m mm k : 1 1 find that Kellogg'a.Corn Hakes, arc ideal for the children's supper. Wholesome. Easy to digest. Packed with flavor and crispness! Millions of mothers prefer crisp Kellogg's every day. CORN FLAKES A JTeleoma for break fait, lunch and dinner MEETING ON WHIST Annual League Gathering Last Night Louis Richardson Is Elected President There will be at least eight teams in the mep's section of the Fraternal Whist League this winter. So far only two teams entered in the ladies' section. Unless at least four come in, the competition will be suspended. The annual meeting of the Whist League was held last night in the City Hall with the retiring president; Aid. Q. W. Radderham, in the abate. The eisetten of officers for 1730-31 resulted as follows: President, Louis Richardson. First vice-president, Joseph Howe. Second vice-president, Mrs. F. E. Wermlg. Secretary-treasurer, F. E. Wer-mtg. The teams entered in the men's section already are: Oddfellows, Moose, Lief Brikaon, Dry Dock, Seal (Jove, Six Musketeers, Grotto and Wanderers. The Wariberers team consists of a group of Scotsmen organised by Aid. S. D. Macdonald. The Canadian Legion has yet to be heasd from and, it they enter a team the Grotto will place a second team in the competition. The Eleva- CORN MELON SPLIT Philadelphia Athletics Get About $5,009 Each From World Series; Cardinals, $3,000' PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 10: The victory of the Philadelphia Athletics in the world series gave them, the winners' end of. the money or approximately. $5,000 per man,, figured on the basis of their to tar of $136,207 being split into 27 shares. The St Louis Cardinals, losers in the world series, will get approximately $3,053 each, figuring their purse of $90,684. 1 tor will, not be entering a team this winter. : Entries for both, the men's and the ladies' sections will close on' October 17. The ladies' teams already entered, are the Moose? and one sponsored by Mrs. F. E. Wermlg and not, as yet, given a namei Un- there will be no play thl winter in the ladies' section. If there are ten teams entered in the men's section, the season's play will start on October 23, In: the event of there being only- eight teams play will not start until No vember 6, lociety Circus i Dance in Aid of New Gymnasium Fund 6c. Last night's tickets good- foe tonight The Empress Social Club an American -v -Str PAGE F0U3 TTIR nAtLT NEWS' : n i ' Y.Uu Hi you'll ' Sport News. When nerves sarelrtA NT t.f : BOXING ON NEXT WEEK Series ef Smokers at Empress Social i Defeated Wednesday nounces that a boxing smoker will be held in their club gymnasium on Wednesday, October 15, this to be the first of a series of boxing exhi bitions to be undertaken by the club during the winter months. An attractive list of bouts has been arranged for the opening show and Includes some of the best of local. talentt There will be some thirty rounds of: boxing in all, and a com plete list of bouts will be announced! shortly. The club has recently made ex tensive alterations in their dub rooms and their boxing gymnasium is large enough to seat a fair crowd of f ans. FISHSALES Summary American 153,600 pounds, 92c and 5c to 12.2c and 6c. Canadian 13,700 pounds, 10.1 and 5c to 15.1c and 6c. Liberty, 52,000, Booth, 9.2c and 5c. Yakutat; 25.000. Cold Storage, 10.Cc and' 25a Portloek, 32v00Cv Attin, 10.4c and 5c. Norby; 24,000 Cold! Storage. 10.- 5C:and 5c: Tordenskjdld. 20,000, Royal, 10.4e and1 Sc,:,, , Sunset,. 4LC00. offered 9c and 5e left for Seattle. Brave. 5,000, and Jac, 600. Cold Storage, 122c and 6c. Onah. 6.000, offered 115c and 6: heading over. H. Canadian Gulvick, 200, Royal, "12.6c FINAL TONIGHT, OCTOBER 9 Commencinir at 8 pr.nu Doors open at 7d0 and" fun begins at once SPLENDID MUSIC, FUN, FROLIC AND DELIGHT: PLENTY OF SIDESHOWS Remainder of Prizes to be draibh TO-NIGHT Entrance fee of 50c includes chance in the biggest mammoth drawing Prince Itupert has. known and Fanny F. 2j000. and Mayflower. less at least two more teams, e1nterJ,Jj!fl0,!tyn,,i10.1c and 5c. Genyv (3,200. Coed Stoiage. 10.6o and '5c. 1 Edward Lipsett. 3,000, offered 10.1c and 5c. holding over. Prince Olev, Cold Storage, 15.1c and 6c. . V VKA TWV - IMAIKIlb TAmm winners Tetv-gleven. Ten-Elevens Ten-Elevens In In High 'l IKJf Club Club to to Commence Commence on on School School Football Football I 'Mf Vm T-S. The Matric-CommerciaLs edfeat"- ed the Ten-Elevens one to nothing yesterday in the most keenly oon-sJ tested game of the High School-Inter-Class Soccer Leaguei Good' football was evident throughout) the game although the ball wasi sent out of play too frequently. J The Matric-Commercials, with the slope in their favor, began, to-press at once. For a long time the play was kept near the Ten-Eleven goal. However, Carl Smith was sure at full-back and no score resulted. At last the effective work of the backs and of Cameron gave the Junior forward line its chance. his kick was productive of long gains for the older boys. McMeekin and Comadino were rood half-baeka, meeting the play and press ing at all times. The opposing wing halfs, Rce and Bart'.ett were likewise steadily In the game. The first half produced no score Play had been remarkably even the weight and aggreasiveiwi of the seniors being counterbalanced by better team co-operation between, the, The second period opened with bath, sides showing real determin ation to score. The Ten-Elevens swept in again and again with a Ola? that seemed destined to pro duce a score. Three times Wilson anted' the ball (sawn his side of the f &ld, made a perfect pass to ;4he centre. Cameron received it properly and passed to Kanaya, or Palmer. But the seniors were checking closely. Thurber; Vance and MsMeekin were quick, to clear, the bait. Ross was active In going to j meet each attack. The whole back division showed quiek decision in doing something 'with the ball rather char. le( it go Viking L., 2.500. arrived too lawttneo the goal. They sent the lifor. sale. ball behind their own goal line re peatedly. Goalie Stinech was tested many times and not found wanting. Balked on the right, the i J unions attacked on the left. Mox- ! ley was always dangerous although j he hesitated just a shade too long jln passing back to centre and" thereby lost his advantage. Th senior forwards were now getting into good understanding with eaeh other. Their play swept' from wing to wing with Clark and Thomas as pivots of each manoeuvre. Murray, McRae and Johnson were ready for these attacks and with the steadying influence of Siaith. turned back, the senior line. However, there was one flaw in thir system which was finally to pa 'e the way lor their opponent's 'score Thev too frequently backed up on their own goal mouth instead of rushing forward to meet the play. This movement permitted Bremneti to lie well up the field- i without being offside. Thurber sent him the ball. He quickly centred to Clark who shoved it over to Do-i minute. The latter was quick to pass the ball over to Thomas who shot.. Gealle Allen had made repeated saves but this time the play was hi dfrom him by, Jus own team- j mates who were backing, up Instead of rushing to meet the ball The resultant goal won the game. Matric-Commercials Stinech-,. Vance, Unger; McMeekin, Thurbew captain), Comadino (first half of,'. game i. Ross (second half of game), Br'mner, Dominate, Clark,. Thomas, Morrison. Ten-Elevens AllenLjQ. SmUh, E.i iionnsun; parueu.tjvimrBy, ivitriMtj Ricr .(Iirst hall ot;BMnfc Wilson- (second nan 01 game), itanaya, Cameron, Palmer, Moxley. i Changes were allowed lm the-) teams to allow all boys who had1 turned out for their class a chance, to play.. Roy Wioks and Walter Cross handled the lines very capably. Harry ailliland refereed. Members of the crew of the ss. Prince Charles, which has beeit tied up in the local dry dock tor the winter, "sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver. 11 ii rt. a Mmm.-v i r 1 t WARNING Do not confute Ovlrin with any other product. Ovaltine hai the enddrwment of the tcientific world. It i the lupreme tonic food beverage. L0GAL ITEMS Away they went with the oombina- j tlon which won them the last game,. Mrs. J. P. Cade sailed last night in full force. Kanaya was notably on the Prince George for a trip li good, Palmer was clever with the Vancouver. ball but he repeatedly kept It too' j",' long His failure to pass was fatal J: Tne to m 8t An. for Thurber stopped him again -and c HaU thu again, and sent the ball down Uie b ptponed until Friday A ,...iL.n- in.i, tni k '.next. seniors at this time. Unger missed the ball a few times but as a rule R. G. Cunningham of Port Es-sington arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the Skeena River for a brief visit in town. at FRASER Spun Silk 350 yards of our usual good quality Spun Silk in shades of Apple Oreen. Rose, Sand. Pidgeon Blood. Saxe Blue. Orchid, Malae, Black. White. Navy Q.J 2i yards for AaUU Rayon Silk Brocade 250 yard ,Ra)bn Brocade in shades of niuiv, wauu, mnwc ABaorted designs. 3 yards Towels Cretonne $1.00 Whitojf Tujkieh Tawela, checks and Mm larite'tfaeOxiO lhchM Erii.nt mMiifv utluiaB vaiue- ee pair i towels foir 31.00 Shadowette Cretonne, assorted designs, fast colors). Splendid quality. 6 yards for 51.00 Ladies' Silk Rose s M J I Harvey Hose, every pair perfect. Air new fall shades. Heavy ilk plaited on Lisle, mock, fashion and seamless A A 8V4 to 10. 2 palm for tpJLaU" that thev reaulre nourishment anA .... - - tjk. Ovaltihesupplies all the nutritives essential to dm I nerveJiealth. It is anaturalj wholesome food bev S scientifically prepared from fresh cbej, rirti - 1 mill:, and ripe barley malt. Physicians throughout J world recommend Ovaltine to nerve-ridden pttil Feed your nerves with this nutritious food bevtnJ sailed last !ivt secrelarv George for lumbla As o i city from Pi ;r afternoun 8ergt. O. J. Duncan, transferred in the provlaelal police service from bare to Pontktea, will sail on the BrtneMa Mary teriat for th south, accompanied ky Mrs. Duncan and family. Vic of the Tamale parlor wlche to inttan his many patron thT be has boagat all the Mr hick-ena on, BUI Sanch, in.' Is prepared to give his rustomtv a sweeter and more Julf-y tamai-owing to the poultry bvi! ir.i:--fed. 716 Fulton St. Phone "HO i: : Mrs. K. Hudson, who has bean Dr. Gordon Matthews o Van visiting here with her daughter couver and C & ast night 01. 'or Vancouver T north in conin lurai lectures u )f th Sun LIT" IT RETURMNo TOM0I5 M (' S. Vfc ' -.' ci to th' !f!hp-' wih Cm-p' i-Jiif-i of ii. i . r " .;"!"; back : ' r: ) Til' cic .Hon 0. 11 Sutlx Inutlonal def-pr J. Fletrher. execu-'Ottawa 'at the in SATURDAY PAYNES Ladies' Vests Moodte. Wo !t"s winter weight m.-loe. taiic r. ;i top. 34 2 vestu lor Ladies' Cashmere Hose LadleF Purr W nil farniwd Wi'sry Pure botany wool per palr Caahmere II assorts $1.0(1 Table Napkins Damask Tatle Nopkina, snow i- ble blcai u i de.su' le.Mi' r r mea te.xdy iff u;e. Assorted good qu-.'lity. Shw 18x18 6 napkins lor $1.00 Tea or Glass Cloths Pur Linen made in Inland Red Tea or Glaas. full Ext a ')od value. 4 towels Lei! $1.00 Table Damask Blcaclw Whltf 78 inches wide Onn yniy. Kxt-a hf-avy quality. ReguU) teguwr 11.00 yard. Dollar Day Special. 1 1 2 yards for Ladies' Silk Bloomers Mercury make delustered 8Uk. Free tunning elastic tailored style. Plcot trim assorted shades. $1.05 quality. Dollar Day Special ... $1.00 tFrldaj OVflLTINB- TONIC FOOD BEVERACll Guilds -up Dniri,NQAwe andlM At ell tooJ stern, In 50r, 75r, J1.25 tnJ hmd u Mrs. S. C. Thomson, nighl on the Prince Vancouver. jamny me tim; tmo tervru ti wat jounlunt. $1.06 SEE OUR WINDOWS FMDAY FOB DM.I.AK DAY SPECIALS rRASER & PAYNE - - Third Ave. & Sixth St- si HOI Pi CAP FIV B FL; I TO 1 FT' I F".