PAGiS rwo Ttiij'uAiLY NiiWS Monday, September 5f 1933 The Daily News LOCAL ITEMS PRINCE RUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Trlnce Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue RIPTIOtf RATES By mail tdall other parts of British Columbia, the BiUish Em pire ana United states, paid m advance, t)er year o.vj By mail to all other cpunries. per year 7.50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, i paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 , Or four months for 1.00! For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 50 City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 Transient advertising on front page, per inch 2.80 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate tine 15 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone ,i 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Monday. Sept. 39. 1930 News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Experiment With Black Sand For Gold Said to Be Success Thutadc Lake Copper Premier Enters Nicola Valley Experiments carried on recently with the Hanssen positive separation gold saving machine on the black sands of the Queen Charlotte Islands are reported to have fully proved the efficiency and capacity of the machine. The operation was carried on under the supervision of R. G. Mellin M. E. at Martell Creek on Graham Island. The machine is an improvement of an old principle, that of amalgamating gold with mercury by means of centrifugal force in a rotating bowl. The power required for the operation is small and the machine is marked" by simplicity of operation. The per- is to connect Fort Graham with formance and efficiency of the machine Is said to have been tested both as to continuity of operation and efficiency of recovery. Thj edly rich, there may be other out-croppings of equal or even greater promise. On the holdings of this syndicate, Duncan says, there are three major outcrops. The work now being undertaken consists ot stripping the ledge. Sufficient work har not yet been done to determine whether the showings occur on one ledge or on separate ledges. At th point where the most work has been done, the ledge appears to have width of 100 feet the matter carrying quartz with remarkably high copper content and small values in sliver and gold. The outcrops occur in a mineralised area of great extent, the prospecting of which may disclose values even greater than those already found. Transportation will be a big factor in determining the mineral development of the district. One encouraging feature, however, is that the preliminary location of the projected railway of the Consolidated Mining Si Smelting Co. which tidewater at Stewart runs nearby. If this is proceeded with, an early development of the Thutade Lake, district may be expected but. whole operation was marked by ! otherwise, it will probably continue careful sampling. The tailings were sampled each day in the tailings pond after the water had been turned off by trenching the tailings at four points across the pond within 20 feet of the tall race. From 12 samples of tailings taken and assayed the returns from one sample gave a trace of gold. In the remain-, trig 11 samples the returns were nil. There Was a daily variation in the value of the sands delivered to the to be merely a district from which stories of fabulously rich ore will come but which will fail to enlist the attention of development The Premier Gold Mining Co. has entered the Nicola Valley district in Southern British Columbia fV"-ousi the taking of an option on the well known Planet Mines at Tr.4U.htn- hut nr. worlrfno nut th- blUmp ltt. It IS OXpeCted ttWt the transaction will be confirmed average ft was found that the ac- at a meeting of the Planet Mines to tual recovery to geld was well over 90 of the gross values as indica- ,'"uctton Co. of Nicola Ltd. on Oc-ted this tob9r 8 m Vancouver. On Septem-test by the sampling. During r 16 Peter Bancroft, president of an actual average value of $1.11 i Planet m optton to per yard was recovered. l" - I the Premier eompany on the Planet free-milling gold mine. Under the "1" The Canadian National RaUwayt 1 "II. rTr . , . . ,,.. . terms of the 30-day option, tu. the have ive a a crew crew of of mva sen busy busy sun-eying surveying n,( 1. 4 ,w tn- for the new coal bunkers that will handle DockrUTs coal. It is expected that coal will be shipped from people $100)00 and undertake the development of the properties. A new company is to be formed and 47iyJP!!4uPr0perty by Ithls organtatten will Issue 6.000,- first of next month. Jufk Duncan is back to Prince Gcnn-p after spending a month in the Thuiade Lake district prospecting copper claims held by a Prince George syndicate and from which assays indicate the existence of phenomenally rich copper ledges. Duncan made the trip in on the plane "City of Prince Oeafge" in three hours. By other means of transportation, the distance could not have been covered in less thnn three weeks. He is Inclined to doubt that the Prince George syndicate has succeeded In locating the fa 600 shares of which Premier will receive 2,60000 shares and Planet 2,400100. The directorate of the new eompany will consist of seven, three of whom will be nominated by the Planet people. The Planet mine Is generally recognised as a valuable property and has carried on during the past two years notwithstanding many handicaps, the principal one of which was lack d capital for aggressive development. DEAD MAN IS FOUND (continued from page 1) mous "lost mine" of the north. He I . . . say. that there Is an immense mln- SeTs dJeS'm 2i,B'Jlf .P r?.C!-?e.ur.f ' found over $400 in cash. He had been seen areund town during the past few weeks but apparently was not very well known. The body has been placed in ( haige of the B. C. Undertakers. An inquest will probably be held. Get quick results with a want ad, HAVE YOU TRIED A CLASSIFIED? More and more people are turning to the classified columns of the Dally News to find what they want. Used cars, furniture for sale, lost and found, houses to rent or for sale, positions wanted. All sorts of things are advertised thore. If you do not read the classified page, get the habit now. Try it today. "My daughter Catherine is .fifteen years old. She was very irregular, often sick at her stomach and had to stay in bed two or three days at a time. One of your booklets was sent to us by mail so I got her a bottle of Vegetable Compound. Catherine has been taking it regularly and she is gaining in weight and every way. 1 told the neighbors and four other girls are taking it with good results." Mn. Clarence JenJdnson, Box 14, Thorn-lot, Ontario. (Continued from page one) and the first of the year on engineering work alone." Mr. Bateheller Dr. H. L. Dlckry rrturned to the city en Saturday afternoon's tiv.ln irom a trip to tjiifi interior on po- &....;ttUt' MM.4t.lllL. I' I' '-- .. iriwitfiv oui.jucsa,, . im kn;n i u ...hi mi 1 !' i f-'i !-" '.Uw -n li .. . ! 1. . provincial 'Constable- Wnv. Robb Port EflsinEtnn arrived in th eity from the Skeena River yesterday's train. Douglas Frizzeli and Alex Miteh-ell returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Falls Hjvsr. John Watt, an official of the A,, B.C. Paeking Co., was an arrival In the city on the Catala last ev. eping from Vancouver. Frank Dibb" returned to the the city on the Catala last evening t from a two-weeks' trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Dibb, who went south with him, will be returning to the city later. Harold McEwen, C.N.R. division 'weight agent, returned to the city or. Saturday afternoon'a train from " ten-day trip to Jasper Park, 'rince Geprge and other interior :oint on official business. L. J. Marren, who has been on a trip to Vancouver buying equipment for a miniature golf course he is to establish la 1 the Auditorium, returned tf the city from the American Company to Have ro,,tn on the ct''1 evening First Unit of 10,000 II.P. R. Brealv of tleT-untaated Ma. Plant in Operation Within terlals Ltd. arrived in the city on Next Year. the Catala tat evening from New Westminster being here on busi ness in conn-ctton with the deliv ery of Twri'f oottonwood logs to his company's veneer mllL Mrs. Mary Weed returned to continued, "this being In addition city on yesterday's train from to the expenditure necessary for Gravelbourg. Saskatchewan, where construction of the tunnel, excava- ne has been visiting for the putt tion of the power house site, and two years with her daughter, Mrs. foundations for the dam. The whole W. B. Cook, who was' formed of the initial program will call for Miss Ins Wood of this city. an expenditure of close to $250,000 by next spring." ; jMk Mair. CUR. baggage mas- ! Asaea as 10 me ci-anng 01 ine tr. returned to the city on Satur-transmission line right-of-way. Mr. ay afternoon train from a two- uaicneuer stated mat u tne work peeks' vacation trio to Prince Al- could be lined up In time and If the weather1 remained favorable, a start would be made this fall. Continuous Sen ice Mr. Brock, who will be here bat a Mr. Batcheller's design of the en- rt. He was accompanied home by lira Mair and daughter who hare een spending the summer at Prince Albert. Dr. G. A. Roberts of Queen Char few days, is much impcassed with km , arrived. in , the .,, , 9 eity Iron the nlans. "The narticularlv lntr- !7 . . - " the Islands cm the Prince Chariei wap to he". J- -ijdmght on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver Mr nl.r.4 .M,.!, M4, 14. WhCf h BKt and rCtUTO tO ample reservoir capacity, standby ands wtJhMrs- ertswno ,unit in the power house, and dH- u" a imtaa wjimw ! plicate transmission lines, will as- 6,11 anada' , sure continuous service without hi- terruption." , In the course of the interview it ' was revealed that already the company has entered into a contract with one of the best known elec-. trlcal supply houses of the country ; ' for the construction and installa- tlon of all the hydraulic and electrical equipment required for the development. Delivery of this machinery, etc., will be made next , spring, and installation imme-jdiately proceeded with. i Both Mr. Bateheller and Mr.' Brock made it plain that it is not j i the intention of their company to' compete in any way with any exist- r, .., ,lng service. Rather, they wish torSffr-xn.nnn. weanesaay Umm.1. 4i, 4.i k. the construction of such an elec- y " tribal ntrml lUrinln am thai, nHll ' Friday j r" -w. Mw m,vj duiw, wiu surplus power plant ca- provide continuous service through- ; out the year, will be of untold bene-( tit to the Portland Canal district. Not only will It substantially reduce the cost of operation of the larger mining enterprises, but it will stimulate activity oj. the part of those in a purely development stage which arc so situated that thef trsjisportaUon of fuel makes the cost of power prohibitive. Mr. Bateheller paid a visit to this district In September of ,1927, investigating various possible power sites. The present undertaking at Davis River Is the culmination of three years of study and investigation, and he is firmly oonvinped that his company has tf bew ' ' power site the district offers CATALA HERE YESTERDAY With quite a good-sized passenger list, Union steamtr OnUU, Oapt. A. E. Dickson, arrived in .port at 6.40 last evening from the, south and sailed at P p.m. for Anyox, Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow afternoon enroute back to Vancouver and wayports Mail Schedule I"or the East-Monday, Wednesday and Satt-urday JT. 1U0 ajn Friday ....... 12 noon : r From the, East i,. Daily except Tuesday '12 JO p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and ; Monday ,,.,,. ,-. 3 pjn, Tuesday t . ,, 120 p.m Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday For Anyox and Stewart- Sunday . Monday Friday . 4,pjn . 3 pjn. 11 pjn Saturday 4 pjn, 6 pjn pacity and ample water storage to From Vancouver Sunday 4 pjn 9 ajn. 11.30 a.m From Anyox and Stewart- pjn, S am. 1120 ajn. 7 pjnJ 7 pjnj 1.30 pjn,' Tuesday li .30 aimJ Thursday 10.30 ajn Saturday Ll,. 6 pjn. For Wales Island and . . n Port Simpson ,,), auU iH rrnursday n,,.i .i,.i, pjn.' From : Wales Island b and Port Simpson- Friday For Queen Charlottes-Monday ,IU,., From Queen Charlottes-Thursday ,", (,'li't.rK; nil pm 7 pjn, ajnj For Alaska , Mondays and Fridays ajn From Alaska-Wednesdays and Saturdays, p.m Peru Is cleaning up its public oijcials. Starting with the presiden. whom they threw Into j,-, heavy-handed drive places many high dignitaries before the courtmartlal. Above, machine-; section of Arequtpa garrison. Fine aerial photograph taken matton. They are BmM Build' nj;i howing No. 17 ;. ;;n 10 be taken Fighter 1 Squadron flying V f : im , the RAJ as single :;eat 1 Youthful marksmen on i:r:ns line oi junior rule corps, national : uli--pistol match. C'xmp P Amusing Incident during combintd display by inlantry anri n ment at Olympla, London aoMoo o o ckj cnaeiKwo o o o eaoo6Hjioefro ooo u ntc during m-t-nt Royal uui '. o You Play Bridge 0 THE chrtp who overbids his hand always Iowa in tho long run. No person can contlmmllj fifd what he hasn't got and make it. Businsg in one way is something ljke a some bridge . . . with merchants and manufa'&tfrors playing for your patronage. You want furniture anil briakfnit foods, books and clothos, radios, cigarttof- and toys, groceries, fruits, vegetables, etcthey want to foil you theirs. They bid with advertising. Tho merchant who advertise! an unworthy product can't win. He is simply inducing more people to find out In a shorter time how poor it is. Ho t overbidding his hand, and is bound to got sot- Losing ii too costly ... depend upon it, products that are advortifod mut be good I Tho advertisements in this newspaper are guides to the finest merchandise of every sort, morchandisp. carefully and faithfully mad, of certain, honest value. You can ' -trugt tho manufacturers who write tbflhi f It pays to read the advertisements. They are bids backed by products that can compete in the open . . . and win. ocwDowoocHemoaoaeeH3000ooooMOOoooooooocH opoooooooooooooooPQooooopaoocwapaoaaoooo 00 DO CO OO 0? 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