PAOE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Hil-advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Headaches, Listlessness, Bad Breath, Backaches, Indigestion Stop Them with Kellogg's ALL-BRAN xThis Is a serious matter. Ygu mutt conquer constipation!; Stop' it at once before its poisons get in their deadly work. Nearly 00 of all sickness has its origin in irregular elimination. If you neglect the symptoms constant fatigue, bad breath, headaches and coated tongue you may be laying yourself open to permanent ill-health. .There's a natural, easy way to free yourself from this terrible scourge, once and forever. By eating regularly a delicious cereal Kellogg's ALL-BRAN. Physicians recommend ALL-BRAN because its action is different from pills and drugs. Ordinary cathartics give only temporary relief, and are often habit-forming. ALL-BRAN acts naturally, gently. Its roughage sweeps the system clean of poisonous wastes a-A impurities. And ALL-BRAN is a great aid l' health in other ways. It contains 'Uontrol Board or by the Government of HrliUh Columbia I DON'T IGNORE WARNING SIGNALS abundant iron which enriches the I blood, builds strength and the glowing color of health. With milk or cream or in fruit juices it brings . important vitamins to the diet. Youll find the flavor of ALL-BRAN delightful. A crisp, ready-to-eat cereal, with a nut-like flavor. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is guaranteed to keep you free from both temporary and recurring constipation if you eat it according to directions on every package. Ignoring constipation is like playing with dynamite. Start serving Kellogg's ALL-BRAN now. Sold by all grocers in the red-and-green package. It is served in restaurants, hotels and dining-cars. Ask for it by name. 4V "TRY A NIP TONIGHT" ALL-BRAN BEST PROCURABLE Lis 7 . BOTTIID A GUARAKTf ID jay CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND PRODUCE Of SCOTLAND The Original Label look (or it at the Vendor and imiit on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE" Thiaadvtrtement Is not published or displayed by tht Olquor Cictrol Board or hy the Government of BrltUh Columbia Numbers made famous by Quality Due to the long list of famous men who have occupied "No. 10 Downing Street" as Premiers of England this humble sounding address it probably the world's most famous street number. PBS fSI iwe 111 WHISKEY Another far-out number is Seagram's "83", the premier Rye whiskey. Bottled horn the oldest stocks ol whiskey In Canada, the Government strip tells the story. SHIPYARD OPERATING (J. T. I. 20.000-TON FLOATING IIUYIHIPK Engineer, Machinists, Boilermakers, Hlackstniths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 Best Motor Oil Is Hard to Make Tests Necessary Production of good motor1 oil' is now about as complicated a business as studying the speed of light and the weight of 6tars, according to Union Oil Company technicians. A glance into the testing laboratories might give one the impression that an expert was taking an x-ray photograph or operating an electric oulja-board. As a matter of fact he is measuring the viscosity of motor oil with the Vlscoslmeteri Such tests are made with Motor-lte, new Union Oil lubricant recently placed on the B.C. market. Buying a quart of oil may be simple, say the technicians, but producing it is about as complicated as running a submarine In the upper reaches of the Fraser River. Oil is tested scores of times from the moment it leaves the oil well until it is placed in a motor car. Work of Labor Correspondents Hon. Peter Hccnan Replies in House of Commons to Questions Asked By J. A. Fraser JU.P. In answer to questions by J. A. Fraser, M.P. for Cariboo, as to services performed under the Department of Labor by J. M. Campbell, Prince Rupert, and other correspondents in British Columbia, Hon. Peter Heenan. minister of labor, ex plained that they were correspon dents of the Labor Gazette who nade reports to the department at the beginning of each month on re-tall prices and from time to time on strikes and lock-outs, Industrial agreements, changes in wages and hours of labor, fatal Industrial accidents, organization of labor unions, changes in union officers, activities of unions, organizations of employers and co-operative societies and other matters of industrial interest including employee representation plans, profit sharing, housing, opening of Industrial es tablishments, out put of mines and changes in industrial conditions, 2's, 2 tins I Minute Ends Itch of ECZEMA "tOOTM-SALV" AM17IS DOCTORS "Bibr hid lerrib! KiimL 'Sootlii- Slii' cnId llchlnf in 1 eiiaot. D!tt soon Itlu" Mrt. J. Laurenc. Stops Itch, burn, piln la I miantt. tamt ten for food la lew djt. Skla btcomit clow, amoota. All Druffiiu. Week-End Specials Extra Large Fresh Eggs 3 doz Shelled Walnuts Quarters per lb Royal City Oieen Beans Columbia Bartlett Pears 2's per tin Fine Family Tea in Bulk per lb Small White Beans 3 lbs Seedless Raisins 4-lb. pkg Clark's Tomato Ketchup per bottle Empress Extracts All flavors, per bottle Good Quality Fresh Ground Coffee per lb. . Acadia Salted Cod 2-lb. box Wild Rose Pastry Flour 10-lb. sack Columbia Pure Strawberry Jam 4-lb. tin Sunnybrook Creamery Butter 3-lb. brick . Empress Cherry Jam 4-lb. tin Nabob Large Prunes 2-lb. pkg. Fine Ripe Bananas 2 lbs $1.15 35c 35c 25c 50c 25c 50c 25c 45c 45c 55c 60c S1.20 65c 35c 35c Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor Mfth Street. Phone 208 FARMING IN GOOD SHAPE Official Reports Issued By District Agriculturalist in Central Interior In spite of prolonged cold period livestock have come through the winter very well, says a report of S. S. Phillips, district argicultural-ist, Smithers, which has been released by the provincial department of agriculture. No seriou3 losses have been reported. Considerable .interest has been shown in sheep j raising. Several carloads have been i shipped into the district from the Iprairies. Conditions in dairying are normal. I There Is an abundance of green feed in the district as a great deal of i grain was cut for hay due to early frosts which normally would have been threshed. There is also an abundance of seed and feed grain in the district. This i3 moving very slowly. Local markets are not as good this year as last due to the fact that a number of local mines have closed down and also tie contracts have been cut down 50. It is too early at this date to state whether there has been any winter killing of alfalfa but there may be some danger of this due to hard frosts last fall before the ground was covered with snow. Threshing returns are as follows 668. tons wheat, 2231V4 tons oats; 286 tons barley, & ton rye. Prince George C. C. Kelly, district agriculturalist Prince George, reports as follows for his district: The light winter snowfall com menced to melt about the first of March, and kept thawing during he warmest hours of the day until March 24, when a warmer wave prevented the occurence of nightly frosts. The frost began to leave the Kround during the last week of March, resulting in a general tie-up of all activities due to the condition of the roads.. The month of March was noted for its lack of bad weather. With the exception of occasional light snowfall which left the ground by the following day, precipitation has been very light. The indication at the present time is that spring will be earlier by at least two weeks than last year, and that there will be sufficient moisture in the ground to carry the crop until the first of May. Agricultural activities on the land were not possible in any part of the district during the month. HOUSEBOAT DISCUSSED Bids on Pacific Coast Job Revealed in House of Commons A house boat now under con struction for the use of the hydro-graphic survey department on this coast was the subject of a number of questions asked in the House of Commons at Ottawa last week by George Black, M.P. for Yukon, and answered by Hon. P. J. A. Cardin. minister of marine and fisheries. Specifications called for building and equipping the boat and redock-Ing at the end of the season. The estimate of the total cost of the boat was $30,000 and tenders were received as follows: Vancouver Shipyards , $26,000 with $3,350 extra for copper sheathing. Dawe Shipyards, New Westminster, $23,778 with $3,825 extra for I copper -sheathing and $3,000 extra for best grade lumber. Star Shipyard, New Westminster, $31,926. with $2,025 extra for copper sheathing . Stornes le Sorenson, Vancouver, $32,993, with $3,800 for copper sheathing or $7,400 extra for copper sheathing and copper fastening. B. C. Marine Engineers and Shipbuilders, Vancouver, $34,933, with $3,394 extra for copper sheathing and $1,890 extra for copper fasten ing. Prince Rupert Dry Dock, $48,500, with $4,500 extra for copper sheath' lng and $2,000 extra for copper, fas tenlng. Vancouver .Dry Dock Si Salvage Co., $38,750 with $3,500 extra for copper sheathing. Boeing Aircraft, Vancouver, $11, 034, with $3,250 extra for copper sheathing, $2,050 extra for copper fastening and $6,200 extra for copper fastening and ' copper nheath-Jng. . f Sec the news or the advertisements. tne stores Warner Baxter, MaryPickford, Award Winners Local movie fans will be interested to learn that Warner Baxter and Mary Pickford are winners of awards offered by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the most distinguished acting I during the year 1929. Baxter's performance in "Old Arizona" brought ,hlm the award while Mary Pickford was selected for her acting In "Coquette." Both pictures were shown at the Capitol Theatre here during the past year. Fine Booklet Is Published Motor Routes of Province Attractively Described Therein A very attractive booklet entitled British Columbia Invites You." which describes both by word and Illustration motor tour routes of this province, has been Issued by the provincial government and a copy has been received at the Daily News office. Included in. the booklet are complete and detailed road maps of the province. Illustrations nclude views around Haztlton. Nurse Gains 7 Lbs. in 2 Weeks With Yeast and Iron "I am a nurse at the hospital." writes Miss Martha Burtn, "and watn to let you know that I am glad to recommend Ironlzed Yeast. "It gave me a good appetite. I got strong and gained 7 pounds In 2 weeks. I could write all day about how much good Ironised Yeast did me. You would be surprised at the strength I gained In 3 or 4 days." People everywhere are amazed at the wonderful benefits of Ironisei Yeast. Many write they werr 'oubtful when they started. But niter taking it regularly for only 3 or 4 weeks they gained 5 to 15 pounds. Ugly hollows fill out Skinny limbs become gracefully rounded. Blemished skin clears. Only when Yeast Is Ironhed P it more effective for Iron is needed to bring out the welght-bulldlw, and strengthening values of Yeast Pleasant tablets in handy bottle Never cause gas or bloating. Safe- -no harmful drugs. Go to any druggist today and get a full stee treatment of Iron-Ized Yeast. If after this generom trial you are not delighted, your money back from manufacturer. R. G. Cunningham of Port Es- s'.ngton arrived on yesterday ai- ernoon's train for a brief visit in ( town. Week-End Specials Butter per lb - Braid's Best Tea per lb Malkln's Best .Tea St Coffee per lb Robin Hood Rapid Oats (Chinaware or Tumblers) per pkg. Gold Dust per pkg Llbby's Crushed Pineapple 14-oz. tins, per tin Royal City Poaches 2's per Un Dutch Maid Mayonnaise 8-oz. Jars, per bottle Sweet Biscuits Fresh 2 lbs Lemon Si Vanilla Extract 4-oz. bottles, per bot. Choice Red Salmon Vi's per tin Empress Peach Si Pineapple Marmalade 2's, per tin 43c 65c 57c 35c 30c 18c 25c 29c 65c 44c 20c 39c The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3C0 319 Third Ave rricU'k April i THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p m. WARNER DAXTER.JN 'Romance of The Rio Grande AJl Talking, Staffing: and Dancing A Great Outdoor Picture Talking Comedy "Slewed, Fried and Boiled" Musical Novelty "BAN-JOKSTER" a i on n - unt iiiti maa ir rt t. UnUlSSIOn, tVC CC OOC oui. iuauiav at 6.uu ioc cevx rnA A ALBERTA EGu Delivered, per ton m ALUEKTA lum i uei i vereu , per ion m Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD MILL EMUS rer load m bUA uUTilNuS rer load 3a HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE PHONE 580 Boat Engines We have recently dismantled several car- o 3 trucks, and have for sale Ford Model T motors non-starter $20.00 Ford Model T motors, gen- CEft A A erator, starting motor, etc. V V V V Ohe Chevrolet Baby Grand Q7C A A Motor with starter V 0VJ One Continental Red Q-f AA A A Seal Motor ?XUIMIU We now have on display at our shop the New Ford Model A Marine Engine. More hon power per dollar than any other motor on the market. Come in and look it over. The Canadian Car," S. E. PARKER LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers 'THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD. Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PIHNCE RUPERT, B.C. Advertise m 1 he Daily fsews