Page 4 : THE DAILY NEWS Jo Storekeepers AND THE RS} Local News Notes 7 > Se ee eee i se et Os ee the fig boat yee is (1 th drydeck under@oing oe eoneral fr me ie. ok YS = is , ' bee visiting his havi for sale the fc 7 y an Ay ea ing surplus fittings: Vre. c. W. Peck to be one of the patronesses at a dance by the uo Seaforth Overseas Club on Armis Bacon Slicer Electric Coffee Mill McCoskey Register: * National Register Cheese Cutter Taylor Fireproof Safe BurroughsAddinz Machine tice ni@ht, November tt, at Lestet Court, Vancouver. 6. BR. Averill, the well-knowh Experienced mothers say ember of the Bank of BLN. |] Zam-Bul is best for chil- staff, who went overseas with the : Canadian contingent, is now dren's injuries and skin in New York< He does not intend troubles, because: o re 0 = tr : : SEPh totes’ COONIET: It is herbal—no poisonous . > . . mineral coloring. It is antiseptic—prevents cuts and burns taking the We can show you som a medium weight, skelet at, styled exactly right eee ie eT Tm Clock Some Show Cases Don Yelf, who sustatwed serious ounds to his back While over- seas, is in the local hospital tak- SIPSS SEC er eee ae » eee > f= gjHESE cold morni tiie ; . | that this is O ‘ a 7 ey x ARE YOU PpRipaper | FOR IT? Bi Have you got a good vat and various other fittings, all at ne inedtest — treatinentt His wrong way. a low price to clear. vounds were verv bad and he tas It is soothing—ends pain PHONE {8 een to Mayo Bros. in Rechester. quickly. F Minn., for operations It heals every time. en It is understhod that Peter La Just, as good for grown: France, who dr New Midst Mussallem - Grecery ort ‘ UPS. FP» ss ninster last®giaMb serve Ste Sélid?at all store? and Co., Ltd. year sentence wrt S@ lashes far drwy vete. : * Economy Store’ ffense at Stewart, is taking a Fifth Ave., | OS PMR BT Le ae ee MARTIN OQ” HILLY steps to have his tat*® appeated wfore the Court of Appeals. hae : : . . 117-419-4235 { I Doolittle, formerly pro incial police constable here un- —eetncctomey| oy yesterday, ie Ish beret (CLASSI FIED P R REED ( meee wren, Sig. Ferenee Omens OF re ADVERTISING ofh. & 0. police but severed his connection with the force some time ago and Phone 98 PHONE 58 has since been connected with the o railroad. He is married and] Chis is the Advertisng Coemn that were worm makes his home in Smithers. ocople read when they want anything | ~~. ee — s ‘ d it bringe results ccuie.s me boadibbtd cosberete seers | 7 ' pnepniclieticuatta = Sure ooe ceang E. L. Vaughan, the G. T. P. 1 aii see f Gr | WARTEO Ser veo Hay, ai, Fe éngineet, who lost his foot wher . e lay At your vice. with e Seeds and Fertilizer his locomotive ran over it someyW AN rep TO BLY B tliat @6rnet. @ . .. iat You Hear months ago. was able to be ont Apply Le Claire, Knox Hotel at we i 1} h i} e F ; ' tg wf eats amet a a liivVonvarne | ' . ' for the first time yesterday afte Pp. m. 260 : “7 > The ' = . noon when fie came down o1 ; ees . s 66S 2 +t CHICKEN FEED peutéhes,.Be. Nasshaw-wiht-teov- HARE w AN’ r be ‘D> for housework FoR LADIES and Hot Tomales * 5 Oe r4ahtk c i 7 ; Dp : oroth od ' MSF > CaO a Specialty the hospital in a‘few days and Apply Suite 12, Me Mordie Apts. g 2 m a on pet Me oe ly . 7 : 5 Le Sk » 4! Sammemeee elle, Siater nvietus ass e Mail Orders promptly attended to [| %@! 0 to Seattle for further SITUATIONS WANTED are aaete: cuaaa”” Salen a Plays All Records at q medical treatment. “? ae ee . aoe — wy rte h a” Their Best a oom . oe tl : . . Reliable person wishes position rans at the o P.O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. At the funeral of the late Mrs as caretaker, of home, or fut FOR MEN s” " tarton floral tributes were re nished rooming house Can Slater, Invietus Fitrite CHILLI PARLOUR = ‘, andes alias eae ved from Mr. and Mrs. F. W start duties at ones Pleas: retrault, Williams, Leckie 3358 P ' les 35 Seco p - — oor - Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Mun write box {4 Daily News oftice et econd Ave. a, A oe, Mr. and Mra. .W..G, Hurmble.] — fete ee ee FOR GOYS AND " p SMITH & MALLE Mr. and Miss Alicé Nelson. Missi™ PENOGRAPHER lherougtiy Poet. ” fee Wilitesns } o ‘s ‘ IT nez Ross, King Edward Schnol| Uaifled, desires positions Ap Pillow. Welty Cluma,¢te.. > Delivery Service Extra 7 os ‘ a taf? DD. Deénaldsen, and Miss ply box 12 Daily News “Otley Rubbers—Rubber Boots . Phone 55/ : ” ‘, PLUMBING AND HEATING \gnes Grant, Mr. and Mrs. A. M FOR GALE for All j a —y it at ‘ EXKGINXNEERS YVanson, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Me — eis “= —e 2 WA ER’ Si! Estimates: ‘furnished. Leod, Mr. and Mrs, PF. G. Dawson. | FOR SALE—Small pleasure boat F il Sh § j E z ot AL K t ci titts of the Telephone staff, La- with new four-cycele 4% bh. p am! y oe tore - 1 ee se *. Mus store M 4 ’ val i. aivVe Address, 3rd “Avénue, head , ~ 7 of ae Be mt arta marine engine; or wil) trad Geo. Hill E. R. Tabrum . ¢ °. Co + Awe. & 4th Si i rel, rs. Ida Peterson and for piano or angéhing of value Phone 357. t OR ALE . Phon 90 ie aakige Mrs. G. Garton. Alsc for sale fishing and ated The Practical Shoemen ws i " 7 a ng boat and one 12 h. p. gas Seven-roomed house with ete ce a ® “a” nett ‘eowe wee o oem KING SALMON ARE engine cheap. See MeGowan _ bath and finished basement ll prove - NOT AS LAR AS the cyele man. Second Avenue 7 plomly painted. Oth vive., Ws FOR ELECTRICAl woan | GE Near McBride Street. Phon: , : ; Blue 421. tt $2875.00 Go to THEY FORMER! WE nnieargeandoantinatbesehninlindomnmncnanpeieriienainaiaal Very Easy Terms. ; JamesF. Marten Y RE ‘OR SALE—Six matched. teams v W dd - : witl leg t ‘ss. ~ These DOUG y a e 4 ‘AT An Alaska mild-cure operator mae Nae ~ . : © : LAS SUTHERLAND 0. ON | " o 4 rece ~eiturne ; oer Gee reams FOr Wore gu NOTICE OF CANCELLATION, 523 Third Ave ; SIGNWRITING > a ste a . _ ae vom will weigh about 1,600 pounds misnaiig dies 336 2nd Ave. } e ar? o sie ‘ atric -. Te) * ereb wive l “ reserve -- PAINTING ports that e« een sais 4 each. Apply box No, 43 Daily esting over 1 me *shi9 “saa ioe b, -apune ms - me, 3M c F - é ms i s Ne ws off 26 Liflotie District, by reason of 4 notice eoene nearer . r - een ! DECORATING felt in that vieinity in regard ti denon wees | Si 261 a m the B, ¢ Gazette r 4 BD Pr SLACK 367 GR fe ce i ae the increased percentage of smal! Ki SALE—Beautiful new even- ee A NADEN, he eeriess tudio Save Money in Lames P.O. Box 514 ‘igh caught there this season as ing gown, size 40. Slippers and] peparanent fia, a ) ee mnrernerenre nanrocccooreret Workshov: 329 Secor d Avenue ‘ompared to previous years. Al scarf to match. Owner leaving ee. ad eer, dat ; " : a” hy hough the mild cure pack has town. For further partieulars I AND AGT Our Ports aits have wor Ps t 3 : been on dbout the same seale as phone Red 322 Lf | iwetice of 8 akon awards wherever e hibited i : ‘ ; A a i ill 7» tention t eocosesseeerve last year in the Barandof dis ‘ , 7 in Bkeena Land tee Cent. Us demonstrate to you wnat « : ; trict it has been estimated tbat FOR SALE—Purniture, ineluding |" rake , otice | _ 7. a Fe ioe am Pen re ; ; é ~ { ‘ : ; : ake notice ha \ ‘ wiler and al . ‘ e ; ” out of every hundred King Salmon eae: Wah vets, beds anc > islees, dousnd 3 . ae peratigaion on ‘ ‘ or . la / < r rs, ? oO apply or weortnis sa - a - E BR y ‘anreht’ only tew weighed over a - — les, 4101 ixth Avenir 10 lease the following Neacted. foreswure : Sui 22 J i ; } Pool Room sidipi twenty potinds while the balance ‘ast. 1 hone Blue 2:7. a i ee gue. at 9 post pian aia Miah ov ee 22, Alder Block ; ae ae ae = " ce igen ae --- bank of Kitadult River. eT ouch a ’ ’ jusses stop al our door, : oved | BUILDER AND * “4 \ : _ yo a Mi INEY AT 8 PER ¢ ‘ENT on build- ~~ mas Mence east 0 ciinine ie . ies P"CNE 537 i A A rel) ach » & zP8 arge Guan} + ing Loans. Apply Prin Ky nore oF le fe is ‘30, thgtep west Tollows TOT iy Thi d ve . oh » - area . mall cs ; 1 more or uf W lot 50, th x est Tollows ee +r . CONTI RACTOR - of fish are desttoyed whieh* pert Housing Ltd. att Ww uF sor ; a ned oalinent Id ba he “49tf ; 121 hir ” > ¢ 7 ‘ “Ts . nha econ pir 160 cres ore ofr less 4 i) pe ele: aioe devels| Nickerson, Secretary. -; tf eee Hy Re, PELE, 2 oe . Alterations and Reputrs a ply ape, FOR SALE nm F * vinteg Cee” te. tthe — Plans and Estimates furnished One of the packers makes the ; ‘E—Sligitly used pane ? ~~~ . statement that hundreds of tons Singer Shop, 14141 hird enue. | VUEEN OHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND BIS Phone Green 450 f these fish have been dumped] ” aa ate, GENERAL ee a CIGARS SODA outside of Baranof Island this : FoR RENT FAKE NOTICE that 1 et Piombo, of ies ang Shop F' | T t. Beer seasul . a - — |Prieee Rupert, B. C., Prospector, intend Bash, doors, mouldings and Two per cent pas oS bac aso, STORE TO RE NT ie Oleatia wdeds iver | 10, 2PPLY for a licence to prospect for coal i ‘tel ; “ aie S| Another believes that Ssher-1} Black. Apply lo Harry tenses (areal beet ee wae Lae os lh ways ta tock. = ; ; nen and packers should get to- — -- ite ae ceri Island ae a a a: oe ways in stock \OHN PI LLICANO Joe Brown Ss gettier and make some agreement|4 NEW HOUSE TO RENT. Phone jes north of “the eg a aa ROSA pee Sense me “ — ° piles 0 of . 0 eas cormer ¢ ~ Gin whereby the tremendous waste Black 4514. if we 2437, thence 86 chaine® north, thence hardwood Moter transfer and vhich is now in progress will be] aren Se ee San to ‘aaike “cane hy A eo Fstimates Given, petmmanently stopped, He says:|—% THE st parek OATS, | _. |neneement REPAIR WORK USDERTAKEN ° . 1 he a al a ea oo KT OF BRITISH : PETER PIOMBO Phone Groen 269 - re i ’ ‘ . ave see sherimen come ID TIN THE MATTED Lacaies duly 27 1919 ~ ; - ’ r u ' if Passenger Service with hundreds of fish and only tuN ACT OF THE ADMINISTRA Dated September 25th, 1010 se tata tte A hina ae fe . i , Stand, Empress Hotel lispose of about twenty of them ]IN THE MATTER bf THR ESTATE O1 LAND ACT iT no ae ME COURT OF BRITISH SEI L ‘ b n which case the balance had to GueT Ar ol BIN JOHNSON, DECEASED, | — OOLUMBIA : ; a ee) Phones 179, Black 334 be dumped. As an example of Honour » NevICR that in order of His BERBERA LAND, DISTMCT er OFliN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA ; OV k SEN TIt inns eimich has taken wees our F. Ma young, made the oth day ol ARE, NOTICE" that Mark Smaby, of MON ACT t \ : , eal a ee 8 rol tee cear lis, B. CL, oer on tagger, nd . SEND FOR JOE, 3] within the past few years take for ‘ ee waree s - Ss Mate of Gustaf Albin} tenis, apply fer pontiiien te oad 7 IN THE MATTER OF THE BSTATE OF ek nee ; . instance Forrester Island. Here | claims against the ot ere ewes fr Yi . ae enc —e lands: ae = SHAIWLIN DECEASEL oo ” k wee required to furnish same, properly vertf mmencing ost , 8 ‘ menced 4 Se ee ee ogre i iwe used to gét an“average Of BOlio ms on oe beter th we A ta wert ead of o small bay ons “o eoricd 1s amen GAvEN $0 Whom Gui ' spill if 7 = 8 een eee s vg jyember, A. | p 7th day of No- | shore of Swindle Island, and directly North ae » pense © “4 , ss 48 Ges fish to the tieree whiie now they ee’ tor'the’ estate Rt te ee in. }oF Sandstone Kets; thence east 40 chains, ig ge A lg Ae fl : «ines un as high as 150 to the tieree. the ,smount of their indebtedne a ‘ees wponee — 40 es a. west 40 perenie Mi . sustic« Clement, | in ie ; | nd ' orthwith ehoins; thence nor chains to point of PO ay a” A, alla . , i », use it Phon® Green 607 1017 3rd Avenue JON H, MeMULLIN, commencement, and containing 160 acri " is ORDERED that the said sonn Ht 1919, 4H rou more or less, OMeial Administrator . ‘ . owe o swe ' WHIST LEAGUE Dated a this 17th day of October, A. D 1910 Teat Juiv MARK SMABY a oo = ann dees 3 4 . oct a rue P; e num a garno atis et oe ’ AL seen sore Oitton the 25th day of Oetober, 1018, att ation of one month from U a7 ore VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT... DISTRICT ; BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Sf See ee ee ew T vo ree OP CONT, ANE TT ergte” tits tke eatin pre! Ow SALE AT Whiel team atending: ao ARE peties am ene < aay) Tlrournished to the Hegtsp Mt iw C rks Hie 0 oe = — -— — c . » #e€cupation married wo ’ ce ‘4 ; t th ia Specialists in Light and Heavy Cou eam W“ i. Po nan, intends apply far permission “ er R.... 1 A iy ~ Fred sto siruction, Repairs end Alterations. OFFICER HOURS tea the foll : ‘nig ; ‘ : : rare ’ Hiowing deseribed lands ‘ 4 ; ‘ ‘ 1 Oetob First Class Stairease Work and Knights of Pythias ..3 0 1000 B a.m. te 12; 1:80 p.m. to 6:30 p.m Commencing at a post Slanted om the ‘olp ay Ga ey ee aré ai Finishing. Sons of Canada .2...4 1 500 " vette ond of . small island on the weet AND 17 18 FURTHER ORDERED that Har wa ¥ etimat side © Choke ‘aan . " © ' ts not ales Gheerfully Given Gatellaea ¢ A. *:t. “a ae DAR. J. 8. BROWN | ienis snaeird conde ca chalen’ ice meet te teen, eet eke Rupert. | OND AVES - o > order ith NM rites ’ BRICK AND CONCRETE BuiLOIN@ FF) si. Andrews ........2 P 2 soo; 5 4 | aces "Ge chaine to pent. A camuan,, ante) Nowa. @, Rewapeper publoned oor . , Mee: Smith : -_. olnt of commencement | Rupert, B 6, for a period of wu CONTRACTORS Sons of EnBland .,..! ? 33s 2 ee zee Avenue. and containing 160 acres, more or leas DATED at” Prince "Rube B. Valhalla 0 2 000 . Soy Merk: “Reake: 30th day of October D Avi, MPEP OFS - OOOO POCONO 0OO OO ; ar maby, Agent ‘ ony ‘wewe werorwerer? Tinie Seplomber dih, 1919 _ OmMcial Administral