PAGiS T7T0 DAILY EDITION The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Iturert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue , , ' H. F. PULLEN - it AIUSBinKyEditor MmM&m HI mam mm mm ) i, i saWftmsffluty SSI. flFrJday, October 10, 1930 BENNETT IN BRITAIN Undoubtedly Premier Bennett of Canada created a stir when he suggested ' as .the head of the Canadian Government that Britain' should impose a protective tariff against the world in order to properly qualify as a member of the British Empire. It was a daring thing to do. It was perhaps the first time that any dominion had attempted to force the hand of the home government in the matter of general fiscal policy. Yesterday the despatches brought a protest from the free trade element in Great Britain against such a policy but today the other side is heard from and it seems as if they are inclined to be with Bennett. British Conservatives who have in the past declared openly for free trade TVo of her Beer testes so good Beer is a wonderful tonic for overworked persons and those run down becauscof weak.impoverished blood, pure beer . . . made from excellent Canadian Uarlcy-Malt and finest grown B.C. golden hops combined with tonic properties, the beers listed below quickly aid fTOXJSH nature in restoring both mind and eSq'PS body to normal health and strength. R&H At nil Corrrnment Lt'uor aferriT.tll Stores and llvtr 1'nrton PILSENER LAGER PHOENIX EXPORT CLUE LQIEBON EXPORT 1 ins uUvcriiseciont is not u')!i.-iou or displayed by the Liquor Control Board o iij tlm Government of British Columbia. bO A I V TfL M PEWBINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton $12.00 MINEHEAD EGG Delivered, For Ton 12.50 MINEHEAI) LUMP Delivered, Per Ton . . . 13.50 PUKNITUKE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 C.N.R.T0 DO WORK Head Office Announces Emrcnt f;- Unemployment 'program For t1 Which Government . 4 Interest Planning Trip i R. Pays MONTREAL, Oct. 10: A new freight shed at Fort William to replace the structure destroyed by fire a few weeks ago, track laying of 140 miles of new branch lines on the prairie provinces and relaying of more than 100 miles of the company's ma'in line trackage In Western Canada, is provided for in the emergency construction projects of the Canadian National system announced at Montreal. These are the works specially undertaken after conferences between the government and the railways for the purpose of stimulating em- I ployment and business activities In the Dominion. , The Can-adian National already seem to be shifting their ground and lining up with the; has extensive works under way in ' j i j 1 i 1. 1 a. i. i.1 i. nruf Western AM Canada v.nn Jn -,in kA protectionists as iney unu puonc seiiuinem in mat country veering that way. HAS BENNETT A 31 AN DATE? Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King says Mr. Bennett has no, mandate to go to London with such a proposal, but we pftMrmt acrraa wifrh Hint Tf tlii Lncr pIppHnn wns rinr. n man. date for protection it is difficult to understand what sort ffitS: of mandate would be expected. Being a protectionist nim-fjs assuming interest charges for a ! self, Mr. Bennett tries to get the rest of the Empire of the limited period, is in addition to the I same mind so that there may be a protective union within program which the company had ' the Empire. It seems quite logical. f? ar,rang!d "is ; ' fall and winter, which has xt j. ii t j.i i r t- i. u. program Naturally, Mr. Bennett is speaking for his party, but inot yet been annourlC( bt whlcn j his party seems to have very much the upper hand today. j wui, . with ... the special . program ... now i TT- 1 il. A 1- 1- I ne is speaKing xor me country muca tne same as was i orougni iorwaro, proviae ior con-Mackenzie Kincr sueakmir for the countrv when he made struction and improvement activi- nrnnncolc rkravimialir Trio minrl nf rho Pnnnti-v cpoiyic in Ues m every section of the Domln nave cnangeu. If a ten per cent Empire tariff against the rest of the world is not in line with other protectionist views of the Conservative party, it is a logical extension which is fully justified under the circumstances. which win be pro ceeded with. These Include such projects as the construction of the hotels at Saskatoon and at Vancouver and the construction of the jtaew steamship docks at Vancouver so replace those recently destroyed ly fifo. Around World G. Cunningham to Visit Ireland, England and Scotland and Re- turn By Way of Suez ' R. O. Cunningham of Port Es-sington leaves tonight on a long I tour around the world and expects to return home some time nezti yar. He Is going'rflrst to. Ireland payR&ri ylU.wtth friends and : then ntins to vutt Enalahd. Scot land and the Chanel Islands. . Returning from London, he ex-! pects to take a liner by way of the Mediterranean and Suez Canal, calling at many ports in a leisurely vmy through the Indian Dcean. Chinese and Japanese waters and home by the Pacific. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Three piece chesterfield suite. Apply Box 52 Dally News Office. 242 A Public Sanger. Caught Disease Skin diieis threaten t every day. Iovhibte frrmi of blocxl poiton, eciema, etc., are waiting to infect the leatt cut or core place. The monev vou use Carrie germ, -you get litem on the Vtadlet, rail and itraps of the traimaat! Ureet ear, and in a acore iA other wivi. Soklr throagh Zam-buk, Mr. Henry C. Diwa, of Sooth 17th Street. Karniu City, U.S.A., baa )oat evaped a virulent type edema, contracted, he auapecU, toreugh u of pybtie towelt. M I bad medical advice," he aaya, " tried in addition all aorta of ao-called ecaema. remedies, without finding the hopad-(or reKef. Zam-trak treatment aoon gave positive results. It took away the painful irritation a ad quickly purified aad heated the deep troublesome aorta." HAVE YOU TRIED A CLASSIFIED? More and more people are turning to the classified col urans of the Daily News to find what they want. Used cars, furniture for Bale, lost and found, house to rent or for sale, positions wanted. All sorts nf things are advertised there. If you do not read the classified page, get the habit now. Try It today. HI i 1 i i V bu RUDY VALLEE and His CONNECTICUT YANKEES FOX TROT 22473 I LOVE YOU RUDY VALLieWZfif COrfNECTlCUT YAMKEES FOX TROT 22506 ANYOLDTIMt JIMMIE RODGERS VOCAL 22488 LITTLE WHITE LIES' WAWlttS PEMNSTlVAHIArtS FOX TR6r; 22492 JOHrlW MARVIN VOCAL 22S02 At Any Victor Dealer VICTOR TALKING MACH1NB COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED Atonlreal wvtvas McRae Bros, j Itecords, Victrolas, i Microsyuchronous Victor Radio NEW HOSPITAL ! AT SMITKERS Catholic Church Planning Building at That Town and Sisters i Looked Over Rupert Two slrtors of Providence of the Catholic Church who operate large hospitals in Vancouver and Seattle were here this week. Wh(Ietn Prlrice Rupert the sisters looked over the city and particularly the Catholic property and possible hospital sites and it is understood the possibility of a Catho- lie hospital at Prince Rupert was dtocusstd with them but no an-. nounceiaent of any kind was made. R. Saflwef,unj, c, P. R. travelling auiltor. ajrixed.lnithc citymthe Pnnceas Jtlctry this afternoon from j Vancouver and will sail on the Princess Louise tomorr,ow morning; for Skapmy- He Is in the north on ' official dttttcs. I 8. M. Andrews, district freight agent, Caaadlatv Paeiflc Railways, Vancouver, and Mrs. Andrews are ' in the city this afternoon on the Princess Mary aboard which vessel ; they are making the round trip j north. I ON NEW FLIGHT Pilot IIU1 Graliam Kound Frora No;ue to- Poiat Harrow to Oct j ' limn? Eskimo j NOME, Alaska, Oct. 10: In the first attempted airplane flight! from Nome to Point Barrow. Pilot j Bill Graham, with two men as guides, left yesterday to bring out m Insane Eskimo who is said to be very powerful und vicious. The Eskimo will be taken from here to the. U Iim:U OWtttO Uli viav mav aw tore navlgaUan cteses. Mail Schedule "or fhc Frtst Monday, Wednesday and Sat urday 10.30 am. From the East Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday 310 p.m. for Vancouver Tuesday 210 p. Sundays 9 p m. Thursday . p i Friday "T7j $ pM October 5, 15. and to'... pm i From Vancouver- Sunday - 4 pm Wednesday , 10j30 pm.j Friday '. p.m. Saturday lDfj a.m. October 11 and 32. For Anyox and Alice Arm j Sunday 7 pm.; Wednesday 3 pjn. ?rom Anyax and Alice Arm Trom Anyo and Stewart-Tuesday 11 JO am. Thursday 8 pm. For Naas Kirer and Tort Simpson-Sunday 7-pjn. From Naas River v and Port Simpson-Tuesday U10 a.m. For North Queen CharleCtes Saturdays r... 11 am. From North Queen Charlottes Sundays ' pjn. For Alaska Octobef 1, 11, and 33. From Alaska Oct 5, 15, and 36. Word has been received from ' George Ross, local taxi operator.) that he left Quebec on October 8" aboard the Empress of France for. Cherbourg. Jle. is bound for his na-j t-ve land JniJulgarla where he will spend the comlnElnter, VISA I I? gag Friday. Ocu. j;r a Nir to.mcht" ANT rocur THE ORIGINAL) This advertisement la not publlrtied or displayed by Control Doard or by the Government of British Columbia. ablr! Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Dolt!' t4 rwiutfej Wj WaiUs Crul ( Son Lpid. QmIkUicW BtlwM-CWliol DwArat, Dull. twliC1nii,Sillil. SOLD AT ALL GOVERNMENT LIQUOR STORES This advertisement is not published or displayed by ti Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ' ' .'. . ' . .. i .' .1- . ' w. DOMINION inlaid LINOLEUM "My Kitchen" How proudly you'll display the "work-shop" of your home . . . its gleaming enamel and paint and spotless drapes set off by the colourful and permanent Dominion Inlaid Linoleum floor you have chosen. It's the same with any room. Its appearance will be enhanced and your housework lessened from the minute Dominion Inlaid J Linoleum is laid on its floor. Delightful designs and colourings . . . original and appro priate ... to choose from, all made more beautiful by the lovely soft-lustre Domolac Finish. Dominion Inlaid Linoleum is j permanent because inlaid, easy to lay and to clean, odourless 1 and moderately priced. Other Beautiful Dominion Floors L-Dominion Printed Linoleum and Dominion Linoleum Rus offer lovely and appropriate designs for every room. Durable, practical, work-sav-ing and sold, of course, at popular prices. drri ess wss Z imlr. u"'"'m' 'At House Furnishing and Dtptrtmtntal Storti,