p aub rwo The Daily News PBINCE RUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue i '"'It. F. PULLEN - "MhiKicfrtg-Edior-' DAILY EDITION i I JjFjti, Thursday, June 26, 1930 Members of Royal Air Force depot at Uxbridge, Eng., spell out their Initials while training for royal tournament at Olympia. , JP A:- Ml 'r.-i-iJ Like the sparlliBj freshness of citing! ibreakers is the qjiality of "Canada D Sun-tanned men and women, lithe, active, lean through exercise, drink "Cauada Dry.JlJU?or ftt is . i.a t ...L-t. . ' i iic tpuribiiieii uocrage. in 11 gjuiriinen reiug-nize the heritage of sport itself, unmatched excellence. In it sportsmen find the exhilaration, the. vigor, the stimulation and refreshment of the game well played. Do you drink this fine old ginger ale? It has won . distinction; it carries prestige; it is served the wide world over. Connoisseurs nod with approval as they taste its subtlety, savor its aroma. Countless men and wqniiju, throug tl us country drink it. Countless homes find Hnlf indispen-.. table part of entertaining A convcnient'way always, to have it on hand is in convenient cartons of 6 or 12 bottles. Order "Canada Dry" today "CANIADA DRY . The Champagne of Ginger Ales Canada Dry Giagtr Alt Limited, Toronto, Edmonton and Montreal The Letter Box TEKltACK PROTEST . Terraqe.B.C.. Jun&,25. 1930 dltor. DaRy ffews: There is an election campaign on now. We feel it in the air. People do all kinds of f oolish things. We would naturally look to such a person as Premier King to be able to conduct a campaign with great tact, and at the same time sanely. But what do we find him doing? ; We find (from reliable reports) that he is telling people what a fibber he is. He stated in the House 'of Commons that povernmrnts "with policies diametrically opposed to those of this government" would not recerte a five cent piece from him. This Is exactly the kind of government Ontario has. Now the Premier is busy showing how much money he gars Ontario. This government therefore takes pride in broken promises! Imagine a government trying to win an el ection on broken promises! Actually boasttntfef them! It ts ridiculous. I trust you will publish this in your newspaper. I remain, Yours very truly CHARLES HACKNEY WOULD USE INDIAN NAME Editor, Dally News: I do not like the suggestion that our Canadian National Hotel be named the "Chateau Thornton." What the tourist public is seeking In this northern land is romance and something different. We should capitalize our Indian traditions. Indian names with their numerous vowels are beauti ful; why not select one meaning i hotel or hospitality or perhaps 'combine words with these meanings. ; The bell boys, waiters, etc., could 'be dressed in buckskin and a few feathers; totem poles used in the j decorations, etc. In short, make it Ja hostlery that has "it" and not ' one that is duplicated in every city ! on the continent I A CANADIAN. Floating Cold Storage Plant For Alert Bay A floating cold storage Dlant. which was operated in Prince Rupert harbor last year by the Otteson Fish Co. of Vancouver, has been j leased by O. Chalberg, who was in the plant last year, and will be j taken to Alert Bay where it will be operated this summer. Before leaving Prince Rupert, the scow has tbcen taken on the Prince Rupert 'dry dock for cleaning and painting of the hull. J There were 180 passenners going j south aboard the steamer Princess 'Charlotte which was in port yes-iterday afternoon bound froniSkag-Jway to Vancouver. M-e of them iwere Alaska tourists returning ; south. Three passengers disembarked here from the vessel. Tn3 OAfti? WEWS .-,. .' Thursday, Juift 28. THROWN IN THE HARBOR AIox Macdonald and Bishop Tlmr- ,,bef;naye'V;ji riunee When ' ;!' Boat Capies Alex Macdonald of the Summit Apartments, and young Bishop Thurbir wer rescued safely yesterday aftemcWui an accident on the local harbor which might easily , have had a. .'more serious culmina- i tiori; Mr. .Macdonald and his com-1 panion vfcrl scooting" smartly i across the harbor when they ran , into the swells ot a passing seiner and ware thrown into the water before they realised what was happening as their speedboat capsized , and turned upside down. They were both able to swim back to the upturned j craft to whtci they clung until a trolling boat came to their rescue. The accident had been seen I from shore and a number of boats j also put out to the rescue. Not an I article from the upturned boat was j lost, a pair of plters even becoming Jodged in the seats. ; The copsiaal occurred at about 3: IS In Um afternoon. The rescue jwas made by Capt. H. Christopher-'son with the trolling boat Nancy LOCAL NEWS Misses Paleota Cameron, Margaret Smith and Hasei Inns, at tec spending the awtek-end at Sunny- side returned to the city on today's tram. - Mrs. Ernest Gladstone arrived ir the elty on the prince William last night from SJddsgate Mission and left on today's train for a trip to Mlneota, Manitoba. John R. Morgan. Cumshewa Inlet logging operator, is a business visitor in the city, having arrived on the Prince 'William last night from the Queen Charlotte Islands. George Walker, Carmacks Y. T. merchant, and Mrs. Walker were passengers abodrd the Princes Charlotte yesterday afternoon bound for a trip to Seattle ane" elsewhere 'in the' south. Brother Moody, well known pio neer or the city, is planning on making a trip within the next month to Duluth. Minneapolis and other points in the Eastern States He expects to bf away for two or three months. William Blitch, who has been a member of the staff of the Can adten National Telegraphs office here for some time will sail on the Frince Charles this afternoon for Vancouver to which city he has been transferred. W. B. Lanlgan, retired freight traffic manager of the Canadian Pacific Railway; E. W. McMullln manager of the Bank of Montreal In the capital; Capt. Molson Montreal banker; Mrs. Will Spen cer, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Driscol' and Mrs. Thorpe-Double, a party of prominent Victorians, who made the round trip to Skagway, were passengers returning south aboard the Reamer Princess Charlotte which was In port yesterday after noon. This, young lady, engaged in shopping, is Evelyn Laye, starring in one of Ncl Coward's plays x The ruins of old Fort Prince of Wales, opposite Churchill, at the. cod ot Hudson Bay R;0iWay You ' Qggj i ii n BUY n,000 can buy $ij00o, on the instalment plan. Take an instalment, jjsrn your wjges ,5very- -pay-day and put it into aSavingsAccount in the Bank of Montreal. ' " f ' ' We will pay you interest. on each instalment every six months. The day will come, sooner than you expect, when you will have $1,000 to your credit. BANK OF MONTREAL Where autUMccounts Arc Welcome" I Prince Ruprrt Branch: ' A- H. CAR5HN. Manage!. V J r v 8 ESSEX CHALLENGER . SUPUK-SJX costs you no more then Mvhjjf buy a lesser car? Do you realize that the brilliant Essex Challenger actual ly costs little more than cars which are known chiefly for low price? Just forget "list prices" and get the facts. Cet the actual costs trade-in, financing and extras considered. , You will he astonished ut how little, if anything, more it costs for the outstanding advantages of the Essex Challenger. iVow that the cost for an Essex Super-Six Challenger is not in any sense a matter of consideration, no lesser car can meet its, challenge either in appearance, quality or. value. 8 885 Fo- flM COITTE -Ka ether ma4U ju.l aUralllt J.b. H'UaW, laiti urra cbatct m ntr MM. Prince Rupert Auto Co,,-Prince Rupert, B.C. A. Brindamour Fraser Lake, R.C, Adclard Brindamour Smithcrs, B.C.