:Kv ATT IMU I 11. 1930. in onuiit., a iii y rrr ii f ffi vm mow clean stove- COAL liny the real Coal our fa mous Edsnn and r.is;lilv. U'-ttl.. . I - M.I in any quaniiucs. IriciMiiKiun Also Rulkley Valley Hay. Igraln and Robin Hood Flour. Rnnce Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 858 always STOVE POLISH gASTER RABBITS, EASTER EGGS EASTER NOVELTIES bur Easter Goods Have Arrived and Are on Display Ganongs and Pascalls' See Our Wndows m HAVE SOME PUT AWAY IF YOU DESIRE rimes 1M Jfu Pioneer Drttceists THIRD AVE. O SIXTH ST. TLLEPi10NF.S fo20C Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED I HalllncH I'rum Prlnre lluprn F v.'.M orVER, VICTORIA, Buttdale. Alert Boy. etc. Tuesday. 330 p.m. fur VtVOllbK. VICIOKIi. Ilutrdale. Alert IU. nt . frUH luldnuhl I lor ALICB AttH. A.NYQX. HT:AAUT. .Nan. lUtrr. I'ort Miutu-va. sun. .. day S.oo o m V po T UIMISON and WALES ISLAND. Ihuv-a.iy pm. IZI inrt ,ienue U M SMITH ent ITlnc Kupert. II C Tiroui.li (Ukrt- .old t Urtorla aod ralll Aui latmt tliecked llirouth to deMlnstlop . ., IPb.C COAST T STEAMSHIPS Bl f i f 1 IBn K 0J I B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, VYrangell, Juneau, Skagway jru Usyo. To "tfnAiver, Victoria, Seattle- 3rU 2. 13.23. .. . Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc, Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pji. Agents For All Steamship Lines (IV C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Phone 31 MM 10.00 p.m. SUNDAYS, THURSDAYS AN VOX - STKW A RT QSoiTE VT'SJLT tf,JLM :.iaw,M iLArw far 'tJfS " w J 11.30 GARDEN SUPPLIES AH ierffy, Saturday fl KDMONTON, WINNIPEG All foixlt Fattirn Canada, Vnitnl Statet HOES. HAKES. .SPADER. WIIEE 'URKOWS. C.IKDEN SKEDS FORKS, TROWLS, SHEARS. vi h iMflr 'vi iiu ri ii n m.u i.Amn1 Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf For higher prices ana prompt returns ship your raw furs to T. Pap- pas, Prince George, B.C. ' tf pi i v W. D. Vance returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Terrace. Miss Vera Youngman will open on Monday, April 14, at Keefe's Barber Shop, Second Avenue, op- 1 A -t i. Bt . A S, ' metology, specializing in marcel ling, finger waving, face massage and scalp treatments. For appointments day telephone 46, night, telephone Blue 413. (83) Returning to service after having j spent the past five weeks at Vancouver undergoing annual overhaul during which time she has been relieved by the Prince Charles, C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. D. Donald, is due In port at 10:30 tomorrow morning from the south. out by the Prince Charles. 1 In the course of the debate in the House of Commons at Ottawa last week on he unemployment amendment of A, A. 'Heaps,' Labor member for Nort Wlnnip.es;, J. C, Brady, M.P. -for'SkeenaV .fisked Mr. Heaps was one of the latest Dominions to adopt legislation of this kind. BMWl)B'IU.rTnllTT,l, nail II IBW GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! How about having your boy friend take you for a nice car ride? Tell him Drivursclf Taxi Walker Motor Co., Ltd. Distributors of CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS COMMODORE ' CAFE The latest thing in lunch counters just installed. Delicious Waf fles Served by means of very latest Equipment Diislness Men's Lunches a Specialty Get the' Commodore Habit HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel I'Mtnt NEW MWAOEMUNT filwim lleatrd; Traveller! Sample I loom.: lint r.ml t'nlil Witter Irrr llu Meet All Train and nMtN Kates 51.00 and Up MLCIAI. MOMIII.Y It.VTt.S C. R. HIOGART & A. DONALD rr. rlr-tor. PHONG 51 Savoy Hotel ! Prince Rupert's leading fam-Uy hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. PRUDHOMME. Trop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth St. Savoy ) W. Warner, Rosswood: Mrs. J. i Paulls and daughter,. Cedarvale; D. I McLean, Woodcock; II. Deerlng, i Tyec; R. o. Cunningham and Mrs. I M. Letnes and Norma Letnes, Port j faaammon: Mrs. h. u iranK and; iMiss Mildred Frank, Terrace; Miss' prT..TMT-.yTjiiagTOXfcti Smith, Anyox. I Dr Alexander flDSEfl9H IIKMNr.R III OCR DENTIST y-j-jaLTim JH III I WTT-I New Royal Hotel J. Znretll, ro). TIIK IKHEI, lOKTI( WHILE Hot It Cold Water: Stoam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlenlione 2H1 Royal i H, R. Bellack, city! James Doyd, St. John, N.B.; P. Malanchuk. An yox; O. Hogan, Stewart; Sid Des- Jardins Bwirnswi- Day. THE DATI.Y NEWS PAGE THREE Her Little Boy Had Severe Cold md Croupy Cough Mrs. Henry E. Lyman, Wet Biter. H.B., write j "My little- boy eaughj a very aevere tola, and had a tfoupy 'ouch. "I tried several medicines, but he got no relief from them. "1 was advised to try Or. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup operator in hajrdressing and corf te eot relief, and before he had flnithed the bottle he was all rid of his cough. "I would not be without it in the house as it U a wonderful cough medicine." Price, 35c a bottle J large family sir. flOc.; at all druggists and dealers) manufactured only by The T. Milbuxm Co.. Limited, Toronto, Out. Albert Farrow, steamboat inspector, after having spent a week here on official duties, sailed by the Prince George last night on his return to Vancouver. The Prince Rupert will be operated ! on a sllghUy, changed schedule! AIter spending a couple of days from that which has been carried fin the city on official business, Ma- J or J. A. Motherwell, chief inspector of fisheries, sailed by the Prince George last night on his return to Vancouver. D. McLean, Woodcock rancher, arrived In the city from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's I.', r;,;rH o: i train and is the guest at the Savoy Dentist, Dr. 686. J. r. Gosse, Phone itaiaagmm Try Mlnehead egg coal for kit chen use. Clean and hot. Phone 771 tf Glasses fitted by registered op. tometrist at Hellbroner's Store: (tf) Foster Willan returned to the city on the Cardena this morning) from a business trip down the ' coast. C.P.H. steamer Princess Royal, Capt. S. K. Gray, is reported due in port at 5 o'clock this afternoon from Vancouver and waypolnts. Mrs. F. W. Fitzgerald returned to the city on the Cardena this morning, after spending the winter visiting relatives and friends In Cal ifornia. Prince Rupert Steam Baths an nounces Mrs. C. Edwards as lady attendant. Hours: ladies 2 to 5 p. m.f gentlemen, 5 to 10 pjn. 204 Sixth Street. Phone Black 764. tf H. B. Porteous of Anyox was a passenger aboard the ss. Prince George last night bound for Van couver enroute for a visit to his native home In the Old Country, Mayor C. H. Orme sailed last night on the Prince George for a brief trip to Vancouver and Victoria, accomDanying Dr. C. A. Eg- gert on his return south after Mr- McLean recently made tion at present, Mr. Heaps then!tel; Anittw johnst0ne, arrived In port went Into a lengthy answer to the "' " ,at 3:30 thl3 morning from, the question, stating that South Africa iwn wnJcn ne WBS U1UC" uae-: south and sailed at 5 am. for Wales sed. DVt wa i jtexip 10 lbs. Fine White Sugar & Q9f vAX 5 lbs. Brown Sugar for Cottage Rolls QQn per lb Polk's Grapefruit 2's, 9o Heart of Florida Fruit, tincl Sliced Peaches 2's, Rose- ft dale Brand, per tin Blue Ribbon Tea tZSln per lb. ' Blue Ribbon Coffee IZK'dn per lb "3' Royal Anne Cherries l's, TMp Rosedale Brand, wr tin .... Red Arrow Sodas Fresh Qf r and Crisp, per pkg &X. Singapore Pineapple- jAn per tin Peas Sieve 3, Malkln's 4 Q A 51 Beet, per tin Pitted Dates syry n 2 lbs -5-L- Apricot 2's, Royal City 97f Brand, per tin Red Plums 2's,, Royal :Clty" Qp Brand, per tin ...t: v Ready Cut Macaroni ' fl 1 per lb JLJLK, SEE US FOR FRESH VEGETABLES Watts' Grocery Quality Hlght Prices Right PHONE 53 I'HONE 56 i Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Island .and Port Simpson, whence She will return here this evening Walter Warner, In the course of :en route soutnr a two monins- nonaay irom nil duties as Government Telegraphs Earl Battf Ham Ant0nelll and D operator at Rosswood on Kitsum- etrachan( y03thS( ned last kalum Lake, arrived in the city nIght on the Prlnce Oeorge for from the interior on yesterday af- Vancouver en route to Kelowna ternoon's train and a guest at the Savoy Hotel. Cardena this morning bound fori where they will be employed In connection with the assembling there of a steam tuz and car baree James Lamb, mRnaer of Caarlwhlcn ... built at the local dry tannery, ana Mrs. umo. aceom-, ' panted by members of the cannery , staff, were passengers aboard the COMMITTED FOR TRIAL the cannery where preparations Nina Campbell who Is allseed to will be instituted. Ik tht forthcom- 'have drank lysol on Comox Avenue ing packing season. r one mornlnir last week, was com 'mltted for trial on appearing yes- A. A. Easson sailed on the Prince terday afternoon before Magistrate George last night for a trip to MeClymont In city police court on Vancouver. On his return to the a charge of attempted suicide. She city in about two weeks' time, he will appear before Judge Young In will be accompanied by Mrs. Bas- County Court within the course of son and young son who have been a few days for election, visiting for several months at Sal- mon Arm with Mrs. Basson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W S. Ackroyd. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE House. 5 rooms, partly furnished, $600. Apply 931 Comox Ave., before noon. 91 .Si i era r Records of Packs Show That Fish Are Numerous (Continued from page one) the canneries had been removed from their. Jurisdiction was negligible. The protective service the speaker said, emotoyed 270 persons In 1928. It had two steamers and 37 Igas boats while 96 gas boats had been chartered. Thirteen hatcheriee were maintained. Last year the total salmon pack was 1.400,750 cases. I The major ouUlned some of the measures which had been enforced to protect the pack, one of which was to Induce the canners to get together and reduce the amount of gear fished. An encouraging feature was the improvement of the Fraser River. It was hoped that the treaty would b" ratified. When this was completed an effort would be made to u-tivt! at an agreement with the United States in regard to the Naas River. One cause of injury to the fish wa the building of power dams In a number of important rivers. , Talks of Herring The speaker mentioned the herring, declaring that there was no depletion evident and the present quantity of fish taken was only like a drop in the bucket compared with the total fish on the coast. The fishermen were mistaken In their at titude toward this industry. There were plenty of herring. The government, he said, was planning to build a vessel this year to protect the fisheries against American invasion. It was to have been built last year but owing to the estimates having been exceeded it had to be delayed a year. This would give complete protection to all the trailers. At the conclusion the speaker was thanked by President G. A. Bryant, who spoke of the value of the Information given. Shoes for Easter The Victoria Shoe For Women "A Slrbe as Good as Its Name" Fit the children's feet properly and assure normal feet in later years. Wear them and enjoy supreme comfort along with style. Classic Shoes For Children Jabour Bros. Ltd. The House of Good Values Third Avenue and Seventh Street i:E:i:eBiii:fYisri.Biii;rii;im S OmetimeS inaMother'sLife A great question arises. What shall she feed her children? She knows they must have milk-but in what form? The answer, as found by thousands of happy mothers, is Nestle's Evaporated ' Milk. Artct tiere't the Reatont Neicle't Evaporated Milk Ii Just the best of freih cow'a milk with part of the water removed-then aealed and tterithed In air-right containers. Add water again and you have absolutely pure, safe milk but mora readily digeitlble than ordinary milk because the lare fat globules of the milk have been broken up Into imall one of the tame tire at In Mother't milk. Also, the curdi which form in the ttomach when Nestle! Evaporated Milk it used are toft and flaky and therefore easily digestible. Use Neitle't Evaporated Milk for Your Baby. Use it in coffee in cocoa In tea. Use It in all cooking and as a beverage by diluting with one to two parts water. NESTLE'S EVAPORATED (Unsweetened) A PRODUCT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ' ANNOUNCEMENTS Elks' Smoker, Elks' Home Thursday. April 17. i Good Friday Sacred concert St. Andrew's Cathedral April 18, aid or-gan fund. , Baptist Church Good Friday, 8 ipjn., Sacred Concert presentation of "Challenge of the Cross." Daffodil dance April 21 In I. O.D.E. Hall. Moose dance April 21. , Floral Cantata In Presbyterian Church April 22. Catholic Women's League Spring Sale April 24. Elks' Balloon Dance, Elks' Home Friday, April 23. n-. m. j Ridley Home Bazaar May 8. Rebekah Bridge, Whist , and Dance May 14.' Provincial Constable Wm. Smith of Anyox arrived in the city on the. Prince George last evening from the north, having a prisoner In his charge. He will return to the smelter town on the Prince Rupert tomorrow afternoon. 113 ad ' ' a bruise, sprain, burn or scald, Zam-Buk provides the handiest and turett means to quick, perfect healing. It la from certain valuable herbal extracts that Zam-Uuk gets Its power to subdue pain and Inflammation, Its germ-destroying activity and Una tkln-growlni property. Zam-Buk la splendid for chapped bands, frost bite.chil. blalnt.etc. Get a box to-day I yamBuk For QUICK CLEAN