bntary 19, 1930. FECIAL :;-ii2o Tooth Paste, 1 Meritas Tooth fffti'f -70c Value for . tWC 50c Value for . ; . dUC ',.TE AND CUP SET 7f& I COAL PHONES 43 AND 385 n'' the real Coal our fa-"""! Edson and Cassldy-"''I'li-rlonln any quantities. 'XK Bulkley Valley Hay. ''""I und Robin Hood Flour. pn,ce Ruperl Feed Co ''"ONES 68 AND 558 Chi M' H IVI IML Pioneer Drttocjists Ml; ' ,i L t Jin ll -J I. l.L.L.1 iwm.j i I, Vj Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Kalllnei I ruin Prlnc Rupert i VI K. VICTORIA. Kwiiiiwri Bay. Iiutnlulr. can lull, Alert .I-. Tiirxday. l:Su pjii. m M.u. Ml IIIKM. UulrUjl. Alert a. Hr . Friday inUttlcht VKM ANVOX. riTIIWAIlT N' Wtt. ftH HMMoa. ! . nui B M SMltll mt Prince tupcrt. B C nfl, rirkeU wild to Victoria and Hea.ttle .and bOe tuefked .ir4tintln ,..... .. Special Round Trip Excursion Rates Will Dc In Effect From . r i MRER 25 AND GOOD UNTIL MARCH 31 ji ilier Information Enquire At Local Office B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Bkstgway -bruary 8th 32nd. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle f .iruary 12th, 26th. Princess MaryOcean Palls. eta Vancouver and victoria every Friday, 10 pm. rip Excursion tickets Prince Rupert-Vancouver and Victoria, 518.CK). Agents For All Steamship Unes-l.inl. f.rnr-at Arent. Srd Ave Prlnee Rupert, Phone 31 AN AO IAN NATI i us. jaitMMsMM sjmsjmsssi sWsMssnssssMsTiwi-i 1 mmmmmmm DNAL Urged Railway SyJlcm in America STEAMSHIP AND Tit A IN SERVICE Irum TR1NCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, V1C-Sf ATTI.E, and tnirrmediate pstints, TKursday 10 pjsi? OS and STEWART each Wednesdav at 4 pjn. .r h und South Queen Charlotte I stands fwrtnigtiUy. ! Tri Excursion Tickets Prince llupert-Vacouw, and Victoria, $10.00 ' v.KK mi leavi: 1'HIMi: Itt'rEKT H;rMinY d htikhv t ii:s . hr pbincc ri MORTON, WIVMIKI. ill iiU Kstrfn Csnadu, t iillwl Aunscv ai.I nCKy sTEAMwitir unks l uWt Orfit, S28 Third Ae Prince Rupert Phone SCfl CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD oi'J.KATINU . T. V. 20.000-TON FLOATING DUYDOCK KnKinoens, Machinists, BoilermaKcre, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc L'LBCTKIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle Ail Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK nrTTffrmMiipanwa.TM Dr Alexander IMIflSK M5 HRHNKK Ht O:K ENTIST Advertise in "The Daily News" ,1 Local Items Dentist. Dr. J. It. Gosse, Phone r.86. Moose dance Saturday 9 to 12. Premier Orchestra. Admission 50c GXZUEI9C 50 Utelon1 45' NoVelty -Dante. Fh ruistly 20:,,Gbbd floor;; gddd'' music, arid fun. (!'.' . 43 wny do married 'men nave a good time when away from home? Answer See "The Patsy." 42 I Mrs. A: 'J. Phllllpsori: returned to the cittrori the Prtfiee RttpeVt this ! morning from a trrp trrVahcou- Oavln Spence and W. H. Norton .are In town to give highest grade ' piano tuning service. Best in the ! West. Forty' years experience. All ' work guaranteed. Leave orders at J. Lome MacLarens. 42 The Prince Rupert Oyro Club has suggested to the district gov at the intersection of Third Av enue and Seventh Street. The fender of the Lipsln ear vac crumbled while the bumper of ZelM's car was torn off. Neither of the driv ers were hurt. NOTICE L. T. Coles, piano tuner, is now In tbwhl Call Red WS for orders. HOTE ARRIVALS Central Hotel IMitll SEW MWAOBMKNT m fTwt'-d; Trs"1 tnmfrf KmhM: Hit nnd CoM H'strr fnr IlUK Mwt All Tralnn kMd Rates and Up HltdM. MIWTIII.Y UATKU JOHN. FRY and A. DONAIJ) PHONE 51 SB Central H. Margails. Winnipeg; A. Morrison, E. C. Hopln and T. Peters, city; Ed. Simpson. Hazelton; John Perrln, Prince Edward Island. Savoy Hotel I Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A., J. PRUUHOslME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth 3ts. R. Taper. I Burns Lake. Savoy Pacific; Ous Flogun, New Royal Hotel J. Zurrlll. I'mp. Till. HOTEL MOUTH WHILE Hci ft Oold Water; Steam Best 75c PER DAY AND UP T-'liM'lMMt- iH I Royal R. M. Stevens, Cassiar; Mrs. Downing, Shames: Edith Kohne, Terrace; J. Pontley and J. Payson, CXH; Mah Fen. city. White Lunch Has Reopened UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT TELEPHONE 657 . VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese ' FRESH PASTEURlZEJ MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE DO YOU SUFFER WITH HEADACHE? So easy to get quick relief and prevent an attack in the future. Avoid bromides and dope. They relieve quickly but affect the heart and are very dangerous. They are depressing and only give tempbrary. relief, the cause of the.htfcdachpiStilUernains within. TJie sane and harmless way. First correct the cause, sweeten the sour and add stomach, relieve the intestines -of the decayed and poisonous food matter, gently stimulate the liver, start the bile flowing and the bowels pass off the waste matter which causes your headache. Try Carter' Little Liver Pills. Druggists 25c red pkgs. 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 TaxL tf Seats now on reserve at Orme's for "The Patsy." 45 Glasses fitted 'by. registered op tometrist at Heilbroner's Store, (tf) 8. C. Thomson satyed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for a bus iness trip to Vancouver. ernor who was originally expected I to be here today, that he postpone j First United Church tea at Mrs his visit until the summer when.Thos. 8itversldes, Fifth Avenue it will be possible to have a joint I West, tomorrow afternoon from 3 function with the Ketchikan Oyro to 6. " 42 Club here. -' , Inspector James M. Tupper, R. Cars driven by A. W. Llpsln and OMJ., left on this 'morning's train Dave . Zilli figured hi a collision I for a trip to the interior on of f i- about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon ; cial duties. L.O.L, and UOBA. Bridge, WmV and dance Thursday, February 2r at 8' p.m. Gentlemen 75c, Ladle 60c. James Ross, who has been on n Oavln Bnence. formerly a noted ; trip to the States, returned to the Scottish singer, and W. H. Morton, city on the -Prince Rupert trrk who have been on a trip to Van- morning couver. arrived in the city on the I Prince Ruoert this mormne from ! A. A. Cannon returned to the city the south and will enstapie in th" on the Prince Rupert this morning tuning business here. Mr. from a brief business trip to Van ! Spence. who has been residing in! couver. ; Edmonton, plans on moving to this: coast. Masonic Ball Prhisry, February 21. All masons net htVing received Invitations msry apW to O. P Tinker. Beane Bieik. 42 Mrs. H. S. PaTker'retsrned to the dty on the PriueJ Rupert this morning from a trfji to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. ..(O 8t: ArrdreVs 'caKfedral " Men's Annual Banquet, Thutisday February 20 at 7 pan. ,Ho dinner and first class concert. Tickets $1.00. 43 Miss Lorna MacLaxep, who ha; ban in Vancouver radetrins treat ment for her arm, returned home on the Prince Kupm pis morning much improved. Mrs. C. E. Motte, wife of the pastor of Rupert East United Church, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning after a month's visit in Vancouver and oh Vancouver Island. The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Retail Merch ants Association, scheduled for last night, was postponed indefinitely because of the absence of the president, Dan Jabour, on a trip last. In a vote recently taken- by the typographical union members at Prince Rupert n the question of advancing the salaries ! international officers, three raembess voted in favor vf the increase and 'six against. " ANNOUNCEMENTS" Moose Legion 45 Annas)! Novelty dance, Thursday. February .31 Catholic Women's I cial Friday, February 24 So- i. fiayerr. ujud stagme tne -me Patsy," Febi 94 and 2 -at Moose HaU. . ONJI.A. Sixth Annual BaU, Auditorium, Friday, February 23. 05) Baptist Church vyTeoi March L Royal We &e.' wi Dane at Hies' Horn, T, March Q. "The Rebellion of Youth," First United Church, March 7. Pioneers' Bridge, Dance March 10. jguasj Sale, April 24. Whist and Oatholic Women's League Spring They Built Tkeir Own y HE town of Truro, N.&, needed a new chemical enirine. so the fire crew bought a Canadian Ford truck chassis and built one themselves. With the exception of the chemical tenia, which were transferred from an old horse-drawn chemical cart, the engine is cntire-'ly a home made affair, all of the work being done in spare time by the fire crew with the assistance C.NJt. steamer Prince John Cap tain E. Mabbs, is due at midnight tonight from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands and will sail at 10 pjn. Saturday on her return south by the same route. Secretary WlUisrau of the school-oard explains that the estimate nclnde only a small sum for a chool nurse. The nurse will be en gaged only for five weeks and the nun set aside for payment is $150. L. S. McGill, well known Smith- ers barrister, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this nmrnbiu from Vancouver, where he has been spending the past couple o; weeks on mining business, and proceeded by tram to the interior. Coughed Coughed Day And Night With Cold On Chest Mrs. E. E. Stoltaa, Leader, Buk.. writes: "I had s very severe oold as my cheat sod would cough and eoogh, dy and night, until I was nearly beside myself. "I took all kinds of medicine, bat nothing termed to reach it "My druggist told me to take Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup sad see if that wonldnt help me, so I took home a bottle and from the first dose I could feel great relief, and by the time I had finished it my cough had completely disappeared. " Price, 35c a bottle; large, family siit 60c, at all druggists and dosleis. Pat np only by The T. Milburn Co., limited, Toronto, Oat f local blacksmiths and plumbers. The engine is fully equipped, carrying ladders, chemical hose, tools and six hundred feet of fire hose. The bumper is - piece of heavy tubinj which the men nickel plated. It has the appearance and durability of a professional Job, and including everything, the cost wj only fifteen hundred r!ni' Canon Rushbrook Holds "At Home" Entertained Members of Congregation of St. Peter's Church Last Night The Seal Cove Hotel was last evening the scene of a very happy and enthusiastic gathering when Canon W. F. Rushbrook was "at home" to the members and adher nts of the St. Peter's Church. Dinner was followed by an In teresting program, J. E. Boddle ac ted as chairman and M.C. for the evening. To his energies backed by such spirits as Bob Blance and W. O. Vigar and others and to the strains of Black's orchestra, St. Peter's lived up to its sobriquet of Prince Rupert's happy family. The following was the program Chairman's address. Song by Allen Hill-Tout. Speech by Canon Rushbrook. Duet, Mrs. J. E. Boddle and C. J. Norrington. Speech by W. O. Vigar. Speech by Mrs. Geo. Kelsey. Song by Mrs. Tom Barton. Speech by R. Blance. Speech by Rev. J. B. Gibson. Duet by R. Blance and Canon Rushbrook. Dancing followed until 11 o'clock when a dainty lunch was served after which followed hearty thanks to Canon Rushbrook. The singing :-f "Auld Lang Sang" and "God Save tne Kmc, with a shaker- iown dance and the home waltz, Drought a very enjoyable evening to t close. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TOR RENT-Apply stor Flat in Wallace Biock. !. tf mode with ' SICHARLES MILK J Cream Soups and Chowders ere vastly improved by the addition of St. Charles evaporated milk. Its double richness enhances their flavor, increases their food value. Try it in the tested soup recipes given in the St. Charles cook book sent free on request. T Bouwn Co, t,IMITB,rpt. A. Homer ArcaJ BUg., Vancouver Pita ttnj me fret St Qtarlu Reclp 00. THE MARKET Following are retail prices current here today: Apples-Yellow Newtons, fancy $3.50 C. Orade 3.10 Cooking Apples, 3 lbs 25c Spitzcnberg. fancy 3.50 Household 2.60 , Delicious, fancy 350 Wlncsaps, fancy 350 ! Wagners 2.75 and 3.25 Aom?. Beauty, fancy Fruit-Naval Oranges Lemons, Sunkist, doz. Arizona grapefruit Florida grapefruit . Bananas, 2 lbs , Extracted honey, per Jar Comb honey I Tabic figs, lb 3.00 ....35c to 85c ....45c to 55 .8c to .12 ..15cto .25 35 ..25 35 20 Dates, bulls, lb ,15 Kaisins, buiK. lb . 15 Anlou Pears, doz 45c tn .75 Emperor grapes, lb. . 30 Green Almeria grapes, lb. .40 Butter- No. 1 creamery, lb 4714 No. 2 Creamery, 3 lbs. 135 Cheese Camcmbext, 8-oz. pkg. .65 Kraft Ltrnberger, Vis 35 Ontario solids 35 new zitaiana sonas Stilton, lb .45 Kraft . .45 Norwegian goat .65 Napoleon Limberger .70 Roquefort .75 Swift's Brookfield. lb . .45 fiorcnniola. lh .75 McLaren's Cream, jars. 45c and .85 Brookfield Swiss, V2-lb. pkg..... 30 Oruyere .45 urooiuieia Canadian cheese, to-lb. pke 25 Golden Loaf, lb , . .45 Flour- Flour. 49s. No. 1 hard wheat..- 2.85 Pastry flour, 49s 2.80 Pastry flour, 10 lbs. Lard- Pure Compound Eggs 3. C. fresh pullets, doz. J. C. fresh firsts, doz. 2. C. fresh extras, doz. Local new laid, doz. Meats-Fowl, No. 1, lb- 38c and Roasting chicken, lb. .'. Broilers iiam, sliced, first grade Ham, picnic, first grade Cottage rolls, lb Bacon, side, sliced, best grade Veal. loin Pork Shoulder Pork, dry salt Ayrshire bacon, lb. . Veal shoulder .... Pork, loin . -35c to X0 25 25 5 J7 .63 .70 .40 .45 .45 .55 23 35 .60 .45 35 35 30 30 45 Pork, leg .40 Beef, pot roast .22c to 25 Beef, steak .35c to .45 Beef, boiling 15c to 22 Beef, roast, prime rib 35 Lamb, shoulder 35 Lamb, leg .45 Lamb chops .40 Mutton, shoulder 30 Fish Bmofced kippers, lb .15 Kippered white salmon, lb. 25 Red smoked salmon .45 Smoked black cod, lb ". 20 Finnan haddles. lb. . 25 Halibut .25 Salmon, frozen serine 30 Haddie fillets, lb 30 Shrimps, lb 30 Crabs. 2 for .25 Nuts-Almonds, shelled Valenclas .65 Jregon Franquette walnuts, lb. .45 California soft shelled walnuts 35 Walnuts, broken shelled .40 Walnuts, shelled halves 30 Valencia filberts, lb . .20 Mmonds in shell, lb. 35 Peanuts .20 ew Brazils, lb - .30 Feed- Wheat, No. 5 and Bulkley Valley Oata Bmn Shorts Middlings Barley .. Laying Mash Oyster shell Beef scrap Ground oil cake Fine oat chops Crushed oats Fine barley chop . Dried fruits-Lemon and orange peel Black cooking figs. lb. .. Citron Deel White figs, lb Currants, lb Apples, dried Peaches, peeled Apncots. id. . Prunes, 90-100, 4 lbs. 26-Ib. box Prunes, 60-70, lb. Prunes, 30-40, lb evaporated pears, halves, lb. Vegetables Sweet potatoes, 2 lbs . Potatoes, 6ft lbs. .v .. Potatoes, sack Parsley, bunch . C.25 3.10 --253 ,2 35 2.73 2.50 3.73 2.10 4.D5 430 350 220 2.60 California celerjc head. Garlic, importedper lb. Cabbage, local perMb .. , Okanagah onl&ns, 5 lbs. California, lb California head lettuce, 15c to Hothouse tomatoes, lb. Leeks, bunch . Brussels sprouts, lb .. Green peppers, lb Imported cauliflower, head 30c to Bulk turnips. 7 lbs Carrots. 7 lbs. California, bunch . Beats, 6 lbs 35 .15 .40 .15 20 -25 25 35 35 1.95 J5 20 25 25 25 3.75 .10 .25 .35 t'7 25 .10 20 .40 .10 30 .50 .40 25 25 .15 25