Wednesday, February 19, 1930. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Kupert February 19, 1910. The provincial estimates, thatf were brought down In the legislature this, afternoon by Hon. W. J. Bowser, Ailnlster of finance, pro-! vide appropriations totalling $212,- 000 for Skeena riding. The freighter Tropea la In port from Sydney, Nova Scotia, with a cargo of steel rails to be used in construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. Capt. Jackman has returned north after spending the winter In Victoria. He is skipper of the Hudson Bay Co.'s river boat Port Simpson. Steamship Movements Tor Vancouver . AUVOUMJM UJ, WMVMM J-.... Thursdays. P. Rupert 10 pm. Fridays ss. Prln. Mary 10 p.m. Fridays . Cardena ....Midnight I Feb. 20 ss. Princes Norah pjn. From Vancouver-Sundays ss. Catala 4 pjn. Weds. ss. P. Rupert 10.30 a.m. Fridays ss. Cardena . pjn. Fridays ss. Prln. Mary ....4 pin. Feb. 22 ss. Prln. Norah For Naas R. and Port Simpson-Sundays 4s. Catala A pjn. From Naas R. and Port Simpson Tuesdays ss. Catala 11:30 a.m. For Stewart and Anyox Sundays ss. Catala 8 pm. Weds. ss. Pr. Rupert ...4 p.m. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesdays ss. Catala .11:30 am Thurs. ss. P. Rupert 8 p.m. From Ocean Falls Weds. s. P. Rupert 10:30 ajn. Fridays ss. Prln. Mary 4 pin. Fridays ss. Cardena p.m. For Ocean Falls-Tuesdays ss. Catala . .1.30 pm. Thursdays as. P. Rupert 10 p.m. Fridays ss. Prln. Mary 10 p.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands For Alaska Feb. 22 ss. Princess Norah ajiu For Alaska Feb. 12 ss. Princess Norah p.m. Feb. 26 ss. Princess Norah pjn. Mail Schedule For the East-Mans, Weds, St SaU. 10:30 a jn. From the East I Suns., Tues. tt Thurs. 3:30 pm ; For Vancouver Tuesdays ... 12:30 pjn.; Thursdays 9 pjn.j Fridays - 11 p.m. Feb. 12 and M pmJ From Vancouver Sunaays - 4 pm. Wednesdays 10:30 am. Fridays pm. ; Feb. 8 and 22 am. For Stewart and Anyox Sundays 7 p.ns. Wednesdays ...3 pm. From Stewart and Premier-Tuesdays 11:30 am. Thursdays 8 p.m. To Naas River and Port Simpson-Sundays pjn. - -L.JI Port Simpson-Tuesdays 1U0 am. Feb. 8 and 22 am. From Naas River anil To Queen Charlottes From Queen Charlottes Feb. 6 and 20 am. For Alaska Feb. 8 and 22 9 urn. From Alaska Feb. 12 and 20 - p.m. C.N.R. TRAINS From East Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. 3.30 p.m. For East Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 11.30. Stock Certificates- - IioRtls, Insurance Policies and Legal Documents of every description SHOULD BG PROTECTED AGAINST FIRE. ' Safety Deposit Boxes in Our . Fire-Proof yault Provide Thls'rfotrction The small cost of rental for these Deposit Boxes Is really cheap insurance for your valuables. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 610 2nd ATenue Phone 130 Prince Kupert ILC. . OTl DAILY J7EW3 f AGS FIT! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR S 'THIS IS TTIE ELITE BEAUTY PARLOR Mrs. Sutherland Expert marcelling, finger and water waving. Face massage and scalp treatments. Phone 499 SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers , Paints Window Olass Picture Frame Mouldings Third Avenue Phone 22 PHOTO FINISHING For Fine Photo Work Quick Returns Careful Finishing WRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHINGS 322 Third Avenue WE TRAME PICTURES CLEARING & GRADING Concrete Foundations Tunnels anu shafts In difficult eround a specialty, NELS ROKKJAR. CENTRAL HOTEL Hunts Furniture & Upholstry "The Store of Quality-Complete House Furnishings Terms Arranged G. M. HUNT Third Avenue, Phone Red C37 BE INDEPENDENT OF DULL DAYS KEEP WELL! Have a Sun Bath at Home UUra-Violct SUN RAY Lamps from $65 up. INFRA-RED LAMPS FROM $12.50 All Information From CARROLL ELECTRIC CO. 525 Dunsmuir St, Vancouver, B. C. MI LADY BEAUTY SHOP Expert hair cutting by Miss O. Rutherford. Expert marcelling, finger waving, by Miss Grant. Permanent waving a specialty by Mrs. Allen. Your Patronage Will Receive Our Careful Attention niONE 655 SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO- ORDER Culling, Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Deliver 'to Any Part of the City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 649 . JUC1U lo Viic nJ v the people of Northern B.C. That Is through the Dally News. , BRINGING UP V NO AFTER I SOT OUT f Of- JAlU- 1 YOU TOOK TH3 did? NM OP T5 LANCBV T PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern house, flve- rooms and bath. Munro Bros, tf FOR RENT Two 2-Roomtd Suites "Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. tf FOR RENT Furnished apart ments a, s, ana a rooms. Appiy Mussallem Orocery. (tf FOR RENT $5.00 a month puts a piano in your home. Walker's Music Store. WANTED WANTED TENDERS are invited for purchase of Lot 16, Block 22, Section 1, Prince Rupert, B.C., and building thereon knftwn as the Zenith Cafe. Tenders to close February 24, 1930. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Apply O. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd. 45 SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED Nurse wants work1. Apply Box 4, Daily News Office. HELP WANTED WANTED-Olrl lo help with housework and children. Apply Mrs. Good, Suite 4, Summit Apts. (42) SITUATIONS WANTED YOUNG Man would like work In grocery store or some kind of office work. Has had some experience. Phone Green 697. 44 BEAUTY PRODUCTS MINERAL Water and Oil are the component parts of "Oaynett Shampoo" a Canadian Produc tion on sale at Ml Lady Beauty Shop. 49 Jt'MOIt n.KKKH' EXAMINATION Por Civil Service of British Columbia will be held on Saturday afternoon, March 8th. 1930. Por application form and further Information apply to the nearest Oovernment Agent or to Norman Bsker, Civil Service Commissioner, Victoria. B.C. f 15 4 21 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. - - - See the news of the stores In the advertisements. FATHER f AND WE WENT ) WE OUST v 1STTO THE wall- GOT A j PAPER BUSlMESSJ SWELL JOB x. crN FOR SALE MUST be sold by February 20. Solid Oak Diningroom Suite, Kitchen Cabinet, Chiffonier, Ivory and gold, Vanity Dresser, ivory and gold, ivory Bedroom Table, Solid Brass Bed. Eronz colored Iron Bed, 5 Diningroom Chairs, Cot. Apply S. W. George, Phone Black 703. 43 FOR SALE CRUISER VERA S. FRY M. M. STEPHENS & CO., LTD, Rentals Loans RcalEstate BOARD AND ROOM BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and room. Phone Black 707. '- tf ROOMand Boara, all home comforts, reasonable rates. Phone Black 530. 40 FIRE INSURANCE We .can Insure your property against loss by fire better than any other Insurance Agent in town. Our rates are the lowest which it is possible to obtain. We have selected the Companies which we represent with greaf care and are sure they will pay their losses promptly and fully. Ask Us For the Rate On Your Property II. G. IIELGERSON, LTD. Phone 9C MG Sixth St. QUEEN CHARLOTTE- PORT CLEMENTS STAGE Meets all boats northbound at Queen Charlotte City to convey passengers to Port Clements, and meets southbound boats at Port Clements to receive passengers for Queen Charlotte City. Faro $5.00, and in proportion to intermediate points. R. G. McKENZIE PREMIER HOTEL QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY. B.C. THE ELECTRIC BAKERY "The Store That Quality Built!" EAT ELECTRIC BREAD The Best There Is! P. O. BOX 416 PHONE 667 AUCTION SALE Timber Kale MtUl. Aclvriilsrinrnt There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the 24th day of February, 1930, n the office of the Dtetrtet Poreattr. Prlnoa Rupert, the Licence X12121. to cut 1.406.0O0 F.B M. of Spruce, Hentloek and Cedar on an area situated on the Weat Aim. Cum-aSewa Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands Und District, "Provided any ene usable to attend the altctton in person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated a one bid." Further particulars of the ChleJ Forester, victoria, BC or District rtoreater at Prtoce Rupert, B.O. (23-2w.) YES-WE COP ALL THE LEAD P1PBS AND GAS FIXTURES ON good! ) TMB OOBS. WB 6ST r ALE, FOR IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. BOATBUILDERS KIY BOATBUILDERS, COW BAY P. O. Box 749 Phone Red 415 SALVAGE AND TOWING "It It's oh or under the water we do it." PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Dlvlnj and General Salvage Work. Boats sand Scows of all descriptions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire Bargains In Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B. C Distributor? Coolldge Propellers Sand and Gravel, in any quantity, delivered anywhere by water. Phone, Day or Night 564 P. O. Box 1564 CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC and SUNSHINE TREATMENT For Colds, Coughs, Neuritis, Lumbaco and Rheumatism R. E. EYOLFSON, D.C. 623 Third Avenue West Blue 85 Phones Red 589 ULTRA RED RAY For Sciatica, Lumbago, Rheumatism .and Nervous. Disease Consult DR. W. C. ASriNALL Green 241 Phones Black 283 Typewriter Repairs C. MORRISON Phone 231, or call Rose, Cowan tt Latta. AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, j itri,V,u. wiiKrawn, Washington, occupation. phone ;'"1BnC Black 120 STZZr and we . rX. wtil call. G. J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block WATER NOTICr Dlternlon and l't TAKE NOTICE that . James B. Stapler whoe address is Hotel Castlnesu, Juneau, Alsska, wUl apply for licence to take and use 203 cubic second, foot of water out of East Fork Tulsequab River, which flaws Southerly and drains into Taku Rlrer abgut 20 miles above the mouth. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 3 miles up stream from the mouth of the East Fork and wUl be used for Mining Power purpose upon the Tubequah Chief aroup. This notice was posted on the ground on the 31st day of October. 1939. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act, 1914." wlU be filed in ths atfloe of the Water Recorder at Atlln November 15th, 1929. Objections tc the application may be tiled with the aald Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights.-ParUament Buildings, Victoria. BQ, within, thirty days alter, the. first .ap-i peirShce oP this wrtlcVt UfJ AMoeaI newspaper. The oate of the first publication of this notice if December 2nd. 1929. JAMES B. STAPLER. Applicant. By II. McN. FRASER. Atlln. B.C. Agent. WHAT -SWELL VOUN6 11 EN THEY TURN&D OUT TO BE. I .TO II r K-llV'W jl $ I Mo lll turt 3mtt. Inc., Ori Bnitin RENT. LOST w LA NO ACT N'otlr of Intention to Apply ta Lrxnti Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of British Columbia, tnd situ ate, on the South Bank of, Skeena 1 River, opposite Mile 28.16 en Canadian i .National Railways, East of Pnnse Su-1 cert. B.C. I Take' notlse tbat Northern British:' Columbia Power Company. Limited of Prince Uupert. B.C.. occupation Power Corporation Intends t apply fo a lease of the following descrlM lands: Commencing at a post planted about 1 120 chains distant and 'n a Southerly direction from centre line of Canadian ! National Railways, opposite mile 28,76 East of Prlncu Rapert. on the south hank ox the Bkeena ttiver. tnence Korth 8 chains mere or lest to Low Wafer Mark: thence Westerly along L.W.U. 5 chain; thenoe South a e&alna. more or lass to K.W.M.: thenoe Easterly along H.W 14 to point tt cemmeaeeinrnt and containing two (2) acres, more or less. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY. LIMITED. Per: Thomas D. McLean, Agent. Dated September 21st. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to I'lirihaur Land In Sttklae Lend Recording District and situate on the north bank of the Taktt Rlrer at, a nolnt about three nvles north of the lunetlea of the fTutsequah River with the Taka River. Take notice tnat tne niassa juneau Gold Mining Company cf Juneau. Alaska, occupation a mining company. Intends to spply for permisskm to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted near the southwest corner of the Jack M. C. thence South 40 chains; thence Wt 20 ehalnt: thence North 40 Chains; thence East 20 chains more or leas to point of commencmetrt and containing eighty acres, more or less. ALASKA JUNEAU GOLD MININGl COMPANY Bj Paul A. Decker, agent, pafd, 28th day of October. 1929. LAND ACT Nollce of Intention, to Apply-to Lease Land In Prince Rupert. Laod Recording District of British Columbia, and sit' uate on the North bank af the Beaver River. 30 chains Northwest of the mouth of the Little- Bearer River In the Kltsumksium Valley, East of Prince Rupert, B.C. Take notice that Joseph Hart or miner, intend,, to apply for a lease, or purchase of the rw lowing aeacaoeq lands; Commencing at a post planted 30 chains distant and in a Northwesterly direction from Ahe mouth of the Little Beaver River nn . the Kitsumkalum Valley; thence North 80 chains: thence Westerly 80 chains; thence Southerly 80 chains; thenoe Easterly 80 eh alas and containing 1280 acres, more or less. JOSEPH HART. JOHN B. COUTURE. Agent. Dated January 4, 1930. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase Land In the Casslar District and Recording District of Stlklne and situate on the Taku River about three quarter! of a mile up stream from the confluence of tbe Taku and Tulsequab Rivers. Take notice that Horace McNaughton Fraser of Vancouver, B.C. occupation Civil Engineer, Intends to apply for permission to purchase, the follawlpg described lands: Commencing ' at a post planted on ,the Taku River about three quarters of a mUe up stream from Vhe mouth of .theTulficqyah Riverihrro North 20 chains: thenee Euvt 20 efcatna: thenee South 20 chains: thence West 20 chains more or less to point of commencement and contain.' rig forty acres. more or less. HORACE McNAUailTON FRASER. Dated October 39th. 1929. IVI SO PLEASED -I JUST EN6ASED THE EXCLUSIVE DE lAMC&V AND CO. T-r - TO DO "HIE PAP6R.KA.MCj)t- VES-THEY TAKE ANY THING i i mm rifhtt rtwrv4 -I r Mnw i' FOUND LANU. ACT Nollt-r ( Intention to Apply to Lrose Lend Take Notteei that 1. James Martin of Mas-etL DC. Intend to apply for a lease et the following described lands: Ocruneacins at a post planted at' high water mark, and ft the shore comer of Marn Street, ai.d the corner of BJick 33 Town of Mawett, BC; thence Bouto, Westerly and in line with the East sJds of Main Street for about three hundred feet to low water mark: thence In a Ncrth Westerly direction to New Kassett wharf; thence along the wharf about three hundred feet mere or less to high 'water mark: thence along high water mark to the point of qcunmencement. mted at Mavtt, B.C. this 30th day of November. 1929. JAMES MARTIN. LAND ACT Notice of Intention lo Apply to Purrhaxe Land In the Stlklne Land Recording Division; Land Recording District of Telegraph Creek and situate on extreme tip of peninsula on North bank of Tulsequab and West bank of Takq Rivers, approximately one mile south cf Msple Slough. Take notice that E. J. Norman and R. McCombe of Juneau. Alaska, occupation miners, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted ode mile south of Msple Slough: thence North 40 chains: thence West 20 chains: then-e South 40 chains: thence East 20 chains and containing 80 acres, more or less. EDMUND- JEAN NORMAN ROBERT SALE McCOMBE. Dated 19th day of October, 1929. LAND ACT Notice it Intention to Apply to Lease Land In The Queen Charlotte Land Dis trict Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate near Block 20, Massett Townstte. Take catloe that Arthur Robertson and Eugene H. Simpson of Massett. B.C. occupation Lumbermen .Intend to apply W a lease of th following described lands: Ooflimenelng at a post planted at the 8J1. Cor. Bile' 20 Massett Town-site: thenee Westerly '0 chains to Qav. Wharf; thence Southerly 4 chains running paraUel to Oov. Wharf .to. Low .Water Afark: thence Easterly .10 abates: thence Northerly 4 chains. and containing v acres, more or less. ARTHUR ROBERTSON EUGENE HUMPHREY SIMPSON Dated Nov. 13th. 1929. MINERAL iCT Section XI Notice t(. Co-rartners Mineral claims Star, Rand, Belle, Aurora, situated at Lockeport. Oueen Charlotte Islands. ' Owners Ross Morrison F.M.C. A71693 C, R. Dunlop and 11. H. McColl. To all concerned, take notice that I. "Rons Morrison FAl.C. 871693 C. hav ing dene all the work and paid all dues on the above Mineral Claims for the year ending Oct. 27th, 1929. without any .work done or moneys paid by co-owners, R. Dunlop and H. H. McColl. Intend to 'apply within a period of 120 daya after first appearance of this notice, to the Mining Recorder, to have the Interests of said co-owners vested solely in myself. ROSS MORRISON, 991 Per J. L. Barge, Agent. COMPANIES ACT BELMONT Sl'RF INLET MIXES LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that pursuant to Section 213 of the "Oora-panles Act" a meeting of the Creditors of the above named Company will be held at tbe offices of E P. Davis f Co., Oth Floor. Royal Trust Building, 6S Fender Stmt West. Vancouver, B.C.; on 'Menday the 20th day of January. AH. 1930, at 11:00 o'clock In the forenoon for the purposes provided for In the aald Section 213. I DATED this 6th day of January. ,AD. 1930. . 5 Liquidator. '. By George McManus THIMK. TMaV'O TAXQ T r ,w i MAKE YOURWANTS KNOWN -THROUGH DAILY NEWS WANT AD. COLUMNS