. City Solicitor E. F. Jones agreed, in view of the turning down of the bylaw last year, thai it might be advisable to get a petition now. Aid. Pullen referred to the difficulties of getting a petition signed with so many of the owners out of town. REPAIRING OF STREETS City accounts for the two weeks Tnrvi, WnrU , ... VrnUA .,, ending April 11 totalling $20,909.52 As u,,.hpr ,.,Pmil,. c.uv were passed for payment night's council meeting. Engineer Says In reply to. a question by Aid. Pullen, City Engineer F. N. Oood stated at last night's meeting of the city council that repairing of various city streets which had suffered from the weather conditions of the past winter was being proceeded with as rapidly as weather conditions would permit. The street repair gang had already been out but, with tarvia, the holes must be absolutely dry before any work can be done on them. Therefore, it had been possible so far this spring to do only four days' work and thift had been concentrated on streets which bore heavier traffic. The other streets would be treated as soon as possible. Mr. Oood realized that Fifth Avenue Bast was in a horrible condition but quite a good deal of expenditure would be needed on It and It was necessary that the woather be absolutely dry. Asked by Mr. Pullen If It was proposed to tar or oil the streets this year, Mr. Oood replied that tarvia work had been provided for in the estimates. LARGE IN BUSINESS Late Elisha Frederick Mulchings Grew Riff With Winnipeg ' The late Ellsha Frederick Hutch-inrrs, whose death occurred yester- jday in Winnipeg as a result of I heart trouble, -was one of Western Canada's outstanding business men and was Identified with many of the large commercial enterprises of the ! west. He was president of the Great i West Saddlery Co. Ltd., the largest saddlery concern in the world; of: the Capital Loan & Savings Co.j j Ltd., of the Athabasca Oil & As-, jphalt Co., of the Alberta Saddlery Co., of the Reglna Harness Co., of the Birds Hill Sand and Gravel Building Supply Co., of the Birds Hill Sandstone Brick Co.. of the Mineral Springs Sanitarium Association and of the Houghton Land Co. In addition he was on the di rectorate of such companies as the Oreat West Permanent Loan It Savings Co., the Imperial Canadian Trust Co., the Canada National Fire Insurance to., the City of Winnipeg Sinking Fund Trustees and the Al-sip Sandstone Brick it Building Supply Co. He- was a fellow of the Royal Colonial Institute, London. Born at Newboro, Leeds County. Ont., on June 13, 1853, the late Mr. Hutchlngs came-Jo Vvinnlpc&on assuming his majority in 1876 and virtually grew up with the great prairie city. He finished his education at Beggs Night School, was a member of the Winnipeg city council for nine years from 1887 to 1890. ' lie was a member of the Masonic craft and of many Winnipeg clubs, ' a RnnMrvntlvf In rmlitlp nnrl a I Presbyterian in religious belief. Besides his widow, the late Mr. Hutching is survived by two sons and three daughters. HINTS FOR GARDENERS MOST FOR ONES MONEY For a small garden, tomatoes are perhaps the most valuable crop to grow as when staked (and they should be grown, In no other way), they give the bigegst yield for the ground occupied. Beans come next, a 21-foot row of these being sufficient to keep a family busy eating for a couple of weeks. This 24-foot row. It should be mentioned, is planted double, that is. the beans are about four inches apart in the row. and the two rows . In Inches apart. Corn takes up a bit of room, but as one must grow it in the garden at the back door to get It at its best it Is well to consider it even where the plot is limited. One can count an average of three cobs to every two stalks. Carrots and beets will give a very good return in a small garden, a 30-foot row of each Tuesday, Aprflls. J " i MONDAY, TIKSIMY 1 AND WEDNESDAY two snows 7 and 9 p.m., "VW-Wv Ronald Colman IN ALL-TALKING D..1S 1 Ding Drummonj m H One of the Best Tin p;t. I tures Produced in 1929 Talking Short Comedy- "NIGHT OWLS" And How You Will Howl PARAMOUNT 5 SOUND NEWS Admission 20c and (wc rttsrrpran isn ymmwrl t m-rw supplying many meals Bninm !. : Jettuce should be included :i b me off early, leaving the :'; ior tomatoes ana uier lat r starting crops. ' For those wft M It, Swiss r will provide a 4itfe qun;'y greens from a row 30 feel loi 1 1 Inner stalks ean be uteri agus. A garden is never mp. tj without a few onions as ih : used in such a variety of w.i v in very limited quantities Vi..- one has a garden measuring v 35 feet each' way peas arc .am out of the question 'though they never as fresh as whan picki d a i feet from the door. An offer of William Denh-'n: $500 for the pvrehswe of tax sal. m 43. block 17, section 1. was am ; by the city council last ntalu n-eommendation of the finanrr rrr. mlttee. The lot, which is muw.-i next to Harry Love's machine h. p at Cow Bay, It niseiscri at $6(o Boat Engines We have recently dismantled several cars and trucks, and have for sale Ford Model T 20,00 Ford Model T motors, gen- CCTA A A orator, starting motor, etc. V V One Chevrolet Baby Grand Aft Motor with starter One Continental Red Q1AA Seal Mbtor .... .'. .... .1 V V.W V We now have on display at our shop the New Ford Model A "Marine Engine. More horse powor per dollar than any other inotor on the market. Come in and look it over. v " The Canadian Car." S. E. PARKER LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.