4 J,. PAQE SIX THE NEW FLO-GLAZE PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE Two Doors West of Dr. Kergin 330 Second Ave. Make this a summer habit Prepare Oitltmt Cold This Wtjt Add two ta- tponfuU to cup of cold Bilk. Slut In iluln. of tr wU, until ditiotvod. IF you enjoy a delicious, cool and invigorating drink try COLD O VALTINE. Make it a habit to follow Tennis, Golf, Bowling, Swimming or other physical exertion with a glass of cold Ovaltine. It will restore your spent energy quickly and develop nerve poise. Winning athletes the world over have proved this. It will help you play a belter game. Ovaltine supplies all the food elements essential to mental and physical health in correct proportions and easily digested form. COLD At all good tlorrt in 50c, 75c, f 1.25, and tpecUl famiU size $4.50 tint; alto served at sods fountains. DANIEL R. HODCEN.an eminent physician, DR. says that Deer Is a valuable Food for Health. Strength and Vitality j because It Is easily digested and assimilated. It nourishes and invigorates the system. The use of Beer Is to be encourajed, not only as an aid to digestion, because it tends to Increase the Bow of digestive fluldi and because of its highly nourishlnftreactionwithoutanydeleteriouseBects upon the human system. The undermentioned Beers are properly prepared. They are guaranteed to be absolutely pure. To safeguard the public they are constantly tested by Analytical Chemists employed by the B.C. Liquor Control Board. For $aU In all Government liquor Store ond Peer Parlor: PILSENER LAGER PHOENIX EXPORT LAGER BLUE RIBBON EXPORT This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Doard or by the Government of British Columbia. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Andrew Johnstone,' arrived In port at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the south and sailed about an hour later for Port Simpson and Wales Island whence she will return here tonight southbound. K O. Strondahl. chief engineer of the lighthouse tender Birnle. who has been a patient In the Prince Rupert General Hospital; has now recovered sufficiently to be able to leave the Institution for his home, friends will be glad to learn. NEW BOAT IS BUILT Missionary Vessel For Queen Charlottes . Is Fine Craft SKIDEOATE. June 20: Rev. R. C. Scott arrived here In the United Church mission boat Thomas Crosby and towed the new mission boat Onward to Kelley's logging ; camp where the engine Is to be In- ! stalled. The new mission boat is a j beautiful craft and Is built to with- . ,1 1 .... . u - . suiiiu ucavy seas uu uic vcsb tsuaai. of Vancouver Island. It was built by the pioneer missionary, Capt. William Oliver at Sandspit and Is a great credit to the Queen Charlotte Islands. The Onward Is to be equipped with a 65, h p, Atlas Imperial engine. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert June 20, 1910 It Is possible that the coming week may see the beginning of permanent street work in Prince Rupert. It Is believed that the local improvement plan will be followed In the carrying out of heavy work n .n ..(nil. m. a I m V siat.l. t n wa. A group of thlrty-flve Hindus has arrived at Seattle for a visit in inc unuea mates. . nnvprnment Appnt H MrMnl lln returned to thq city yesterday after accompanying Hon. Thomas Taylor, minister of public works and William Mansori, M.P.P., as far as Kltsumkalum on their tour of the Interior. . Taylor 'and Mr Manson have go. AfdemereiTelkw; FrancoU) Lake. 7c ' "V1! FISHSALES Eureka, AMERICAN 5,000, Booth, 15.1c and CANADIAN Sea Maid, 15,000, Cold Storage. 11. 8c. and 7c. THE DAILY NEWS An Unanswerable Argument In Favor Holly Bartlctt 3 tins of the Superiority of Flo-glaze Paint Taint purchased lastr We invite you to try the Flo-Glaze line Wc ask you the pertinent question: Were yon satisfied with the you dust to lodge, and the natural rains keep your house clean. of Paints They are selMevelllng, leaving no brush marks for dirt or Flo-Glaic is the highest standard of Paint obtainable and has 25 greater covering capacity, and the price is no higher than any other of the standard brands. There is a Flo-Glaze Interior Paint, Varnish or Enamel product for every purpose around your home. Listen In with your Kadio every Tuesday evening between 6 and 6:45 o'clock and hear more particulars regarding the Ho-Glaxe Flo-Glaie Headquarters and your enquiries will be gladly answered and family of Paints, Varnishes and Enamels, or telephone Ho'ilS All tanks, etc. 60c and $1.10 Flo-Glaze High Gloss Enamels for floors furniture, woodwork, Flo-Glaze Clear 4-Hour Drying Floor or Linoleum Varnish - etc. dries In 4 hours; in 30 colors. Quarts $2.00 Pints $1.10 Interior Paint, regular colors, gallon $50 0 ts $2 00 Pints 51.10 Flo-Glaze Exterior or no-Glaze Color Varnishes,' for floors, furniture, oak, walnut, Flo-Glaze Velvet Finish Enamel. Finest for walls, furniture, in etc Drv In four hours and will wear. Quarts $2.00 Pints $1.10 newest colorings and, washes perfectly. Per quart $1.75 WALLPAPER ONE-DAY SPECIAL OFFER 3.000 Kolis go on sale Saturday, One day only. Designs suitable for Specify Flo-Glaze to your painter or we can recommend a good Flo-Glaze painter to you for any size job" PHONE RED 53 WE DELIVER all rooms 33 1-3 Discount A.W. EDGE CO. Try DIC-A-DOO The Wonder Paint Cleaner. No rubbing or scrubbing. Cleans with half the labor of any other cleaner, 30c per package. Can Picked Up Pears 2's Swansdown Cake Flour per pkii.U Stelna Corn Beef l's 2 tin JCKi Sunnybrook Creamery Butter. 3-lb.-brick .. Napoleon Anchovies In olive oil with capers, per tin .... McLaren's Cream Cheese- large size Jar Garibaldi Pure Olive OH 32-oz. tin "... King Oscar Sardines per tin Evaporated Milk All brands, 9 tins k Best Foods Bread St Butter Pickles 16-oz. Jar Faultless 000124 per tin Libby's Queen Olive 16-bz. Jar .......:....J Libby's Stuffed Ollves- 16-oz. Jar Nabob Tomatoes 2's, 3 tins Eggs Fresh Extras d02, j.:.. .u..ni. Fresh Cottage Cheese Pk H niui: .Mill 1$ With Note In It In Parry Sound On or about June 12 Charles Batt of the halibut boat Relief threw overboard a tobacco can with a note enclosed asking whoever found it to notify him at P.O. Box 537, Prince Rupert. He was off Frederick Island at the time. A day or two later the box was picked up by Ruth Bell of Old Massett in Parry Passage near North Island. It must have drifted about 10 miles. Morgan Operating Two Log Camps Week-End Specials 70c 40c 45c $1.15 50c 35c 45c 40c $1.10 20c Arriving Strawberries, Cherries, Plums, Cantaloupes, also Green Vegetables, at the lowest prices. Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Fifth Street. Proprfetor Phone 20!) AIMS OF Y.M.C.A. A. S. McAlistcr, Railroad Soqrptary, Guest at Lun ui'eheon Yesterday It Is not the aim of the Y. M. C. A. to duplicate the work of any other organizations but to cater defln- tivities of the young people, stated;" A. S. McAllster. railroad secretary or , the national council of the Y. M. C. i. ill VUIIUUa, WliU WttO (yUVtJV vs. honor at, a luncheon of the Rotary , and Oyrb Clubs yesterday after-, noon at the Commodore Cafe.! There were present also represen-j tatives of several other organiza tions In the city. Mr. McAllster gave an Interesting , fit a mnrlf nf thi V M. such as that discussed. Among those present in addition to the Rotarians and Gyros' were Mayor Orme. Fred Stephens, representing the Elks; W. H. Sherman of the Eagles. O. W. Johnstone of the Sons of Canada; Ian Fraser of Toe II; J. Smith of the Canadian Legion; T. Thomson, district secretary of the Gyros; Don. Macdonald of Vancouver; Weldon McAfee and Alex Connon. 75cBringing Papers Ire Aroused By Fishing Order Settler of Sandspit Prcvcn-(ed liy Department From Catching Blucbacks SKIDEOATE, June 20: Officials of the fisheries department have prohibited settlers at Sandspit from catching blucback salmon at Copper Bay for their own use. The settlers bitterly resent the order when the department In the past has allowed thousands of cohoes to be caught In Tlell River for commercial purposes In, spite of the protests of the fishermen. I FRI. and SAT. THE GREAT MUSICAL SPECTACLE jowlin2 alleys and billiard rooms, been filled to overflowing during Producing, a Lot of Timber !race dictation f t0T Now at Jjumshcwa Inlet , t)n Inlands The J. R. Morgan Logging Co. now ha Qcalnps operating In full swing onl Cumshewa Inlet, Que a ChAi-lette-Jslands. The com- 'panjr Isulnhg'aJroVdf timber Into Onward the water. jno from the head office but simply advisory assistance. 11 was found that young men preferred to be decent If given the opportunity and the Y. M. C. A. strove to provide the opportunity. In Y. M. C. A. work leadership was necessary. No success could dc at tained without it. The organization had had long experience and was better able to provide organizers than anyone else. Rotary President George Bryant spoke appreciatively of having the Oyros at a Joint luncheon and of LEFT FOR NEW YORK engaged In production- of rived I 75C From Vancouver 15c Airplane Sunday j QCpi Arrangements have been made through Fred Mathers of the B. C. Off, Packers for the receipt Sunday af-oDi ternoon here by airplane of 200 4 'copies of the Vancouver Sunday Xd CI PaPprs of the same day, the same to be sold on the streets and news stands at 25c each, the proceeds to go to the Prince Rupert Boys' Band tour. York. Mr. Plnsley said he hoped to , It to their factory at St. Pau;. Minn. I S5J E3 LB a T I The choice of tlioie men vlio vlio appreciate oppreciate good good c ..1. wi.i.l.., Scotch Whisky 1 f X e 1 This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Bonrd or by the Government of British Columbia 2's, per tin spruce in SkMegat inwt. Queen italslns Seedless unanoiie lsianai. unui me provm- s n., for TWOI SHOWS C. A. which he described as purely. WBniiwii-iiiHu11 undenominational In character. Or-1 ganlzatlons were all self governed; "vtt T7 Til 7" and could devote their energies to (f CI II I Wl IK K anv nartleular nhase of work In the VJV J U IV J interests of young men. Often the, Y. M. C. A. became headquarters for the various sports and- social actl-1 Gold Diggers of Broadway With Ann Pennington, Winnie Llghtner and many othtr it J I ... inner notunl xnln.- .In.ln. l.ll.l "Ml Nine New Song Hits 1 Cartoon "Springtime" "Hodge Pod Admission, 20c and C5c; Sat. Matinee, 2:30. Admission, 15c mj BY DOCTORl vitles In a city. He suggested that! Souafr; sirioS Queen Charlotte Islands Ap-their of Efforts of energies to carrying on a gym- j prcciatlVC naslum and swimming pool with) Dr. and Mrs. Roberts various offices connected therewith or they might have reading rooms ; SKIDEOATE, June 20: The1 nd other activities, particularly Queen Charlotte City hospital has i REAL BARGAIN! For Picnic )ances could be held if desired. The the past two months and Dr. and; first thing was to form a committee Mrs. O. A. Roberts have had a very rollOW the Moose to Dijfo to decide upon the needs or the i busy ume loosing aiier me many) . ommunlly and the possibilities In patients there betides those at Braids Tea Illue Label .aliin? money. They would draw other points which they are re- j per lb. .... jp a budget which would include quired to attend. The doctor has Uraids Best Coffee the first two years of maintenance, i made many trip to points far and pcr 0 Dormitories might be added to the ' near at ail hours of the day and Nabob Tea building If It were thought wise. All night and has never hesitated about per 15 depended upon the needs of the making a call, no matter what dlf- Empress Coffee community. Iflcultles might be enUlled in doing per lb. Mr. McAllster complimented the' so. Mrs. Roberts has ajao played the Economy Tea-people here on their co-operative part truly of Florence Nightingale pcr b spirit and said It was necessary In to the stek. I Economy ' Coffee a town this size to have almost the, On July I at Queen Charlotte lh complete co-operation of all sec- ctty there will be a sports day and . Hons. The organisation was an lm- jin the evening a grand ball in Mil- PROVISIONS ... ' ! tit- A 1 1 1 1 a All A Collate Itoll Ham lb., per lb. I to t FleUhers Slieed Bacon .vr iu . ... Rutler 3-lb. bricks 5k 55c 5k poriani one wun iwo ninuun mem-jicr s new aance nu. au wie jiru- oainers Superior I'eamcil btl bers. It was not an experiment, us ceeds win ga towards me notpiiai. nacjn s 1 work was based on the effort to: 3 , lbs. f for vli) build character. It did not regard - 40c 39c Sl. Uutler Ilollybrook, Wood' 0 r i- 1 c Manatrer of Rived Snrucc m 0 Industry IaVCS Islands i fanned Fruits Ail varieties' r or States small size, per tin jllelni and Clarks Tork & M. Plnsley, manager for the iwn Small. 6 tins for Dernsfeld Logging Co.. which was pineapple Titer Brand the work of that organization. They i clal government ruled recently that UisjnJ seedless Q0 1! had been responsible for getting iuch timber could not be exported. 25-lb. box v Mr. McAllster here. President Klrkendall of the Qy left the Islands recently for Newi It Is very much regretted on the P" ,b' FRESH FltriTS AND ros spoke happily of the occasion 'return soon providing they were VEGETABLES and of the need of an organization permitted to rive spruw and export , ' ... house islands that this budding industry Lettuce- should have been dosed down. DMooAtM ha vp hn annotated 3 heads for Carrots 3 bunches for by the Elks Lodge to attend the Cherries-convention at Cnlgary July 30. 1 per Those chosen were Fred Stephens, O. E. Phllllpson and Frank Dlbb. nums 2 lb, for ... Plums per basket Cantcloupes 2 for ., Bana nas 3 lbs. for DRINKS Canada Dry Oinf cr Ale per bottle Felix Glnjer Ale- SUITS! 2)t 25! 251 30c 43: 90cl 4(1 $1.40 pints, per own . Felix Glncer Ale J)lilv spllt per doren -Som-More Orange J"I- $ per bottle The Economy r.d, Xr f.arry "Where Pollars Have More ; Phone 360 SUITS! MADE TO OUDEK ,. anj SU" Cutting, Worhman"" P All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM Li- rRESSED Tart of Wc Deliver to any city Ling, the Tailor Phone 619