PAGE FOTJ3 fU Irklir ElO A AiTi l. 1 OF TENNIS City Tournament Is Continued on C.N. R. Courts Play continued yesterday noon and evening In the city ten nis wurney .when a further nine matches were played. The doubles matches in the mixed and ladies' played in the afternoon provided some exceptionally good tennis. Jn the evening Bill Lambie staged a hard uphill fight to defeat Colonel Nieholls In a three set match after Having lost the first set 3-6. The following is the complete list of the results of yesterday's play. Black beat Pryce, 6-2, 6-2. Lambie beat Nieholls, 3-6, 7-5, 0-4. Plommer beat Walker, 6-4, 5-7, : 6-2. , mil Tobey Jr. beat Linzey, 6-1, e-4. , Norlrngton beat Edgecumbe 4-6, I 9-7, 6-3. ; , Mrs. St C. Johnston defaulted the second sat to Miss Vera Smith. Miss Smith on Tuesday beat Mrs. Johnston 6-3. j Mrs. McMordie beat Miss Berner 6-2. 6-0, j Mrs. Currie beat Miss F. Smith 6-4, 6-3. Mrs. McMordie and Mrs. Shad- well beat Mrs. Oregg and Mrs. j Johnston, 6-4, 6-4. j Mrs. bnaawell and McMordie beat Mrs. Jabour and Moore, 6-3, 7-5. j Today's Games j The fololwtng matches are sche duled to be played todav: , 2 pjn Mias Edgecumbe vs. Mrs. uurrie. 2 p.m. Mrs. Ross vs. Mrs. Shad-I well. i 4 p.m. Bill Tobey Jr. va. j 4 pjn. Miss F. Smith and Miss B. Edgecumbe vs. Mrs. Ferguson i nna Mrs. Thomson. J 5 p.m. Tobey sr. vs. Barlow. 5 D.m. Lambie v. Plnmmr 6 p.m. Linaey and Robertson vs. Plommer and Edgecumbe. 6 pjn.-Black vs. Bartlett. 7 pjn. Brown vs. Oreg. 7 p.m. Wilding vs. Moore. 8 pjn. Bradshaw and Barlow vs. Currie and Bartlett. TOWNSEND SIGNED UP ! Will Meet Joe Medill in Ten Round Bout at Chicago on July 8 LOS ANGELES, June 28: Blllv IS YOUR BOY OR GIRL . . . LOOKING FOR A JOB . . . 1 4K SPORT CHAT Centrals and Elks will meet in the Senior Baseball League to break the three-way tie which now exists. Whichever team wins will go to the top of the hean. which ever losses to the bottom. The players will be as follows: Centrals Somerville, c; Chenoskl, p.; Far- quhar, lb.; Barrie, 2b.; Downie,ss. D. Qurvich, 3b.; W. Stone. If.: O. Hill, cf.; D. Morrison, rf.; Jim Mc-Nulty, R. Bury. Elks A. Mitchell, c .: Lobllck. n .: Stephens, lb.; Q. Mitchell 2b- Moran, ss.; Harold, 3b.;" Arseneau, If.; Skinner, cf.; Budinlch, rf.; S. Qurvich. Yachtsmen Asked to Canneries On Way Down Coast H. V. Morehouse, district mana ger for the B. C. Packers, Namu. sent a telegram late last nieht to George Q. Bushby, president of the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club, inviting all the Seattle-Prince ! Rupert power cruiser racers to visit .Bella Bella, Walker Lake and Namu canneries on their way south. Mr Morehouse said that all would be welcomed if they wished to inraect one or all of the plants. Percy Williams Sprint Winner Ran One Hundred rYards Yesterdajy at Vancouver in &..33. seconds VANCOUVER, June 26: Percv Williams ran 100 yards in 9 3-5 seconds yesterday to defeat a Held of local runners in the police games. CRUISERS LEAVING Most of Boats Which Came North In Race This Week Had Left By This Afternoon Soon after the banauet last nlsht. power crullers which came north this week in the Seattle-Prince Ru pert international marathon start ed to leave port. Some will go on cruises further north but it is expected the majority will head homewards to the south. The Tyee Scout, with party of u.c.iu, iiara nuung Vancouver Sea Scouts on board, was one of welterweight, was signed yesterday the first boats to leave. By this alio meet Joe Medill of Chicago in a ternoon, the most, of the boats had 10-round bout here on July 8. departed. 1. " I ' I IE """5 "i nVEUY time you accept goods that are not. made in B.C. you reduce B.C. Payrolls by sending your meney away. Every time you ask for B.C. Products you help to create opportunities for your children . . . here ... at home . . . in British Columbia. prosperity of this depends on you. The Province B. C. PRODUCTS BUR E A U of the VANCOUVER BOARD OF TRADE MY DOCK IS WINNER Clinches First Half of Season In C. N. It. Softball League Dry Dock, by defeating the Round House 6-0 last nicht. In a fast nnd exciting game, became the winner of the first half of the C. N. R. Softball League. In the fourth inning, three errors, one walk and three hits, netting four runs, clnch- ea tne game for the Dockers. The Dry Dock played errorless ball, and Round House could not get a man to third base and had only four men left on bases durine the entire game. 1 Wick, for Round House, made some good catches in centre fi!d. while McDonald and Geddes were 'the bright stars for Dry Dock. Dry Dock E. Smith, c; Boulter, p.; J. Smith, lb.; R. Kelsey. 2b.: Howe, 3b.; J. Nelson, cf.; Gededs, rf.; McDonald. If. Round House Bond. If.: Rahv Ip.; Tulloch, c; Mobberly, ss.; Cam eron, lb.; Scherk, 2b.; Sinclair, rf.; Wick, cf.; C. Nelson, 3b. Umpires were Comadina Scott. Standing W. Dry Dock 7 Round House 6 Station 3 Offices 1 L. 2 3 5 7 The last game of the first half between Station and Offices will be played Friday next, but will havp no bearing on league standings. and P. 7 6 3 KENTVILLE, N.S., June 26: In the heart of the Nova Scotia apple-growing country. Premier King last .night spoke at his farewell meeting in this province. Great quantities of aoDles are be 4 n ing shipped from the district; to Great Britain and the Premier seized on this opportunity to stress the importance of promoting Empire trade. The budget, with' Its provisions for increased British preference, he spoke of as the great issuq 01 the campaign and he emphasized the point that defeat of the budget meant negation of the .proposals contained therein. The British market was all important, the Premier told his listeners. ARE FLYING TO NEW YORK Southern Cross Passes Over Hali fax After Leaving Harbor Grace HALIFAX. June 28: The South ern Cross, which took off at rinv- break this morning from Harbor Grace followlne Its trans-AUnntir flight, flew over Halifax at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Local TcadherLcavcsiL rn2.i.. nt.-L m txuuuy i'ur uKanajjan! to He Married in July Miss Alva Aileen Garnett, who has been a member of the local school teaching staff for the past two or three years, will sail on the Prince Charles this afternoon for her home in West Cumberland where she will be married on July 8 to John Stuart Burton, son of Rev. and Mrs. William Burton of Vancouver. - t ' 1 1 SLATTERY LOSES OUT Dropped Light Heavyweight Last Night to Maxie Rosenbleom Title BUFFALO. June 2S.-Jimmv tery lost his light heavyweight title before, his home folks here last night in a 15-round duel with Maxin Rosenbloom of Harlem. Eighteen thousand fans saw Rosenbloom awarded the decision. PREMIER AT KENTVILLE Tells Importance of British Preference to Dominion of Canada THE DAILY NEWS. Timitday, Jut 26, 1930 HOMERS ARE PLENTIFUL Circuit Clouts Helped to Win Big League Ball Games Yesterday PITTSBURG. ' June 211 .-R aw Kremer's pitching and Comorosky's ! uume run iaaiured the victory of the Pittsburg Pirates over the leading Brooklyn Robins in the National League yetterday. At CMeaffft Hartnot.t hit t.., homers with (wo men on bases each time to help the Chicaao Cubs de feat the Phillies. In the American Leaeue. thn Kow xorK Yankees took both games from St. Louis. Browns at New York. Ruth hit two- homers, bringing his total for the season up to 26, Yesterday's scores: National League Philadelphia 12, Chicago 13. Brooklyn 1, Pittsburg 5. New York' 3, Cincinnati 11. American League St. Louis 4-4, New York 5-10. Chicago 1-7, Philadelphia 8-2. Cleveland 5, Washington 13. Detroit 4, Boston 3. DELIGHTFUL RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. George G. Bushby En tertain in Honor of Visiting Yachtsmen One of the outatandine social functions in connection with the tett in Princ Rupert of the yachtsmen in the international power cruiser race was a largely aitenaea reception given yesterday afternoon at their home on Borden Street by George G. Bushby, presi dent or the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club, and Mrs. Bushby. The reception room was beautifully decorated -with masses of flowers in Yacht Club shades of mauve, yellow and purple, while wie pretty tea table had a lanre centrepiece of Iceland doddIss sur rounded by small vases of the same poppies and purple columbine. ine wnole settlne was verv cnamung indeed. In addition to the visitor nnn 'local guest, there were also In at tendance the captain and officers of the United States Coast Ouard steamer Snohomish. In all, over 200 persons were present durine the afternoon. The hostess was assisted by Mrs J. C. McLennan and Mrs. Thomas McClymont, who poured, and Mrs. J. k. EJfert and Mrs. A. H. Carson CAPT. DONALD IS HONORED Dinner Held Wednesday Aboard 'Steamer Prinee Henry VANCOUVER. June 26: To com memorate the arrival at the Port of Vancouver of ss. Prince Henry, new flanshin of the Can.1ril.1n N. tlonal Railways, Pacific Coast fleet, I i. -i . . ... ,api. utm uonaia, master or tne ship and commodore of the fleet, was presented with a shield bv the Vancouver Harbor Commissioners at an official dinner on board, jon Wednesday evening. The dinner was representative of civic, busi ness, legal and professional life ofi tne port and was attended by 180 guests. A. M. Pound, representing the Harbor Commissioners, made the presentation and complimented the Canadian National ships on the arrival of their palatial new liner In Pacific Coast waters. Capt. Donald thanked the donors warmly and aded, "My only hope is thaf this fine shin last lone enough co wear out this shield." George Black Renominated DAWSON. June 26. CaDt. Geonre Biaek, member of the late Parliament, was renominated Conserva tive candidate for Yukon ridlne at a rederal election convention her,Q lastnlght. ., v y Suspended From Stock Exchange VANCOUVER! June 28: The firm of Sollowav. Mills Si Co. has been suspended from the Vancouver Stock Exchange, effective late Tuesday afternoon. It was announ ced xlay. i Splendid Climax to Yacht Races Held Last Night (Continued from par pressed the hope that Prlnne Ru pert would have a permanent place Jn yachting circles. Toasts Included "Our Ouests" proposed by Very Rev. Denn Gib-fon. responded to by Richard Fro- boese; 'The Ladies," proposed by Dr. E. A. Rich, responded to by Mrs. Geo. Bushby; Seattle-Prince Rupert International Cruiser Race" proposed by Thomas II. Johnson. responded to by Joseph L. Patton. Also on the nroeram was some de lightful faney dancing by a troupe oi iour girls Miss Nan Cr&le miss jean Grieve and Misses Zar- elll and an impromptu number of tenor songs by "Little Willie" Nelson. Percy Tinker also led in the singing of Aloutte in which all Joined. Much of the success of the event was due to the untiring work of R. E. Benson, chairman of the entertainment committee. George uusnoy. president of the club AW McRae. secretary, and other mem bers of the committee particularly u. v. Minns. Chris Blkltw. Mrs. Bryant. Mrs. Allen and Mrs. KLrk- endal. Following: were tne Hat nf prize winners and prizes: PRIZE WINNERS First Over All Maidie Prince Rupert Rewincr A xacnt uiuo trophy. 1st Division 55 ft. to 40 ft. BoJlnder, first Olof Hansen tm- phy. 16 gallons lubrietk)f oil. Val valine Oil Co. Triton, second Seattle Yacht Club trophy (cup); 10 rations lub ricating oil. General Petroleum Co. Klttlwake. third Storm- OuideJ Sunde Divers Co. Ztze, fourth Andirons. Paelftel Marine Supply Co. " 2nd Division 11 ft. to 48, ft. Maidle, firat-Canadlan Ptah 1 Oold 8tor&e Co. trophy. U sal lon lubricating oiL Valvoline Oil CO. . . 1 in Wlnnlfred. second Taenma Yacht Club teophy; 10 gallons lu pncating oil. General Petroleum Mary Marr Ann. thirdi7(Mh.-n ohor. Isaacson Iromtotlea Buccaneer, fourth Blnoculare. nitnara Froboeee Co. Third Division 9 ft. to 100 ft. Nisbet, llrst-Clty of Prince Ilu. pert trophy: 18 srallen lubricating oil. Valvoline Oil Co Rowdy, second Olvmnla Vahrl uiuo iropny; io gallons ubricat- Ing oil. Gineral Petroleum Co Tyee Scout, third Two-mv. Metal Sport Boat. Treawilpg Boat Co. Longest Non-Stop Run Rowdv Miniature Ltehthoiise Lang Stove Oo. uounder Barotmter. Saattiw Marine Equipment Oo. Navigation Triton Queen City Yacht tro phy. Fastest Cruiser Buccaneer Blue-Green Oaniin. iropny. Tnermos Battle: bv nit more Oil Co. Smallest Cruiser ZIxeB Vblt Batten .MarIneFlJ eciric u. Largest Cruiser Nisbet Air Whistle. Alln Cun ningham Co. Consolation Priie Zize-Slr Thomas Llpton trophy. For Each Boat Engraved Plaoue. Prinpfl Yacht Club Pennant. Catering for the dinner nrn h the Commodore Cafa iellently carried out. PLENTY OF P.OOM The New Orleans Club in the I Southern League claims that its baseball park has a croatrr ninintr I space than any other ball field in 1 America. ! LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team 01 Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. Prince Launches Ship Dei.-c an innxnsc eattiermr. IF It it the I'-iv. - , T9 ' ''- " "u -imaUmii P.-.t.. linet i.,p . , '. " June 11. lllC p,cture. snapped as tb hu VMM h, " , . ' ibe water, was (rHnmItted to thl cntlt.-n. radio I, 7 t,.M",l0,M, n1 front all part, of X wrd hi ? the mw. m tne atfdr,,., , ,,. ,,, hlll, X Th '1 " w IS. W. Ileetttr. chairman and prvHidPnt f ife rnn.. tMMfn t . Pacific nail way, who teamed Humoral IIMumm. lairfera Juoil i n 1 r- 11 1 C. J. .tltr. ftpvM HvmewatK ViicauT. Vlrterta Itrtwe IteMnown Khwirtc (IU.'.) Llil. Be Cor lain of SAFETY Build with Gyproc FIRE can hurl your home to destruction unless a fire-resistant material such at the new improved Gyproc Wall-board is used in its construction. Inexpensive, permanent, easy to apply. Gyp roc Wallboard does not burn. It is exactly what you want for fire-safe walls, coilingg and partitions when you build, remodel or repair. Ask your dealer today for full information on Gyproc Wallboard or send for interesting free book, "Building and Remodelling with Gyproc" GYPSUM, LIME AND ALADASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Vancouver . B.C. tei-v For Sale By Albert & McCaf fcry, Ltd. Prince Rupert. B.C M. F. Nourse iurng Laf& MX. The George Little Lumber Yard Smithers, Hazeltort and Terrace, H-C-. K. S. Sargent, Ltd. Hazclton, U.-