Tomorrows Tides Trl'day, Jun 27, ,1930 High - 1.28 f iA ft ' . v Viil. XXI., No. 149, FISHING IS VERY GOOD Conservative Estimate Puts Week's Average at Fifteen Fish Per Boat I: t ' salmon on the Skeena Rlv- tU the fact UL weather ii overcast and inclined to since the first of the week, to hear of his demise I afternoon, 7 Public Meeting In the Interest of OLOF HANSON, Liberal Candidate for Skeena Riding, in Moose Hall Thursday, June 26 at 8:30 p.m. Speakers Hon. T. D. Pattullo Leader of the Opposition in the Legislature Geo. S. Pearson Liberal Member for Nanaimo Reserved For Ladie, Seats Everybody Welcome wiw me appropriation at present made for the season's work It should be possible to drive as far as Taylor Lake, the first of the Cloyah River chain of lakes beyond Cloyah Bay. It is planned to continue the present construction until ' November when it is presumed ;th weather win not permit- further'wbTfo nyl then the Jake shouldbe11 reached. the bridge built and teats driving' I - la. Is still a aatldfartnrv run nf OY jus now mere are arxmi wj men .WlflqyM at the construction camp ; aria it u possible that another small Bane may be put on later. At anv lAt. warm nnv pnrwnfc lorce Wlir DC Kepi i.nry managers stated thi fiT'"? "t ferfK the! n from a fmP al He. b c that the boat at '.W . of the Skeena River OCEAN FALLS MAN IS DEAD William J. Heath Was Liberal Can-didate For Mackenzie in Last Provincial Election V. im John "Red" Heath of Q Falls, who was Liberal can-' in Mackenzie riding at the Tirovlncial election, dropped L in a street car at Vancouver ' nday evening. 1 deceased was a war veteran I imminent in Labor affairs " at warKe ana ana lowara vne ena 01 had motno- 1 wv. t ' ntxt month this camp wlU be shlf . j - i . rn.. t .ui.u ii I ' this week. the survey will be connected up. The estimated cost of the whole road to connect with the highway at Terrace is set at $2,800,000 and the district engineer says that his work so far and the survey data Indicate that it can be built well within that figure. CLARA VALPY , PASSES AWAY '- ' Daughter of Mrs. Jack Cook Died Early Yesterday Afternoon The death occurred about 1 o' clock yesterday afternoon at the Two Speakers at Tonight's Meeting: Expected to Carry Fight Into Enemy's Camp Two fighting speeches are expected tonight from T. I), Pat tiilio M.P.P. and George Pear, son, M.P.P., the two principal . speakers at the Liberal meeting in Moose Hall tonight. Mr. Pattullo is leader of the Liberals in this province but he has made a .study of federal affairs and is expected to say some things tonight that will prove very interesting. Mr. Pearson is one of the coming Liberal leaders. He was mentioned as a possible leader if Mr. Pattullo had decided to enter the federal arena. He too will have some pungent remarks to make. Roth these men are fighters who carry the political war into the ramp of the enemy. EVIDENCE IS HEARD ! on' Jt lg announced; irifjhtithrqugluPliver-Latlrner Case Provides Fur- brought the fish to the top r numbers. I1"1""' ' Mi.' D'Hrvn ,nvit' f the more conservative of! .?I."re.TO..W.offlrei ther Sensations In Supreme Court VANCOUVER, June 26: Nobody has .the right to take the law Into his own hands said Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald in Supreme Court yesterday when II. B. Robertson K. C, counsel for the council of the British Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, commented, ! during the hearing of Dr. Victor I Latimer's appeal against being dis barred from the College, that any man who did what Charles Oliver thought Latimer had done "deserved to be killed." Mrs. Oliver's story relating to an alleged assault in her house at Pcn- tlcton by Dr. Latimer on July 21 last was termed "too fantastic" by O. L. Fraser, counsel for the appellant. According to Mrs. Ollver'sevl-'dence, she fell in a heap on the 1 floor and her mind became a blank. She woke up the next morning. ., m r .1 Ot r. Falls. He was a bachelor, ' family home. 721 Fraser Street, of V Clara Ell Valpy. aged 21. or the medical council argued u 40 and li survived by a mother Ml ) r land. He was nreoarlng to daughter ot Mrs. Jack Cook of this that Mrs. Oliver was physlca ly f: Deceased was born in Port Es- wen oeiore sne wem w ur. uhi- m active oart In support of city. c- f Hanson In the forthcoming .'I campaign . late Mr. Heath when he was had many singwn. one naa uren iur oomc ...... ... time in falling health. iwlth her cars but afterwards be- Funeral arrangements are in the came nervous. Mrs. Oliver's evl-uaA, nf tho n c Undertakers and dence. according to counsel, show- ACCIDENT WAS FATAL Mrs. Pilcalrn Ho-g of Vancouver Is Dead Following Auto Crash VANCOUVER, June 26: Mrs. J. Pltcalrn Hogg, wife of a. well known city barrister, died in hospital today from Injuries suffered in a mo tor collision while driving with her husband on June 19. OPERATION ON PONTIFF Several Roman. Doctors Have Been Called Into Consultation VATICAN CITY. June 26: -Reports still persisted yesterday that the Pope was Indisposed despite de- inlal by authorized officials that he was suffering from a uremic crisis. It was learned that several Ro ROBERTSON ORR BOSTON GRILL LARGE CABARET Special Dinner Thursdays and Saturday Dancing Evrrjr Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accommodations (or Private Fartlei NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHONE 4S7 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1930 STEWART RAILWAY Canadian Pacific Engineers Made Trip From Finlay Forks Out to Coast VICTORIA, June 26: Word received by the Stewart Land Co. here says that two Canadian Pacific locating engineers arrived at Stewart from Finlay Forks by airplane, making the trip back again over the same route. It is said that the trip was made in the Interests of the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. for the purpose of look-inr into the possibility of a railway line. TO OFFSET I W0RKLESS man doctors have been consulted' recently concerning the Pontiff's ..Vancouver Unions Ask Bjjlldrrs aggravated bladder trouble and ; For Five-Day Week that the possibility of an operation ' has been discussed. VANCOUVER. June 28:-The Building Trades Council of Vancou ver lias-decided, to ask the Building L and Construction 'Industries Ex "change to co-operate ln an effort TRICE FIVE CENTS HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PROCEEDS To Reach Taylor Lake and Construct Bridge By Fall It Is Stated District Engineer Expects to Keep Within Estimate of $2,800,000 For Whole Project to Terrace Good progress is being made with the .' new highway work and definite plans are now in hantl'for the new which is to be built across Galloway Rapids. The tender is to be of timber construct! nn trio main cnon tf w inch will be 200 feet in length. The heavy timbers will be of B. C . fir. While tenders may possibly be asked for the conrrrte niers, the superstructure will be handled by day lahor under the district engineer. In regard to the highway itself, the work so far, it is an ro jnced, has been kept within the original estimate, anc and PROMINENT TORY TURNS TO LIBERALS POLITICAL WAR HORSES Life-Long Conservative Running as Liberal In This Election Contest J. Carrickiof. Port Arthur Whole-Hcartedly Endorses Premier King's Policy of Trade Within British Empire TORONTO, June 26: J. J. Carrich, prominent Port Arthur realtor, who, as a Conservative, received the seat by acclamation in the Dominion general election in 1911, sat as Conservative in the Ontario Legislature for several years and ran unsuccessfully as an Independent Conservative in 1925, has announced his acceptance of the Liberal nomination in Port Arthur-Thunder Bav in the nre- sent general election. "I wholeheartedly endorse Premier King's policy of trade within the British Empire," Mr. Carrick states. "This was my slocan in the recinrocitv el ection in tl911. This is my same slogan today." starts action j to put mt0 effect ln August a five-1 TERRACE, June 26 : Fully one hundred and fifty per- ' " I Hi w trortr Tha Inn1 linlnn. I. J .1 1 . 1" I i 1 ' VANCOUVER, June Claiming the sum of $730 for itlleged arrears of salary and motor allowance jmd for a de- claratlon that he is still the minister of the church, Rev. Samuel Robertson Orr has commenced action in Supreme Court against 17 officials of central Presbyterian Church. .1 j "-- "" . ........ Bullae wiiiuuuuHv cunsiuereu a on? average ior mis r . 7 were about to ask for increases in fnwn town, fn-nn,l turned nnt out in in PvnnMCII Proeress Uoll Hall lof last nieht when T. n. i wages, have waived these requests 'and decided on the five-day week to offset unemployment. WHEAT UP AGAIN VANCOUVER, June 26: Wheat showed a further advance on the local" exchange today when It was Splendid Climax Last Night to International Yacht Races When Prizes and Trophies Were Awarded Maidic Was First Over All and City Trophy WenttoNisbet The largest dinner dance ever staged in Prnce Rupert and one of the most successful events in the history of the j special entertainment of the visiting yachtsmen at which ; the winners of the races were announced and the trophies and prizes presented. j The spacious hall presented a very gay scene. Yachts or yachting emblems were in evidence everywhere and es- In Prince Runert who will interment will take place Saturday ed that Latimer told her she would .pecially on the Walls where on blue backgrounds hundreds' go deaf if she did not continue the of miniature effect such yachts were hung, giving a unique t..nlm.nt PnnneAl cimmfMari (hat . . . . " . .... " ucnuuwi. v"."v, '"""""-" "-i nave Deen ' as couia not oDtameoK- - when Latimer heard the husband -was ln any other way, xhe seats wero coming home, he stopped us-1 nrraneC(1 around the outside of th I . f . visitors. . ,v,o Hr nnri .ho nniirn,. ho. i r . .iae rr.and & hearty welcome extended to ...s .... o . - - imu uim in uiu giucrica huu uie gan to feel loss of strength. The ccntro was kept for dancing, medical council had held that La- ,. . . . .. timer was guilty of administering drugs improperly to. Mrs. Oliver. Miss Bertha Gerard, R.N., arrived yesterday from Seattle, to spend a holiday with her sister, Mrs. A. M..Beattlo, and will be returning via Jasper Park. , - " . . .CHARLES DUNNING , ,, ' COMING HERE VANCOUVER, June 20: lion. Charles A. Dunning, mln- Ister of finance, will speak ln British Columbia during the present federal election cam- palgn some time after Pre- mler King's visit next month, it is announced. Prince Rupert Yacht Club, presided most efficiently and J. C. Brady, who presented the prizes, did so ln such a manner that the long ceremony was without a moment's dullness. Mayor Orme too was at his best and carried out his part with credit to the position he holds. The chief theme of the event was to Illustrate the friendly spirit of the two nations, United States and Canada. The aim was to make the visitors feel that they were not in a foreign country but just calling upon neighbors. Almost every speaker said something emphasizing this. The proceedings opened by the singing of "O Canada," "Ood Save the King" and "My Country Tls of Thee." A huge key to the city was presented to Richard Fro- the visitors in which he spoke of the friendship of 100 years which had existed between the people of Canada and United States. Mr. Frobocse replied and cx-(Contlnued on Page 4.) FISH SALES . i. Summary American 31,500 pounds, 10.8? and 7c and 11c and 6c. - Canadian 8,800' pounds,1 'lid' and 6c.' "' ' " American ' Leviathan, 27,000, Cold Storage, 10.8c and 7c. Wave, 7,500, holding over. Charlotte, 4,500, Cold Storage, 11c and 6c. ,v Canadian Unome, 5,800, Atlln, 10.7c and 8c. Morris H.. 5,000, holding over. Thor, 3,000, Atlln, 10.4c and 7c e'ring Turns Out at i fTerrace to Hear Speeches in Support oLLiberal,Cdidate phUjaH.MAj-'fof Prince Rupert and leader of the Liberal pafty.w British Columbia, and George S. Pearson, M.L.A. ior Nanaimo, opened the Liberal federal election campaign on behalf of Olof Hanson's candidature for the the office of Member of Parliament. A splendid reception was given all the speakers, particularly Mr. Pattullo whose first visit it was here slnceo ttt - he was officially chosen leader of quoted at 95?ic. jtne Opposition. That Olof Hanson ' -.has a large number of supporters here was also Indicated by the spontaneous enthusiasm that was manifested for his cause. The principal speakers were Mr. Pattullo and Mr. Pearson. R. W. Vol. 1. E. T. Kenney gave an Introductory speech. Mr. Pattullo and Mr. Tearson left on this mornings train for Prince Rupert where they will speak tonight befor proceeding to Anyox, Stewart and ?remlcr. The Political Corner Wednesday, June 26 In Her Time of Need "tual economic effect ln helping British trade at a time when "badly needed. No. 14, The London Times "The .Thundered" says: "The advantages offered by Canada to British Industry are "fered without any bargaining or corresponding concessions, and of- the ..spirit which prompted "them will be appreciated as much as their leir ac- ac-A-lp Is But Hon. R. B. Bennett, the Conservative leader says: "The Liberal preferential tariff offer to Great Britain cannot be "Justified without obtaining a quid pro quo." There is no doubt about it, English foreign trade is in a bad way. She has lost many ot her pre-war markets. High tariff walls have shut her out from doing business with many of her former customers. Her textile trades, her iron and stecl, trades andher fccabmlnlhg Industries are languishing. She lsTbowecT down with 'the greatest burden of taxation any country has ever known In order that she may pay her war debts and so maintain that perfect standard of International honor whose name Is "British." And our Tory friends say' to this Mother Country who has always stood with her navy between us and every foreign menace; who has paid those navy bills without a murmur; that country to which wo owe our freedom and liberty, our democratic Institutions and everything that is best ln us; we will not give you any trade preference unless you give us an equal preference in'TttbrnNo truck nor trade with Britain without A quid pro quo.frB. j Where are the Englishmen aridtno Scotsmen ln Canadagolri'g to stand In this election? When did the Mother Land ever call in her time of need and her sons sit mute? v Are we to bargain and haggle like a fish wife with that Mother Country over a trade preference? Are we going to demand a brick for a brick In our tariff walls with her, or arc we going to trust her? Are we going to endorse the re: gnanlmous preferential offer made to her by Mackenzie King, trusting that she will in her own good time reciprocate? When did she ever fall us? Listen to the voice of "The Thundered," and let us help her trade "at a time when help Is badly needed." At - i 4