November 8, aaturday i919, Y ae mt In Rann wun ni FULLER’S ————— LS ST TT. Bovril, 2 oz. 40¢; 4.0z.. Beef Cordial,special *, OZ. GiZES.:....006- Cliquot Birch Beer, a delicious Beverage Thorpe’s Grape Gordial HKaspberry Vinegar, sp] Cottom’s Bird Seed, the original, only ...... Whisks, Brooms, Stove Brushes, Shoe Brush- es, etc. Best stock in the city ands at \owest prices. Victoria Cross Choco- Wellington Knife Polish, 25¢ Ae eS __ Smoked Black Cod and Kip- _ | pers fresh every day. 1.25 | We have perhaps the largest stock of Sweet, Sour and . 75e 25¢ Mixed Pickles in the city, 30¢ Sweet Relish, Mustard 35c and Chili Sauce to your liking. 25e | Libby’s Sauerkraut, large tins.. . 25e Another line We carry a full line of is Drug Sundries, such as Cough Medicines, Liniments, Salts, Boracic Acid, Borax, ete. Cakes. late. Have you tried Rit, per package .. 10e it? In tins, only 25¢ | Mapleine Flavour gives Van Houten’s Cocoa, the finest taste to all sizes. your syrup, per bot. 50c Reindeer Condensed | Egg Color, 2and 4 oz. bottles Coffee and Reindeer Big Special--American Condensed Cocoa, Yellow Corn Meal, none better, on sale, 4 lbs. for.. oe * OUI . ccuceen 25c. and 35¢ | Horse Radish, wet or Crisco, on sale, per lb. 40c dry. Nice and fresh; King’s CreamWhipper 25c| order now. Genuine Curry Powder | Prices for Jam in Van- in wla@G: dcenitee 6% 25¢ | couver run to $1.50 Gebhart’sChiliPowder | per tin. Our price the original Mexican | ig 7 Sei Powder, only . 5O0e| Try Strawberry Jam. Tabasco Sauee, per bot. 50c | Junket Tablets . 15¢ Kitchen Bouquet, per | Oleomargarine . 45¢ bottle 50¢ | Domoleco Molasses for Hot | Clery Salt, ne¥ bottle Fresh Peels, just ar- rived, whole or cut, per lb. ‘ Bird’: Custard Powder Me'ucren’s Quick Pud- ings, Custard, Tapi- oca and Chocolate, per package ........ Corn Starch, 2 pack- ages for...... Asparagus Tips special Schilling’s Coffee, Ib. etc., per Ib... >be Fuller’s Fresh Ground Two Stores All other tins as Malkin’s Best, Nabob, Empress, 20e | Our Pastry and Biscuit De- artment is extending. atch our window for 60e good things to eat. 20¢ | Tea. Faller’s Special Blend. None Better. | Per pound 60¢ | Big Soap Special. 15¢ | Palm Olive, 2 for 25c | Per dozen ... $1.85 25c | Ivory Soap, 2 bars for 1l5c 40c | Per case of 100 bars, $7.25 65c Phones 44, 45 and 534 The Old Firm Come Back stock of R.W. Cameron & Co. Beg to announce that not being able to obtain their old corner on Second Avenue, at the head of what used to be Centre Street, they have opened on fhird Avenue, No. 626, with a carefully selected Jewellery, Watches and Clocks, Toilet Re- quisites, Cutlery, Cut Glass, ete. All fresh from the factories, and are now realy to welcome their new and old time patrons in their new store at No. 626 Third Avenue Opposite Dominion Telegraph Office Prince Ru Lime : See ALBERT @ McCAFFERY before you purchase Anything in the Building Line We handle rt Spruce Co.’s Lumber C. Mill’s Fir Cement Shingles Laths Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Plaster See Advertise in “The Daily News” 7"ssiem 7 THE DAILY NEwWs INTERESiING ARTICLE ON RUPER1 CITIZEN Major Gibson Figures Largely in Recent issue of “Resources.” Among the in “Resources” interesting articles this month is one under the title “Major Gibson at the Front,’ It is accompanied by & full iMustration of the major and other local men taken just after; Pestubert. The major had fought for the United States in the Phillipines and when war broke out with Germany he was one of the first to leave here. This is how Hesources tells of his rea. son for going: When Prince Rupert was in the stump stage of evolution the najor landed here, and was soon known and liked by everyone as he is now. When war broke out in Kurope he felt that he must go to fight for his country. But, a matter of a decade before he had been fighting for another country! To some people that may seem a little curious, so an old friend questioned him on the point since his return. He blushed prettily and hesitatingly said: “ “Oh, IT believe I just felt the same urge as the other Britishers, the rank and file of them I mean. It wasn't a matter of Belgium so much. It was just a deep down feeling that they wouldn’t be made slaves of by the Huns without putting up a fight. That's all there was to it.” , eee ~~ eee | Sport Briefs | Ee Manager Kid Gleason of the Chicago White Sox is not wasting any time in signing wp his players for next year. He has already made a contract with Dickie Kerr to remain on the Chicago team but Dickie wasn’t so easy to get this year and Gleason had to show him a good piece of money be- fore signing. A hero in the World's Series has to be paid for . . . Two of the big leagué stars be- came managers during the last season and it did not affect their efficiency as players either. Tris Speaker, king pin batter, became manager of the Cleveland In- dians in the middle of the season and ended up with an average of over .300. Gavvy Cravath be came manager of the Philadel phia Nationals in mid-season and ended up with a .340 average. . . . In the National Rifle Associa- tion's recent shoots in England the Canadian marksmen took six prizes out of a total of 223. The hope was expressed by all the of- licials of the competition that hext year Canada would revive that larger teams would be sent. The prizes were won as follows: Great Britain, 45; Australia, 49; New Zealand, 9; South Africa, 10; and Canada 6, >. . * Lloyd Cook, whom Edmonton claims as her star, has been ap- pointed manager of the Vancou- ver Milionaires. Frank Patrick, who has been manager of the Vancouver team since its organ- ization finds that he is getting rushed, so he has decided to take over the business end of the team while Cook will supervise the players. Cook has had a long ex- perience in the puck-chasing game and played in Edmonton in 1915 when the Patricks brought him to the coast where he be- came a star. He went to Spokane for a season and then went back to the ‘Terminals as captain. The selection will be popular with the Vancouver players as well as with all the other teams P.C.HLA, evening of November in the On the 20th in the Empire Theatre at Edmonton, Eddie Fingard and Frank Barrieau, claimants for the Canadian Lightweight Cham- pionship will meet in the first of a series of elimination fights for the Dominion title. Both Fingard and Barrieau are now in Edmon- ton completing training. Captain and Mrs, Mastin ar- vived in Prince Rupert on Thurs- day night and are taking charge of the Salvation Army work here. Their welcome = service will be held in the Army citadel on Sun- day evening at 7:30, the subject being “Standing on the Rock. Doubtless there will be 4 large attendance on that occasion 4% everyone is invited, Corporal Tommy Ross, who the D.CM. at’ Mons in 1915, has just reeeived his decoration. He ved overseas four years and is pack home firing on the oy iF be The man was Sweet Home.”’ if you own “Silver Threads Am are at your comina magic of this great SS GETTING RESULTS Manager A. A. Ewart of the Prinee Rupert Spruce Millis, Ltd., is handling the big plant as if every portion of it had been put under his supervision with the idea of getting the best results. The daily cut is around 100,000 feet, but oceasionally it reaches 110,000.—Paeifie Coast Lumber- man. i Alice Arm visitors in the city include Chas Gustafson, Harold, Hestrup, Agnus M. Mcleod and} Gi. Strombech. meemamnntdgh emnnenemnsinaninte, enti | IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH, COLUMBIA. : IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HUGH MacPHERSON MARTIN, DE CEASED, INTESTATE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN frO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN of an order made by} His Honour Judge Young, Local Judge, in| the above matter on the 9th day of Octo | ber, 1919, as follows: IT IS ORDERED that J. H. MeMullin, OMcial Administrator for a portion of the; County of Atlin, he allowed to swear to} the death of Hugh MacPherson Martin as having occurred on the 4th day of August, 1919, one month from the date of the! first publication of notice of this order! enless in the meantime proof is furnisher the District Registrar of this Court at Prince Rupert that the said Hugh MacPher- son Martin was living subsequently to the ith of August, 1919. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the gaid J. H. MeMullin publish notices of this order in the Prince Rupert Daily News, a newspaper published at the City of Prince Rupert, B. C., once & week for a period of one month. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C.. this 10th day of October, A. D, 1019. J. H. MeMULLIN. IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT PF BRITISH COLUMBIA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTIVA TION ACT - and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NOBERT J. DUNN, DECEASED INTES- TATE. TAKE NOTICE that in order of His Honour F. McB, Young, made the 17th day of October, A. D. 1919, I was appointed Administrator to the estate of Robert J. Dunn, deceased, and all parties having diaims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me, on or before the 17th day of No- vember, A.D. 1019, and all parties in- debted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. JOHN Ho MeMULLIN, OMcial Administrator DATED this 17°h day of October, 1018. [pameepeneegsegmemaeneenarents The Gurvich Transfe - Phone Green 548 P.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser St. We: Sell : Coal he A wanderer stood in the darkened street, looking through the window at a happy family within. in his soul for the home he did not have. The man slipped away unseen, and one day wrote a song—the song of his soul. And this song became immortal; the most beautiful and pathetic heart-song that the world has ever known. You may Re-Create in your own home this immortal song lhe NEW EDISON “‘The Phonograph with a Soul’’ “Home, Sweet Home,” “Swanee liver,” “Kathleen Mavourneen,” melody and depth of expression that you have longed for in the phonograph—just like the living artist. If you love REAL music, ask for a copy of the beautiful book «Edison and Music :” and «\/ hat the Crities say,” the Chartes W. Teetzel - - am x) ( ney = The scene pictured the longing John Howard Payne, and the song is “Home, ong the Gold” and hundreds of other heart-songs nd; waiting to be Rr-Crrarep for you by the’ est of all instruments, with all the richness of 253 boolslet that proves Edison superiority. Prince Rupert The Very Latest Styles in Ladies’ Ready to Wear have arrived this week and are now on view. Business prospects in the immediate future have decided Mrs. Goldbloom to stay by Vrinee Rupert. Our store has been remodelled, making it thoroughly up to date. For both quality and value, visit the UP TO DATE STURE GOLDBLOOM’S Third Avenue MINING STOCK FOR SALE — I have for sale part of the treasury shares in The B. C. Silver Mines, Ltd. Capital - $1,500,000 One of Properties is situated between the famous Premier Mine and the Bush Mines, Ltd. These shares will be listed on the Vancouver Stock Exchange. For further particulars apply to O. B. BUSH 344 Pender Street W. VANCOUVER Lots 1 and 2, Block 14, Section 1 WHO WILL GIVE $8000.00 For a beautiful Double Corner Lot in Section 1, about 4 squares from Post Office. Fine Warehouse Property. Terms Given. Come and see DAVID H. HAYS Corner 2nd Avenue and 2nd Street Phone 524 Cor. Fulton’and Sixth - National Grocery Co. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY Motor Delivery Prompt Attention ~ ey +