Monday, December 20, 1330 THE DAILY NEWS PACES FIT 1 til R 1MB T e 1 YY 1 If 911 Y 1 XT Oft $$mm Mverasements. business ana frofessional men s bmde. Legal Notices A DAILY NEWS FOR SALE AD. WILL CONVERT THAT UNUSED PIECE OF FURNITURE INTO CASH. TRY IT! : FOR RENT FLAT FOR RENT Wallace Bloc. Enquire store, tf FLAT for rent four rooms and bath, Sixth and Fulton. Phone 543. tf FOR RENT Modern house, 3 rooms and bath. Apply Munro Dros. It FOR .RENT Furnished Mid Un- j telligence teste to determine th furnished modern Ileuses. Apply suitable vocations ior Individuals 218 4th Arcnue Bast. 3Wfware advocated by Professor W. D ,, . , , . ; Talt, of the department of psych- ' " "Til modern apartmenU Mnst, A AM niAHM Al AAA 9 t aimum. ,u . r- . - .-.' j mAnnni u ents, who, he believed were not Cosy TWO & Three Roomed receiving enougn attention today. Apartments Mn are not born equal, Dr. Ta.t of inherited Free use of electric light and!""", washer- Rental. $10 to $16 monthly Z j SLX' nvm pBTiP.NTsjnn avf '" ,nd dmc ewlronment. FOR SALE FOR SALE little oW Oumcv heater. Price $6. Daily News, tf FOR SALE 9-pleee dining roomchance played the greatest part In suite, J piece bed-room suite hi j determining a man's sphere of good condition, also heater and I work, and it was not realized that household utensils. Phone Red I if everyone wss engaged in sulta-33g 3 We ktnds of work, the culture and i the standard of living of the coun- FOR 8ALB Labrador poppies, 2)ftdd4d. months old. good mnfl or wawr.j $15.00 aaeh. F. Tuntsr. Uo Street, R M. D., No. 1, Victoria, i B.C. , . SITUATIONS ,,.1T,T, WANTED furnl-1 ture . mad. J. WUMe, Phone j Black 707. PRINTS topographer. 5 516 fith Ave. West, P. O. Box 308. -o,; AGENTS WANTED i idu . , jf r.! Write MtatoUtre Oolf Planning0 detgrmlal?f. JLf, iu at alt petson. He recommended that ' . Toronto. , aittctp '""" SINOINO Lessons evenmgs. J. E. Davey, Phone Black Md. 117 HOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone BlaeK 707. W ROOM and Board. Phone Red It) if TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone IT Dry Bltth. Outer and Jftek Pin. tf nun's TRAtMPBR. OaTtace and Furniture Moving. Phene 204. tf CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and ChiWrens' Diseases Specially Treated W. C ASriNALL (Chiropractor) Phone (Jrecn all 6 & 7 Exchange Blk. lOpp. Orme's) SALVAGE ANU TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do it," PaclfiaSalvage Co. Ltd. Ful'jr Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Agents for EASTIIOl'E ENGINES Boats and Scows of al! descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Enrlncs Northern B.C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Band and Gravel In any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Thone, Day or Night 561 P.O. Box 1361 DECIDING VOCATION Professor W. I). Talt Suggests Intelligence Test as Gnidel'To Life Work MONTREAL, QUE., Dec. 29-In oumy, oi mcgiu university, in a Df ,t hfa object -.vocational Ouldanoe," and emphasised the need for eneourag- ilng young people of superior tal- Thus there are certain lines of endeavor for which every Indivi dual Is fitted and if he tried to en-; i ilu U,s nnutliau ti nn.ilrt nil. 18 thsr be successful or happy nor Of benefit to his community, the speaker said. At the present time i try would be raised. Dr. Talt Prom an economic, humanltar- u and eMtheilc point of view lt neeeesenr to encourage chil- iejre alone suitable lines. If a man 'Is net doing the work for which he Is suited, his work Is partially !WMed a humanlUrtan point of vtow it must be realised that the welfare o the individual g placed where he can develop a conscientious regard for his work Then (gun, a suitable work or hobby helped to unify the person MID oi mil uiuivratm, ouiu m- speaker. Dr. Talt placed much faltn m Intelligence tests. They had passsd beyond the expertaerrtstl stage, h aehool ehiMrm be iebject to these . . j .tens, ana uie cumnnnm ae uup- ted to suit the needs of the stu I dents. By taking' ineo accoent : stadent's envsrarmatHt a teacher on detenntne the type of men tal ability of a student. Then, rf the mental ojoaltties required for different vocatfens were known. it would be possible to seta tut taWe eccupaUoM tar the pupils. Advertise in the pnv News. LOST LOW Cap otl motorcycle oU tank between Sixth ftreet and Cow Bay on Third Avenue. Finder please return to Dally News. 30T AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPBRT AUCTION MART We buy, srll or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments machinery, etc. General repairs, eratlrts. packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just nhone DlacK 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer Federal Block tf BRINGING UP Ai A 6tlAT AnTTCUE collector J 7 I - iHH ft ACCEPT OUR COMPLIMENTS DO YOU think of your newspaper merely as a means of finding out what the famous people in the world are doing, saying, thinking7 As an impersonal record of events which do not concorn you at all? We have something more than that to offer you. For instance: Please accept today with our compliments these things as a gift throughout the coming year, which you'll find in our pages: New and better ways of performing old household tasks , . . means of savings steps, time, effort . . . labor-saving devices . . . short-cuts to efficiency-. v v money-saving. "Why," you say, "you're probably talking about the advertisements !" Just so we are. Think of the advertisements and read them as news. News of the world of goods and things . . . news of scientific achievement accomplished for your benefit . . . news that concerns you far more directly than an account of boundary disputes in Baluchistan can ever concern you. Read the advertisements regularly, and use them as millions of other people are doing to save you time, effort, money, trouble, when it comes to buying the things that make life a little easier ... a little brighter. Reading the advertisements will keep you in step with the rapidly advancing standard of living m Canada today. Rvery day there's something new in the advertisements as well as on the front page. Be informed on all sides! !MKKHHtHDO0HerOH0KH British Police Districts Plan j AiJ J70,L Dili need for closer co-operation be-Alll at aCn UlUCr tween the Yard and provincial : forces. Particularly cases of murder and other serious crime was . it LONDON. Dec. 29: Theorising that two heads are better than one. plans are being advanced for closer co-operatlon between the police districts of England and Wales and however, there is no power to corn-Scotland Yard m Great Britain's pel local police forces to cal) in help age-old war against crime and from Scotland Yard, and In some orlminals. Under conditions that . counties the view is held that local have existed for years each bor-detectives are better equipped to ough of England and Wales has deal with local murder oases. Many sole jurisdiction over Its respective j counties and boroughs, however, territory and Scotland Yard has no j have adopted the suggestion of the standing whatsoever outside the metropolitan area of London, unless called in by officials of the borough. It Is a favorite trick of sensational novelists to bring Into their stories a Scotland Yard detective who takes control Ignoring almost entirely the local police. While unquestionably seme of the finest detectlvts In the world today are attached to Scotland Yard, arid the organisation for the detection' of criminals Is the most modern In existence, these officers and the organisation are maintained primarily to deal with crime within the London metropolitan area. Some time ago Lord Brentford, who, as Sir William Joynson Hicks, FATHER WAVE ART liS 1 SAW TOM& VOUR WrtriL CTTIES T ot toil THESE GIFTS 000000 was the then Home Secretary, nott- 1 hfled every chief constable in the ' country that f he services of Scot-! land Yard officers were always i available to them, and urged the urge(j that the assistance of the Yard should be obtained at the earliest possible moment. Under the present regulations. Homo Secretary with excellent re sults. i . SCALE Of CHARGES The following Is the scale ' of ehargwt mado for reading notices: Marriage aM Engagement announcements $2. name. Rirth Notices 60c. Funeral Notices $1, Cards of Thanks, $2. Funeral Flowers tOc per QDU.ECTBQ FROM K1K1G TUrn COUUCJ I AND THE AWif.Til COLLECT OP DARVEST , WITH 0000000000000000000000000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO000OO Mail Schedule ("or the East-Monday, Wednesday and Saturday i 10 20 ajn. From the East , Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday , 320 p.m For Vancouver , Tuesday - 1 hodn Thursday 9 pjn. Friday M 11 pm Dec. 3. 17, and 31 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday - , A pjn Wednesday 10.30 pjn Friday pin Dec. 13 and 27. . .- pjn. For Anyox and Stewart Sunday Wednesday ... 3 Pint From Anyox and Stewajlf Tuesdays . 120 k'Mu Thursdays ..... , 8 pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday 7 p.m From Naas River ) and Port Simpson-Tuesday UJO a.m. For Queen Charlottes-Wednesday . ,. '. 7 pjil. From Queen Charlottes Sundays . a.m. t WlA CAdP P'TnCWM tatua.y And PcrrrERy romtvc L09TT CfTiBS Of MEXICO I 1 1 - jSWW I ill lsn, hn1 rwtM UnU. lt. Swt SriUo 1 J I District News I TERRACE Terrace this year had a green Christmas, the first In the memory of the oldest pfoneers. i J. K. Gordon was host on Christ mas Eve at his annual banquet to the bachelors. Mr. Hepburn wat loast master and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. Mr. McLaren, danelng master. held a most enjoyable Ohrtetma Eve dance at whleh a good crowH was in attendance. Ill daughter. Miss Sophie McLaren, danced the Sailors' Hornpipe to the delight of all. Miss EJsle Reid oiVah6buvcr ! the guest of Mrs. Qreig during the holidays. " Mr. and Mrs. Butt, after spend ing a week in Vancouver and Victoria, returned home for Christmas. Le Roy Thomas left on Sunday morning for Prince Rupert where he win spend a few days before leaving for Trail, via Vancouver, to visit his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Thomas, lately of Terrace. Frank .Glass returned Sunday momlne to Prince Rnnert after ! spending Christmas week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. , . Ernest Glass. After spending the past month; with his parents. Albert Moore re-' turned on, Sunday to Prince Ru-j Mary V. Smith of Usk arrld 2U Third Street Phone Blue 561 home on Thursday to spend the . . r holidays with her parents. ... - Several cToT measels have? WOOd and 11 tOal been reported in town. There lefChear upl The best was coming. also croup. Mrs. Soucie Is visiting in Prince George. The Anglican and United Church each put on a Christinas enter- talnment for their respective Sun - dny Schools. The children as well as their parent and friends vated,"1'" uuu uvvu"" """" each a success. ' Bought, Sold or Exchanged - DIVORCE GRANTED In Supreme Court at Vancou ver on December 20, Mrs. msdis Lldstone of this city was granted a decree of divorce absolute b:.' Mr. Justice Fisher from Dan Lid- ftoqeof Victoria. Milton, Gonzales appeared in the Vancouver court for 'tliq petitioner. ADVERTISING COPY MUST BE IN EARLY 4 Copy for display advertise- ments should be in the hands of the printers not later than 3 pan. the day prior to publl- cation. This is necessary to en- able best positions to be so- cured. By 1 titU wmts. Singer Sewing , Machines On Easy Monthly Paymenti As low as $3D0 per month Cheaper to tuy than rent All makes of machines repaired. McRAE BROS. LTD. TYPEWRITERS) No athrr ftlira ran approach REBUILT UNDERWOOD S7S.00 Vrrjr may term .111 other nukes from $13.00 i. HVNIISTIMND Anni.vo ' MACHINE -United Typewriter Co. Ltd; VANCOUVER. B.C. MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal. Reading While House 225 Second Ave. Telephone 767 Silversides Bros. Third Ave. Phone 22 Window (ilaSS and Glazinff Nelson s Beauty Parlor Croguignele Permanent Wave' Guaranteed $7.50 Skilled artists In all branches of beauty Culture Now It's Here Try our new coal just arrived CASEY'S CARTAGE & FUEL CO. Telephone 303 j SECONDHAND DEALERS , ' " M0U7 -nJ Wnnrl.Hanrl Cnnk !W. H. Montgomery 1 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 139 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE UATTSft OF THK ESTATE OF GECKOS 8KTDOFF DCCBASID ALIAS BOBY8 8&1ZAK ALIAS JURKO 8KI. EAK AUA8 JURKO SKIDIFF. -NOTICI U hereby Slwn ht C prf Mflng euuou gainst tu aoove late oi Aoenoraai. lwrnorr ; oi Alaaka. United States of America, and formerly of tbe Olty of .Krtnee Rupnt. in ue rrannee tmn oqiukdu, who Sted at Aaenoraat axrt- mantloned on toe Stb day of rafctyaty raw. are required to eena paruowan tnereor. duly verdfted. to tne uatff-aicned on or before 'be 8th day of January. 131. after which date tt jwQJ Mooee4 to dlatrUtute the awU of jit he beoeaaed among th persona eautletf teorto. havlBf reaaM only to th claims of which It shall then hsve had notice. DATED at Vaeeuurw BO- this lUh day of November, A,D. ISSO. MOifTRSAL TKU8T OOMPANT. S14 Pender Street Wti VanooMver, UJO. Administrator of the Estate, of thr above sasntttd Oenio Skldoff. Deosassd wtlcUa rfii Provuiee of British Columbia. ntS.dS-10-17. George McManus