Friday. October 10, 1930. THZ DAILY NEWS PAOB Fivi Classified Advertisements. business and Professional Men s Guide. Legal Notices, AN IDLE ROOM MAY BE TURNED INTO-A-REVENUE; PRODUCER TRY A DAILY NEWS FOR RENT AD. SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSEWORK by hour or day. Phono Green 471. 537 CAPABLE man, with one chllrt, would like portion as Janitor or rare taker. Needs work badly. Apply Box 51, Dally News Office. 23 FOR RENT FIVE roomed flat for rent. Phone Blue 345. tf. FLAT FOR RENT Wallace Bloclc.; Enquire store. tf FOR RENT 213 Fourth Ave. East. Modern. Furnished. 237 FURNISHED FLAT, 4 rooms ant bath. Phone 547. tt FOR RENT Furnished room, board optional. Phone 543. I FOR RENT Modern Flat, kitchen range. Westenhaver Bros. tf FOR RENT Furnished suite, two rooms. Fhone Mussallem Grocery. (tf) FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms by day. week or month. Phone Red 007. tf FOR RENT nine-room flat close to Bath moderate rental. Westenhaver Bros. tf FOR SALE FIHCE REDUCED The price 'A the launch Owen is reduced to 300 for quick sale. This Is tht best buy on the market Cylinder re "Hilly re-bored and new ring?, in tilled Pullen. DaHy News. U BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phipne Black 707. tf NEEDLEWORK HEMSTITCHING, Mrs. Fefcsby. Phone Red 315. 1X)ST LOST October 1, large petket dim if. rontainlng valuable papers name Inside folder, Oeorne Elhisspn. Finder please notify Burns St Company. Reward. FOUND FOUND Motorcycle key. Owner -uy have same by calling at tb Daily News and paftag for this :idverU.';mfcnt To Rent Cosy Two& Three Roomed Apartments Frne use of electric light and washer RontaU: $10 to $16 monthly DYER APARTMENTS 3RD AVE. lU'.l'AltTMIAT F THK KlXUETAKV OK HTATK Krparatloni tn ntnwT a imtine that appear ed in lie Press, dated the 18th day of I .r..n,iv, iuir uklns those OI tm ivn pitpulnUon of Canada, wnd m 0n subjected to loss and pecu-juiry tlnmuge arlBliiK from te deatruc-u. in oi life end property during thr ii t.. war through the Illegal warfare ol u. enemy, to fHe claims tor eompea-saiiori with this Department. I'tiblir notice la hereay given ht by an Ore i uf His BxoHlenay the oover-i :".r CMDinral In OouuctL dated tlie SUil cinv m ecpiember 130, the undersigned t initiiiMonw was appointed lor the l urpiike of continuing and eompletu a; r:nuiry and reporting upon all Kuril diums. which have no hereto- re bnrn rMkoiKid of In Ute report o tt:. previuiu Reparation Oowmtsslone1 auted i:l ic 14th day of Deoember 1931. IiMrurtlous respeottaf the method ot Hints and the proof to be furnished may be obtained from the undersigned. Tbi in! t day on which claim will tor ai i-rpuxi lor conatderaUon Is the 1st day i i Knvm4xr 1990. ERROL M. UcDOUOAIJ RenarHta Oommlwlonef. ItoomK 301-8. Trafalgar "eulldtng, Ottawa. Brutember 17. 11O0. 239 Get the Ad. Pays. , , reading habit. H . . LAX" ACT " , Notloe of Intention to apply to Ia Foreshore In C&aalar District Land Reoordlng DUtrlct of Prlnc Rupert, and altuats on Dog Fiah Bay on Portland Canal. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd., ol Vancouver, B.C., occupation Ftsh Packers Intend to apply for a lease of tfae following described foreshore : Commencing at a post planted at the North west corner poat of Lot 62d Oasslar, thence 1 chain Wet to high water mark; thence South 10 cbalm; thence East 10 chains; thence North 3 obalns more or lew. to high water mark; thence North westerly along high water mark to point of commencement , and containing 8 acres, more or lest. THE CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD per A. H. Holland, Agent. Dated Sept. 5th, 1930 LAM ACT Nttlce of Intention to apply to Leate Foreshore In Gaasiar District Land Recording swu-ici n rrinoe Kuperx. ana aituate on Dog Flab Bar on Portland Canal Take notloe that The Canadian Fish ing Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C., occupation Pish Packers Intend to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at at the South west corner of Lot 677 Oaaslar District; thence West t chains; thence North 10 chains; thence East chains more or less to high water mark; thenco South westerly following nign water mars to point ox commencement; and containing 6 acres, more or less. THI CANADIAN FI8HIKO CO. LTD per A. H. Hotlaas. Agent. Dated Segrt. Sth, 1880. LAMl ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leaoe Foreshore In Range S, Coast DWtrtet, Land Re-cording District of Prince Rupert, and situate en the West shore of Dunda Island. S miles South east of the meet westerly of the White Mand Oroup. Take notice that The C.-nadlan Fishing Co. Ltd., of Vancouver, BC, occu pation Fish Packers Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreabore: Osanmanclas: at a cost nlanted at the Sf? t!nJ0 3?7 i tilonnd., htghwnter bund opposite on Oreen Island SLS-J!?. eTJrnriiJTrt; ZZZ 1 North west 10 chains: thence South 6 thence South east iZZZJZL;ZL?L ""U. !TJ. thence North east 6 hau enrniBiing a acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO LTD per A U. Holland. Agent. Dated Sept. 1st. ltSfl. L.1MI ACT Notice of Intention te affly to Leeae Fofesbnre In Range B. Oeaat DMflet. Land Re cording District ef Pihm Rupert, and situate on the Mastb eM of Haystack snans. - Take ftWe that TM Oanadfta FMtfb tef Co. Lac of Vsneoerer. BC. oceu-pmou rum Faefcers inteMts to apply for a lease of the MJowtog desartbe1 foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at cement monument on the North-west earner f Haystack MaML IStence north s DMm: thence nset SO ohasna; thence South S chains, note sr leas to hick water mark: thenee emrta-weaterly, following high water mark, to polrr. ef cement, and oontnmnc a acm more or lew. THE CANADIAN FISHfNO CO. LTD ear A. H. Holland. AaerC. Dated Sept. 7th. IMP. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Ranae S, Coast District. Land Recording Dutrlot of Prince Rupert, and situate o the South end of Haystack Take notice that The Canadian Flah- k9f Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver, occupation Fish Packers intends to apply for a lease of the following eeacrtfced fomshore: Wommenrtm at a nsat planted at the mil saet oamer cf Haystack Island: thence South S halna: thence West 10 chains; thence North 6 chains, more or sms to high wwter mark: thrnaa Soutli-1 easterly, faeosnng high wa,to 4ark tol point of oa asnssmft. ,gnoOontalu-l IE CANADIAN prSHINO CO. LTD. pre A. H. HafUad. Agent Paten Sept. 7th, MPS LAMI ACT Netloc of latantton to apply to Lease mrraiMm In Bnnte I, Coast Dlitrlct. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and slliialt em the West eh are mt the matt westerly of Wttte Uand Orouo. l and one-hair miles west of the Arnlstoo4 point. Dun das bland Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Oo. Ltd.. ef Yanceuver. BC, occupation Flah Pacttrs Intends to apply for a leaee of the foUowlng described Commencing at a post planted on North west oorner of the most westerly of the White Mand Oroup. tbenoe irtith 10 chains; thence VTeat t chains, thenee North Ml chains; thence Bast t chains and containing t acres, more or loss. THE CANADIAN FISHINO OO. LTD. per A. H. Honand, Agent. Dated September otn, lao. BRINGING UP MAGGIE J05T f MIMUTE A IT- j) 1 WAMT i i WCL LAM Af 'T Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore r. In Range S, Coast District, Land Recording District of Ptinoe Rupert, and situate on 2ayas Island of Wt show Una, 1 and one-quarter miles south of (be ntrtb west comer of the Island. Take notloe that The Canadian Fishing On. Ltd., of Vancouver. B.C, occupation Fish Packers Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore'. Commencing at a post planted 1 anl one-quarter miles south of the North west corner of Eayas Island; tbense Nortti eet 10 chains: tbence West S chains; thence SeuUt west 10 chains: thence East S chains and containing 3 acres, move or less. THE CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD. per A. If. Holland. Agent. Dated Sept. 1st. 1830. LAND ACT .Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Range S, Coast Dlitrlct, Land Re-cording District of Prince Rupert, ane situate on Zayos Island, one-quarter xJt a mile North east of the 8ottM) ea Take nottee that The OsBadiaa Fishing Co. Ltd of Vancouver. B.C oceu-KM FMi Packers Intends to apply tar, a inns. of. the Xoilowtng described' lores n ore: flpmmenetng at a post planted one-srinrttr f mile North east of the South' least' corner of ' - Zayaa Island; thence North east 10. chains; thence South east S chains; thence south west 10 chains: thenee North west S chains; m& iconfainlng 6 acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD per A. H. Holland, Agent. Dated Sept. 1st. 1830. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leae Foreshore In Range S, Coast District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, snt situate on the East shore of DuBdaa Island opposite Oreen Island Lighthouse, Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd, of Vancouver, BC. occupation Fish Packers intends to apply for a leeiw of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at mark the Eat shore jf thence East r chains: thence North IC chains; thence West t obalns loontstninit & rr. mrv. tm THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. Holland. Agent. uatea mm. era. iliio, ,, .,4 eJ n a ts i iWiiUrT Notice of IntentlMfto apply to Lease PorShore In Range S. Coast Dtetrtet, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, irl annate at Barttet Mm on the south mls nouce uh ine isnwn nan-ing Co Ltd.. of aaeouTer. BC. oecu-patlon Fiah Packers Intends to apply for a lease of the foBowteg described foreshore: Commencing at a pos , planted at Bartlett Point, on South ' Vest share of Wales bland, thence Wt it 5 chains: thence South 10 chains: timce Bast 10 chain to high water mark; thenrs north westerly foU owing ' high -.water asek. and containing 10 acres, more cr THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD per A. H. Holland. Agent Sated Sept. 7th. 1BS0. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease In Range 5 Coast Dietiiet, Land Receding District of Prince Rupert, and ntuate on m unnamed lataad lying nr mile North of Haystack Island. Teke notice that The Cnnadtan Flah-'ng Oo. Ltd.. of Vancouver. DC. oeeu-mtion Fish Packers Intentfa to apply tar a lease of the teUowing described 'areabore: Commencing at a post planted on an unnamed laland anproatmately one-inarter of a mile North and one-half ft a mile West of Lot 6092 R. S Ooan vhenoe West S chains: thence South 10 i,-wlns; thence. East 5 chains more or as ft More Una: thence North westerly -fon'Mgb vmter matk Vo point of -ommeneament and oottalaiHg i aoret, TrT CANADIAN FWtnNO CO. LTD per A..H. Holland. Agent. Tatdd Bot 4th. 180 j iKF.iiNA uxsn- nr.ctmniNa nisTRin Tsk MSlre tkat Mu. RrHlih rvlum. na Flahtng tt Paekteg Company, Ltd. M Vancouver. B.C.. occupation. tW ackers intends to apply for a leas at -he following described foreshore, situ--te on Naas Harbour, frontiog on Lot S. "ange A. Coast District: Commencing M post planted on the east aide ofNau tarbour, thence west 15 ehatni. more or eta. t the opposite abore; thence southerly, easterly, and northerly, fol- owing high water mark, to the point of -ommenoement. and containing twenty Ive acres, more or leas "feted 9th August. 1S0. ..f;.";.01' ent BRITISH n.TCIT COLUMBIA rtSHINO A PACKINO CO, LTD. FATHER THtMK OF ALU Or THE society PEOPLE VflU.BE ONl THK lTtTAMSmP'LA TnBUNU A AMO VJlLU MEET OM lM'T THAT JOT VOSlDERFOL"? I MOjT OO A LOT OF liiA'fE V06' BOpaWTf 1 S'OlSRTrMtNOO ET MOTTMER? Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Sunday sa. Pr. Rupert 10 pm. Sunday ss. Prince Charles pjn, Tuesday ss, Catala .... 3.30 pm. Thursday ss. Pr.- George 10 pjn. Friday ss. Prl. Maqulnna 10 pjn. ss. Cardena, 12 midnight Oct. 5 ss. Prln. Louise ....pjn. Oct. 15 ss. Prln. Louise pm. Oct. 26 ss. Prln. Louise pm. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 pm. Wed. ss. Pr. George -..10.30 a.m Friday ss. Cardena pin. Friday ssPri. Maqulnna, 4 pjn. Satur. ss. Pr. Rupert, 10:30 a.m. Oct. 11 ss. Princess Louise a.m. Oct. 22 ss. Princess Louise ajn. For Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. From Naat River and Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala 11 JO am. For Stewart and Prrmlcr Sunday ss. Catala, 8 pjn. Wednesday ss. P. George 4 pjn. Saturday ss. Pr. Rupert 4 pjn. From Stewart and Premier Sunday . Prince Rupert 8 pjn. Tuesday ss. Catala ....11.30 ajn. Thurs. ss. Prince George 8 pjn. For Ocean Falls Sun. ss. Prince Rupert 10 pjn. Thurs. ss. Prince George 10 pja. Friday ss. Pr.' Maqulnna 10 pjn. From Ocean Falls Wed- s. Pr. George 10:30 ajn. Friday ss. Pr. Maqulnna 4 pjn. ss. Cardena .pjn. Satur ss. Pr. Rupert 10:30 ajn. For North Queen Charlottes Satur. ss. Prince Charles noon From North Queen Charlottes i Sunday?. Prince Charles pjn. For South Queen, Charlottes Monday ss. Pi. William, 8 pjn From South Qneen Charlottes Thurs. ss. Prince William, an. Satur.-. Prince Charted ajn. For Alaska Satur. s. Prince Rupert 4 pjn. Oet. 11 ss. Princes Louise axo Oct. 22 ss. Princess Louise am From Alaska-Sunday ss. Prince Rupert 8 pjn. Oct. 5 ss. Prlneens Louise pjn Oct 15 ss. Princess Louise pjn. Oct. 22 ss. Princess Louise pjn. From Skeena River Friday ss. Cardena pja. For Anyox and Alice Arm-Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. Wednesday ss. Pr. George 4 pjn. From Anyox and Alice Arm Tuesday ss. Catala, .. .11:30 ajn. Thurs. ss. Prince Oeorge 8 pju. LAM) ACT Notloe of Intention to apply to Least .Foreshore In Range J, Coast District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the South west Shore of Waits Island, opposite The Pssctor It- Take aovke that The Oanedtaa Fish ing Oo. Ltd, of Vancouver. BC occupation Flah Packers Intends to appl) fgr a lease of the foUowlng deacrlbed foreshore : Commencing at a poat planted on South Weat shore of Wales laland Sr,p0,tt th Procor Wanda; thence WMt 10 chains: thence North 10 chains enee East 8 chains more or less to r aaark: t better South east- along high water mark tolnt of oommencement and soatatnlng 8 acres : wore or jesa. 1 THE CANADIAN nSHINO OO. LTD, per A. H HollSAt, Agent Dated Sept. tin. 180. Wrjpawii-' n LT W THE WAY TO BUILD HEALTH and to maintain it, Is to get the benefit of our chiropractic adjustments. By relieving the pressure at certain points on your spine, and restoring the nerves to their normal activities, all bodily disturbances are relieved and often cured. W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) Phone Green 241 6 & 7 Exchange Blk. (OppTOimeV STEAM BATHS 204 Cth Street Phone Black Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel Ladies from 2 pjn. to 9 pjn. Gents, from ... 10 ajn. to 10 pjn Hunt's Furniture & Upholstry The Store of Quality" Complete House Furnishings Terms Arranged G. M. HUNT Third Avenue, Phone Red 637 LAND REQiaiHY, ACT '.e:i".riu i Re: Certtfieatet cJ"TIU NO. 3891-1 to Lots Twen&tafhree 23l Knd Twentv- four (24). EBack feeventeen (174, Beo- uon Six . City of Prince Rupert, Map rta. WHBBBAS aatlafactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of John Gordon has been filed in this ottlce. notice It hereby given that I shall at the expiration of cne month from the first day of publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of the said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection 4 made to me In writ j ing. "fi, ,t tb'iMyth offle. Prtno !)hnA Rupesar BunastP It BfiioSs M - J. Jki daVif SLi: Prince Bupert. B.C . this rSrd dae of October. 1980. - HJ F MaeLBOD. Sot.-t-nav 1. .Registrar. LtXIi ACT Xotke ef Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Sttklne Land Record las Dis trict of Oasalar District, and aituate uncut three miles and one-half south of Tttsequah Post Office on Taku River. Take notice that I. William Strang. 3f Tulaequah. B.C, occupation mereh- ant. In tends to apply tor a lease ef tb louowing aeecrwed lands: Commencing at a post planted on oand of a slough, thence touth 80 chains: thenee east 40 chains: thence north 86 chnhu: thence west 40 chain. and containing gtO scree, more or leas. WILLIAM STRONG) Onted Aucust 15. ISSO. HAND ACT Nfttlre of Intention to Spply land . In the Sttkine Land Ttecordlnit. -net oi vwisiar uiasoev- at ibout three DHn and enll Tulaequah Posf OiTlce n Tt Take nottep Chat I. Oeorge if TnleenusB B.C, oofnpatlon sj-eptt hstends to apply fhr a lease of the foUewing deaerfbed lands Commencing at a post planted oh hank of slough, thence south 80 chains-thence east 40 chamc thence north 89 chain: thenee west 40 chains, and eontalnlng 830 acres, more or less. OBORaZ BOBBINS Dated August M. lPtS. C. N. R. TRAINS Frem Bast Swndaya, " Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30 pm. For Bastr Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 11:90 am. nwk-i Prince Rupert . School of Music , Tall Term Begins September 2 rroifswr ana learner oi vioun ana Piano. Orchestra Practice Tuesdays and Fridays. Telephone 674 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Room 10 Smith Block Courses in Technical and Engineering Training. Write or Phone Local Agent for information. Box 15S- F. J. Boutell Phone 7S8 JITNEY SERVICE Between Port Clements and Queen .Charlotte City. Mondavi and Saturday. Leavrs-iHert Clements. JUfl a.m. ((frOrsaj-Mte I JO p... lrrarh. Roand trip $6. L. nrTT!C Port (linnt MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading: . While House 325 Second Ave. Telephone 767 Silversides Bros, j WAIXPAPERS FAINTS Window Glin , i Picture Frame Mouldings THIRD AVENUE PHONE SALVACK AKP TOWlNfi "If it's 'on or under the water we do If I Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Ful'y Equipped for Diving andj General Salvage Work J Boats and Scows of all deserip-j tkins for Charter ! Row Boats and Canoes for Hire j Bargains in Gas Engines ! Agents for EASTHOPC KNGINK? Northern B.C. Distrtoutors Coolidje Propellers Sand and Gravel in any quantity. deMwd anywhere by water Phone, Day or NljrM 51 P.O Box 1564 AUCTIONEER PRINCERUPERT AUCTION MART We bur, aril or exchange any k!ndrafj,furnlture or houserraki . goodtousical instruments ma rJimeTT tc. Oeneral repairs, crating packing and shipping Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone .Black 120 and we win call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer., Federal Block. tf SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Hand Goods Boueht, Sold or Exchanrrd W. H. Montgomery ' 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 339 '! ! Oet quick results with a want ac 1 By SACf TO feAf VVAMT .UP-TMAT TRVIKI BBSS II r '-,T-siaHil ZZ ; ' "TT fc,1J51 TVLarrRC tMSU II III I l"tk.yl v SI WTfc f I j( Bl) K 1 '"n ''"' SfrviCT. Inc.. I,HI brium r.W. :mrt ,.wtos;-; FREE SUIT . With each suit' thoroughly cleaned and pressed, you get a chance to win a high-class custom made suit. Your choice from largest range cf best materials. Sec Wm. Auld WEE TAILOR SHOP Opp. Post Office Phone 577 TYPEWRITERS . Ne nthrr vniae sea approach the prctal REBUILT UNDERWOOD S $75.00 Very eaoy term AH other make from $13.00 81'NIMTKANlt APDINO a; MACHINES United Typewriter Co. Ltd. VANCOUVER, at A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale & Retail Plate, Window and Ornamental Glass. Wallpaper, Wallfelts, Mures co Brushes, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Painters and Paperhangers' Supplies. Phone Red 53 P.O. Box 459 330 Second Ave., Prince Rupert 'Ray Oil Burner SAFE SILENT ECONOMICAL See me now WALTER LONGWILL Heating Engineer Phone 584 P. O. Box 730 Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payments As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to buy than rent MettAE BROS. LTD. isrfin mil h LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team oi Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. ii .JISMSJWIIS.aJVIUlia Chimney Sweep Chimneys swept and repaired pna'es and stoves cleaned and( , repaired, uenenu nanayman. Phone Ml Night phone Blue 713 H. J. ZUMKEIIR George McManus f ii j. MAflQlB 1 JOT WAKJT THAT THSi QoftT fOO TOCO OM 1 FM-LMJ WHAT TVt WiSM TO TSU.L TOO ML OAT