— oct 4 aoe Bee i ee er nd Jo olorekeepers AND OTHERS; Mussalem Grocery Co. have for sale the follow- ing surplus fittings: Bacon Slicer’ Electric Coffee Mill McCoskey Register National Register Cheese Cutter Taylor Fireproof Safe Burroughs Adding Machine Clock Some Show Cases and various other fittings, all at a low price to clear. PHONE 18 Mussallem Grocery Co. Lid. a Economy Store 417-419-423 Fifth Ave., E. CANADA'S PUTURE DEPENDS ON LOAN Steady Fmployment and Prosperity Hangs on Victory Loan. Canada’s future prosperity depends to a great @xtent upon the success of | the Loan. No country can exist epeon trade within its own boun- daries. Canada counts on the trade with Great Britain and other allied | countries to keep the flood of good times in the country The surplu€ products of the farm and the factory find their way across the seas The revenue of the farmer and the manufacturer is dependent on this trade relationship being sus- tained The employment of many hands depends on the orders that come to the firm. The pay envelope | only comes with steady employment Great Britain and overseas coun- tries are still desirous of continuing trade relations, but, overwhelmed with war expenses, they must be given credits for the time being. The farmer and the manufacturer must be paid for their products and manu- factured articles in cash. Therefore Canada must finance the proposition to keep the tide of commerce coming But in order to have the ney on hand to do this great thing, Canada must borrow from her people. The Vic Loan offers bonds to s-ribers paying 5% per cent. ia- : The guarantee behind the »kes them an absolutely safe Victory Bonds are ac- red as collateral at any bank, and can easily be turned into money at : Victory his way tory ‘s nt P.R.FEED Co. “Hay, Grain, Feed Seeds and Fertilizer CHICKEN FEED a Specialty Mai! Orders promptly attended to P. 0. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. a profit it is then to the interests of every Canadian to subscribe for all the Victory Bonds he can, for it is profitable, it is patriotic, and it is necessary for the continued pros- perity of the country. CANADA NEEDS MONEY War Expenditures Still to Be Met From Proceeds of Vic- tory Loan. The war is over and won; but Can- ada’s main expenditures for war will not be complete until well on into 1920. The $610,000,000 raised last year has all been spent, $400,000,000 having been largely devoted to sol- diers—to maintaining them, bring- ing them home, providing the neces- sary medical services, training them. Most of the balance of the loan was lent to Great Britain to enable her to buy our surplus products. And money is still necessary — for sol- SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGIXEERS Estimates furnished. Address, 3rd Avenue, head of Second Street. Phone 174 -— P.O. Box 274 | JamesF.Marten SIGNWRITING PAINTING DECORATING Phones 544 and Black 507 P.O. Box 514 Workshop: 329 Second Avenue diers, for providing markets, for our surplus products, for the needs of reconstruction. And that is why an- other Victory Loan is necessary Canada still needs money, and needs @ badly A Good Investment. e Speculation is one thing. Invest- ment is another. The majority of citizens want an investment, not a speculation. And they want a safe investment. Victory Bonds Gl) that requirement as does no other invest- ment. Because behind every bond there is the national wealth of Can- ada—a wealth so great that it stag- gers the imagination. Canadian Bank Clearings. That Canada is well able to sup- port the Victory Loan is clearly shown by the Canadian bank clear- ings for the current year. They in- dicate that the year’s total will ex- ceed $15,000,000,000 compared with $13,776,000,000 in 1918. And the year's total clearings should be three times those of 1909. Must Subscribe More. Dividing the people of Canada into three classes—-the comparatively poor, the moderately wealthy, and the very wealthy —it would seem Lc. EBY BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR Alterations and Repairs Plans and Estimates furnished Phone Green 450 that if contributions to the Victory Loans constitute service to the na- tion, the moderately wealthy class is hardly doing its share. Of the money subscribed to the Victory Loan 1918, two hundred and seventy-one million dollars were in bonds of $5,000 and under, ninety-four millions in bunds of between $5,000 and $25,- 000, and three hundred and one mil- lions in bonds of $25,000 and over. —— Be true to yourself. Buy Victory Bonds. You did it before. You can do it again. Buy Victory Bonds. Joe Brown’s Motor Transfer ani Passeager Service Stand,‘Empress Hotel Phones 176, Black 334 SEND FOR JOE Canada pledged her last man and her last dollar. Redeem that pledge in Victory Bonds. if the fighting were otf” raging, you wouldn't hesitate to buy Victory Bonds. To make the Victory Loan a suc- cess is a national obligation. It may be that you are the deciding factor. if you are concerned about the future welfare of Canada, buy a Vic- tory Bond and make it a sure thing. Don't forget the future of your Phon® Green 607 1017 3rd Avenue Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Specialists ip Light and Heavy Con- struction, Re and Alterations First Class Staircase Work and Finishing. Estimates Cheerfully Given BRICK AND CONCRETE 8UILDING CONTRACTORS children. Lay a good foundation with a Victory Bond. Would you lend a soldier $50 if you knew it would save bis life? Buy Victory Bonds and keep the military hospitals up.¢ if you appreciate a good invest- ment you will buy a Vietory Bond. You deceive no one but (durself when you say you can’t afford a Vie- «iy Bond, Spirelia Black 257. Corsetiere. i? Phone THE DAILY NEWS Beautify your Complexion —and rid the skin of un- sightly blemishes, quicker and surer, by putting your blood, stomach and liver in good order, than in any other way. Clear complex- ion, bright eyes, rosy cheeks and red lips follow the use of Beecham’s Pills. They eliminate poisonous matter from the system, purify the blood and tone the organs of digestion—Use BEECHAMS PILLS Dteections nai ro ‘ cmmenis, occupetie® lumbermen, intend wicker easy chairs, oak rocker, Newly painted. or arn bi > e to apply for permission to lease the fol kitchen cabinet and small table, ° ' "talnaadion a “< one planted at the} phone Blue 414 for appoint- > “ws " \.W. corner of Block 53, townsite of Port ment 267 Very Easy Terms. Ss Plays All Records at ' Clements; thence N. 70 deg. W $40 ft; is : inate Ss Th ir Best 5 thence south 33 deg. W.—455 [t.; seen FOR SALE—B tiful a no s* e 5 south 237.77 ft.; thence east 472.95 ft SALE—Beautiful new even. pouGc SUTHERLA tial a taence following the shore line in a north in wn, size 40. Slippers and Las © 4 5 easterly direction to the point of com & sown, § - Suppers , 523 Third Ave. ’ 5 i.sencement and containing 7.1 acres, more scarf to match. Owner leaving a a or less ~ CRAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAR CO town. For further particulars | ~ z a) eS *. ‘, Dated August iat, 1018 phone Red 322. if *e , ; os J = is te ei eee . LAND ACT POR SALE—Furniture, inecludine . | a” , i as “chistoniers, wast sets, beds am HF [NG Peerless tudio 7} 2 " Mesiee of tatentinn jn ig Ce Dis other articles, 410 Sixth Avent: = a i s t, triet of Cassiar, and situate at Alice Arm. East. Phone Blue x17. ' s 1 i Take notice that we, H. R. Poewler and ' Our Portraits have won highest a” Hear it at 1 . Kergin, of Alice Arm, occupatior ia ‘ aaa yards wherever exhibited. Let ' mariners, intend t ly for permission | {ONE 8 PEFR CENT build. ewer 2 9 to heese ‘the following Bescvibed’ foreshore . , Avo” ENT pe he us demonstrate to you what ex- s WALKER . lands ool ing Loans. Apply Prince Ru perience, skill and daylight ean do. ." ' Commenctip at yt t east : P ; bank of Kitssult. River; thence south $0 pert Housing Ltd.. Geo. \ Make an appointment today s Music Store ‘ chains; thence east #0 chains more or less Nickerson, Secretary. tf ———$______—_— : s Corner 2nd Ave. & 4th St. 6 to Iianee River; thence north 20 chains . s ' more or less to lot 50, thence west follow C . , s Suite 22, Alder Block Ss, I oe shoreline to point of commencement TOR SALE—Slightly used piano All busses stop at our door _— © seat A and containing acres. more or less : ; . ees as R FOWLER, Singer Shop, 144 Third Avenus PHONE 537 ete *a's's e"s nace ou Dated October 11th, 1949. FOR RENT l; oooee OUREN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS ee ail aii eaeih TRICT—RECORDING DISTRICT OF |STOKE TO RENT in Westenhaver i FOR ELECTRICAL WORK SKEENA. Block. Apply to Harry Hanson. Go to TAKE NOTICE that 1, Peter Piombo, of — rayon ° rinee Rupert, B. C.. prospector, intend} A NEW HOUSE TO INT. P , (0 apply fdr a licence to prospect for coal, A E HOUSE TO RENT. Phone GENERAL CONTRACTOR cul and petroleum over the following de Black 451. tf “well = ed scribed lands on the West Coast of Gra Office and Shop Fraser St. e ham Island , Commencing at a post planted at three FARMS FOR SALE Sash, doors, mouldings and 336 2nd Ave. } miles, north of the borth east corner of _ all interior finish lumber al- aeeenh ; “t 2437, thence 80 chains north, thence : ig« . . on <0 chains West, thence 80 chains south. |‘ ° P. R. FARM LAND — Choice ways in stock. GREEN 3% thence 80 chains €ast to point of com farms in well settled districts Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's BLACK 367 — mepncement, : ~ : 7 oe ,PETER PIOMBO. in Western Canada; low prices hardwood. Save Money in Lamps orale o 4 ‘ : eooeet ‘Dated September 25th, 1949. twenty years to pay; irrigated Estimates Given. soceeeeen et lands in Sunny Southern Al REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN poeaeoere? qooeeere ‘ 2 eee LAND ACT berta, with loan of $2,000 in Phone Green 269. ee _ Owe ow ene ne Mrs. A. W. Clarke R. A. M. Lon. Eng. Formerly teacher at the Presbyterian Ladies College, Melbourne, Australia. PIANO, ORGAN, ETC. Will open Music Studio No. 333 2nd Ave. Now ennolling pupils. Address Norfoik House Phone Biack 329. ‘ROYAL Pool Room 721 Third Ave The Emt ress Hote --peeee Oe ee epee i CIGARS SODA | Two per cent. Beer | TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. > JOHN PELLICANO } | VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail General Contractors and Labor Exchange. TORK’ SELL TOVE ee Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 547 — P.O. Box 725 be ' sales Gurneys commenced ing stoves in 15H eas | the same line of a in 1B 1919, Hundreds ' © Prince Rupert TIMBER SALE X 1676. On SALE AT Sealed tenders will be received by tie) Minister of Lands not later than Boon oF the 27th day of November, 1919, for une purchase of Licence X 1676, to cut 3,574 Fred Stork’s Hardware 00 feet of Spruce, Hemlock, Cedar, Coton ONT! wood and Rotsam and 14,680 Hemlock | RCOND AVENE : ties On an area situated near Usk, Skeena) - k 14 River, Range 5, Coast District iy Two Ct years will be allowed for re) moval of timber, ‘ a i Further particulars of the Chief vor ter, | Victoria, B.C., or District Forester r Rupert, B.C Phone Blac