The daily News f PRINCE RUPERT . BRITISH COLUMBIA c ' Published Evory Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue II. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor "subscription RATES :' 1 ' By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States; paid in advance, per year 6.00 By mail to all other countries, ptr year 7.50 : By mairto all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia. j paid in advance for yearly period , . . .' 3,00 ( . " e - ii t - - i vr iour monms xor . 1.00 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone , -it ';'". Editor and Reporters' Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION SELLING RELIGION GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF RADIO ir ' M : .86 Friday. April 11, 1930 Members of the Advertising Club of Montreal recently t listened to an interesting address by Dr. Augustin Frigon, member of the Royal Commission on Radio broadcasting. His talk dealt with government ownership of radio broadcasting in Canada. He stated that a careful survey of public ownership of radio broadcasting in foreign countries had been made. This showed that in those countries where government ownership did not exist, especially in France, Snain and Holland, the majority of the people were complaining against the commercial atmosphere that enveloped the broadcasting of programs by private companies. --- ..v.w t. .uncut, uwiiexaiiqi ui radio broadcasting exists, there bave been a greater num L "' ber of radio receiving 'sets sold ever since private 'owner-11 ....ItUVU gram was made nosaihle. ''The only advertising done by German stations consists ui iu mmuLys a uay, during wmch advertising matter, paid lor at so much a minute, is read into the microphone. Dur- mif T 1 uuc ctuvcxiisnig is oroaacast. Th3 rates are so high that very few care to take advantage of the opportunity given the advertising people by the broadcast authorities. It is the intention of the German broadcasting authorities to withdraw even that little amount of publicity," Dr. Frigon stated. Another point brought out by the speaker in favor of public ownership of radio broadcasting in Canada was that this was the only means by which to curb American ttr5SPming int0 this c6untry throuSh the Scfld at all Government Liquor Stores This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liqdor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. NORTHERN B. C. NEWS BOARD BUSY i NEW HAZELT0N AT TERRACE Activity Reflected in Quarterly Kr-port of Board (of Trade r Secretary vention, and there is little doubt that results will be seen to be of considerable advantage to the dis trict. This board put forward seven Mrs. Kincaid of Haselton entertained at tea last Friday afternoon fn honor of her mother. Mrs. Sutherland of Ashcroft She vas assisted by her sister. tMiss Sutherland, and by Miss Rolfe and Miss Craig. A large number Q ladles called. TERRACE, April 11: "The quar-! Mrs. T. H. Wright will be leav- ter just concluded win long be re- ine next wecfc fnr ivp vbi tn nt-t I numbered as an outstanding one In tend the annual meeting of the the history of this board," said the ; Evaneelkm Quarterly reuort of II. Halllwell. finm .secretary of the Terrace Board of j0f Canada. She will return by way: I Trade. "We had the honor and 0f Chicaeo and vri pleasure of a visit from the dele- )ng th? British Columbia' Confer- baico vu uic im cuiivciiuu.. ui . ence &i ne lattef place. the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia, and1 t? t. rt- euu.' u.. many of our members spent a most .pending a few days here this week What 18 the hardest thing On earth to Sell? inquires interesting and educational time in witn w s Harrl n urvltof in "llol'ot in rr " n I'nimnnl nf .1... -: TT , their comnanv. The recantlnn and n..,i ... moincuiiii, u minimi Ul cUIVOJ ll&lim. lie clll- SWers himself and savs: "I don't think T shnll ho onntrn dieted il I say religion." That may seem rather startling but another statement of this same, advertsing man is: "I 'want to assert, with all possible reverence, that religion to- uay is Deing successiuuy sold. It is VPl'V difficult fnr nn nrrrnnintinri oonopiilltr n church organization - - to carry on successfully without .. ad- .... .V4 Buujt-vuj subjects ui of great importance importance y opting modern methods, and one of these is newspaperithe whole of this part of the pro ndvertisinir. advertising. Religion Tfolionnn ran can be ho hvnurrnf brought hofnvo before the tnn nannln people in ?Iv1np( vince were vre diwilt dealt with with at at t.h the rem con sucn a manner as to mane ii appeal io mem out tne appeal must be carried to the people through .advertising if it is to be effective. Jointly V, received Z, and !T 'entertained r, Tlue the 801116 road has already rted m this district b-i visitors so finely that without ex- - nothlng ag ception before leaving everyone of e . . .. khem expressed personal apprecia- 8 made to the H,!tm h tlon of all that had been done for their comfort and entertainment ,.,. Tu r.,,v . . !du,lr.b air vlsft. A large number JLl ?re. c.lub.met " fof to were Mrs. A. D. Chappell and Mrs. John Newlck. : AngtM Beaton, who suffered frozen feet on the Ulegraph trail dur- j mg mg the me past past winter, winter, is is now now out out " of of ...a. resojuuuns, an, wun one exception. . . .. . . . i flW ana waimng on both feet being endorsed by the convention. nd it is worthy of note that the . ?Tm- "e wm De baclc on the Une aS 50011 M Possible. one whlrh failed to rn nrlnr.. ! tlon has since been Dut into effect ' iby the federal government, vix.. the I bpening of Lakelse Lake and River! .to trout fishing from May 1 instead SMITHERS of May 23, annually. I . . The board has reolled to a num. ..The chamber of Commerce and ber of questicnalres ffom the Ca- yUlage commissioners have decided Radian Chamber of Commerce on l , P!, estaDlUhment matters of national importance, of a,!a"d,ng ,fleId rr aInlane at has acted in conjunction with h:a sultabJ Plnt convenient to the hospital board in the effort to se-' tW!V; The 6081 ol clearing and cure the services of anothe? doctor. ! fadln tfte ground which has been Appearances would seem to indicate !ch08n w111 beBght. . ... Tno iincatlif4tnm Ji4iH m xne aiienuon or tne autnoruies ... wfcV4Jr vuuuinuu ui been drawn to several matters uie lowns Iire ""ng facilities N!f importance in the way of pub-,wa alscuwed at the last meeting . . in i r i u vt intra nnrmvm am am it boniu i ennniiro-Ms tho nnM.'n f i;Bf tbe district was drawn to the at- "-"eaer5 wno msiai sucn to - programs broadcast - without beinir " reminrtprl that it ?ai.tentton of the provincial board 0f . equipment thl-OUffh through the the eourteav courtesv nf of & Povtoin certain nmn rnmnjinv tVmr i,f Ulftll fha u lb n " health and the matter has been of- ... flcially inspected and reported up-', wun ,aeai spring weather pre- fon. .vailing oi late, morousts have been oth m large numoers recently. The j j - aw.v..l..J. A 1 UICIUIII The question of seeking a supply in the vicinity of Smlther - - m.. ... . 1 lor a. rnrtfilnprahiA HletinA. nA i. di wi Dneasania piieusanw or or meir ineir eei eggs to w en-' en- 1 - " 7 " v..o.iv- a.c ... " courage the breeding of pheasants ! Plendla hape as a result of work in the local wilds has been taken up I "' out by the department of find it is expected that supplies will Publlc works-Weach the appointed trustees in the arly future. -u"" Micuaeison 01 wistaria, "During the month of February ;w"" Kown trapper, for whose fVia mlnlnfr ,,inmltlu earA lh. S.lfetV anXietV WAS fvnrpjtsurl no If Services of Dr. J. T. Mandy, district was 'red he was missing from rrilning engineer at Prince Rupert. nls trapline, is safe at Campbell and a most interesting and lnstruc- mver wnere ne is lit the employ- of . t ... . . . . . . . . . a lnnnlMn n . . uTe lecture was given Dy inai i '66"is vumpauy. gentleman to a considerable num-j .ber of hearers. We hope to make nann-Lure: I PRINCE CEORCF me qufxiion 01 a nera law xorj - . vmvw he village has been before the! , jfcouncil on two occasions, and. on Walter Nehrlng. local white hope wow occasions me councu nas re-: put r lerre Rivers, big district log ueited the matter to the local com-; ger, out after two minutes of fieht siuuwna ivi utuuu. ...g uu mo main event or a boxlna 1 . itmu. 1 1 MM 1 ll. . i 1 . . . lire civic aiiairs committee bud- cara nerc "last Saturday night, mltted n numhr rif jtiiBrsMtlnna fnr I ' ape improvement or tne viuage. all I More setUement of the land. axcepi one oemg endorsed ana re- , surrounding Prince George is in rtrred to the local commissioners, j progress now than at anv time in "A sample of the new Reward the nnt rvp tin ..ii 1 wheat has been received from E. A. from the East brings one or more u.uw, u. vriiujipcB, 10 oe inea uui. intending setUers and. before the bn land north of Kalum Lake. Jprovislon of a telephone in the police station, and a proposal to urge the provision of a municipal hall has been referred to this meeting for discussion. "Regret was expressed that the Honorary President J. K. Oordon was not able to be present, as he Is undergoing medical treatment In Seattle. It is hoped he will speedily be restored to health and bn spn back in Terrace soon." STEWART A successful hard times dance was held on Friday nleht In aid of the Stewart Oeneral Hospital. All last Week lor. turps wnrr mm Ucted hern hv CMTrn V. UlnVtor assisted by Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident mining engineer, under the Susplcea of the Department of fllnes. There was a full house at Eftch of the mariy meetings, Stew-rt being very appreciative of the lectures. summer is over, the stream of pro The council has aaked for thejspective settlers will probably be. come even stronger. Tne city council has decided to reduce the electric licht rate hern from 16c. to 14c. for the first forty Kilowatts above which the rale shall be 10c. The power rate is ben Ing set at 5c. per kilowatt hour. The Prince George Amateur Ath letic Association has elected office ers for the year as follows: hon orary president, Mayor A. M. Pat terson; president. Alex Wimbles; first vice-president, W. L. Hornsby: second vlce-prpsttent, James Dou-, mucuuv, Aiirea uoimwooa: treasurer, p. D. Carr: execut ve. ir vlng Wilson, A. B. Taft. V. ChaD man. J. C. Pldeeon. William Mnn. roe and Edward Ople. ' SMTE PENCILS I You may think modern life is; hard on the nerves, but do vou remember when school children did their school ' lessons on old-fashioned slates? Toronto Olobs. At QWeal Olmes 1 WARNING Imiuriont of Oviltin n plentiful. Do not b div! f tomt-thing claimod to bo "JuM tho itmo" or "jutt tikt" It. Tfr ll onlf on Ovtllmt. No othvr food njojrs wi(i popuUritf. It la rtcommvndtd by doc. tort throughout th votld. t3( Friday-April 11 ' , I , HERE'S good, advice ! Have delicious Ovaltjne for your daily beverage. It is tt taste of the open country a concentration of sun-ripened barley, creamy millc, and fresh eggs, delicately flavoured with cocoa, and with .all the vitamins Vll,.t UtU')i,' . present. , It is a scientifically correct food in beverage torm wonderfully nourishing and easily digested. Yoii will find Ovaltine an ideal meal-time and betwcen-meals drink. Made in a twinkling at home and at soda fountains downtown. TONIC rOOD BEVtKAGE BUILDS UP BRAIN. NERVE AND BODY M all food torf in 30c, 7Sc, nd ipttial f.milr-ite'S4.tini;'lto Mrved hot or cold at ita'fouhtalni. KEEP BR ANDY AT COGNAC, FRANCE This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Oovern-" - ) ment of British Columbia. --1 19J0 rift 00 They Pay You A DVERTISEMENTS pay you to read them. They pay you in time. From the advertisements in this newspaper you can learn whereto got what you want, instead of searching around. You can know tho merits of each article offered for sale. They pay you in money. Advprtiscmonts help you to get full, value fpr your dollarsTGoodr which are consistenTly1 ajertisejl are; of ; consistently,. quality fdr thik prices. ' They pay you in satisfaction. Manufacturers and merchants will not undertake an advertising campaign until they are sure their product is right. It would-be ruinous to advertise an unworthy product, for that would, simply Call added attention to its dof iciencios. They pay yqu in information. Advertisement te)l of new products, of new designs, new materials, bejter Workmanship. Well-informed people always read the adver-tisqments to keep posted. ' - Heading the advertisements is an investment that pays big returns. 1 Daily Hews Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns