V Tom s Tides SPEND AN Tuesda. ... v r 30, 1930 Enjoyable Evening High - a.m. la.u it. AT rm. 15.9 it. Low ti 9.3 ft; Sunken Gardens m. 7J5 ft. I Vol. XXI,, No. 302. NEW TWO MORE VANCOUVER 0 Autonomy Except For Certain Subjects is Probable Result of Recent London, Eng., Conference Eastern Land May Soon Conduct Its Own Affairs In Responsible Manner Defence, Finance, Foreign and Domestic Relations and Political Charges Exceptions LONDON, Dec. 29: Responsible government for India with safeguards was today indicated as the probable outcome of the Indian round table conference. The Hindu- Moslem deadlock remains unbroken. This, however, need not necessarily frustrate the work of laying down general!: principle. of a new constitution. Failure to reach a settle- j ment ol communal differences ? LOW PRICE I . OF BUTTER' I Exclusion Br Canada Will : Adverse Effect on New Zealand AUCKLAND, HZ., Dec. 29:-If .he new Canadian tariff on butter Is I rtnanent New Zealand's export Lilt VaiMUWII W wwvw : : nbout three years' time and un there U a tariff In Oreat Brl i it Oil 1UIC1U uou; ptuvsuw, w- ; inely low prices, especially for h Ktcr. will result in a permanent . i-r standard of living and re- iK tion of future progress in New .-.Wand, acordlng to William Good-i. How. managing director of the N.-w Zealand Dairy Company. Mr Ooodfellow said Australia and tin- United States had practically hut out New Zealand dairy proline e. and the recent increase In1 the i.inff in Canada would reduce ship-in. nu to that country by at least in, ooo tons during the coming season. If the Increased Canadian tar-.ff was permanent, the result would b. u rapid Increase In production in C.uiada and exports from New Zealand -would cease In about three yours. MERGER IS RESTRAINED Ohio Judge Takes (land In Proposed Amalgamation of Big Steel Companies YOUNGSTOWN. Ohio. Dec. 29: The proposed million dollar merger - f the Bethlehem Steel Corporation ma the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. was denied by Common Pleas Judge David O. Jenkins today when he granted minority stockholders an Injunction restraining t he combination Lose x vis a i.iivh - . As Fire Destroys Queens Hotel, Old Hostlery In Cochrane, Ont. COCHRANE, Ont., Doc. Charles Palangio, his wife placed among the dead. GOVERNMENT IN wouia, nowever, uneiy mean raooi- flcatlons in the general scheme hv order that adequate protection lor the minorities might be assured. At present, the government of, British India is not responsible to the legislature of British India. The idea is inat, in me proposed Indian federation, the federal gov ernment would be responsible to the federal legislature except for five subjects .which woufcL bstt- i1"" urc " T , TJS These five subjects i are defence charges. In these fire subjects, pro- bable working relations between the ! British and Indian governments are u8sea. J0FFRE SINKING Aged French Marshal Believed to Be On Death Bed Fighting Losing Battle PAUIS. Dec. 29: Marshal Joffre, fighting a losinr battle with death, sank Into a state of extreme weakness today and his physicians Issued a bulletin at three o'clock describing his condition as grave. The aged French general is not expected to recover. ( No Developments In Robbery Case There have been no new developments in connection with the robbery of some $300 from the safe of the LaCasse Bakery over me Christmas holiday last week. It Is not certain that the robber actually negotiated the combination of the safe W. D. Chrlstlsoo, manager of the bakery, was tired after a long and busy day last Wednesday and is not certain but that he may have foigotten to turn we corouii".. when he placed the cash In the safe on Christmas Eve. Their Lives iJK'3d ur c" "'Tg n(iows NORTIIERN AND CENTRAL BRITISII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1930 ' i ' TIIIRYT THOUSAND CHINESE MURDERED RY MOHAMMEDANS ! ! SHANGHAI, Dec. 29: De- layed Chinese dispatches from , Lanchow say that at least 30,- f 000 Chinese In Northwestern Kau Province were maa- SZuSTTrX ' KL Mohammedans attempting to ,Urt a revolutlon agalnst chlnese government. VICTORIA GETS JOB Stramer Prince Rupert Going There For Annual Overhaul VANCOUVER, Dec. 29 Announcement is made here today by B. C. Keeley, Pacific coast manager I Canadian National Steamships, that ss. Prince Rupert, one of the. veterans of the coast service, w'U! be given her annual overhaul thl? winter In the Yarrow Shipyards at Victoria. "Now that we have returned to the trl-weekly service with our ships connecting the porta of Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle, wt feel that It Is only right to distribute some of the annual' overhaul work to the Victoria shipyards. When tt. Prince Rupert is sent over to Victoria It will assist materially In relieving the unemployment situation," said Mr. Keeley, At present ss. Prince Rupert Is operating on the tri-city service In the absence of ss. Prince Davll which is now going through her guarantee inspection. It Is expected that ss. Prince Henry, one ol the new ships, will have completed her guarantee Inspection by the end of the year and will be able to resume he service on the tri-city run about the first week in January. As soon as ss. Prince Henry is ready ss. Prince Rupert will be sent In for her annual overhaul which will take about one month. Property Owners To Reorganize t- i..tvllA L'....,!. CliAiiM Ha Authorized, They I cel The old Prince Rupert Ratepayers' Association is being revived In Prince Rupert with a view to taking an active interest in public affairs. Some of the former members, Jeel that a little scrutiny of, the expenditure of public money,' especially on relief work, would be beneficial. A meeting Is being called for early In the New Year when new officers jwlll be elected and a plan, of oper-' atlorts laid down. VANCOUVER WHEAT Vancouver. Dec. 29: Wheat was quoted on uic iuvui irAnianc today at 51c. WOMEN The City Impressive photograph showin : imcr City oi New York as it Society Leader Is One Of Victims of Crashes On Streets Yesterday Mrs. M. A. Hall of Rurnaby Is Second to Lose Life Major Stanley Hill and Taxi-Driver Charged With Manslaughter VANCOUVER, Dec. 29: Two women met death in! automobile accidents here yesterday. Mrs. Herbert S.i Wood, prominent in social and musical circles and wife of ; a well known local barrister, was killed when the car she I was driving and a taxicab collided on South Granville! Street. Mrs. M. A. Hall, resident of Burnaby, returning 'home from church, was struck at a MRS. GRAHAM LAID TO REST Funeral of Well Known Prince Rupert Woman Took Place On Saturday At Terrace The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary A. Graham, for years a resident of Prince Rupert, who died last week at Terrace, took place In the Inter-. lor town on Saturday afternoon.' There were many Terrace people j and a few from Prince Rupert pre-; sent to pay their final tributes of respect. The funeral service took place In the Terrace United Church with Rev. H. T. Allen officiating. Mrs. Spencer presided at the organ. After the church service, Interment was made In Terrace Cemetery. Pallbearers were J. K. Gordon, W. C. Sparkes, R. W. Riley. Tony Marsh, Eldwood Brooks and W. A. Klrkpatrlck. There were many floral tributes. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Mar Oraham wish to thank all their friends for the kind expressions of sympathy shown in their recent bereavement. INDIA IS LIKELY KILLED BY AUTOMOBILES of New York Outward Bound street Intersection by a car allegedly driven by Major Stanley Hill and died a few minutes later. Technical charges of manslaughter have been entered against both Hill and the taxicab driver and both were released on ball of $3,000. The taxi driver was Charles A. Robinson. Claims Mentality Stationary During Hundreds of Years LONDON. Dec. 30: If mankind wants to be proud or Itself It will have to get up and hustle. Sir William J. Pope says man hasn't improved any. physically or mentally, i on tils cave ancestors. Sir William's declaration was made In his Nor-! man Lockyer lecture. Even In many of the art. literature and possibly su'&i' 1 abstract subjects as moral philosophy "rid progress has been made for many centuries past," he says. He even hints that the situation is hopeless. "This absence of progress," Sir William concludes, "seems to force upon us the conclusion that certain forms of intellectual expression were worked out thousands of years ago to the utmost limit of the capacity of human Intelligence." appeared recently outbound. DRIVER IS ARRESTED Charles Lessard of Vancouver Taken In Chilllwack For Killing Mrs. Connell VANCOUVER, Dec. 29: Charles Lessard, aged 29, of Vancouver was arrested on the ranch of his brother-in-law near Chilllwack early yesterday on a charge of manslaughter, it being alleged that he was the driver of the car responsible for the deaths of Mrs. Herbert Connell and Miss Allison Candlish on Broadway West on Christmas Eve. Mrs. Connell and Miss Candlish were the victims of a hit-and-run driver who sped away after the two women had been struck down. Is Fine Sounding But Not Feasible (Vancouver Province) Mr. Bennett's principle of "Canada First" has a fine sound and has made quite a name for Itself In the world. At bottom of course, It is the principle upon which all nations do their business In the world. But sometimes it does not mean exactly what It seems to say. It Is becsmlng Increasingly evident that it can not mean exactly what it seems to say tn the matter of Canadian wheat. If wheat is to regain its pride of place tn the industry and commerce of this nation. It means that we have got to enter an Empire arrangement about It. The Weather Prince Rupert Raining, 10-mlle southeast wind; barometer, 30.11; temperature, 44; sea Smooth. Dead Tree PointPart cloudy, light southeast wind; barometer, 39.02; temperature, 42; sea choppy. Langs ra Island Overcast, light northeast wind; sea calm. Tciple Island Light rain fresh southeast wind; sea moderate. FRICE FIVE CENTS BANK HEAD SUCCUMBS Edson L. Pease, Who Died ki Franca Today, Was Vice-President of Royal Bank MONTREAL. Dec. 29 Edson S Pease, vice-president of the Royal Bank of Canada, died today jn M?e. France, where he was wintering. He had reached a great age and had been In falling health for some time. For many years he was a prominent figure in Canadian financial affairs although Ill-health In recent years had Interfered with his activities. iMASONS AT ! CATHEDRAL Fine Music By Choir and Appropriate Sermon By Dean Featured Service Yesterday . Some one hundred members of the two local Masonic Lodges Tslmpsean and Tyee under their , respective masters, attended annual divine service last. evenlne,ln St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral. In addition to the Masons, there was a .congregation so large that it taxed the capacity of the spacious auditorium. The occasion was a special Christmas service whk.il was featured by fine seasonal music by the choir under direction of H. ,N. Brocklesby. Its leader. Speaking appropriately for members of the Masonic Craft, Very Rev. James B. Olbson, dean of the Cathedral found his text In the "Thy Kingdom Come" phrase of the Lord's Prayer upon which he elai borated. Special music by the choir included two anthems "It came Upon a Midnight Clear," With A. J. Lancaster as soloist, and "The New Born King," with M. H. Blott and Mrs. F. W. Allen soloists. After the regular service, there was a full choral service by the choir which lasted for an hour. The program consisted largely of old English carols dating from the Thirteenth to the Seventeenth centuries. There were two quartets-one consisting cf Mrs. F. W. Allen, Mrs. M. Blott, A. J. Lancaster and M. H. Blott and the other made up of Mrs. Donald Ross. Mrs. C. E. Cul-lln, H. Lincoln and Mr. Bradshaw. "The Heavens are Telllna" from Handel's "Creation" was a fitting finale for the special carol service. Father of Local Man Passes In London, Eng. W. W. Hlpplsley, who has been a resident of Prince Rupert for the past two years, this morning received news of the death of his father at London. Eng. Mr. Hlpplsley sr., who had been ill for some time, passed away on Christmas morning aged 81. Vancouver Shoe' Store Damaged Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars Damage Done By Fire In Wilson Establishment Yesterday VANCOUVER. Dec. 29: Damage estimated at $76,000 was caused by fire to the building and stock of tho Wilson shoe store on Hastings ; Street West last night.