Tomorrow's Tides Saturday, June 21, 1930 High 9.41 ajn. 153 ft. 21.47 p.m. 18.0 ft! Low 3.34 a.m. i& ft, Y , m. 8.1 ft! V. XXI , No. 144. NEW Liberal Party Makes Substantial Gain In Spite of Jones' Loss Standing As Result of Contest Is 31 Conservatives and 17 Liberals Grits Gain Six Scats ST. JOHN, June 20: The Conservative government of Premier J. B. M. Baxter was victorious in the general election in New Brunswick yesterday but its majority in in legislature will be smaller than when it appealed to the orople. Whereas the standing at dissolution was government 35, and Liberals, 11, wth two seats vacant, the elec- ion gave the government 31 seats and the Liberals, 17. Wendell P. Jones, Opposition leader, was defeated as were hi -o Speaker J. L. O'Brien and Hon. Lewis Smith, minis- r of agriculture. BENNETT IN SASKATOON Tells Audience What He Thinks Is Main Issue In Present Campaign ASKATOON, June 30: Hon. R. r Bennett. Conservative leader, ii tlx heart of the prairies here viM nmht, warned Premier King to . : th election campaign "clean . t siratKht" upon the Issues be-!-' th Canadian electorate. Mi Dennett took strong exeep-t: t a statement of Premier I; ic at Brantford that "in the re-inK-ity campaign of 1911 the Tory :'v wax for no truck or trade v h the Yankee." This year It bene dangerously near being no i k or trade wlfh Great Britain." Mr Bennett declared that the l.vuir before the Canadian ilc was whether the policies of Libera) or Conservative parties t. s best for Canada and the Ca- . .tUuins. GOVERNOR ARRIVES v.n route to llaielton where they .Mil join the Yukon-Alaska hlgh-v ..iv caravan and accompany It on way south, Hon. R. Randolph tiruce. Untenant Governor of Bri-'mIi Columbia, and his niece, Miss M.irgaret Mackenzie, chatelaine of ioverninent House, arrived in the -it v on the steamer Prince George in morning from Victoria and proceeded by train to the interior. Mayor C. II. Orme and other cltt-li wore on hand at the steamer (us morning to greet Lieutenant (Dvernor Bruce. INSPECTOR OF WEIGHTS DIES TORONTO, June 20: William Pallowdown, aged 62, chief Inspector of weights and measures for the Dominion, died of heart failure In a street car here yesterday. HAVE YOU TRIED A CLASSIFIED? More and more people arc Hi-ntng to the classified columns of the Dally News to find what they want. Used cars, furniture for sale, lost and found, houses to rent or for salo, positions wanted. All sorts of things are advertised there. If you do not read the classified page, get the habit now. Try It today. BRUNSWICK PROVINCE ELECTION IAN MACKENZIE IN CABINET NOW 4 VANCOUVER. June 20: Ian Mackenzie of Vancouver has been appointed milnster of immigration, colonization, soldiers' settlement and Indian Affairs In -the federal cabinet, Senator J. II. King announced In a message received here Thursday night. Capt. Mae- kenzte is contesting Vancouver -Geffire rrisHni" II. H Stevens at the forthcoming federal election. FARMERS WIN EASY Will Rule Province of Alberta Again By Wide Margin nn.MONTON, June 20: Premier Brownlee's United Farmers administration will rule the province of Alberta for a third time results of yesterday's election definitely show. The latest available returns are: United Farmers of Alberta, 32 elected, leading In seven seats, total, 30. Liberals, 3. Conservatives, 2. Labor, 2. Independents, 2. The combined opposition Is leading in nine seats. Several ridings have not been reported as yet. CALGARY, June 20: The latest count today Indicated that the Parmer government would have 38 on t It, tho ncsemhlv of 63. Or do ant va 4 .v www.... In the last assemblyl, the party held 40 seats. The latest standing today showed the following elected: Government, 36; Liberals, 7; Conservatives. 4; Labor. 3; Independents, 3. The government was leading In three seats, Liberals In four. Con-.aervatlves in two, Laborltc In one and Independent in one. Among the members of the gov-ernmcnt. Hon. Irene Parlby. woman minister without portfolio. Is the only one who ha not been rcturn-I ed She Is ttalllng. J. R. Mackle, In-1 , nt hv four votes In La- combe with one poll yet to hear from. Hon. J. r. Lymburn. attorney general, and D. U. Duggan Conservative lead-r, were elected In Edmonton but the other four seats Jn that city are not decided as yet. Bucker Killed VANCOUVER. June 20:-J. Mc-Kinney, bucker. employed at the Sold HolDerg waf logging fatally camp injured In Quatslno on Wed-XS iTan accident of which de-S have not yet been received. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER YACHTS DEATH IS FORECAST T if tin Tlnno TTW Cofit v f I Young Couple North of Vanderhoof VANDERHOOF, June 20: Death in Northern B. C. was predicted yesterday by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for Williams Albce, aged 23, of Glendale, Cal., and his bride who ventured into the wilderness several days ago toward Dawson against the protests of frontiersmen and trappers. Only unusual good luck can prevent the couple from perishing, W. F. Manson of the Department of Indian Affairs said. Liberal Governmmt Determined To Rid Canada of Unemployment, - Premier STATEMENT ON HOTEL Architects Proceed With Plans; Building: Will Start Soon CoL T. A. Hiam, assistant to the president of the Canadian National Railways, who arrived in the city on the Frince George this morning from Vancouver, made the following statement on disembarking from the steamer: "It has now been definitely decided to build a hotel at Prince Rupert. That hotel will ' be a credit to the city of Prince Rupert. "Regarding site and details of type, etc., that has been referred to the architects of the company. They will be coming here soon to look over the ground. Already they have started on preliminary arrangements and plans for the building. "Construction of the hotel will go ahead as rapidly as possible." Col. Hiam, who is accompanied by Mrs. Hiam on his trip north, will be here until tomorrow when he will proceed to Hazcltnn and Smlthcrs with the Alaska-Yukon highway caravan before leaving for Jasper whence he will (return to Vancouver. OLD TIMER HAS DIED II). G. McLennan- Expired . at Powell RiVef While -Attending Meeting VANCOUVER, June 20: Duncan G. Mclennan, aged 61, old time re sident of British Columbia, died suddenly yesterday at Powell River where he was attending a session of the Masonic Lodge. James McNulty and party ro urned to the city on today's train from a fishing trip to Mile 21. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, FRIDAY, JUNE LEAVE Here Today i i r Col. T A. Hiam. assistant to president, Canadian National Railways. Kin g Declares in - Quebec Prime Minister Carries Empire Trade Message Into An-cicnt'Oapital of Dominion Where He Received a Great Welcome QUEBEC, June 20: Quebec welcomed the Prime Minister of Canada vesterdav in no uncertain terms. Dull skies, wet pavements, intermittent rain, cold wind, all did not deter a huge crowd from gathering in St. Peter's Mar- i a r, x r i i : i t; : ir: net square to sianu ior nours listening to rreimer rung and other speakers. The Premier, in an address, dealt with unemployment, taking the position that the government had determined to rid Canada of this problem and will bend every energy to the work. He expressed the view that the budget, with its provisions for encouraging flKmptn trade, would nave tne nir n i in feet of increasing Canada's busl- DISCUSSED Mayor to Invite Organiza tions to Appoint Representatives MEETING HELD Organizing Secretary Chief Speaker at Gathering Last Night The public meeting held last evening in the City Hall to discuss the proposal to establish a Y. M. C. A. In Prince Rupert, after a discussion with A. S. McAllster, field secretary, passed a resolution asking the mayor to get in touch with the various organizations in the city and (Continued on Paige Four) TO LOOK INTO URIDOF. ACROSS LOCAL RATIOS h A. L. Carruthers, bridge en- fr gineer for the provincial de- nartment. of nnhllr works nnd formerly district ' cnglrfter W' . here, arrived ln.the.cltyon the' Prince George this morning from Victoria. He Is here in connection with the making of plans for the highway -bridge across Galloway Rapids here. Road work Is now proceeding on the other side of Oalloway Rapids and the public works department has announced Its Intention of putting the bridge across this year. . 20, 1930 SEATTLE FOR CABINET MEETING Premier King and His Ministers Had Session at Quebec Yesterday QUEBEC, June 20: The "ancient capital" of Canada became again the seat of the Dominion govern-jment for a brief period yesterday when Premier King and some of his Quebec cabinet ministers held a brief meeting of the cabinet. No announcement followed the meeting Just closing up a few things," aid Premier King at Its conclusion, The meeting lasted about three- quarters of an hour. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. June 20: Wheat fell back again today on the local exchange, being quoted at 07. ness and this would result In Increased employment. If Canada could Improve her market In Great Britain and sell her wheat, conditions in this country would improve rapidly, the Premier declared. The present condition was a world condition and Canada's position was much better than that of many other countries. Imperial questions also occupied the Premier. GOLD WATCH GIVEN AWAY One of Subscribers' In Daily News Campaign Will Get Waltham A fine 17-jewelled Waltham . watch in solid 14-carat gold case will be given to one of the subscribers to the Daily News campaign. The 'Judges will decide who Is to receive this valuable prize. Thiols in addition to the four grand prizes being presented to the candidates. Everyone who , lake a year's subscription gets a cliance on the watch. REGISTRARS NAMED SKIDEGATE. June 20: The following have been appointed federal election registrars in this vlcjnlty: Skldegate, Mrs. Grace Stevens; Queen Charlotte City, O. D. Bcattle; South Bay, J. R. Mc Williams; Sand-spit, A. C. Pallant." Cruiser Marathon Now on With Large Number of Fine Boats Entered First Time That Shorter Distance Has Been Raced Craft Scheduled to Arrive Here Next Tuesday Afternoon SEATTLE, June 20: -Fifteen power cruisers of varying types and sizes left here today in the Seattle-Prince Rupert marathon under the auspices of the Seattle Yacht Club and the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club. It is . the largest entry list that has ever participated in one of the races north. It is the first time that the race has started at Seattle and ended at Prince Rupert. Usually, the starting place has been Olympia and the finish line at Juneau. It was decided this year, however, to snorten the distance. The winning cruiser should arrive in Prince Rupert about 3 o'clock next Tuesday afternoon. At the northern port, a fine list of prizes awaits the winners and a great. program or entertainment. Prince Albert Murderer-Was - Hanged Today PRINCE ALBERT, Bask., June 20. Alex Wysochan. convicted murderer of Mrs. Antenna Kropa, his 25-year old paramour last Christ mas night, was hanged at Prince Albert penitentiary this morning. lit oeVmOUr Inlet . I nOfCTPT' OrftWTIQ' 1"U5&C1 MJl 110 j ALERT BAY, June 20: Napoleon Canquay, employee of the Sey- j mour Logging Co., was drowned in j Seymour Inlet on Wednesday. The Political Corner Vol. 1 Friday, BOSTON GRILL LARGE CAIUItEl Special Dlnnen Thursdays and Saturdays ' Dancing Every Haturday Night, 9 to It Dance Halt or Hire Accommodations tor Private Parties rilONE 437 rmcE FIVE CENTS RUPERT MORE RAIN Crop Outlook On Prairies Is None Too Bright This Year OTTAWA, June 20: A decline In general conditions of the western wheat crop has been halted for the present by rains which began June II. states a Crop report Issued yesterday by the Dominion Bureau of In Manitoba and other scattered districts, the moisture was suffl- cient only for present needs. In the 'important wheat areas, where drought and wind damage had been most severe, there Is urgent need of more rafn June 20 No. 9 Conservative Party Favors Vancouver The Conservative Party, as a party, has always treated the claims of Prlnoe Rupert with Intolerance, at times, amounting almost to contempt. No doubt the reason for this Is because the Grand Trunk Pacific was a Liberal Party project and the city of Prince Rupert being Its terminal was Identified In Interest with the railway project One has only to read the debates In Hansard at the time the elevator vote was under discussion ,to see the animus of the leaders of the Tory Party against this Port. Messrs. Melghen, Manlon and Drayton, three of their party leaders, referred contemptuously to the claims of Prince Rupert, Sir Henry Drayton going so far as to ask why Prince Rupert should be allowed by the Government to enter Into competition with Vancouver In the grain export trade. Ills exact words were: "What earthly use Is there In this Government turning round and making competition between their own terminals, Vancouver on the one "side and Prince Rupert on the other? You have no grain in the latter "district you have to go East of that for your grain." All of which means Just one thing, namely, that Prince Rupert is not entitled in the minds of the Tory leaders to a share of the grain trade from the East and naturally It follows to no share In the Peace River grain trade. This should all be diverted to Vancouver. Why, forsooth, should Prince Rupert dare to enter Into competition with Vancouver for a-share of this Eastern grain business? The farmers along the Canadian National will note with interest what Drayton says about there being no grain in this district. This was the attitude of the Tory leaders a few years ago. Has the Ethiopian changed his skin or the leopard Its spots? What will happen to us If, the Mackenzie King Government Is beaten and the Tolmle Government backed by the Tory City of Vancouver demands that the Canadian National take over the P.OJE. In order to divert the Peace River trade to Vancouver? Mr. Brady could not then avert the catastrophe.